Writing Rules


Language: Turkish, English
The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

Types of Articles: Research Articles, Book Reviews

Authorship Change: Changes in authorship are only processed before the article is accepted. Authors should carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles and provide the definitive list of authors during the original submission.

Writing Guidelines:
*Articles intended for publication in Turkish Journal for the Psychology of Religion (TJPR) should be original studies centered on religious psychology and/or contributing to this branch of science with other sub-disciplines of psychology and must have the following characteristics:

*Titles in Turkish and foreign languages should be consistent with the content of the article, reflecting the subject of the article briefly, clearly, and adequately.

*Abstracts in Turkish and foreign languages should reflect the problem, purpose, scope, methodology, and results of the article.

*If the article is derived from a paper presented at a conference, master's or doctoral thesis, this should be clearly stated on the first page of the text.

*The preparation of the article should adhere to scientific techniques and methods. Additionally, information such as the subject, purpose, scope, rationale for preparation of the study, etc., should be provided adequately and in a specific systematic order.

*Main and subheadings in the article text, except for the 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion' sections, should be arranged according to the alphabetical system. Example writing: a., a.a., a.b., etc.

*References used in the article should be arranged in accordance with writing rules, all types of documents used should be included in the references section, but documents not cited in the text should not be included in the references section.

*The conclusion section of the article should be appropriate to the aim and scope of the research, and should be presented in outline form and succinctly, without including data or findings not mentioned in the main text.

*Page structure: Margins should be set as follows: top 2.5 cm, bottom 1.5 cm, inside 2.0 cm, outside 2.0 cm, and binding margin 0.4 cm. Paper size should be selected as width 16 cm and height 24 cm.

*Writing format: The text part should be in Garamond font, the main text should be in 12-point font size, and headings should be written in bold. The line spacing in the main text should be 1.0, and footnote writing in very necessary cases should be in the same font as the text with a font size of 10. Paragraph spacing in the main text should be as follows: Before: 6 nk, After: 0 nk. All text alignment should be justified. Paragraph indentation should be 1 cm.

*The title of the article should be written in Turkish and English in large 14-point bold letters at the center of the page using the journal's template.

*Author information-i (At the beginning of the article): After the article title, 2 lines of space should be given, and the names, surnames, academic titles, institutions they work for, and ORCID numbers of the authors should be indicated in Turkish and English in the middle of the page using the journal template. In addition, authors' contact information should be provided according to the template.

Example writing:
Ali Ulvi Mehmedoğlu

Prof. Dr.
Marmara University
Faculty of Theology
E-mail: aliulvi@marmara.edu.tr
Orcid: 0000-0001-8546-9614
Istanbul / Turkey

Marmara University
Faculty of Theology
E-mail: aliulvi@marmara.edu.tr
Orcid: 0000-0001-8546-9614
Istanbul / Turkey

*Author information-ii (At the end of the article): 2 lines of space should be given at the end of the article using the journal template, and the author's personal information should be provided.

Example writing:
Ali Ulvi Mehmedoğlu (Prof. Dr.) –
*Institution: Marmara University, Faculty of Theology. Correspondence Address: Marmara University, Faculty of Theology. Mahir İz Cad. No: 2. 34662 Üsküdar/Istanbul. E-mail: aliulvi@marmara.edu.tr. Orcid: 0000-0001-8546-9614. Areas of Interest: (a) Religious psychology, (b) Religiosity, (c) Conceptions of God, (d) Faith, (e) Values.

*The abstract section on the second page of the article should be written in 11-point Garamond font. The Turkish and English abstracts should consist of a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 305 words. The problem, aim, scope, methodology, and results of the research should be stated in the Abstract section.

*Both Turkish and English abstracts should include 5 to 8 keywords, consisting of at least 5, and at most 8 words, reflecting the concepts that accurately reflect the article. The first keyword must be the name of the field of science (psychology of religion). Subsequently, other keywords reflecting the content of the text should be added. If the study is person or work-oriented, the relevant work and author name must be included as keywords. Words that do not have a conceptual meaning on their own and are not used in the text should not be preferred as keywords.

