Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 11/14/23

Year: 2023

Research Article

Review Article

Our journal aims to publish original research and compilation articles in the fields of science-mathematics and engineering-natural sciences, prepared according to scientific research and methods.

Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology (TUBID), publishes original articles and reviews in the fields of basic sciences and mathematics (chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, molecular biology and genetics, bioinformatics), engineering and natural sciences (chemistry, food, electrical-electronics, construction, machinery), and in energy, mining, environmental engineering, field crops, horticulture, zootechnics, soil science and plant nutrition, plant protection, agricultural biotechnology, biosystems, agro economics, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning (urban design). If the authors want to write a review article, the author should contact one of the relevant editors.

Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology (TUBID)
The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. In Turkish publications, the new formatting guide and Turkish dictionary published by the Turkish Language Association are taken as the basis. It is recommended that the articles whose language of writing is in English are examined by a linguist by the author/authors before submitting them.
The articles submitted to the journal for publication must not have been published anywhere before and must not have received the right to publish. The works should be prepared in accordance with scientific ethics. A copy of the Ethics Committee Report should be attached when presenting research results that require an Ethics Committee Report as an article. All responsibilities for the articles to be published in the journal belong to the author(s).
The manuscript sent for publication is subject to preliminary examination by the Journal Editorial Board following the publication principles, in terms of scientific content and conformity in form. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to return the articles to the author(s) without sending them to the referees. In addition, articles that do not comply with the formatting rules or whose language of expression is insufficient are returned to the author(s) for correction.
The evaluated manuscripts are sent to at least two (2) referees for review. After the referee evaluation, the manuscripts that are not found suitable for publication as a result of the review of the Editorial Board are returned to the author(s) together with their justifications.
The manuscripts that passed the peer review; Corrected manuscripts prepared by the author(s) in line with the criticism and suggestions of the referees and the correction report requested by the Editorial Board (if any) must be uploaded to the system by the responsible author within fifteen (15) days at the latest.
The Editorial Board of the Journal decides whether to publish the article, taking into account the referee reports and/or whether the requested corrections are sufficient.
The preprints of the articles accepted for publication are sent to the responsible author, and the author checks them for printing errors (typos, etc.) and sends them in a short time. After the publication of the manuscript is accepted, no changes can be made to the text of the article, its authors, and the order of the authors.
All authors whose names are included in the article must sign the Copyright Transfer Form stating that they have given their publishing rights to the Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology.
A maximum of two (2) works of an author can be published as the first name in the same issue.

Article Preparation Format
Paper size :  A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
Page margins:  3 cm from the top, bottom, left and right
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 11 points (including all headings)
Line spacing: Double line spacing
Line number: Each page and line are numbered (continuous numbering)
Paragraph indent: 0.5 cm
The article should consist of the following sections in general terms:
Turkish Title
Turkish Summary
English Title
English Summary
1. Introduction
2. Material and Method
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusion
Acknowledgments (if any)
The "Discussion" section can be separated from the "Results" and given under a separate main section, if necessary, depending on the way the article is presented.
Articles written in English may not include the Turkish Title, Turkish Abstract, and Keywords sections.
Headings of all main sections and subsections, if any, should be given without indenting the paragraph and in bold letters; The first letters of the words in the main section headings should be written in capital letters, and in the subsection headings, all words (except the first word) should be written in lowercase letters.
In the text of the article to be uploaded to the system, the names and addresses of the authors (after the Turkish/English title) should not be given. Name and contact information of the author or authors should be prepared as a separate Word document (See Supplementary Documents section) under the name of "Title Page" and uploaded to the system from the Supplementary files section of the Article Submission and Evaluation System.

Accordingly, the text of the manuscript should be prepared according to the following principles, respectively:
Article title: The title should be short, concise, and appropriate to the text of the article, the first letter of the words should be capitalized, bold, and centered. The English title must fully correspond to the Turkish title.
In the works consisting of the results of thesis and dissertations; This situation should be written as a superscript (*) on the title of the article, and the details should be written in 7 fonts and left-aligned footnotes at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript text.
Özet / Abstract: The words "Özet" and "Abstract" should be used in Turkish and English abstracts, respectively. The abstract should be succinct, and concise, and highlight all the important points of the article—why, what, and how it was done, what was found, and what they mean. Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 300 words each. Literature should not be used in this section. Özet and Abstract sections should be given one line below the Turkish and English titles, respectively, without using paragraph indentation.
Anahtar Kelimeler / Keywords: " Anahtar Kelimeler " and "Keywords" should be written 1 line under the Turkish and English abstracts, respectively, and a maximum of 6 keywords that are not used in the title should be written in all lowercase (excluding proper nouns) letters, if possible, to best describe the study.

