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Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2023, , 125 - 139, 20.10.2023


Nezaket, insan ilişkilerinde kilit rol oynamaktadır. Örgütler bağlamında konu ele alındığında nezaketin örgütün işleyişinde aynı şekilde önemli yer tuttuğu görülmektedir. Çalışanların yöneticileri ile ilişkilerinde yaşadığı veya gözlemlediği nazik davranışlar tüm örgüte yayıldığı gibi nezaketsiz ve kaba davranışlarda aynı şekilde sirayet etmektedir. Nezaketsizlik kaynaklı olumsuzluklar örgütün çalışma düzenini bozabilmekte ve çalışan-örgüt ilişkisini zedeleyebilmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada yönetici nezaketsizliğinin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına etkisinde psikolojik sözleşme ihlali ve ahlaki çözülmenin aracılık rolü incelenmiştir. Araştırma Konya, Karaman, Yozgat ve Niğde illerinde bulunan 509 kamu kurumu çalışanı üzerinde yapılmıştır. Veriler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, yönetici nezaketsizliğinin psikolojik sözleşme ihlali ve ahlaki çözülme üzerinden örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışını etkilediğini göstermektedir.

Etik Beyan

Destek Bilgisi: Bu çalışma, kamu, ticari veya kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlar gibi herhangi bir organizasyondan destek almamıştır. Çıkar Çatışması: Tüm yazarlar adına, sorumlu yazar çıkar çatışması olmadığını belirtir. Etik Onayı: İnsan katılımcıları içeren çalışmalarda gerçekleştirilen tüm prosedürler, kurumsal ve / veya ulusal araştırma komitesinin etik standartlarına ve 1964 Helsinki deklarasyonuna ve daha sonraki değişikliklerine veya karşılaştırılabilir etik standartlara uygundur. Bu araştırma için Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu’ndan 02.07.2021 tarih ve 11 sayılı karar numarası ile Etik Kurul Onayı alınmıştır. Bilgilendirilmiş Onam Formu: Çalışmaya Katılan tüm bireysel katılımcılardan bilgilendirilmiş onam formu alınmıştır.