*Texts and numbers in tables, figures, or graphs in the article should be in Garamond font and 10-point font size.

*Titles of tables, figures, graphs, or photographs in the article should be in Garamond font and 11-point font size, written in lowercase letters (Example writing: Figure-1: …..)

The structure of the article should be as follows:
• Article Title (First letters capitalized)
• Abstract (300-305 words)
• Keywords
• Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion (if necessary), and Tables sections should be included in the main text.
• Conclusion
• References: A selected list of publications; books, articles, or other sources related to the publication.

Citation Style
When presenting the sources used, they should be provided in accordance with the APA 7 (American Psychological Association) standards.
The title of the book should be in italics and lowercase letters. There should be a period at the beginning and end of the book title, followed by the publisher in plain uppercase letters.
Certel, H. (2009). Suçlularda dine dönüş. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.
In-text citations for books should be given as (Potter & Wetherell, 1987). The & sign should be used instead of the words 'and' or 've'.
In articles, the article title should be in lowercase letters in plain but the journal name should be in uppercase letters and italicized. The volume number of the journal should be in italics, but the issue number should be in parentheses and plain.
Guadalupe, M., Li, H., & Wulf, J. (2014). Who lives in the C-suite? Organizational structure and the division of labor in top management. Management Science, 60(4), 824-844.
In-text citations for articles should be given as (Guadalupe, Li & Wulf, 2014).
Book Chapter:
Akyüz, Ö. F. (2016). Hollanda devlet kurumlarında (cezaevi ve hastane) İslami manevî bakım hizmetleri uygulaması ve cami imamlığından farkı. [in] Manevî Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik- II. Ed. A. Ayten, M. Koç ve N. Tınaz. (pp. 237-251). İstanbul: DEM.
PhD/Master's Thesis:
Özbek, B. (2011). Cinayet işleyen kadınlarda din algısı. (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
Conference Proceedings:
Çoştu, K. (2013). Hayat boyu eğitim bakımından ceza ve infaz kurumlarındaki tutuklu ve yükümlülere yönelik vaaz ve dinî danışmanlık hizmetleri. Vaaz ve Vaizlik Sempozyumu bildirileri (Ankara, 17-18 Aralık 2011), 2, (pp. 27-41). Ankara: DİB.
For detailed information on other types of sources, you can visit the APA 7 official website (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/).

In submissions, the account of the corresponding author should be used. All correspondence regarding the application is sent to the corresponding author via email through the journal system. When uploading the article file, it should be ensured that this file does not contain any element that would disclose the author's identity due to the double-blind peer review process.

Explanations about the documents to be uploaded to the system at the article submission stage...

*Ethics committee - If you have an ethics committee document for your study, please upload the ethics committee document to the system. If you do not have an ethics committee document, if you are eligible for one of the options below, please upload the relevant form.

*Ethics committee - If the data you used in the study belongs to before 2020, please fill out this form. (Please upload as PDF after signing) click here.

*Ethics committee - If you did not use empirical data in the study, please fill out this form. (After signing, please upload it as PDF) click here.

*Ethical committee - If your study is a book promotion study, please fill out this form. (After signing, please upload it as PDF) click here.

*Copyright form - Please fill out this form and upload it to the "copyright form" section during the article evaluation application phase. (After signing, please upload it as PDF) click here.

*Article template - Please organise your article according to this template (upload as Word) click here.

*Author information - Please upload this file as "additional file" (upload as Word) click here

During submission, the following commitment is obtained electronically from the author:
I am authorized to submit this work to your journal/I have been authorized by the co-authors.
The article is original, has not been formally published in any peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights.
If the article is editorially accepted for publication, I/we agree that it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
The copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s) or their employer, if any, are reserved. The author(s) undertake(s) that the publisher will have no liability in case of any claims for infringement of copyright or other third-party rights arising from the publication, and they agree to indemnify the publisher against any such claims.
The author(s) declare(s) that there are no elements of crime or illegal expressions in the article, and no illegal material or methods were used during the research.

Last Update Time: 4/24/24, 4:06:03 PM

Turkish Journal for the Psychology of Religion (TJPR) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).