Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2022, , 20 - 41, 31.12.2022



  • Andersen, H. (1989). Markedness theory—The first 150 years. O. M. Tomić (Ed.), Markedness in synchrony and diachrony içinde (ss. 11–46). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Angles, J. (2017). Queer translation/translating queer during the ‘gay boom’ in Japan. B. J. Epstein, and R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 87−103). Routledge.
  • Ansara, Y. G., & Hegarty, P. (2013). Misgendering in English language contexts: Applying non-cisgenderist methods to feminist research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7(2), 160–177.
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 247–251). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Assab, N. A. (2017). Queering narratives and narrating queer: Colonial queer subjects in the Arab world. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 25−36). Routledge.
  • Bachner, A. (2017). Globally Queer? Taiwanese Homotextualities in Translation. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 77−86). Routledge.
  • Baker, M. (2015). Narrative analysis. Researching, translation, and interpreting. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 247–56). Routledge.
  • Baron, D. (2020). What's your pronoun? Beyond he & she. Penguin Random House.
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. Printer Publishers.
  • Bauer, H. (2015). Sexology and translation. Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press.
  • Benshoff, H. M., & Griffin, S. (2011). America on film: Representing race, class, gender and sexuality at the movies. John Wiley & Sons
  • Beseghi, M. (2017). A sociolinguistic and intercultural study of diasporic films. Peter Lang.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge.
  • Cavalante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences’ experiences with “first of its kind” visibility in popular media. Culture & Critique: Communication, 10(3), 538–555.
  • Chaume Varela, F. (2004). Synchronization in dubbing: A translational approach. P. Orero (Ed.), Topics in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 21−34). John Benjamins.
  • David, E. (2017). Capital T: Trans visibility, corporate capitalism, and commodity culture. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4(1), 28–44.
  • Dawson, L., & Loist, S. (2018). Queer/ing film festivals: History, theory, impact. Studies in European Cinema, 15(1), 1-24, http://10.1080/17411548.2018.1442901
  • De Marco, M. (2009). Gender portrayal in dubbed and subtitled comedies. J. D. Cintas (Ed.), New trends in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 176-196). Multilingual Matters.
  • De Marco, M. (2016). The 'engendering' approach in audiovisual translation. Target, 28(6), 314-325.
  • De Linde, Z., & Neil, K. (1999). The semiotics of subtitling. St. Jerome Publishing.
  • (2018, Mart 1). Gender-neutral pronouns.
  • Donato, C. (2017). Translation’s queerness: Giovanni Bianchi and John Cleland writing same-sex desire in the eighteenth century. B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 130−143). Routledge.
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the Queer in Children’s Literature. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 118−128). Routledge.
  • Frohard-Dourlent, H., Dobson, S., Clark, B. A., Doull, M., & Saewyc, E. M. (2017). “I would have preferred more options”: Accounting for non-binary youth in health research. Nursing Inquiry, 24(1), 1-9.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1–37. https://
  • Gedizlioğlu, D. (2020). LGBTİ+ alanında çeviri sözlüğü. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Jagose, A. (2015). Queer teori: Bir giriş (Çev. A. Toprak). NotaBene & Kaos GL.
  • Hartley, J. (1999). Uses of television. Routledge.
  • Harvey, K. (2000). Gay community, gay identity and the translated text. TTR: Traduction I Terminologie, Redaction, 13(1), 137-165.
  • Harvey, K. (2003). Intercultural movements: American gay in French translation. St. Jerome Publishing. Hayes, J. J. (1976/2006). Gayspeak. D. Cameron & D. Kulick (Ed.), The language and sexuality reader içinde (ss. 68-77). Routledge.
  • Hermans, T. (1999). Translation in systems: Descriptive and systemic approaches explained. St Jerome Publishing.
  • Katan, D., & F. Straniero-Sergio. (2014). Submerged ideologies in media interpreting. M. Calzada Pérez (Ed.). Apropos of ideology: Translation studies on ideology içinde (ss. 132−144). Routledge.
  • Karadoğan, A., & Öztürk, S. (2022). Karar defterleri üzerinden bir inceleme: Türkiye’de sinema sansürünün tarihi 1932-1988. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Labov, W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Larkosh, C. (2007). The translator's closet: Editing sexualities in Argentine literary culture. TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX(2), 63-88.
  • Lewis, E. S. (2010). 'This is my girlfriend, Linda.' Translating queer relationships in film: A case study of the subtitles for gia and a proposal for developing the field of queer translation studies. In Other Words: The Journal for Literary Translators, 36, 3-22.
  • Lotz, A. (2014). Cable guys: Television and masculinities in the 21st century. New York University Press.
  • Marx, N. (2015). Expanding the brand: Race, gender and the post-politics of representation on comedy central. Television and New Media, 17(3), 1-16.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2020, Nisan 29). We added new words to the dictionary in September 2019.
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & W. L. Leap . (2005). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Minutella, V. (2012). You fancying your gora coach is okay with me: Translating multilingual films for an Italian audience. A. Remael, P. Orero, & M. Carroll (Ed.) Audiovisual translation and media accessibility at the crossroads içinde (ss. 313–334). Rodopi.
