Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 45 Sayı: 2, 275 - 289, 15.01.2020
Şaban Keskin
Nazlı Mayda
Merve Keskin
Aslı Özkök
Balın içeriği toplandığı bölgenin florası, iklimsel özellikleri, toplanma zamanı ve şekli gibi birçok etkene göre farklılık gösterebilmektedir. Balın kalitesinin belirlenmesinde başta bitkisel orijini olmak üzere kimyasal ve antioksidan özelliklerinin de ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmada Bilecik ilinden toplanan 16 adet bal örneği melissopalinolojik açıdan incelenmiş, balların nem, toplam fenolik madde miktarı, glukoz, fruktoz oranları ve aroma bileşenleri belirlenmiştir Elde edilen bulgular sonucu ballarda 20 familyaya ait 35 farklı bitki taksonuna rastlanmıştır. Toplam polen sayıları açısından değerlendirildiğinde 6 adet balın normal, 10 adet balın ise düşük kalitede oldukları görülmüştür. Balların nem içerikleri %15.8 ile %19.5 arasında değişmektedir. Balların fruktoz/glikoz (F/G) oranlarının ise 096 ile 1.19 aralığında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ballarda toplam fenolik madde miktarı en düşük 33 mg GAE/ 100 g iken en yüksek 81 mg GAE/ 100 g olarak ölçülmüştür. GC-MS analizleri sonucu balların aldehitler, alifatik asit ve esterleri, alkoller, ketonlar, terpenler ve yağ asitleri gibi bileşik gruplarını içerdikleri gözlenmiştir.
Bal örneklerinin toplanmasında desteklerini esirgemeyen Bilecik arıcılarına teşekkür ederiz.
- Anonymous (2012), Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Bal Tebligi (2012). Teblig no: 2012/58. Resmi Gazete, 28366.
- Alimentarius, C. (1998). Draft revised for honey at step 6 of the Codex Procedure. CX 5/10.2. CL 1998/12-S.
- Barcarolo, R., Centeleghe, M., Zanatta, P., Conte, L. S. (1998). GC-MS coupled with head space sampling with reverse carrier flow in sampling step applied to honey characterization. In 5th international symposium of hyphenated technique in chromatography, Bruges, Belgium (pp. 11-21).
- Bertoncelj, J., Doberšek, U., Jamnik, M., Golob, T. (2007). Evaluation of the phenolic content, antioxidant activity and colour of Slovenian honey. Food Chem., 105, 822-828.Bogdanov, S. (1997). Charakterisierung von Schweizer Sortenhonigen. Agrarforschung, 4, 427-430.
- Bogdanov, S., Martin, P., Lullmann, C. (2002). Harmonised methods of the international honey commission. Swiss Bee Research Centre, FAM, Liebefeld.
- Cuevas-Glory, L. F., Pino, J. A., Santiago, L. S., Sauri-Duch, E. (2007). A review of volatile analytical methods for determining the botanical origin of honey. Food Chem, 103(3), 1032-1043.
- Cianciosi D., Forbes-Hernández T.Y., Afrin S., Gasparrini M., Reboredo-Rodriguez P., Manna P.P., Zhang J., Lamas L.B., Martínez Flórez S., Toyos P.A., Quiles, J.L. , Giampieri F., Maurizio Battino,M. (2018). Phenolic Compounds in Honey and Their Associated Health Benefits: A Review. Molecules, 23, 2322.
- Çelemli, Ö. G., Özenirler, Ç., Ecem Bayram, N., Zare, G., Sorkun, K. (2018). Melissopalynological Analysis for Geographical Marking of Kars Honey, Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 24(1), 53-59.
- Devillers, J., Morlot, M., Pham-Delegue, M. H., Dore, J. C. (2004). Classification of monofloral honeys based on their quality control data. Food Chem, 86(2), 305-312.7.
- Feller-Demalsy, M. J., Parent, J., Strachan, A. A. (1989). Microscopic analysis of honeys from Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Apicultural Research, 28(1), 41-49.