  • Akella, D. & Lewis, V. J. (2019). The modern face of workplace incivility. Organization Management Journal, 16(2), 55-60. doi:10.1080/15416518.2019.1604202
  • Alnuaimi, O. A., Jr., L. P. R. & Maruping, L. M. (2010). Team size, dispersion, and social loafing in technology-supported teams: A perspective on the theory of moral disengagement. Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(1), 203-230.
  • Andersson, L. M. & Pearson, C. M. (1999). Tit for tat? The spiraling effect of incivility in the workplace. The Academy of Management Review, 24(3), 452.
  • Bal, P. M., Chiaburu, D. S. & Jansen, P. G. W. (2010). Psychological contract breach and work performance: Is social exchange a buffer or an intensifier? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 252-273.
  • Bandura, A. (1990). Selective activation and disengagement of moral control. Journal of Social Issues, 46(1), 27-46.
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action. In W. M. Kurtines ve J. L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development (Vol. 1, pp. 45-103). hillsdale,NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bandura, A. (1999). Moral disengagement in the perpetration of inhumanities. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3(3), 193-209.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Selective moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Moral Education, 31(2).
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 364-374.
  • Bandura, A., Caprara, G.-V. & Zsolnai, L. (2000). Corporate transgressions through moral disengagement. Journal of Human Values, 6(1).
  • Baron, R. A. & Neuman, J. H. (1996). Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes. Aggressive Behavior, 22, 161-173.
  • Baron, R. A., Zhao, H. & Miao, Q. (2015). Personal motives, moral disengagement, and unethical decisions by entrepreneurs: Cognitive mechanisms on the ‘‘slippery slope’’. J Bus Ethics, 128, 107-118.
  • Barsky, A. (2011). Investigating the effects of moral disengagement and participation on unethical work behavior. J Bus Ethics, 104, 59-75.
  • Basim, H. N. & Şeşen, H. (2015). Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ölçeği uyarlama ve karşılaştırma çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 61(4).
  • Batson, C. D. & Powell, A. A. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of psychology (Vol. 5). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bauman, Z. & May, T. (2019). Sosyolojik düşünmek (Vol. 22). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Borman, W. C. (2004). The concept of organizational citizenship. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-241.
  • Caroli, M. E. D. & Sagone, E. (2013). Mechanisms of moral disengagement: An analysis from early adolescence to youth. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140(2014), 312-317. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.426
  • Chahal, H. & Mehta, S. (2010). Antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour (Ocb): A conceptual framework in reference to health care sector. Journal of Services Research, 10(2).
  • Christian, J. S. & Ellis, A. P. J. (2014). The crucial role of turnover intentions in transforming moral disengagement into deviant behavior at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 119, 193-208.
  • Coleman, V. I. & Borman, W. C. (2000). Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. Human Resource Management Review, 10(1), 25-44.
  • Cortina, L. M. & Magley, V. J. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: incidence and impact. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6(1), 64-80.
  • Cortina, L. M. & Magley, V. J. (2009). Patterns and profiles of response to incivility in the workplace. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14(3), 272-288. doi:10.1037/a0014934
  • Cropanzano, R., Anthony, E. L., Daniels, S. R. & Hall, A. V. (2017). Social exchange theory: a critical review with theoretical remedies. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 1-38. doi:10.5465/annals.2015.0099
  • Cropanzano, R. & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: an interdisciplinary review. Journal of Management, 31(6), 874-900.
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  • Dhanani, L. Y. & Wolcott, A. M. (2018). A meta-analysis of the antecedents and outcomes of workplace incivility. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Fida, R., Paciello, M., Tramontano, C., Fontaine, R. G., Barbaranelli, C. & Farnese, M. L. (2015). An integrative approach to understanding counterproductive work behavior: The roles of stressors, negative emotions, and moral disengagement. J Bus Ethics, 130, 131-144.
  • Gouldner, A. W. (1960). The norm of reciprocity: A preliminary statement. American Sociological Review, 25(2), 161-178.
  • Grimmer, M. & Oddy, M. (2007). Violation of the psychological contract: The mediating effect of relational versus transactional beliefs. Australian Journal of Management, 32(1).
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis (Vol. 2). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Herriot, P., Manning, W. E. G. & Kidd, J. M. (1997). The content of the psychological contract. British Journal of Management, 8, 151-162.
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  • Hiekkataipale, M.-M. & Lamsa, A.-M. (2017). what should a manager like me do in a situation like this? Strategies for handling ethical problems from the viewpoint of the logic of appropriateness. J Bus Ethics, 145, 457-479.
  • Hoffman, B. J., Blair, C. A., Meriac, J. P. & Woehr, D. J. (2007). Expanding the criterion domain? A quantitative review of the OCB literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(2), 555-566. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.2.555
  • Huang, G.-H., Wellman, N., Ashford, S. J., Lee, C. & Wang, L. (2016). Deviance and exit: the organizational costs of job insecurity and moral disengagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(1). doi:10.1037/apl0000158
  • Itzkovich, Y. (2014). Incivility: The moderating effect of hierarchical status does a manager inflict more damage? Journal of Management Research, 6(3).
  • Jelavic, S. R., Aleksic, A. & Braje, I. N. (2021). Behind the curtain: Workplace incivility—individual actors in cultural settings. Sustainability, 13. doi:
  • Johnson, J. L. & O'leary-Kelly, A. M. (2003). The effects of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism: Not all social exchange violations are created equal. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 627-647.
  • Jungert, T. & Holm, K. (2021). Workplace incivility and bystanders’ helping intentions. International Journal of Conflict Management Communication Quarterly. doi:10.1108/IJCMA-08-2021-0131
  • Karanfil, D. (2019). Work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors. (Doktora Tezi), Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara.
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The Effect of Manager’s Incivility on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediation Role of Psychological Contract Violation and Moral Disengagement

Yıl 2023, , 125 - 139, 20.10.2023


Civility plays a key role in the formation of human relationships. When the subject is considered in the context of organizations, it is seen that civility has an important place in the functioning of the organization. The polite behaviors experienced or observed by the employees in their relations with their managers spread to the whole organization and also spread to the rude and rude behaviors. This situation can disrupt the working order of the organization and damage the employee-organization relationship. From this point of view, in this study, the mediating role of psychological contract violation and moral disengagement in the effect of manager’s incivility on organizational citizenship behavior was examined. The research was conducted on 509 public institution employees in the provinces of Konya, Karaman, Yozgat, and Niğde. The data were analyzed with the Structural Equation Model. Findings show that manager incivility affects organizational citizenship behavior through psychological contract violation and moral disengagement.