  • Mocarski, R., Butler, S., Emmons, B., & Smallwood, R. (2013). A different kind of man.” Mediated transgendered subjectivity, Chaz Bono on Dancing with the stars. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 37(3), 249–264.
  • Morton, D. (1995). Birth of the cyberqueer. PMLA, 110(3), 369– 381.
  • Munday, J. (2016). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications (4. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Ng, E. (2020). No grand pronouncement here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation. Television & New Media, 21(6), 621-627. http://10.1177/1527476415577212
  • O’Neil, M. L, Ergün, R., Değirmenci, S., Turanlı, K. & Erkengel, D. (2020). Türkiye’de özel sektör çalışanı lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans, interseks ve artıların durumu 2020 yılı araştırması. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2018, Eylül 4). The brief history of singular ‘they’.
  • Pavesi, M., Maicol F., & Elisa G. (2015). The language of dubbing: Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. Peter Lang,.
  • Price, M., & Skolnik, A. (2017). Gender identity. Kevin Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encylopedia of psychology and gender içinde (ss. 663-667). Sage Publications Inc.
  • Ranzato, I. (2012). Gayspeak and gay subjects in audiovisual translation: Strategies in Italian dubbing. Meta, 57(2), 369–384.
  • Ranzato, I. (2015). Translating culture specific references on television. Routledge.
  • Reisner, S. L., Conron, K. J., Scout, Baker, K., Herman, J. L., Lombardi, E., Greytak, E. A., Gill, A. M., & Matthews, A. K. (2015). “Counting” transgender and gender-nonconforming adults in health research: Recommendations from the gender identity in US surveillance group. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(1), 34–57.
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008) The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self­censorship(s). TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX.I,(2), 221-251. http://10.7202/037497ar
  • Saussure, F. de (1986/2009). Course in general linguistics. A. S. C. Bally (Ed.), R. Harris (Çev.). Open Court. Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press.
  • Spurlin, J. 2017. Queering Translation: Rethinking Gender and Sexual Politics in the Spaces between Languages and Cultures. B.J. Epstein, & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 172−183). Routledge.
  • Tate, C. C., Ledbetter, J. N., & Youssef, C. P. (2013). A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Journal of Sex Research, 50(8), 767–776.
  • Thanem, T. (2011). Embodying transgender in studies of gender, work and organization. J. Knights & P. Y. Martin (Ed.), Handbook of gender, work and organization içinde (ss. 191–204). Wiley.
  • Turek, S. 2012. Gay characters in the margins: Gender-based stereotypes in subtitled French film. Journal of Popular Culture 45(5), 1020-1040.
  • Villanueva J, I. (2015). You better work. Camp representation of RuPaul's Drag Race in Spanish subtitles. Meta, 60(2), 376.
  • Von Flotow, L. (2010). Gender in Translation. Y. Gambier, and L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of Translation Studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 129−133). John Benjamins.
  • Walters, S. D. (2001). All the rage: The story of gay visibility in America. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Waugh, L. R. (1976). The semantics and paradigmatics of word order. Language 52(1), 82−107.
  • Wood, A. (2013). Boys' love anime and queer desires in convergence culture: transnational fandom, censorship and resistance, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4(1), 44-63. http://10.1080/21504857.2013.784201
  • Zabalbeascoa, P. (2012). Translating heterolingual audiovisual humor: Beyond the blinkers of traditional thinking. J. Muñoz-Basols, C. Fouto, L. Soler González, & T. Fisher (Ed.), The limits of literary translation: Expanding frontier in Iberian langua içinde (ss. 317-338). Reichenberger.
  • Zimman, L. (2019). Trans self-identification and thelanguage of neoliberal selfhood: Agency, power, and the limitsof monologic discourse, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(256), 147–175.
Yıl 2022, , 20 - 41, 31.12.2022



  • Andersen, H. (1989). Markedness theory—The first 150 years. O. M. Tomić (Ed.), Markedness in synchrony and diachrony içinde (ss. 11–46). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Angles, J. (2017). Queer translation/translating queer during the ‘gay boom’ in Japan. B. J. Epstein, and R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 87−103). Routledge.
  • Ansara, Y. G., & Hegarty, P. (2013). Misgendering in English language contexts: Applying non-cisgenderist methods to feminist research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7(2), 160–177.
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 247–251). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Assab, N. A. (2017). Queering narratives and narrating queer: Colonial queer subjects in the Arab world. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 25−36). Routledge.
  • Bachner, A. (2017). Globally Queer? Taiwanese Homotextualities in Translation. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 77−86). Routledge.
  • Baker, M. (2015). Narrative analysis. Researching, translation, and interpreting. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 247–56). Routledge.
  • Baron, D. (2020). What's your pronoun? Beyond he & she. Penguin Random House.
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. Printer Publishers.
  • Bauer, H. (2015). Sexology and translation. Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press.
