Writing Rules

You are kindly requested to read the following spelling rules carefully. As a matter of fact, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Agricultural Economics has the right to reject the works that do not comply with the publication principles and the following writing rules without sending them to the referees.
Corresponding author should make sure that the language in article is fluent and grammatically correct. The length of article should not exceed 24 pages and the number of pages must be even. The editor may request that the article be shortened.

Page Layout

A4 should be selected as the paper type(210 x 297 mm). Page layout (margins) should be left: 2.5 cm, right: 2.5 cm, up: 2.5 cm,bottom: 2.5 cm. Articles need to be written in “Word” program included in “Microsoft Office”, with font type of "Times New Roman", in 11 font size. However, tables, figures and formulas can be written in smaller font size (not smaller than 9 points), provided that they are easily readable.

“1.15” line spacing should be used in the texts, and 6 nk spaces should be left between the paragraphs. Paragraphs should be without an initial indent. Paragraphs should be arranged in two columns with the 0.5 cm column spacing and they should be justified.
Page numbers should be in the right bottom of all pages and characters like separators, lines etc. should not be used before and after the page numbers. A specific page number should not be cited in the text.
Title and section order in articles should be set up respectively; Turkish Title, Author's Name SURNAME, Abstract, Keywords, English Title, Abstract, Keywords, JEL, Arrival and acceptance date of the article (to be filled by JAER). The sections are; INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES.

Article title: It should be short and comprehensive, placed on the 2nd line, 1 line below the top of the page, written in 14 font size, with the first letter of each word capitalized, bold and centered on the page. The English title should be written in the same format and with a single space after "Keywords" and 11 points.
In studies supported by a research institution or fund, a footnote (*) should be added to the title, and the project number, etc., of the organization providing the support information should be stated on the first page of the study and at the end of the page.
After the title of the article, a space should be left and the name of the author(s) should be written in 12 font size without stating degree, the first letter of the name and the surname should be written in capital letters, centered on the page and side by side with a space between them. The names of the authors and the institutions they work for, their e-mail addresses and orcid numbers should be given in the footnote form at the bottom of the first page. The corresponding author should be added to the footnote.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, placed at the end of the page, written in 8 font size and given in strike-through. References cited in the study should be added as footnotes to the bottom of the page."Abstract" in Turkish and English should not exceed 250 words. Abstract should include the purpose, method and results of the study and should be a single paragraph.A maximum of 6 keywords that are directly related to the content of the study and facilitate indexing should be written under one line of the Abstract in Turkish and English. In addition, JEL (Journal of EconomicLitera ure) codes covering the field of study should be added one line below the “Keywords”.

Section headings: The main sections should consist of five headings: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES, and section numbers should not be given. All main sections should be written in capital letters and in bold. In addition, in cases where there are people and/or institutions to be thanked for their contribution to the study, the ACKNOWLEDGMENT section should be added before the resources section. In reviews, the author(s) can make appropriate title arrangements instead of the material and method, findings sections.Subsection titles should be written in capital letters (excluding conjuctions), bold and italic.

Table and Figure Format

While creating table, the same or similar data should not be presented in more than one table, data that can be summarized in 1-2 sentences should not be put in the table. The texts and numbers in the table should be in 11 font size (it can be 9 or 10 font size in some cases such as the table does not fit on the page). Tables should be numbered starting from 1. Table title and data should not be bold. Table titles should be written on the table in a way that fully reflects the content of the table and punctuation should not be used at the end. Table titles should be written with the first letter capitalized and the others lowercase (sentence order).
Vertical outer borders should not be used in tables, the use of vertical borders should be avoided as much as possible, all other borders should be drawn with a black line, ½ pt thick, and the table should not be colored. In tables, numerical data should be written to the right and other information to the left. Source in tables; It should be written just below the table and in 9 pt. In tables, line height should be 0.5 cm, line spacing should be set as 1.15 pt, and no space between paragraphs should be given. Tables should be placed in two columns if they are less than 7.5 cm wide, and in a single column if they are wider, covering the entire width of the page. A horizontal table can be used when the table does not fit vertically on the page.
Tables should be cited in the text as "Table 1..." or "(Table 1)".  Graphs, maps, diagrams, plans, photos, etc. should be called a shape. The title, text, format, reference and layout features of the figures should be prepared according to the same rules as the tables.Figures should be drawn around ½ pt black with a single line and no background color should be used.

