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Özel diyet tercihleri için üretilen tuzsuz beyaz peynirin raf ömrünün uzatılması: uçucu yağların ve kaplamanın rolü

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 191 - 204


Tuzsuz beyaz peynir, sağlık sorunu yaşayan ve özel nedenlerle tercih eden bireyler için üretilmektedir. Ancak üretiminde ve salamurasında tuz kullanılmadığı için raf ömrü sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, farklı oranlarda peynir altı suyu proteini ve esansiyel yağlar ile hazırlanan yenilebilir filmler tuzsuz beyaz peynire kaplama olarak uygulanmıştır. 5 farklı deney grubu hazırlanmış ve grup C (kontrol), grup 1R (%1 biberiye uçucu yağı içeren film), grup 3R (%3 biberiye uçucu yağı içeren film), grup 1L (%1 defne uçucu yağı içeren film) ve grup 3L (%3 defne uçucu yağı içeren film) olarak adlandırılmıştır. Grupların mikrobiyolojik, kimyasal, duyusal ve tekstürel özellikleri +4C⁰'de 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 ve 25 günlük depolama sonrasında analiz edilmiştir. Depolama süresinin 10. günü ve sonrasında C, 1R, 3R ve 1L grupları görsel olarak bozulmuş ve analiz durdurulmuştur. Ancak 3L grubunda 25. günün sonuna kadar bozulma görülmemiştir. Ayrıca 3L grubunun fiziksel, kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik, duyusal ve tekstürel analizler açısından en iyi sonuçları verdiği belirlenmiştir.

Destekleyen Kurum

This study was supported by Cumhuriyet University Scientific Research Projects (CÜBAP) Commission within the scope of Project No. M-2021-805.

Proje Numarası

Project No. M-2021-805.


We would like to thank Sivas Cumhuriyet University Food Studies Application and Research Center for providing raw materials during our studies.