  • Benshoff, H. M., & Griffin, S. (2011). America on film: Representing race, class, gender and sexuality at the movies. John Wiley & Sons
  • Beseghi, M. (2017). A sociolinguistic and intercultural study of diasporic films. Peter Lang.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge.
  • Cavalante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences’ experiences with “first of its kind” visibility in popular media. Culture & Critique: Communication, 10(3), 538–555.
  • Chaume Varela, F. (2004). Synchronization in dubbing: A translational approach. P. Orero (Ed.), Topics in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 21−34). John Benjamins.
  • David, E. (2017). Capital T: Trans visibility, corporate capitalism, and commodity culture. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4(1), 28–44.
  • Dawson, L., & Loist, S. (2018). Queer/ing film festivals: History, theory, impact. Studies in European Cinema, 15(1), 1-24, http://10.1080/17411548.2018.1442901
  • De Marco, M. (2009). Gender portrayal in dubbed and subtitled comedies. J. D. Cintas (Ed.), New trends in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 176-196). Multilingual Matters.
  • De Marco, M. (2016). The 'engendering' approach in audiovisual translation. Target, 28(6), 314-325.
  • De Linde, Z., & Neil, K. (1999). The semiotics of subtitling. St. Jerome Publishing.
  • (2018, Mart 1). Gender-neutral pronouns.
  • Donato, C. (2017). Translation’s queerness: Giovanni Bianchi and John Cleland writing same-sex desire in the eighteenth century. B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 130−143). Routledge.
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the Queer in Children’s Literature. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 118−128). Routledge.
  • Frohard-Dourlent, H., Dobson, S., Clark, B. A., Doull, M., & Saewyc, E. M. (2017). “I would have preferred more options”: Accounting for non-binary youth in health research. Nursing Inquiry, 24(1), 1-9.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1–37. https://
  • Gedizlioğlu, D. (2020). LGBTİ+ alanında çeviri sözlüğü. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Jagose, A. (2015). Queer teori: Bir giriş (Çev. A. Toprak). NotaBene & Kaos GL.
  • Hartley, J. (1999). Uses of television. Routledge.
  • Harvey, K. (2000). Gay community, gay identity and the translated text. TTR: Traduction I Terminologie, Redaction, 13(1), 137-165.
  • Harvey, K. (2003). Intercultural movements: American gay in French translation. St. Jerome Publishing. Hayes, J. J. (1976/2006). Gayspeak. D. Cameron & D. Kulick (Ed.), The language and sexuality reader içinde (ss. 68-77). Routledge.
  • Hermans, T. (1999). Translation in systems: Descriptive and systemic approaches explained. St Jerome Publishing.
  • Katan, D., & F. Straniero-Sergio. (2014). Submerged ideologies in media interpreting. M. Calzada Pérez (Ed.). Apropos of ideology: Translation studies on ideology içinde (ss. 132−144). Routledge.
  • Karadoğan, A., & Öztürk, S. (2022). Karar defterleri üzerinden bir inceleme: Türkiye’de sinema sansürünün tarihi 1932-1988. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Labov, W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Larkosh, C. (2007). The translator's closet: Editing sexualities in Argentine literary culture. TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX(2), 63-88.
  • Lewis, E. S. (2010). 'This is my girlfriend, Linda.' Translating queer relationships in film: A case study of the subtitles for gia and a proposal for developing the field of queer translation studies. In Other Words: The Journal for Literary Translators, 36, 3-22.
  • Lotz, A. (2014). Cable guys: Television and masculinities in the 21st century. New York University Press.
  • Marx, N. (2015). Expanding the brand: Race, gender and the post-politics of representation on comedy central. Television and New Media, 17(3), 1-16.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2020, Nisan 29). We added new words to the dictionary in September 2019.
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & W. L. Leap . (2005). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Minutella, V. (2012). You fancying your gora coach is okay with me: Translating multilingual films for an Italian audience. A. Remael, P. Orero, & M. Carroll (Ed.) Audiovisual translation and media accessibility at the crossroads içinde (ss. 313–334). Rodopi.
  • Mocarski, R., Butler, S., Emmons, B., & Smallwood, R. (2013). A different kind of man.” Mediated transgendered subjectivity, Chaz Bono on Dancing with the stars. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 37(3), 249–264.
  • Morton, D. (1995). Birth of the cyberqueer. PMLA, 110(3), 369– 381.
  • Munday, J. (2016). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications (4. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Ng, E. (2020). No grand pronouncement here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation. Television & New Media, 21(6), 621-627. http://10.1177/1527476415577212
  • O’Neil, M. L, Ergün, R., Değirmenci, S., Turanlı, K. & Erkengel, D. (2020). Türkiye’de özel sektör çalışanı lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans, interseks ve artıların durumu 2020 yılı araştırması. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2018, Eylül 4). The brief history of singular ‘they’.
  • Pavesi, M., Maicol F., & Elisa G. (2015). The language of dubbing: Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. Peter Lang,.
  • Price, M., & Skolnik, A. (2017). Gender identity. Kevin Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encylopedia of psychology and gender içinde (ss. 663-667). Sage Publications Inc.