  • Akella, D. & Lewis, V. J. (2019). The modern face of workplace incivility. Organization Management Journal, 16(2), 55-60. doi:10.1080/15416518.2019.1604202
  • Alnuaimi, O. A., Jr., L. P. R. & Maruping, L. M. (2010). Team size, dispersion, and social loafing in technology-supported teams: A perspective on the theory of moral disengagement. Journal of Management Information Systems, 27(1), 203-230.
  • Andersson, L. M. & Pearson, C. M. (1999). Tit for tat? The spiraling effect of incivility in the workplace. The Academy of Management Review, 24(3), 452.
  • Bal, P. M., Chiaburu, D. S. & Jansen, P. G. W. (2010). Psychological contract breach and work performance: Is social exchange a buffer or an intensifier? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 252-273.
  • Bandura, A. (1990). Selective activation and disengagement of moral control. Journal of Social Issues, 46(1), 27-46.
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of moral thought and action. In W. M. Kurtines ve J. L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development (Vol. 1, pp. 45-103). hillsdale,NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bandura, A. (1999). Moral disengagement in the perpetration of inhumanities. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 3(3), 193-209.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Selective moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Moral Education, 31(2).
  • Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G. V. & Pastorelli, C. (1996). Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71(2), 364-374.
  • Bandura, A., Caprara, G.-V. & Zsolnai, L. (2000). Corporate transgressions through moral disengagement. Journal of Human Values, 6(1).
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  • Baron, R. A., Zhao, H. & Miao, Q. (2015). Personal motives, moral disengagement, and unethical decisions by entrepreneurs: Cognitive mechanisms on the ‘‘slippery slope’’. J Bus Ethics, 128, 107-118.
  • Barsky, A. (2011). Investigating the effects of moral disengagement and participation on unethical work behavior. J Bus Ethics, 104, 59-75.
  • Basim, H. N. & Şeşen, H. (2015). Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ölçeği uyarlama ve karşılaştırma çalışması. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 61(4).
  • Batson, C. D. & Powell, A. A. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of psychology (Vol. 5). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Bauman, Z. & May, T. (2019). Sosyolojik düşünmek (Vol. 22). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Borman, W. C. (2004). The concept of organizational citizenship. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-241.
  • Caroli, M. E. D. & Sagone, E. (2013). Mechanisms of moral disengagement: An analysis from early adolescence to youth. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140(2014), 312-317. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.426
  • Chahal, H. & Mehta, S. (2010). Antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behaviour (Ocb): A conceptual framework in reference to health care sector. Journal of Services Research, 10(2).
  • Christian, J. S. & Ellis, A. P. J. (2014). The crucial role of turnover intentions in transforming moral disengagement into deviant behavior at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 119, 193-208.
  • Coleman, V. I. & Borman, W. C. (2000). Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. Human Resource Management Review, 10(1), 25-44.
  • Cortina, L. M. & Magley, V. J. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: incidence and impact. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6(1), 64-80.
  • Cortina, L. M. & Magley, V. J. (2009). Patterns and profiles of response to incivility in the workplace. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14(3), 272-288. doi:10.1037/a0014934
  • Cropanzano, R., Anthony, E. L., Daniels, S. R. & Hall, A. V. (2017). Social exchange theory: a critical review with theoretical remedies. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 1-38. doi:10.5465/annals.2015.0099
  • Cropanzano, R. & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: an interdisciplinary review. Journal of Management, 31(6), 874-900.
  • Delcampo, R. (2007). Psychological Contract Violation: An individual difference perspective. International Journal of Management, 24(1).
  • Detert, J. R. (2008). Moral disengagement in ethical decision making: A study of antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(2), 374-391.
  • Dhanani, L. Y. & Wolcott, A. M. (2018). A meta-analysis of the antecedents and outcomes of workplace incivility. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
  • Fida, R., Paciello, M., Tramontano, C., Fontaine, R. G., Barbaranelli, C. & Farnese, M. L. (2015). An integrative approach to understanding counterproductive work behavior: The roles of stressors, negative emotions, and moral disengagement. J Bus Ethics, 130, 131-144.
  • Gouldner, A. W. (1960). The norm of reciprocity: A preliminary statement. American Sociological Review, 25(2), 161-178.
  • Grimmer, M. & Oddy, M. (2007). Violation of the psychological contract: The mediating effect of relational versus transactional beliefs. Australian Journal of Management, 32(1).
  • Hayes, A. F. (2018). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis (Vol. 2). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Herriot, P., Manning, W. E. G. & Kidd, J. M. (1997). The content of the psychological contract. British Journal of Management, 8, 151-162.
  • Hershcovis, M. S. & Barling, J. (2010). Towards a multi-foci approach to workplay aggression: A meta-analytic review of outcomes from different perpetrators. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 24-44.
  • Hiekkataipale, M.-M. & Lamsa, A.-M. (2017). what should a manager like me do in a situation like this? Strategies for handling ethical problems from the viewpoint of the logic of appropriateness. J Bus Ethics, 145, 457-479.
  • Hoffman, B. J., Blair, C. A., Meriac, J. P. & Woehr, D. J. (2007). Expanding the criterion domain? A quantitative review of the OCB literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(2), 555-566. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.2.555
  • Huang, G.-H., Wellman, N., Ashford, S. J., Lee, C. & Wang, L. (2016). Deviance and exit: the organizational costs of job insecurity and moral disengagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(1). doi:10.1037/apl0000158
  • Itzkovich, Y. (2014). Incivility: The moderating effect of hierarchical status does a manager inflict more damage? Journal of Management Research, 6(3).
  • Jelavic, S. R., Aleksic, A. & Braje, I. N. (2021). Behind the curtain: Workplace incivility—individual actors in cultural settings. Sustainability, 13. doi:
  • Johnson, J. L. & O'leary-Kelly, A. M. (2003). The effects of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism: Not all social exchange violations are created equal. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 627-647.
  • Jungert, T. & Holm, K. (2021). Workplace incivility and bystanders’ helping intentions. International Journal of Conflict Management Communication Quarterly. doi:10.1108/IJCMA-08-2021-0131
  • Karanfil, D. (2019). Work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors. (Doktora Tezi), Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara.
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Toplam 88 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Selen Doğan

