Article Review Process

The Journal of Commercial and Intellectual Property Law (TFM) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University with ISSN 2149-4576 and e-ISSN 2149-6250 as two issues every year since 2015.

TFM uses a double blind peer review process. Personal information of both referees and authors is kept confidential throughout the peer review process.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published or under review for publication elsewhere.

All submitted manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind peer review process, which can take at least four weeks from the date of submission.

The main features of the peer review process are as follows:

The manuscripts submitted to TFM are subjected to a preliminary editorial review. Authors have a maximum of two weeks to respond to the letters written to them by the editor/editors during the pre-evaluation phase of their work. If the corrections requested during the preliminary evaluation phase are not made by the author within two weeks or if the corrected work is not sent to the editor within this period, the editor(s) of TFM have the right to reject the work without contacting the author.

All studies submitted to TFM for publication are subjected to similarity screening in similarity programs.

Manuscripts that do not comply with TFM's ethical and publication principles and its purpose and scope are rejected without peer review.

If one of the two referee reports is negative, a third referee is consulted. However, editors also have the option to reject the manuscript according to the content of the negative report.

All publication decisions are made by the TFM Editors/Board of Editors based on the referees' reports.

Authors are immediately notified about unaccepted manuscripts.

Manuscripts that receive corrections from the referees are sent to the authors for correction in line with the referee reports.

The maximum time allowed to the authors for the correction process is four weeks.

During the referee evaluation phase, if the requested corrections and/or the corrected study are not sent to the editor by the author within four weeks, the editor/editors have the right to reject the study without contacting the author.

Last Update Time: 10/21/21, 12:11:19 PM