  • Ranzato, I. (2012). Gayspeak and gay subjects in audiovisual translation: Strategies in Italian dubbing. Meta, 57(2), 369–384.
  • Ranzato, I. (2015). Translating culture specific references on television. Routledge.
  • Reisner, S. L., Conron, K. J., Scout, Baker, K., Herman, J. L., Lombardi, E., Greytak, E. A., Gill, A. M., & Matthews, A. K. (2015). “Counting” transgender and gender-nonconforming adults in health research: Recommendations from the gender identity in US surveillance group. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(1), 34–57.
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008) The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self­censorship(s). TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX.I,(2), 221-251. http://10.7202/037497ar
  • Saussure, F. de (1986/2009). Course in general linguistics. A. S. C. Bally (Ed.), R. Harris (Çev.). Open Court. Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press.
  • Spurlin, J. 2017. Queering Translation: Rethinking Gender and Sexual Politics in the Spaces between Languages and Cultures. B.J. Epstein, & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 172−183). Routledge.
  • Tate, C. C., Ledbetter, J. N., & Youssef, C. P. (2013). A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Journal of Sex Research, 50(8), 767–776.
  • Thanem, T. (2011). Embodying transgender in studies of gender, work and organization. J. Knights & P. Y. Martin (Ed.), Handbook of gender, work and organization içinde (ss. 191–204). Wiley.
  • Turek, S. 2012. Gay characters in the margins: Gender-based stereotypes in subtitled French film. Journal of Popular Culture 45(5), 1020-1040.
  • Villanueva J, I. (2015). You better work. Camp representation of RuPaul's Drag Race in Spanish subtitles. Meta, 60(2), 376.
  • Von Flotow, L. (2010). Gender in Translation. Y. Gambier, and L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of Translation Studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 129−133). John Benjamins.
  • Walters, S. D. (2001). All the rage: The story of gay visibility in America. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Waugh, L. R. (1976). The semantics and paradigmatics of word order. Language 52(1), 82−107.
  • Wood, A. (2013). Boys' love anime and queer desires in convergence culture: transnational fandom, censorship and resistance, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4(1), 44-63. http://10.1080/21504857.2013.784201
  • Zabalbeascoa, P. (2012). Translating heterolingual audiovisual humor: Beyond the blinkers of traditional thinking. J. Muñoz-Basols, C. Fouto, L. Soler González, & T. Fisher (Ed.), The limits of literary translation: Expanding frontier in Iberian langua içinde (ss. 317-338). Reichenberger.
  • Zimman, L. (2019). Trans self-identification and thelanguage of neoliberal selfhood: Agency, power, and the limitsof monologic discourse, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(256), 147–175.

İkilik Dışı Cinsel Kimliklerin Görsel-İşitsel Çeviride Yansıtımına İlişkin Sorun Odaklı Bir Yaklaşım

Yıl 2022, , 20 - 41, 31.12.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı, görsel-işitsel çeviri özelinde kuir kimliklerin yansıtılmasında çevirmenin karşılaşabileceği yapısal ve söylemsel zorluklara dikkati çekmektir. Bu doğrultuda, İngilizcede var olan ikili cinsiyet belirten adıllar iki yönlü sorunsallaştırılmıştır: (1) İkili cinsiyet rejiminin sunduğu kadın ve erkek kategorilerinin içinde kendini tanımlamayan kuirin dilsel yansıtımı, (2) cinsiyet ayırımı gözeten bir dilden (İngilizce she/her, he/him vb.) cinsiyet ayrımı gözetmeyen bir dil olan Türkçeye çeviride karşılaşılan sorunlar. Araştırmada ele alınan çeviri örnekleri düşünüldüğünde, ikili cinsiyet dışı adılların Türkçede bulunmaması, sözcüğü sözcüğüne çeviri yönteminin kullanıldığı birçok durumda özgün kuir belirtiselliğinin ortadan kalkmasına veya anlam karmaşasına neden olabilmektedir. Yaratıcılık unsuru olarak kullanılan belli sözcükler ve neo-adıllar (yeni zamir) da Türkçe kuir söylemde bulunmayan ifadelerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilmektedir. Soruna son yıllarda incelemelere konu olan kuir çeviri gözlüğüyle bakıldığında, söz konusu çevirmen tercihlerinin, kuir kimliklerin erek dilde yansıtılmamasına veya yetersiz yansıtılmasına sebep olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Çalışmada ikili cinsiyet rejimi dışındaki cinsel kimlikleri belirtecek işlevsel çeviri örneklerine de yer verilmiştir. Çalışma boyunca yürütülen tartışmanın, kuir kimliklerin/ikilik dışı cinsel kimliklerin belirtiselliğinin görsel-işitsel çeviride sağlanması ve beraberinde çeviri eyleminin kuirleştirilmesi konusunda, gelecek çalışmalara bir örnek oluşturacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Andersen, H. (1989). Markedness theory—The first 150 years. O. M. Tomić (Ed.), Markedness in synchrony and diachrony içinde (ss. 11–46). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Angles, J. (2017). Queer translation/translating queer during the ‘gay boom’ in Japan. B. J. Epstein, and R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 87−103). Routledge.