Fatma Gül Karaçelebi 0000-0001-8165-0491

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Eylül 2023
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, S., & Karaçelebi, F. G. (2023). Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, 10(2), 125-139.
AMA Doğan S, Karaçelebi FG. Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü. İİD. Ekim 2023;10(2):125-139. doi:10.18394/iid.1354306
Chicago Doğan, Selen, ve Fatma Gül Karaçelebi. “Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali Ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Ekim 2023): 125-39.
EndNote Doğan S, Karaçelebi FG (01 Ekim 2023) Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 10 2 125–139.
IEEE S. Doğan ve F. G. Karaçelebi, “Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü”, İİD, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 125–139, 2023, doi: 10.18394/iid.1354306.
ISNAD Doğan, Selen - Karaçelebi, Fatma Gül. “Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali Ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü”. İş ve İnsan Dergisi 10/2 (Ekim 2023), 125-139.
JAMA Doğan S, Karaçelebi FG. Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü. İİD. 2023;10:125–139.
MLA Doğan, Selen ve Fatma Gül Karaçelebi. “Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali Ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü”. İş Ve İnsan Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 125-39, doi:10.18394/iid.1354306.
Vancouver Doğan S, Karaçelebi FG. Yönetici Nezaketsizliğinin Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışına Etkisi: Psikolojik Sözleşme İhlali ve Ahlaki Çözülmenin Aracılık Rolü. İİD. 2023;10(2):125-39.

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