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Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 12/31/22

Year: 2022

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Geological Engineering




Agricultural Engineering

Computer Science

Research Article

5. Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of IoT-Enabled Smart Irrigation Data for Agricultural Purposes

“Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation (GUJSA)” publishes original, novel, and qualified research papers on all disciplines of engineering, technology, and fundamental sciences.

The journal does not cover technical briefs, letters to the editor, discussions, or case reports.
The language of the journal is English.
"Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation (GUJSA)" is an open access journal and has adopted an Open Access Policy.

An innovative study, a new method, a new approach, or recent findings are expected in all disciplines of engineering, technology, and fundamental sciences. In this context, articles containing original and research results are considered for publication. Articles previously published in other journals are not accepted. Articles with an appropriate balance of practice and theory are preferred.


Articles submitted to be published in our journal shall be uploaded in the "MS Office Word” format complying with the “Article Writing Format” below.
Studies provided in Latex format or other formats rather than “MS Office Word” shall not be accepted.
"Article Writing Rules"
"Article Template"

Ethical Principles

“Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation” acknowledges that all parties (publisher, editor, author, referee, reader) shall apply the internationally adopted ethical rules and editorial policies.
Our journal observes the publication ethics principles, standards, and recommendations established by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Ethical issues shall be evaluated in accordance with the COPE rules and journal guidelines.
In this context, our journal deems it appropriate to create, improve, and share articles going through single-blind review processes. The publication of all articles published or to be published that do not comply with the journal's publication ethics policy is terminated.
According to the feedback given by the editorial staff and/or referees, our journal reserves the right to request output files from the authors regarding the study topics and analysis results. If the requested document is not submitted, the article shall be rejected.
The prerequisite for the article to be accepted for publication is that it is deemed suitable for publication by at least 2 (two) referees. The publication order of the accepted articles is arranged depending on the time of acceptance. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes when it deems necessary. After an article is accepted for publication, the “Copyright Transfer Agreement Form” shall be filled in and signed by all authors and uploaded to the journal system.
If there is an act that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding the parties or if there is an unethical situation regarding a study published or submitted for publication a notification e-mail shall be sent to the e-mail address of the journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors

The articles with the following issues shall not be accepted:
 There is a missing issue in the author names presented,
 Those who have no contribution to the study are included as authors,
 There are studies that are not covered by the scope of the journal,
 The study involves plagiarism and unethical publishing behavior,
 The funding sources, if any, are not recognized,
 The matter may violate the copyright of others,
 The study discloses a place/person/institution/organization, etc.
 There is a conflict of interest,
 The study lacks reporting standards,
 The data used in the study cannot be presented when requested,
 Making multiple, unnecessary, or simultaneous publications on the same study,
 Appropriate citations and references are not included within the scope of the study,
 There are major and significant mistakes in the article,
 The similarity index (iThenticate) detected before publication exceeds 20%.
The authors shall check the “iThenticate” report and similarity index to conduct the plagiarism control processes of the related article. The related report shall be submitted to the journal. The same process shall be also repeated after the revision of the article.
In case the work is accepted, the "Copyright Transfer Agreement Form" must be uploaded to the journal system. This document must be signed by all authors in the study.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Referees

 The article shall be checked in accordance with the journal guidelines.
 The academic quality and originality of the article shall be examined.
 The information about the study shall not be shared with the authors or others.
 The evaluations shall be concrete, temperate, and objective.
 Due time shall be considered in the evaluation process. Additional time shall be requested when necessary.
 In the case of detecting copyright infringement and plagiarism in the study, the editor shall be informed immediately.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor, Assistant Editors, and Field Editors

 They endeavor to improve the journal's quality of the publication.
 They consider the public interest in the decisions made about the journal.
 They keep records of each article and the correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print.
 They complete the editorial work considering impartiality, confidentiality, conflict of interest, and peer-review processes.
 They manage unethical behaviors in accordance with rational ethical rules.
 The relevant editor checks the articles submitted to the journal considering their eligibility for the journal before submitting to the referees (at least 2). The following eligibility checks are performed for the article:
- Compliance with the article writing rules,
- Compliance with the template in terms of format,
- Compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal,
- Compliance with publication principles,
- Compliance with publication ethics,
- Scientific quality and originality.

Publication Policy of the Journal

 “Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation” is published in 4 issues (March, June, September, December) a year in English.
 It is a single-blind peer reviewed, international and indexed journal with open access.
 No evaluation and application fee is required for the articles.
 The article evaluation process takes about 8 (eight) weeks.

 The article (or study) in the evaluation process can be withdrawn via the DergiPark platform, provided that all authors send the withdrawal request letter with their original signature. However, the relevant article cannot be submitted to another journal until this process is completed.

All copyrights of the published articles belong to Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation.

Scientific responsibilities of the article belong to the authors.

Article submission and all other processes in the GUJSA are free of charge.