  • Ansara, Y. G., & Hegarty, P. (2013). Misgendering in English language contexts: Applying non-cisgenderist methods to feminist research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7(2), 160–177.
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 247–251). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Assab, N. A. (2017). Queering narratives and narrating queer: Colonial queer subjects in the Arab world. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 25−36). Routledge.
  • Bachner, A. (2017). Globally Queer? Taiwanese Homotextualities in Translation. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 77−86). Routledge.
  • Baker, M. (2015). Narrative analysis. Researching, translation, and interpreting. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 247–56). Routledge.
  • Baron, D. (2020). What's your pronoun? Beyond he & she. Penguin Random House.
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. Printer Publishers.
  • Bauer, H. (2015). Sexology and translation. Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press.
  • Benshoff, H. M., & Griffin, S. (2011). America on film: Representing race, class, gender and sexuality at the movies. John Wiley & Sons
  • Beseghi, M. (2017). A sociolinguistic and intercultural study of diasporic films. Peter Lang.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge.
  • Cavalante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences’ experiences with “first of its kind” visibility in popular media. Culture & Critique: Communication, 10(3), 538–555.
  • Chaume Varela, F. (2004). Synchronization in dubbing: A translational approach. P. Orero (Ed.), Topics in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 21−34). John Benjamins.
  • David, E. (2017). Capital T: Trans visibility, corporate capitalism, and commodity culture. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4(1), 28–44.
  • Dawson, L., & Loist, S. (2018). Queer/ing film festivals: History, theory, impact. Studies in European Cinema, 15(1), 1-24, http://10.1080/17411548.2018.1442901
  • De Marco, M. (2009). Gender portrayal in dubbed and subtitled comedies. J. D. Cintas (Ed.), New trends in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 176-196). Multilingual Matters.
  • De Marco, M. (2016). The 'engendering' approach in audiovisual translation. Target, 28(6), 314-325.
  • De Linde, Z., & Neil, K. (1999). The semiotics of subtitling. St. Jerome Publishing.
  • (2018, Mart 1). Gender-neutral pronouns.
  • Donato, C. (2017). Translation’s queerness: Giovanni Bianchi and John Cleland writing same-sex desire in the eighteenth century. B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 130−143). Routledge.
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the Queer in Children’s Literature. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 118−128). Routledge.
  • Frohard-Dourlent, H., Dobson, S., Clark, B. A., Doull, M., & Saewyc, E. M. (2017). “I would have preferred more options”: Accounting for non-binary youth in health research. Nursing Inquiry, 24(1), 1-9.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1–37. https://
  • Gedizlioğlu, D. (2020). LGBTİ+ alanında çeviri sözlüğü. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Jagose, A. (2015). Queer teori: Bir giriş (Çev. A. Toprak). NotaBene & Kaos GL.
  • Hartley, J. (1999). Uses of television. Routledge.
  • Harvey, K. (2000). Gay community, gay identity and the translated text. TTR: Traduction I Terminologie, Redaction, 13(1), 137-165.
  • Harvey, K. (2003). Intercultural movements: American gay in French translation. St. Jerome Publishing. Hayes, J. J. (1976/2006). Gayspeak. D. Cameron & D. Kulick (Ed.), The language and sexuality reader içinde (ss. 68-77). Routledge.
  • Hermans, T. (1999). Translation in systems: Descriptive and systemic approaches explained. St Jerome Publishing.
  • Katan, D., & F. Straniero-Sergio. (2014). Submerged ideologies in media interpreting. M. Calzada Pérez (Ed.). Apropos of ideology: Translation studies on ideology içinde (ss. 132−144). Routledge.
  • Karadoğan, A., & Öztürk, S. (2022). Karar defterleri üzerinden bir inceleme: Türkiye’de sinema sansürünün tarihi 1932-1988. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Labov, W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Larkosh, C. (2007). The translator's closet: Editing sexualities in Argentine literary culture. TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX(2), 63-88.
  • Lewis, E. S. (2010). 'This is my girlfriend, Linda.' Translating queer relationships in film: A case study of the subtitles for gia and a proposal for developing the field of queer translation studies. In Other Words: The Journal for Literary Translators, 36, 3-22.
  • Lotz, A. (2014). Cable guys: Television and masculinities in the 21st century. New York University Press.
  • Marx, N. (2015). Expanding the brand: Race, gender and the post-politics of representation on comedy central. Television and New Media, 17(3), 1-16.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2020, Nisan 29). We added new words to the dictionary in September 2019.
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & W. L. Leap . (2005). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Minutella, V. (2012). You fancying your gora coach is okay with me: Translating multilingual films for an Italian audience. A. Remael, P. Orero, & M. Carroll (Ed.) Audiovisual translation and media accessibility at the crossroads içinde (ss. 313–334). Rodopi.
  • Mocarski, R., Butler, S., Emmons, B., & Smallwood, R. (2013). A different kind of man.” Mediated transgendered subjectivity, Chaz Bono on Dancing with the stars. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 37(3), 249–264.