  • Akın, M.S., Akın, M.B., Atasoy, F., Kırmacı, H.A. & Kırmacı, Z. (2009). Investigation of the possibilities of use of enzymes (protease, lipase and protease/lipase mixture) encapsulated by emulsion and sodium alginate, extrusion methods using carrageenan and gellan gum in rapid ripening of cheddar cheese. TUBITAK Research Project. Project No: 106O409.
  • Albayrak, Ç.B. & Duran, M. (2021). Isolation and characterization of aroma producing lactic acid bacteria from artisanal white cheese for multifunctional properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 150, 112053.
  • AOAC. (2000). Ash of cheese. Official Method 935.42. OfficialMethods of Analysis (17th Edition) In W. Horwitz (Ed.). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • Chen, F., Su, X., Yan, T., Fu. X., Wang, Y., Luo, D. & Zhang, Q. (2024). Homogenate-ultrasonic pretreatment followed by microwave hydrodistillation of essential oil from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves: Kinetic, chemical composition, and biological activity. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 42:101744.
  • Civelek, I. & Cagri-Mehmetoglu, A. (2019). Determination of antifungal effect of edible coatings containing williopsis saturnus var. saturnus against yeast and mold growth on kashar cheese. Journal of Food Science, 84(2):311-318.
  • Di Pierro, P., Sorrentino, A., Mariniello, L., Giosafatto, C.V.L. & Porta, R. (2011). Chitosan whey protein film as active coating to extend ricotta cheese shelf-life. Food Science & Technology, 44: 2324-2327.
  • Eid, A,M., Jaradat, N., Issa, L., Abu-Hasan, A., Salah, N., Dalal, M., Mousa, A. & Zarour, A. (2022). Evaluation of anticancer, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) essential oil and its Nanoemulgel. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 55:102175.
  • Erkaya-Kotan, T. & Hayaloglu, A.A. (2024). Volatilome profile (HS-SPME/GC–MS) and proteolysis in Beyaz peynir (white-brined cheese) made using different probiotic adjunct cultures and ripening under brine or vacuum package systems, and chemometric analysis. International Dairy Journal, 152: 105894.
  • Formica, V., Leoni, F., Duce, C., González-Rivera, J., Onor, M., Guarnaccia, P., Carlesi, S. & Bàrberi, P. (2024). Controlled drought stress affects rosemary essential oil composition with minimal impact on biomass yield. Industrial Crops and Products, 221: 119315.
  • Fuentes, L., Mateo, J., Quinto, E. & Caro, I. (2015). Changes in quality of nonaged pasta filata Mexican cheese during refrigerated vacuum storage. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(5): 2833-2842, 2015.
  • Geronikou, A., Larsen, N., Lillevang, S.K. & Jespersen, L. (2023). Diversity and succession of contaminating yeasts in white-brined cheese during cold storage. Food Microbiology, 113:104266.
  • Glass, K.A., Lim, J.Y. & Singer, Q. L (2024). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by hydrogen peroxide addition in commercial cheese brines. Journal of Food Protection, 87: 100191.
  • Halkman, K. (2005) Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları, Başak Matbaacılık, Ankara,165-190.
  • Hazaa, N. & Jassim, M. (2021). Studying the effect of fortifying edible films used to coat soft cheese with extracts of thyme and green tea on the chemical properties of soft cheese. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 21 (3):1-10.
  • He, F.J., Tan, M., Ma, Y. & MacGregor, G.A. (2020). Salt reduction to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular disease: JACC state-of-the-art review. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75: 632-647.
  • Kang, S., Xiao, Y., Guo, X., Huang, A. & Xu, H. (2021). Development of gum arabic-based nanocomposite films reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals for strawberry preservation. Food Chemisty, 350: 129199, 2021. https://doi/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129199
  • Kavas, G. & Kavas, N. (2014). The effects of mint (Menthaspicata) essential oil fortified edible films on thephysical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of lor cheese. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 12 (3&4) : 40-45.
  • Kong, F., Kang, S., Zhang, J., Jiang, L., Liu, Y., Yang, M., Cao, X., Zheng, Y., Shao, J. & Yue, X. (2022). The non-covalent interactions between whey protein and various food functional ingredients. Food Chemistry, 394: 133455.
  • Lawlor, J. & Delahunty, C. (2000). The sensory profile and consumer preference for ten speciality cheeses. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 53, 28-36.
  • Licon, C., Moro, A., Librán, C., Molina, A., Zalacain, A., Berruga, M. & Carmona, M. (2020). Volatile transference and antimicrobial activity of cheeses made with ewes’ milk fortified with essential oils. Foods, 9(1), 35.
