English Teacher’s Self Evaluation of ICT Skills, Use and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in e-INSET NET Programme
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 17 Sayı: 2, 347 - 370, 12.01.2016
Betül Arap
Fidel Cakmak
The purpose of the present study is to examine novice English teachers’ self evaluation of ICT skills, use and pedagogical content knowledge in an integrated training program called e-INSET NET, a EU-funded project for providing electronic in-service training of Novice English teachers for their professional development. 38 novice English teachers from different regions participated voluntarily in the electronic training implementation e-INSET NET and they evaluated their ICT skills, use and pedagogical content knowledge. The study found that teachers showed a spectrum of skills development from advanced beginner level to advanced intermediate level of ICT skills; however, teachers at the intermediate level of ICT skills were found to be consistent. The e-INSET NET program was found beneficial for developing their pedagogical content knowledge.
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