- Gül A., Pehlivan, T. (2018). Antioxidant activities of some monofloral honey types produced across Turkey. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 25, 1056–1065. Hasan, S. H. (2013). Effect of storage and processing temperatures on honey quality. JUBPAS, 6(21), 2244-2253.
- Karadal, F., Yıldırım, Y. (2012). Balın kalite nitelikleri, beslenme ve sağlık açısından önemi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(3), 197-209.
- Kolaylı, S., Aliyazıcıoğlu, R., Ulusoy, E., Karaoğlu, Ş. (2008). antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of selected turkish honeys. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem., 36 (2), 163-172.
- Kolaylı, S., Can, Z., Çakir, H. E., Okan, O. T., Yildiz, O. (2018). An Invetigation on Trakya region Oak (Quercus spp.) honeys of Turkey: their physico-chemical, antioxidant and phenolic compounds properties. Turk J Biochem, 43, 362-374.
- Moar, N. T. (1985). Pollen analysis of New Zealand honey. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 28(1), 39-70.
- Mutlu, C., Erbaş, M., Tontul, S. A. (2017). Bal ve Diğer Arı Ürünlerinin Bazı Özellikleri ve İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 15(1), 75-83.
- Radovic, B. S., Careri, M., Mangia, A., Musci, M., Gerboles, M., Anklam, E. (2001). Contribution of dynamic headspace GC–MS analysis of aroma compounds to authenticity testing of honey. Food Chem, 72(4), 511-520.
- Soria, A. C., Martínez‐Castro, I., Sanz, J. (2003). Analysis of volatile composition of honey by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 26(9‐10), 793-801.
- Sorkun, K. (2008). Türkiye'nin nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. Palme Yayıncılık.
- Singleton, V. L., Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic–Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents, Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 16, 144-158.
- Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R. and Lamuela-Raventós, R. M. (1999). Analysis of Total Phenols and Other Oxidation Substrates and Antioxidants by Means of Folin-Ciocalteu Reagent, Methods in Enzymology, 299, 152-178.
- Tutkun, E., 2006. Arıcılık Tekniği. Önder Matbaacılık, Ankara, Türkiye.
- URL-1: Son erişim tarihi: 10.07.2019. Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen grains. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc; New York; London.
- Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen grains. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc; New York; London.
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 45 Sayı: 2, 275 - 289, 15.01.2020
Şaban Keskin
Nazlı Mayda
Merve Keskin
Aslı Özkök
The composition of honey varies depending on many factors such as flora, climatic characteristics, collection time and stile. In determining the quality of honey, its chemical origin and antioxidant properties should be investigated. In this study, melissopalinological, moisture, total phenolic content, glucose and fructose ratio were measured in 16 honey samples collected from Bilecik province. Accordingly, 35 different plant taxa belonging to 20 families were found. When total pollen counts were evaluated, six honeys were found to be normal quality whereas ten honeys were considered to be low quality. The moisture content of honeys varied between 15.8% and 19.5%. Fructose/glycose ratio of honeys was found to be between 0.96 and 1.19. Total phenolic content of honey sample was determined as the lowest value of 33 mg GAE/ 100 g and the highest value of 81 mg GAE/ 100 g. GC-MS analysis showed that honey samples were rich in volatile components.
- Anonymous (2012), Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Bal Tebligi (2012). Teblig no: 2012/58. Resmi Gazete, 28366.
- Alimentarius, C. (1998). Draft revised for honey at step 6 of the Codex Procedure. CX 5/10.2. CL 1998/12-S.
- Barcarolo, R., Centeleghe, M., Zanatta, P., Conte, L. S. (1998). GC-MS coupled with head space sampling with reverse carrier flow in sampling step applied to honey characterization. In 5th international symposium of hyphenated technique in chromatography, Bruges, Belgium (pp. 11-21).
- Bertoncelj, J., Doberšek, U., Jamnik, M., Golob, T. (2007). Evaluation of the phenolic content, antioxidant activity and colour of Slovenian honey. Food Chem., 105, 822-828.Bogdanov, S. (1997). Charakterisierung von Schweizer Sortenhonigen. Agrarforschung, 4, 427-430.