1. Introduction: This section is the part that explains the content of the article and the reason for its preparation with literature information, and should clearly present the purpose of the study and the hypothesis to be tested.
2. Material and Methods: The material and methods used should be given under the same title. If subtitles or titles are to be given, they should be numbered together with the chapter number (such as 2.1.; 2.2.). The material used in the research and especially the new or modified methods should be explained in detail to respond to the request for repetition by other researchers. However, if there are published ones, they should be cited without going into extensive explanations. Appropriate statistical method(s) to respond to the hypothesis to be tested should be used and explained. Measures of variation, such as standard error or standard deviation of the mean, should be given where necessary.
3. Results and Discussion: The results should be explained in this section, supported by tables, figures, and graphics if necessary. In particular, the data presented in the table should not be repeated in the text and figures. However, important data in figures should also be given in the text. In cases where the statistical analysis method is not chosen correctly and/or the analysis is not done properly, the Editorial Board may exclude the manuscript from evaluation. The importance of the result(s) obtained and its contribution to science and practice should be discussed, evaluated, or interpreted with literature.

4. Conclusion: The contribution of the obtained results to science and practice and suggestions, if any, should be given briefly and concisely. The statements given in the Introduction and the Results and Discussion sections should not be repeated in the same way in this section.
Acknowledgment: A short thank you letter can be written for the organizations that supported the study and those who contributed to the study.

Vancouver reference writing style is used in our journal. References in the text should be given in parentheses at the end of the relevant sentence, in the order in which they appear in the text. For example; …… (one). or …… (1,2). or …… (3-5). like
For detailed information, click on the link about the “Vancouver citation style” style.
Arrange the bibliography at the end of the article according to the “Vancouver citation style” in accordance with the rules stated below.
1. Journal reference: 1. Wharton N. Health and safety in outdoor activity centers. J Adventure Ed. Outdoor Lead. 1996;12(4):8-9.
2. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. Ann Intern Med 2009;151(4):264-9, W64.
3. Book (1-6 authors): Arens AA. Auditing in Australia: an integrated approach. 5th ed. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia; 2002.
4. Book (More than 6 authors): Goering RV, Dockrell HM, Wakelin D, Zuckerman M, Chiodini PL, Roitt IM, et al. Mims' medical microbiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier; 2008.
5. Book chapter: Thomas, G. Medicinal Chemistry. 2nd ed. Chichester: John Wiley; 2007. Chapter 8.2, The chemical nature of the binding of ligands to receptors; p.252-254.
6. Report (Online): Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Drinking patterns in Australia, 2001-2007. Cat. no. PHE133. [Internet]. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2010 [cited 2021 Jan 19]. Available from: https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/29697ff8-c90d-45e4-979d-39672d95ffd5/11895.pdf.aspx?inline=true.
7. Thesis: Evans PR. Motor and sensory function of the upper digestive tract in health and in irritable bowel syndrome [Ph.D. Thesis]. Sydney, NSW: University of Sydney; 1998.
8. Conference Paper: Passey M, Gale J, Stirling J, Sanson-Fisher R. Caring for pregnant Aboriginal women: provider views on managing tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use. In: 2017 Primary Health Care Research Conference, 2017 Aug 7 - 9; Brisbane.
9. Web page: Queensland University of Technology. Writing literature reviews. [Internet] 2010 [updated 2020 Jun 23; cited 2020 Dec 6]; Available from: http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/write/litreviews.jsp.
10. Chapter in book: 2. Blaxter M. Social class and health inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel J, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. London: Academic Press, 1976; p. 369-380.
11. Chapter in book: 2. Solving the Y2K problem. In: Bowd D, editor Technology today and tomorrow. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997; p. 27-40.
12. Book reference: 3. Murray, PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. (2002), Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
13. Report/Document: 4. Resource Assessment Commission. Forest and timber enquiry. Volume 1. Draft report. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service; 1991.
14. Online: 5. Department of Health. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease: Guidance for healthcare workers [homepage on the Internet]. c2003 [updated 2003 Mar 23; cited 2003 Nov 9]. Available from http://www.doh.gov.uk/pdfs/cjdguidance.pdf

Figures and Tables:
All kinds of figures, graphics, pictures, photographs, maps, and similar materials in the article are “Figures”; and the rest should be specified as "Table".