  • Morton, D. (1995). Birth of the cyberqueer. PMLA, 110(3), 369– 381.
  • Munday, J. (2016). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications (4. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Ng, E. (2020). No grand pronouncement here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation. Television & New Media, 21(6), 621-627. http://10.1177/1527476415577212
  • O’Neil, M. L, Ergün, R., Değirmenci, S., Turanlı, K. & Erkengel, D. (2020). Türkiye’de özel sektör çalışanı lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans, interseks ve artıların durumu 2020 yılı araştırması. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2018, Eylül 4). The brief history of singular ‘they’.
  • Pavesi, M., Maicol F., & Elisa G. (2015). The language of dubbing: Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. Peter Lang,.
  • Price, M., & Skolnik, A. (2017). Gender identity. Kevin Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encylopedia of psychology and gender içinde (ss. 663-667). Sage Publications Inc.
  • Ranzato, I. (2012). Gayspeak and gay subjects in audiovisual translation: Strategies in Italian dubbing. Meta, 57(2), 369–384.
  • Ranzato, I. (2015). Translating culture specific references on television. Routledge.
  • Reisner, S. L., Conron, K. J., Scout, Baker, K., Herman, J. L., Lombardi, E., Greytak, E. A., Gill, A. M., & Matthews, A. K. (2015). “Counting” transgender and gender-nonconforming adults in health research: Recommendations from the gender identity in US surveillance group. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(1), 34–57.
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008) The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self­censorship(s). TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX.I,(2), 221-251. http://10.7202/037497ar
  • Saussure, F. de (1986/2009). Course in general linguistics. A. S. C. Bally (Ed.), R. Harris (Çev.). Open Court. Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press.
  • Spurlin, J. 2017. Queering Translation: Rethinking Gender and Sexual Politics in the Spaces between Languages and Cultures. B.J. Epstein, & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 172−183). Routledge.
  • Tate, C. C., Ledbetter, J. N., & Youssef, C. P. (2013). A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Journal of Sex Research, 50(8), 767–776.
  • Thanem, T. (2011). Embodying transgender in studies of gender, work and organization. J. Knights & P. Y. Martin (Ed.), Handbook of gender, work and organization içinde (ss. 191–204). Wiley.
  • Turek, S. 2012. Gay characters in the margins: Gender-based stereotypes in subtitled French film. Journal of Popular Culture 45(5), 1020-1040.
  • Villanueva J, I. (2015). You better work. Camp representation of RuPaul's Drag Race in Spanish subtitles. Meta, 60(2), 376.
  • Von Flotow, L. (2010). Gender in Translation. Y. Gambier, and L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of Translation Studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 129−133). John Benjamins.
  • Walters, S. D. (2001). All the rage: The story of gay visibility in America. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Waugh, L. R. (1976). The semantics and paradigmatics of word order. Language 52(1), 82−107.
  • Wood, A. (2013). Boys' love anime and queer desires in convergence culture: transnational fandom, censorship and resistance, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4(1), 44-63. http://10.1080/21504857.2013.784201
  • Zabalbeascoa, P. (2012). Translating heterolingual audiovisual humor: Beyond the blinkers of traditional thinking. J. Muñoz-Basols, C. Fouto, L. Soler González, & T. Fisher (Ed.), The limits of literary translation: Expanding frontier in Iberian langua içinde (ss. 317-338). Reichenberger.
  • Zimman, L. (2019). Trans self-identification and thelanguage of neoliberal selfhood: Agency, power, and the limitsof monologic discourse, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(256), 147–175.

A Problem-Oriented Approach to the Representation of Non-Binary Sexual Identities in Audiovisual Translation

Yıl 2022, , 20 - 41, 31.12.2022


The aim of this study is to draw attention to the structural and discursive difficulties that translators may face in reflecting queer identities in audiovisual translation. To this end, binary pronouns in English have been problematized in two ways: (1) the linguistic representation of the queer, who does not define themselves in women and men categories offered by the binary gender regime, (2) problems encountered in translating from a language that categorizes gender into distinct categories (in English, she/her, he/him, etc.) into the gender-neutral Turkish. The analyzed translation examples show that the absence of non-binary pronouns in Turkish may lead to the disappearance of queer markedness or ambiguity in many cases where the word-for-word translation method is adopted. Translators’ word choices and use of neopronouns as a creative effort can also lead to nonfunctional expressions that are inconvenient to the Turkish queer discourse. From the perspective of queer translation, a well-known translatorial framework in recent years, queer identities are prone to disappearance or under-representation as a result of translators’ preferences in the target language. The study also illustrates functional translations that foreground the markedness of non-binary sexual identities in the target language. The discussion on the cases exemplified is thought to set an example for future studies on reproducing the markedness of queer identities/non-binary sexual identities in audio-visual translation as well as on queering translation.


  • Andersen, H. (1989). Markedness theory—The first 150 years. O. M. Tomić (Ed.), Markedness in synchrony and diachrony içinde (ss. 11–46). Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Angles, J. (2017). Queer translation/translating queer during the ‘gay boom’ in Japan. B. J. Epstein, and R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 87−103). Routledge.