  • Liu, S.Q. & Tsao, M. (2009). Inhibition of spoilage yeasts in cheese by killer yeast Williop sissaturnus var. saturnus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 131: 280–282.
  • Lucey, J.A. (2021). Maintain high-quality cheese brines. Available at (Accessed OCT 15, 2023).
  • Mahcene, Z., Khelil, A., Hasni, S., Bozkurt, F., Goudjil, M. & Tornuk, F. (2020). Home-made cheese preservation using sodium alginate based on edible film incorporating essential oils. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58, 2406-2419.
  • Marcial, G., Gerez, C., Kairuz, M., Araoz, V., Schuff, C. & Valdez, G. (2016). Influence of oregano essential oil on traditional Argentinean cheese elaboration: Effect on lactic starter cultures. Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 48 (3):229-235.
  • Mileriene, J., Serniene, L., Henriques, M., Gomes, D., Pereira, C., Kondrotiene, K., Kašėtienė, N., Lauciene, L., Sekmokienė, D. & Malakauskas, M. (2020). Effect of liquid whey protein concentrate-based edible coating enriched with cinnamon carbon dioxide extract on the quality and shelf life of Eastern European curd cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 104(2): 1504-1517.
  • Nemati, V., Hashempour-Baltork, F., Gharavi-Nakhjavani, M., Feizollahi, E., Júnior, L. & Alizadeh, A. (2023). Application of a whey protein edible film incorporated with cumin essential oil in cheese preservation. Coatings. 13(8):1470.
  • Özogul, Y., Kuley, E., Ucar, Y. & Özogul, F. (2015). Antimicrobial impacts of essential oils on food borne-pathogens recent patents on food. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 7: 53-61.
  • Parthasarathy, V., Zachariah, C. & Chempakam, B. (2008). Bay leaf, V.A. Parthasarathy, B. Chempakam, T. John Zachariah (Eds.) In. Chemistry of Spices’, CAB International, London pp. 435-455.
  • Rolim, F.R., Neto, O.C.F., Oliveira, M.E.G., Oliveira, C.J.B. & Queiroga, R.C.R.E. (2020). Cheeses as food matrixes for probiotics: In vitro and in vivo tests. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 100:138-154.
  • Shahdadi, F., Faryabi, M., Khan, H., Sardoei, A., Fazeli-Nasab, B., Goh, B., Goh, K. & Tan, C. (2023). Mentha longifolia essential oil and pulegone in edible coatings of alginate and chitosan: effects on pathogenic bacteria in lactic cheese. Molecules, 28(11):4554.
  • Sirocchi, V., Devlieghere, F., Peelman, N., Sagratini, G., Maggi, F., Vittori, S. & Ragaert, P. (2017). Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil combined with different packaging conditions to extend the shelf life of refrigerated beef meat. Food Chemistry, 221: 1069-1076.
  • Soltani, M., Saremnezhad, S., Faraji, A. & Hayaloğlu, A.A. (2022). Perspectives and recent innovations on white cheese produced by conventional methods or ultrafiltration technique. International Dairy Journal, 125: 105232.
  • Stefanova, G., Girova, T., Gochev, V., Stoyanova, M., Petkova, Z., Stoyanova, A. & Zheljazkov, V.D. (2020). Comparative study on the chemical composition of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) leaves from Greece and Georgia and the antibacterial activity of their essential oil, Heliyon, 6: e05491.
  • Tang, R., Du, Y., Zheng, H. & Fan, L. (2003). Preparation and characterization of soy protein isolate– carboxymethylated konjac glucomannan blend films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 88: 1095–1099, 2003.
  • Wagh, Y.R., Pushpadass, H.A., Emerald, F.M.E. & Nath, B.S. (2014). Preparation and characterization of milk protein film sand the irapplication for packaging of cheddar cheese. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(12): 3767-3775.
  • Wagner, J., Biliaderis, C.G. & Moschakis, T. (2020). Whey proteins: Musings on denaturation, aggregate formation and gelation. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60: 3793-3806.
  • Wang, Y.J., Yeh, T.L., Shih, M.C., Tu, Y.K. & Chien, K.L.(2020). Dietary sodium intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Nutrients, 12: 2934-2944.
  • Yangılar, F. (2015). Chitosan/whey Protein (CWP) edible film sefficiency for controlling mould grow thand on microbiological, chemical and sensory properties during storage of göbek kasharcheese. Korean Journal for Food Scıence of Anımal Resources, 35(2): 216.
  • Yerlikaya, O. & Karagözlü, C. (2014). Effects of added caper on some physicochemical properties of White Cheese. Mljekarstvo 64 (1), 34-48.
  • Youssef, A., El‐Sayed, S., Salama, H., El‐Sayed, H. & Dufresne, A. (2015). Evaluation of bionanocomposites as packaging material on properties of soft white cheese during storage period. Carbohydrate Polymers, 132: 274-85.

Extending the shelf life of unsalted white cheese produced for special dietary preferences: role of essential oils and coating

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 191 - 204


Unsalted white cheese is produced for individuals who have health problems and prefer it for special reasons. However, as salt is not used in its production and brining, its shelf life is limited. In this study, edible films prepared with different ratios of whey protein and essential oils were applied as coatings to unsalted white cheese. 5 different experimental groups were prepared and named as group C (control), group 1R (film containing 1% rosemary essential oil), group 3R (film containing 3% rosemary essential oil), group 1L (film containing 1% laurel essential oil), and group 3L (film containing 3% laurel essential oil). The microbiological, chemical, sensory and textural properties of the groups were analyzed after 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days of storage at +4⁰C. On and after the 10th day of the storage period, the C, 1R, 3R, and 1L groups visually deteriorated and the analysis was stopped. However, the 3L group did not deteriorate until the end of the 25th day. In addition, it was determined that the 3L group gave the best results in terms of physical, chemical, microbiological, sensory, and textural analyses.

Proje Numarası

Project No. M-2021-805.


  • Akın, M.S., Akın, M.B., Atasoy, F., Kırmacı, H.A. & Kırmacı, Z. (2009). Investigation of the possibilities of use of enzymes (protease, lipase and protease/lipase mixture) encapsulated by emulsion and sodium alginate, extrusion methods using carrageenan and gellan gum in rapid ripening of cheddar cheese. TUBITAK Research Project. Project No: 106O409.
  • Albayrak, Ç.B. & Duran, M. (2021). Isolation and characterization of aroma producing lactic acid bacteria from artisanal white cheese for multifunctional properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 150, 112053.
  • AOAC. (2000). Ash of cheese. Official Method 935.42. OfficialMethods of Analysis (17th Edition) In W. Horwitz (Ed.). Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • Chen, F., Su, X., Yan, T., Fu. X., Wang, Y., Luo, D. & Zhang, Q. (2024). Homogenate-ultrasonic pretreatment followed by microwave hydrodistillation of essential oil from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves: Kinetic, chemical composition, and biological activity. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 42:101744.
  • Civelek, I. & Cagri-Mehmetoglu, A. (2019). Determination of antifungal effect of edible coatings containing williopsis saturnus var. saturnus against yeast and mold growth on kashar cheese. Journal of Food Science, 84(2):311-318.
  • Di Pierro, P., Sorrentino, A., Mariniello, L., Giosafatto, C.V.L. & Porta, R. (2011). Chitosan whey protein film as active coating to extend ricotta cheese shelf-life. Food Science & Technology, 44: 2324-2327.
  • Eid, A,M., Jaradat, N., Issa, L., Abu-Hasan, A., Salah, N., Dalal, M., Mousa, A. & Zarour, A. (2022). Evaluation of anticancer, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) essential oil and its Nanoemulgel. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 55:102175.
  • Erkaya-Kotan, T. & Hayaloglu, A.A. (2024). Volatilome profile (HS-SPME/GC–MS) and proteolysis in Beyaz peynir (white-brined cheese) made using different probiotic adjunct cultures and ripening under brine or vacuum package systems, and chemometric analysis. International Dairy Journal, 152: 105894.
  • Formica, V., Leoni, F., Duce, C., González-Rivera, J., Onor, M., Guarnaccia, P., Carlesi, S. & Bàrberi, P. (2024). Controlled drought stress affects rosemary essential oil composition with minimal impact on biomass yield. Industrial Crops and Products, 221: 119315.
  • Fuentes, L., Mateo, J., Quinto, E. & Caro, I. (2015). Changes in quality of nonaged pasta filata Mexican cheese during refrigerated vacuum storage. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(5): 2833-2842, 2015.
  • Geronikou, A., Larsen, N., Lillevang, S.K. & Jespersen, L. (2023). Diversity and succession of contaminating yeasts in white-brined cheese during cold storage. Food Microbiology, 113:104266.
  • Glass, K.A., Lim, J.Y. & Singer, Q. L (2024). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by hydrogen peroxide addition in commercial cheese brines. Journal of Food Protection, 87: 100191.
  • Halkman, K. (2005) Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları, Başak Matbaacılık, Ankara,165-190.
  • Hazaa, N. & Jassim, M. (2021). Studying the effect of fortifying edible films used to coat soft cheese with extracts of thyme and green tea on the chemical properties of soft cheese. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 21 (3):1-10.
  • He, F.J., Tan, M., Ma, Y. & MacGregor, G.A. (2020). Salt reduction to prevent hypertension and cardiovascular disease: JACC state-of-the-art review. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75: 632-647.
  • Kang, S., Xiao, Y., Guo, X., Huang, A. & Xu, H. (2021). Development of gum arabic-based nanocomposite films reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals for strawberry preservation. Food Chemisty, 350: 129199, 2021. https://doi/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129199
  • Kavas, G. & Kavas, N. (2014). The effects of mint (Menthaspicata) essential oil fortified edible films on thephysical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of lor cheese. Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment, 12 (3&4) : 40-45.
  • Kong, F., Kang, S., Zhang, J., Jiang, L., Liu, Y., Yang, M., Cao, X., Zheng, Y., Shao, J. & Yue, X. (2022). The non-covalent interactions between whey protein and various food functional ingredients. Food Chemistry, 394: 133455.