All figures and tables in the text of the article should be placed following the place of reference and in numerical order (such as Figure 1, Figure 2, or Table 1, Table 2). Figure and table titles should be short and concise.
All figures must be in “jpg” format with a minimum 600 dpi resolution.
Vertical lines should not be used in tables.
Figure and table captions should be 9.5 points, and any characters in figures and tables should be 9 points.
All kinds of abbreviations used in tables and figures and explanations required for statistical analysis should be explained with 7-point footnotes just below the table/figure, and each abbreviation explanation should be separated from each other with a comma (,). Do not put a period (.) at the end of the figure and table captions and footnotes.
Units: SI (Systeme International d'Units) measurement units should be used in all articles. Points should be used as decimal fractions in the text of the article and in figures and tables (such as 4,75 instead of 4.75). “/” should not be used in units and a space should be given between units (For example; m s-1 instead of m/s, kg m s-2 instead of kg m/s2). A space should be left between the number and the symbol (Example: 9 kg P2O5 ha-1, 13 kg m-1 s-2, 30 N m, 2 dS m-1, 15 °C, and 41%). Exceptions to this rule are the degrees, minutes, and seconds symbols (°, ′, and ″) used for planar angles. They should be placed immediately after the number (Example: 22°, 33', 50"). The abbreviation of liter should be indicated as "L", not "l". Symbols should not be ended with a period (kg, not kg) if they are not at the end of the sentence.
Abbreviations and/or Symbols: Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible in the article. Symbols should be given as specified in the article preparation template. If the abbreviation is to be used in the text, the clear form of the concept should be written where it is first used and its abbreviation should be given in parentheses [Example; phosphorus (P)] The same is true for symbols. Internationally valid and established abbreviations should be preferred. Abbreviations should not be used in the title of the article. Symbols should be given according to the SI system.
Formulas: Formulas should be numbered and the formula number should be shown in parentheses, aligned to the right next to the formula. Word program formula writing tools should be used in writing formulas, main characters should be in 11 font sizes, variables should be in italics, and numbers and mathematical expressions should be given as plain. If it is to be cited in the text, it should be given as “Equation 1” (…the related model is given in Equation 1).
C. Additional Files
In addition to the text of the article, the following documents should be prepared and uploaded to the system from the Additional Files Submissions section of the Article Submission and Evaluation System during the application:
Title Page: Click for the file in Word format containing the name, surname, and institution information of the author(s) and the contact information of the responsible author.
Copyright Transfer Form: Click here for the PDF file signed by all authors.
Ethics Committee Report: File signed by all authors and in pdf format.
If one or more of the above-mentioned additional files are missing, the article will not be processed.
Click for Article Template.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology carries out its activities within the framework of scientific principles and commitments for all parties (publisher, editor, referee, author, and reader).
Our journal declares its commitment to ethical principles determined by national and international scientific authorities. In this context, the commitment of all parties (authors, readers, researchers, publisher, referees, and editors) to follow the ethical publishing principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the ethical behaviors recommended by the TR Index, verbally and/or written (written notification for the authors) mandatory) are requested. In addition, all stakeholders must comply with the COPE guideline proposed by the TR Index, the YÖK-Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, and the ethical directive of their own institutions, depending on the nature of the study.
Considering the guidelines and policies of national and international organizations, certain ethical principles for the parties;
Ethical principles for the publisher;
• The publisher protects the confidentiality of the confidential information and documents of all parties.
• It uses its privileges with the principle of being beneficial to humanity within the framework of scientific purposes.
Ethical principles for the editor(s)
• Editor(s) should only accept publications that are suitable for their field.
• They should not have a conflict of interest with the authors.
• Their decisions should be impartial and in a way that contributes to science.
• Their decisions must not be inconsistent with the referees' decisions without justification.
• The editor(s) may not engage in any discourse, publication, or behavior that would violate the originality of the work before publication.
• They must maintain the confidentiality of additional information that their authors do not wish to be published.
• They cannot use the privileges provided by the editorship for their scientific studies in any way other than scientific ways.
Ethical principles for referee(s);
• It is imperative that they act impartially in the evaluation.
• The result of the evaluation is to a degree that is compatible with the rationale and criticism
• Referees cannot make any statements, publications, or behaviors that would violate the originality of the work before publication.
• If the referee finds out about the authors by any means, if there is a conflict of interest or funding between the authors, they should notify the editor and they should withdraw from the refereeing.
• They must maintain the confidentiality of additional information that the author does not wish to be published.
• They cannot use the privileges provided by refereeing for their personal scientific studies in any way other than scientific ways.
Ethical principles for authors;
• Submitted work must not be published elsewhere or in the process of publication.
• The originality of the study and the references used should be given in both the text and the references in a complete and duly referenced way.
• There should be no violations of scientific ethics in the manuscripts such as plagiarism, forgery, distortion, republishing, slicing, unfair authorship, etc.
• Ethics committee approval should be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article. (In studies that require ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date, and number) should be included in the method section, as well as on one of the first/last pages of the article; in the case reports, information about the informed consent form being signed should be included in the article.)
• Existence and moral rights should be respected in human and animal trials, and an ethical committee decision should be taken before the trial (there should be an ethical committee dominated by medical professionals in human trials).
• The support of natural and legal persons who contributed to the study without authorship should be reported together with the type of support and should be stated in a separate place other than the author(s) in the acknowledgment section.
• If there is a conflict of interest between the author(s), it must be declared at the time of submission.
• The manuscript should not include honorary authors in publications.
• The purpose of the studies cannot be unscientific reasons such as commercial interest, advertisement, propaganda, etc.
Ethical principles for the reader and other researchers;
• They must abide by the publisher's copyrights.
• They can use the works to be published after citing them according to scientific rules.
The internal ethical audit process of the Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology;
• First edition: Journal Editor's Secretariat (contact e-mail: fbeeditor@siirt.edu.tr)
• Second step: Associate Editors on behalf of the Editor-in-Chief (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harun BEKTAŞ e-mail: harunbektas@siirt.edu.tr)
• Last Step: Ethics Committee (Siirt University Ethics Committee e-mail: etikkrul@siirt.edu.tr)
It is recommended that the journal's internal ethics audit process steps first be made for ethical violation victimization claims.

Siirt University does not charge any processing and publication fees for articles submitted to the Turkish Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology.