Writing Rules

For Authors;

Articles submitted to the journal should be studies with the following characteristics.
Research studies containing original scientific findings,
Studies that convey application examples with a scientific approach,
It should be in the form of review studies that comprehensively evaluate significant developments on a particular subject.

Uploading the Article to the System;

Articles should be uploaded electronically to the system at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/3138/submission/start

These articles cannot be published anywhere else and cannot be presented as a paper without the permission of the editorial board. All or part of the article cannot be used anywhere without reference. Authors in the article have to express a consensus on the order of names.

Writing rules;

You can use the sample file written in accordance with the spelling rules while writing your article.

Note: For authors whose native language is not Turkish, journal technical office will be supportive for the Turkish Abstract.

Sample Article (.docx)

Files Waiting to be Sent with the Article

1-Plagiarism Report:

 While your article is uploaded to the system, your plagarism report will be created via the intihal.net system. After your plagarism report created your article upload will be copmleted. Click for detailed information about intihal.net.  If any manuscript is 25% plagiarized the article will be rejected and the author will be notified.

2-Copyright Form :

The copyright of the articles is taken by filling and signing the form presented on the journal website. Signed Copyright Form must be downloaded from here, signed, scanned and uploaded to the system as PDF. Publications of authors who do not submit this form cannot be published.

3-Ethics Committee Permission (If required)

An Ethics Committee Permission document must be submitted for the publication application of articles that require ethics committee approval. 

Please inform the Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing whether your study requires Ethics Committee Approval by filling out the Ethics Committee Declaration section within the Copyright Form.

The Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing has been checking the ethical committee approval status of articles submitted since 2020. In this context, if your study falls into a category that requires ethical committee approval, you must upload the permission document along with your article files. Studies submitted to the journal that require ethical committee approval but lack the necessary permission documents will not be considered for evaluation.

Information regarding ethics committee approval is shared on the “Ethics Committee Approval” page.


Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Osman ORHAN
Telephone: +90-5059875275 (Editor)

Address: Mersin Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi (F-Blok) Harita Müh. Bölümü.
33343, Yenişehir/Mersin, Turkey
e-mail:  osmanorhan@mersin.edu.tr / tuzaldergisi@gmail.com / osmanorhan44@gmail.com 


Last Update Time: 9/12/24, 9:02:12 AM