Current Issue

Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Marmara University Journal of Art and Design, which is published twice a year, in June and December, aims to create a qualified discussion environment by bringing together researchers who conduct academic studies in the fields of art and design. Our journal also provides artists, designers and academicians who are continuing their postgraduate education with the opportunity to share their works; it enables the works that have emerged as a result of long efforts to reach the reader. The articles to be published in the journal are expected to contribute to the literature by deepening the discussions in the fields of art and design.

Marmara University Journal of Art and Design has set as its mission to include all theoretical and practical perspectives in the fields of art and design. In addition to academic studies ranging from painting to cinema, from traditional arts to industrial design, original research and review articles written in accordance with ethical rules in the fields of art history, philosophy of art and sociology of art are within the scope of the journal.

Archive Policy:
To ensure that all articles published in the journal are preserved and permanently accessible, articles are stored in DergiPark, which serves as a national archive site and also allows LOCKSS to collect, preserve and deliver content.

Marmara University Journal of Art and Design article template can be downloaded from the link below. Articles should be written/edited on the template and uploaded to DergiPark in MS Word Format (.doc or .docx) and without specifying the author's name anywhere in the article, including the file name. Information about the author should be uploaded separately as a title page.

Click here for the article template.

Click here for the title page template.

Citations: Within the text, in APA 7 format. For detailed information, you can visit APA's webpage:
References: It should be given at the end of the article, in APA 7 format, in alphabetical order, letters should be in 12 pt, line spacing should be 1.
Footnote: It should be numbered in parentheses in the text and given as a footnote at the end of the article.

Spelling: It should comply with the spelling rules stipulated by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the Turkish Language Association.
Number of Pages: Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages including references and appendices.
Research Support: If the research was supported by any institution, it should be indicated at the end of the article.
Graduate Thesis Articles: If the article is prepared from a Master's or Proficiency in Art thesis or by quoting from these theses, it should be indicated as a footnote in the article.
Figures and tables: For photographs, figures or tables taken from another source or the internet, a letter of permission must be obtained from the publisher / relevant author and added to the article, and where they were taken should be written in parentheses.

Similarity Report: Similarity reports of the articles submitted to the journal should be obtained using iThenticate or Turnitin programs and uploaded to the system. The similarity rate should not exceed 20%.

Ethical Principles
In the publication ethics text of Marmara University Journal of Art and Design, the ethical responsibilities of authors, editors and reviewers are determined in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Authors submitting articles to Marmara University Journal of Art and Design acknowledge that they have complied with the following ethical responsibilities. The ethical responsibilities of the authors are based on the EASE Ethical Checklist for Authors. Authors are encouraged to use the EASE Ethics Checklist to ensure that their manuscript complies with ethical standards and practices.
- The article should be an original work of the authors,
- The article submitted by the authors to Marmara University Journal of Art and Design should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere,
- Authors should fully and accurately cite other studies and references they have used in the article,
- Authors should be able to document that they have the rights to use the data used in the article and that they have obtained the consent of the participants in the study,
- If the article is derived from a thesis or project, the authors should indicate this on the last page of the article,
- Authors should not interfere with the data used in the article and should interpret the data objectively,
- In the article, situations that may constitute a conflict of interest should be stated with the reasons,
- People who have not contributed to the article should not be indicated as authors, all authors should be informed that they are included in the article as authors, and all researchers who have contributed to the article should be indicated as authors,
- Authors should notify the editor for correction or retraction if they detect an error in their work at any stage of the process,
- Authors should indicate at the end of the article that they have obtained ethics committee approval for all studies requiring data collection with quantitative or qualitative methods that require ethics committee approval and submit the ethics committee decision to the journal with the article.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor
The editor(s) who are responsible for the entire content of Marmara University Journal of Art and Design acknowledge that they have complied with the following ethical rules. These ethical responsibilities are based on the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, published open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

- The editor should strive to continuously develop and improve the journal to meet the needs of authors and readers,
- The editor should carry out processes to improve the quality of the content published in the journal,
- The editor should ensure that the content published in the journal complies with the journal's editorial policies,
- The editor should make sure that the information about the journal's publication and writing rules and peer review processes are up-to-date and accessible,
- The editor should support authors' freedom of expression and protect their intellectual property rights,
- The editor is responsible for ensuring that the article complies with ethical principles, does not violate human and animal rights, and that the necessary ethics committee approvals have been obtained,
- The editor's criteria for accepting or rejecting an article should be its importance, originality, clarity and relevance to the journal,
- The editor is obliged to explain to the author why an article rejected during the preliminary evaluation process was rejected,
- The editor should ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected for the manuscripts in line with their knowledge and expertise, and should take care to avoid situations that may lead to conflicts of interest,
- The editor, who is responsible for implementing the double blind peer review process, must keep the identity of both reviewers and authors confidential,
- The editor should try to expand the referee database as much as possible by constantly renewing the referee lists according to their areas of expertise,
- The editor should clearly express his/her expectations from the reviewers and make sure that the reviewers' evaluation forms are clear and understandable,
- The editor should ensure that the evaluations from the referees are made in a timely, scientific and ethical manner, in an unbiased manner, and should remove the referees who do not make evaluations in this direction from the database,
- The editor is obliged to notify the authors of the changes requested in the article at the end of the preliminary evaluation or peer review process in a timely manner and to allow them the necessary time for correction,
- If authors request information about the process, the editor should provide information in a way that does not violate double blind review,
- The editor and his/her deputy are natural members of the editorial board,
- The editor should determine the members of the editorial board according to the criterion of active contribution to the development of the journal and hold regular meetings,
- The editor takes into account the areas of expertise of the editorial board members for their evaluations,
- The editor should take criticism of the content of the journal into account and approach it constructively, giving the authors of the criticized articles the right to reply,
- The editor should evaluate potential complaints objectively and respond to them in an informative and clear manner,
- The editor should keep the records of each article and related correspondence electronically.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Reviewer
Marmara University Journal of Art and Design evaluates articles through a double blind review process. After the preliminary evaluation, the manuscript is anonymously sent to two reviewers determined by the editorial board by the editor or deputy editor together with the evaluation form, and the evaluation forms from the reviewers are notified to the authors anonymously by the editor or deputy editor. The reviewers of Marmara University Journal of Art and Design are obliged to fulfill the following ethical responsibilities. COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers was utilized in the preparation of the ethical responsibilities of the reviewers.
- The reviewer should agree to be a reviewer only for the studies related to his/her field of expertise and should make the evaluation himself/herself,
- The reviewer, who evaluates within the framework of the principle of impartiality and confidentiality, should inform the editor that he/she cannot evaluate if he/she realizes that there is any conflict of interest,
- Due to the principle of confidentiality, the reviewer should not use the content of the article before the article he/she is evaluating is published,
- The reviewer should submit his/her evaluation objectively and considering only the content of the article to the journal by completely filling in the data requested from him/her in the evaluation form submitted by Marmara University Journal of Art and Design together with the article,
- The reviewer should convincingly explain the reasons for his/her assessments, especially negative ones,
- The reviewer should make his/her evaluations, corrections and suggestions in an academic, courteous and constructive manner, avoiding personal comments, insults and vulgar language,
- The reviewer who accepts to review is obliged to prepare the reviewer evaluation report within the deadline given to him/her and in line with ethical responsibilities.

Plagiarism and Unethical Behaviours
Articles submitted to Marmara University Journal of Art and Design are detected for similarity through In addition, similarity reports obtained from Turnitin and iThenticate programs can also be uploaded to the system during the application. In line with the principles outlined above, we kindly request you to notify us via e-mail to in case of any content that does not comply with the ethical principles in Marmara University Journal of Art and Design.

Journal Publication Policy
- Marmara University Journal of Art and Design includes all theoretical and practical perspectives on the fields of art and design.
- The original research and reviews published in the journal aim to make visible the new debates and differentiating perspectives in which these fields are addressed in an interdisciplinary framework.
- Marmara University Journal of Art and Design is published on the Journal Park platform, open access, free of charge, only in electronic environment.
- Article writing rules are explained in detail on the relevant page.
- Marmara University Journal of Art and Design is a peer-reviewed journal. After the preliminary evaluation by the editor and editorial board, the articles go through a double blind review process. The article, which is sent anonymously to two reviewers related to the subject of the study, is sent to a third reviewer if there is a positive or negative opinion as a result of the evaluation. Reviewers are given at least four weeks for their evaluations.
- Reviewer evaluation forms are sent to the authors anonymously, and the author is given sufficient time if changes need to be made in line with the reviewers' suggestions.
- The journal is published in June and December of each year. The deadline for submission is April 30 for the June issue and October 30 for the December issue.
- Only one article by an author can be published in the same issue. The same rule applies for co-authored articles.
- A DOI number is obtained for each published article, for which no fee is charged to the author.

The journal does not charge any fee for the evaluation and publication of the submitted manuscripts.