  • Ansara, Y. G., & Hegarty, P. (2013). Misgendering in English language contexts: Applying non-cisgenderist methods to feminist research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 7(2), 160–177.
  • Arrojo, R. (2010). Philosophy and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 247–251). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Assab, N. A. (2017). Queering narratives and narrating queer: Colonial queer subjects in the Arab world. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 25−36). Routledge.
  • Bachner, A. (2017). Globally Queer? Taiwanese Homotextualities in Translation. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 77−86). Routledge.
  • Baker, M. (2015). Narrative analysis. Researching, translation, and interpreting. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 247–56). Routledge.
  • Baron, D. (2020). What's your pronoun? Beyond he & she. Penguin Random House.
  • Bassnett, S., & Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. Printer Publishers.
  • Bauer, H. (2015). Sexology and translation. Cultural and scientific encounters across the modern world. Temple University Press.
  • Benshoff, H. M., & Griffin, S. (2011). America on film: Representing race, class, gender and sexuality at the movies. John Wiley & Sons
  • Beseghi, M. (2017). A sociolinguistic and intercultural study of diasporic films. Peter Lang.
  • Butler, J. (1990). Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. Routledge.
  • Cavalante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences’ experiences with “first of its kind” visibility in popular media. Culture & Critique: Communication, 10(3), 538–555.
  • Chaume Varela, F. (2004). Synchronization in dubbing: A translational approach. P. Orero (Ed.), Topics in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 21−34). John Benjamins.
  • David, E. (2017). Capital T: Trans visibility, corporate capitalism, and commodity culture. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4(1), 28–44.
  • Dawson, L., & Loist, S. (2018). Queer/ing film festivals: History, theory, impact. Studies in European Cinema, 15(1), 1-24, http://10.1080/17411548.2018.1442901
  • De Marco, M. (2009). Gender portrayal in dubbed and subtitled comedies. J. D. Cintas (Ed.), New trends in audiovisual translation içinde (ss. 176-196). Multilingual Matters.
  • De Marco, M. (2016). The 'engendering' approach in audiovisual translation. Target, 28(6), 314-325.
  • De Linde, Z., & Neil, K. (1999). The semiotics of subtitling. St. Jerome Publishing.
  • (2018, Mart 1). Gender-neutral pronouns.
  • Donato, C. (2017). Translation’s queerness: Giovanni Bianchi and John Cleland writing same-sex desire in the eighteenth century. B. J. Baer & K. Kaindl (Ed.), Queering translation, translating the queer: Theory, practice, activism içinde (ss. 130−143). Routledge.
  • Epstein, B. J. (2017). Eradicalization: Eradicating the Queer in Children’s Literature. B. J. Epstein & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 118−128). Routledge.
  • Frohard-Dourlent, H., Dobson, S., Clark, B. A., Doull, M., & Saewyc, E. M. (2017). “I would have preferred more options”: Accounting for non-binary youth in health research. Nursing Inquiry, 24(1), 1-9.
  • Gamson, W. A., & Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A constructionist approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 1–37. https://
  • Gedizlioğlu, D. (2020). LGBTİ+ alanında çeviri sözlüğü. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Jagose, A. (2015). Queer teori: Bir giriş (Çev. A. Toprak). NotaBene & Kaos GL.
  • Hartley, J. (1999). Uses of television. Routledge.
  • Harvey, K. (2000). Gay community, gay identity and the translated text. TTR: Traduction I Terminologie, Redaction, 13(1), 137-165.
  • Harvey, K. (2003). Intercultural movements: American gay in French translation. St. Jerome Publishing. Hayes, J. J. (1976/2006). Gayspeak. D. Cameron & D. Kulick (Ed.), The language and sexuality reader içinde (ss. 68-77). Routledge.
  • Hermans, T. (1999). Translation in systems: Descriptive and systemic approaches explained. St Jerome Publishing.
  • Katan, D., & F. Straniero-Sergio. (2014). Submerged ideologies in media interpreting. M. Calzada Pérez (Ed.). Apropos of ideology: Translation studies on ideology içinde (ss. 132−144). Routledge.
  • Karadoğan, A., & Öztürk, S. (2022). Karar defterleri üzerinden bir inceleme: Türkiye’de sinema sansürünün tarihi 1932-1988. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • Labov, W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Larkosh, C. (2007). The translator's closet: Editing sexualities in Argentine literary culture. TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX(2), 63-88.
  • Lewis, E. S. (2010). 'This is my girlfriend, Linda.' Translating queer relationships in film: A case study of the subtitles for gia and a proposal for developing the field of queer translation studies. In Other Words: The Journal for Literary Translators, 36, 3-22.
  • Lotz, A. (2014). Cable guys: Television and masculinities in the 21st century. New York University Press.
  • Marx, N. (2015). Expanding the brand: Race, gender and the post-politics of representation on comedy central. Television and New Media, 17(3), 1-16.