- Bogdanov, S., Martin, P., Lullmann, C. (2002). Harmonised methods of the international honey commission. Swiss Bee Research Centre, FAM, Liebefeld.
- Cuevas-Glory, L. F., Pino, J. A., Santiago, L. S., Sauri-Duch, E. (2007). A review of volatile analytical methods for determining the botanical origin of honey. Food Chem, 103(3), 1032-1043.
- Cianciosi D., Forbes-Hernández T.Y., Afrin S., Gasparrini M., Reboredo-Rodriguez P., Manna P.P., Zhang J., Lamas L.B., Martínez Flórez S., Toyos P.A., Quiles, J.L. , Giampieri F., Maurizio Battino,M. (2018). Phenolic Compounds in Honey and Their Associated Health Benefits: A Review. Molecules, 23, 2322.
- Çelemli, Ö. G., Özenirler, Ç., Ecem Bayram, N., Zare, G., Sorkun, K. (2018). Melissopalynological Analysis for Geographical Marking of Kars Honey, Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 24(1), 53-59.
- Devillers, J., Morlot, M., Pham-Delegue, M. H., Dore, J. C. (2004). Classification of monofloral honeys based on their quality control data. Food Chem, 86(2), 305-312.7.
- Feller-Demalsy, M. J., Parent, J., Strachan, A. A. (1989). Microscopic analysis of honeys from Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Apicultural Research, 28(1), 41-49.
- Gül A., Pehlivan, T. (2018). Antioxidant activities of some monofloral honey types produced across Turkey. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 25, 1056–1065. Hasan, S. H. (2013). Effect of storage and processing temperatures on honey quality. JUBPAS, 6(21), 2244-2253.
- Karadal, F., Yıldırım, Y. (2012). Balın kalite nitelikleri, beslenme ve sağlık açısından önemi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(3), 197-209.
- Kolaylı, S., Aliyazıcıoğlu, R., Ulusoy, E., Karaoğlu, Ş. (2008). antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of selected turkish honeys. Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem., 36 (2), 163-172.
- Kolaylı, S., Can, Z., Çakir, H. E., Okan, O. T., Yildiz, O. (2018). An Invetigation on Trakya region Oak (Quercus spp.) honeys of Turkey: their physico-chemical, antioxidant and phenolic compounds properties. Turk J Biochem, 43, 362-374.
- Moar, N. T. (1985). Pollen analysis of New Zealand honey. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 28(1), 39-70.
- Mutlu, C., Erbaş, M., Tontul, S. A. (2017). Bal ve Diğer Arı Ürünlerinin Bazı Özellikleri ve İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 15(1), 75-83.
- Radovic, B. S., Careri, M., Mangia, A., Musci, M., Gerboles, M., Anklam, E. (2001). Contribution of dynamic headspace GC–MS analysis of aroma compounds to authenticity testing of honey. Food Chem, 72(4), 511-520.
- Soria, A. C., Martínez‐Castro, I., Sanz, J. (2003). Analysis of volatile composition of honey by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 26(9‐10), 793-801.
- Sorkun, K. (2008). Türkiye'nin nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. Palme Yayıncılık.
- Singleton, V. L., Rossi, J. A. (1965). Colorimetry of Total Phenolics with Phosphomolybdic–Phosphotungstic Acid Reagents, Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 16, 144-158.
- Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R. and Lamuela-Raventós, R. M. (1999). Analysis of Total Phenols and Other Oxidation Substrates and Antioxidants by Means of Folin-Ciocalteu Reagent, Methods in Enzymology, 299, 152-178.
- Tutkun, E., 2006. Arıcılık Tekniği. Önder Matbaacılık, Ankara, Türkiye.
- URL-1: Son erişim tarihi: 10.07.2019. Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen grains. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc; New York; London.
- Wodehouse, R. P. (1935). Pollen grains. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc; New York; London.