  • Lawlor, J. & Delahunty, C. (2000). The sensory profile and consumer preference for ten speciality cheeses. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 53, 28-36.
  • Licon, C., Moro, A., Librán, C., Molina, A., Zalacain, A., Berruga, M. & Carmona, M. (2020). Volatile transference and antimicrobial activity of cheeses made with ewes’ milk fortified with essential oils. Foods, 9(1), 35.
  • Liu, S.Q. & Tsao, M. (2009). Inhibition of spoilage yeasts in cheese by killer yeast Williop sissaturnus var. saturnus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 131: 280–282.
  • Lucey, J.A. (2021). Maintain high-quality cheese brines. Available at (Accessed OCT 15, 2023).
  • Mahcene, Z., Khelil, A., Hasni, S., Bozkurt, F., Goudjil, M. & Tornuk, F. (2020). Home-made cheese preservation using sodium alginate based on edible film incorporating essential oils. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58, 2406-2419.
  • Marcial, G., Gerez, C., Kairuz, M., Araoz, V., Schuff, C. & Valdez, G. (2016). Influence of oregano essential oil on traditional Argentinean cheese elaboration: Effect on lactic starter cultures. Revista Argentina de Microbiología, 48 (3):229-235.
  • Mileriene, J., Serniene, L., Henriques, M., Gomes, D., Pereira, C., Kondrotiene, K., Kašėtienė, N., Lauciene, L., Sekmokienė, D. & Malakauskas, M. (2020). Effect of liquid whey protein concentrate-based edible coating enriched with cinnamon carbon dioxide extract on the quality and shelf life of Eastern European curd cheese. Journal of Dairy Science, 104(2): 1504-1517.
  • Nemati, V., Hashempour-Baltork, F., Gharavi-Nakhjavani, M., Feizollahi, E., Júnior, L. & Alizadeh, A. (2023). Application of a whey protein edible film incorporated with cumin essential oil in cheese preservation. Coatings. 13(8):1470.
  • Özogul, Y., Kuley, E., Ucar, Y. & Özogul, F. (2015). Antimicrobial impacts of essential oils on food borne-pathogens recent patents on food. Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 7: 53-61.
  • Parthasarathy, V., Zachariah, C. & Chempakam, B. (2008). Bay leaf, V.A. Parthasarathy, B. Chempakam, T. John Zachariah (Eds.) In. Chemistry of Spices’, CAB International, London pp. 435-455.
  • Rolim, F.R., Neto, O.C.F., Oliveira, M.E.G., Oliveira, C.J.B. & Queiroga, R.C.R.E. (2020). Cheeses as food matrixes for probiotics: In vitro and in vivo tests. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 100:138-154.
  • Shahdadi, F., Faryabi, M., Khan, H., Sardoei, A., Fazeli-Nasab, B., Goh, B., Goh, K. & Tan, C. (2023). Mentha longifolia essential oil and pulegone in edible coatings of alginate and chitosan: effects on pathogenic bacteria in lactic cheese. Molecules, 28(11):4554.
  • Sirocchi, V., Devlieghere, F., Peelman, N., Sagratini, G., Maggi, F., Vittori, S. & Ragaert, P. (2017). Effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil combined with different packaging conditions to extend the shelf life of refrigerated beef meat. Food Chemistry, 221: 1069-1076.
  • Soltani, M., Saremnezhad, S., Faraji, A. & Hayaloğlu, A.A. (2022). Perspectives and recent innovations on white cheese produced by conventional methods or ultrafiltration technique. International Dairy Journal, 125: 105232.
  • Stefanova, G., Girova, T., Gochev, V., Stoyanova, M., Petkova, Z., Stoyanova, A. & Zheljazkov, V.D. (2020). Comparative study on the chemical composition of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) leaves from Greece and Georgia and the antibacterial activity of their essential oil, Heliyon, 6: e05491.
  • Tang, R., Du, Y., Zheng, H. & Fan, L. (2003). Preparation and characterization of soy protein isolate– carboxymethylated konjac glucomannan blend films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 88: 1095–1099, 2003.
  • Wagh, Y.R., Pushpadass, H.A., Emerald, F.M.E. & Nath, B.S. (2014). Preparation and characterization of milk protein film sand the irapplication for packaging of cheddar cheese. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(12): 3767-3775.
  • Wagner, J., Biliaderis, C.G. & Moschakis, T. (2020). Whey proteins: Musings on denaturation, aggregate formation and gelation. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60: 3793-3806.
  • Wang, Y.J., Yeh, T.L., Shih, M.C., Tu, Y.K. & Chien, K.L.(2020). Dietary sodium intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Nutrients, 12: 2934-2944.
  • Yangılar, F. (2015). Chitosan/whey Protein (CWP) edible film sefficiency for controlling mould grow thand on microbiological, chemical and sensory properties during storage of göbek kasharcheese. Korean Journal for Food Scıence of Anımal Resources, 35(2): 216.
  • Yerlikaya, O. & Karagözlü, C. (2014). Effects of added caper on some physicochemical properties of White Cheese. Mljekarstvo 64 (1), 34-48.
  • Youssef, A., El‐Sayed, S., Salama, H., El‐Sayed, H. & Dufresne, A. (2015). Evaluation of bionanocomposites as packaging material on properties of soft white cheese during storage period. Carbohydrate Polymers, 132: 274-85.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Teknolojileri, Süt Teknolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Dilara Uzundağ 0000-0003-1760-2609

Özlem Pelin Can 0000-0001-8769-4823

Meryem Göksel Saraç 0000-0002-8190-2406

Proje Numarası Project No. M-2021-805.
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uzundağ, D., Can, Ö. P., & Göksel Saraç, M. (2025). Extending the shelf life of unsalted white cheese produced for special dietary preferences: role of essential oils and coating. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 191-204.

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