  • Merriam-Webster. (2020, Nisan 29). We added new words to the dictionary in September 2019.
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & W. L. Leap . (2005). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Minutella, V. (2012). You fancying your gora coach is okay with me: Translating multilingual films for an Italian audience. A. Remael, P. Orero, & M. Carroll (Ed.) Audiovisual translation and media accessibility at the crossroads içinde (ss. 313–334). Rodopi.
  • Mocarski, R., Butler, S., Emmons, B., & Smallwood, R. (2013). A different kind of man.” Mediated transgendered subjectivity, Chaz Bono on Dancing with the stars. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 37(3), 249–264.
  • Morton, D. (1995). Birth of the cyberqueer. PMLA, 110(3), 369– 381.
  • Munday, J. (2016). Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications (4. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Ng, E. (2020). No grand pronouncement here…: Reflections on cancel culture and digital media participation. Television & New Media, 21(6), 621-627. http://10.1177/1527476415577212
  • O’Neil, M. L, Ergün, R., Değirmenci, S., Turanlı, K. & Erkengel, D. (2020). Türkiye’de özel sektör çalışanı lezbiyen, gey, biseksüel, trans, interseks ve artıların durumu 2020 yılı araştırması. Kaos GL Derneği.
  • Oxford English Dictionary. (2018, Eylül 4). The brief history of singular ‘they’.
  • Pavesi, M., Maicol F., & Elisa G. (2015). The language of dubbing: Mainstream audiovisual translation in Italy. Peter Lang,.
  • Price, M., & Skolnik, A. (2017). Gender identity. Kevin Nadal (Ed.), The SAGE encylopedia of psychology and gender içinde (ss. 663-667). Sage Publications Inc.
  • Ranzato, I. (2012). Gayspeak and gay subjects in audiovisual translation: Strategies in Italian dubbing. Meta, 57(2), 369–384.
  • Ranzato, I. (2015). Translating culture specific references on television. Routledge.
  • Reisner, S. L., Conron, K. J., Scout, Baker, K., Herman, J. L., Lombardi, E., Greytak, E. A., Gill, A. M., & Matthews, A. K. (2015). “Counting” transgender and gender-nonconforming adults in health research: Recommendations from the gender identity in US surveillance group. Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(1), 34–57.
  • Santaemilia, J. (2008) The translation of sex-related language: The danger(s) of self­censorship(s). TTR: Traduction Terminologie Redaction, XX.I,(2), 221-251. http://10.7202/037497ar
  • Saussure, F. de (1986/2009). Course in general linguistics. A. S. C. Bally (Ed.), R. Harris (Çev.). Open Court. Sedgwick, E. K. (1993). Tendencies. Duke University Press.
  • Spurlin, J. 2017. Queering Translation: Rethinking Gender and Sexual Politics in the Spaces between Languages and Cultures. B.J. Epstein, & R. Gillett (Ed.), Queer in translation içinde (ss. 172−183). Routledge.
  • Tate, C. C., Ledbetter, J. N., & Youssef, C. P. (2013). A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Journal of Sex Research, 50(8), 767–776.
  • Thanem, T. (2011). Embodying transgender in studies of gender, work and organization. J. Knights & P. Y. Martin (Ed.), Handbook of gender, work and organization içinde (ss. 191–204). Wiley.
  • Turek, S. 2012. Gay characters in the margins: Gender-based stereotypes in subtitled French film. Journal of Popular Culture 45(5), 1020-1040.
  • Villanueva J, I. (2015). You better work. Camp representation of RuPaul's Drag Race in Spanish subtitles. Meta, 60(2), 376.
  • Von Flotow, L. (2010). Gender in Translation. Y. Gambier, and L. van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of Translation Studies (Cilt 1) içinde (ss. 129−133). John Benjamins.
  • Walters, S. D. (2001). All the rage: The story of gay visibility in America. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Waugh, L. R. (1976). The semantics and paradigmatics of word order. Language 52(1), 82−107.
  • Wood, A. (2013). Boys' love anime and queer desires in convergence culture: transnational fandom, censorship and resistance, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 4(1), 44-63. http://10.1080/21504857.2013.784201
  • Zabalbeascoa, P. (2012). Translating heterolingual audiovisual humor: Beyond the blinkers of traditional thinking. J. Muñoz-Basols, C. Fouto, L. Soler González, & T. Fisher (Ed.), The limits of literary translation: Expanding frontier in Iberian langua içinde (ss. 317-338). Reichenberger.
  • Zimman, L. (2019). Trans self-identification and thelanguage of neoliberal selfhood: Agency, power, and the limitsof monologic discourse, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2019(256), 147–175.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dil Çalışmaları
Bölüm Makaleler

Cihan Alan 0000-0001-5220-3473

A. Şirin Okyayuz 0000-0001-7512-2764

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Alan, C., & Okyayuz, A. Ş. (2022). İkilik Dışı Cinsel Kimliklerin Görsel-İşitsel Çeviride Yansıtımına İlişkin Sorun Odaklı Bir Yaklaşım. Çeviribilim Ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2022(33), 20-41.