Abbreviations, Symbols, Dimensions and Formulas

Abbreviations should not be used in the article title and other titles. All units of measurement should be written according to SI (SystemeInterna ionale). Decimals should be written with dots, not commas (for example, 9.86, not 9.86), and large numbers of thousand separations should be avoided (for example, 10000 or 10 thousand instead of 10,000 or 10 000).
Exponential numbers should be shown as in the 3x example, and no spaces should be left before and after the "x" sign representing the cross. Statistical analysis results should be included in the discussion, probability should be shown with capital letters and italicized P, and there should be no space after P (For example; P<0.05). In the articles, the formulas should be named as “Equality”, numbered and the number should be shown in parentheses, justified to the right next to the formula. References to formulas should be made with the formula number.

APA 7 Format is used in the display of the references list.Accordingly, the list of sources should be prepared within the framework of the following rules.

General Rules for In-Text Citations
If there is a general reference and reference is made to the whole text, it is sufficient to write (Author's Surname, Year). For example (Ozturk, 2004).
If a specific page is quoted or related ideas are taken from a specific section, the reference is written with its page. For example (Köker, 1998, p. 42).
A different author with the same date his works are written as follows: (Zizek, 2009a) and (Zizek,2009b).
If a source with two authors is specified, the names of both authors are indicated each time. For example (Öztürk and Köker, 2004).
If the number of authors is between three and five, all names are written in the first reference, then only the first author is mentioned.
For example, it is written as (Kejanlıoğlu, Adaklı, & Çelenk, 2004) in the next occurrence (Kejanlıoğlu et al., 2004).
If the number of authors is six or more, then only the first name and others are abbreviated in the first use (Abisel et al., 2005).
In case of quoting from more than one source, the sources should be separated from each other with semicolons and the order should be made according to the years from past to present. (Köker, 1998; Öztürk, 2004; ...)
When abbreviations are presented for the first time in the text, they are written clearly and the abbreviation is placed in parentheses, then only the abbreviation is used. For example; In this context, TUBITAK is an innovative, directing, participatory and sharing institution in the fields of science and technology, serving to increase the quality of life and sustainable development of our country.

General Rules of References Section
Citation of reference “Surname, A. (Year). For example: Köker,S (2019). Institutional resources are shown as follows: TUBITAK. (2020).
If there are many sources by the same author in the bibliography, the references are written in order from oldest to newest.
The references with the same date are sorted by letter. For example: 2000a, 2000b.
Even if the publication is older, the first letter of the author's name is indicated first in the bibliography that comes first in alphabetical order.
In the bibliography of the books and reports, the place where they were published first and then the name of the bookstore, publishing house, “… bookstore, ’ „publishing house”, “… spring.” etc. Supplements or abbreviations are given without specifying.
For example; Alpar, R. (2013). Applied Multivariate Statistical Methods. Ankara: Detail.

Indication of references in article type:
Surname, A. (2020). The full name of the article. Name of the journal published, Volume (Issue), first page-last page
For articles from electronic journals, DOI number, if any, and URL if not available.
Suner, A., Celikoglu, C. C. (2008). Comparison of suitability analysis with similar multivariate analysis methods. Journal of Statisticians, 1(2), 9-15.https://doi.org/10.15835/nbha43XXXX

Indication of references in the book type:
Lastname1, A1., and Lastname2, A2. (2020). The Title of the Book (if any, what print is it). Publishing organization.
If the book has an access link or DOI address, it should be appended to the end.
McIlwraith, C. W., Nixon, A. J., and Wright, I. M. (2015). Diagnostic and Surgicalarthroscopy in the Horse (4th Edition). Mosby. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-7234-3693-5.3XXX-X

Congress, Symposium, Conference etc. Showing the references of the declaration type:
Surname, A. (2020). The title of the paper. Title of the full text book/Conference (firstPage-lastPage). Location: publisher, if any.
If there is an access connection, the internet address must be given in full.
Yılmaz, B., 2015. Beekeeping in Turkey. Our Forests and Beekeeping Workshop(49-86), Bolu.http://www.tab.org.tr/ormanlarimiz-ve-aricilik-calistayi.html

Indication of references in thesis type:
Surname, A. (2020). The full name of the thesis. Name of University and Institute, Location.
If it is downloaded from TezYOK, the URL address is given at the end of the imprint information.
In unpublished theses, unpublished expression is used in parentheses after the institute name.
Sezgin, A. (2008). Comparative analysis of farmer education projects for animal husbandry implemented in Erzurum. Atatürk University/Institute of Science (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Erzurum.