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Examination of Factors Affecting Students’ Reading-Comprehension Achievement with Structural Equation Modeling

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 428 - 442, 19.09.2018


It is noted in the light of several studies
associated with the reading-comprehension skills that fluent word reading,
connectives knowledge and fluent text reading are closely related to the
comprehension skill. Hence it seems possible to create a model over these concepts
and their interrelationships. Within the scope of this research two different
models are proposed considering theoretical information. The
study group of the research was composed of 263 secondary school students at a
state school in Burdur province. Three different confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA) were performed to see whether factor structures were confirmed on the
sample by using the maximum estimate method of the AMOS 18 software.
of Covariance and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance were performed to
determine whether the demographic variables grade level and gender had a
significant effect on the scale scores. These analyzes were also performed in
the SPSS 18 program. It has been found that as the grade level of the students
increases, connective usage konowledge increases, the fluent silent word
reading, the fluent silent text reading, the reading comprehension and the
academic achievements increase as the grade level increases. This research
concluded that reading comprehension strongly and significantly predicted
academic achievement. But however, fluent silent text reading did not predict
reading comprehension significantly. According to the results of the research,
the model formed by the sub-dimensions of binding usage information shows
better fit.


  • Akay, A. A. (2004). İlköğretim 2. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin matematik problemlerini çözme başarısına etkisi [Effect of reading comprehension skills on mathematical problem solving among elementary second-grade students]. İstanbul: Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Postgraduate Thesis.
  • Bakeman, R., & Robinson, B. F. (2014). Understanding statistics in the behavioral science. Mahwah, New Jersey: Psychology Press.
  • Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
  • Başaran, M. (2013). Okuduğunu anlamanın bir göstergesi olarak akıcı okuma [Fluency reading as an indicator of reading comprehension]. KUYEB, 13 (4), 2277-2290.
  • Baştuğ, M. & Keskin, H., K. (2012). Akıcı okuma becerileri ile anlama düzeyleri (basit ve çıkarımsal) arasındaki ilişki [Relationship between fluency reading skills and comprehension levels (literal and inferential)]. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education (KEFAD), 13 (3), 227-244.
  • Bayat, N.; Şekercioğlu, G. & Bakır, S. (2014). The Relationship Between Reading Comprehension and Success in Science. Education and Science, 39 (176), 457-466.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Caccamise, D., Snyder, L., & Kintsch, E. (2008). Constructivist theory and the situation model: Relevance to future assessment of reading comprehension. In C. C. Block, & S. R. Parris (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices (2nd ed., pp. 80-97). NY: The Guilford Press. Chapple
  • Castillo, J.M., Torgesen, J.K., Powell-Smith, K.A., & Al-Otaiba, S. (2009). Examining the decision reliability and validity of three reading fluency measures for predicting outcomes on statewide reading accountability tests. In R.K. Wagner, S. Schatsneider, & C. PhythianSence (Eds.), Beyond decoding: The behavioral and biological foundations of reading comprehension (pp. 195-223). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Comrey, A. L. (1988). Methodological contributions to clinical research. Factor-analytic methods of scale development in personality and clinical psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(5), 754-761.
  • Çetinkaya, G. & Uzun, L. (2011). Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Metinlerin Okunabilirlik Özellikleri [Readability Qualities of Turkish Course Book Texts], Ed. Hakan Ülper, Türkçe Ders Kitabı Çözümlemeleri [Analyses of Turkish Course Book], Ankara: PegemA yay.
  • Çetinkaya, G., Ülper, H. and Bayat, N. (2014). Bağlayıcı testinin geliştirilmesi ve öğrencilerin bağlayıcı bilgisinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi [Developing Connectives Test and examining students’ connectives knowledge based on various variables] International Journal of Language Academy, 2(3), 88-98.
  • Çetinkaya, G.; Ülper, H. & Yağmur, K. (2015). Öğrencilerin Doğru ve Akıcı Sessiz Sözcük Okuma Becerileriyle Kavrama Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki [Relationship between Students’ Reading Accuracy and Fluency and Comprehension Achievements], İlköğretim Online, 14(3), 993-1004.
  • Dowhower, S. (1987). Effects of repeated reading on second-grade transitional readers’ fluency and comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 22, 389-406.
  • Flores d’Arcadais, G. D. (1984). Lexical knowledge and word recognition: Children’s reading of function words. Visible Language, 18(4), 359-377.
  • Fuchs, L.S., Fuchs, D., Hosp, M.D. and Jenkins, J. (2001). Oral reading fluency as an indicator of reading competence: A theoretical, empirical, and historical analysis. Scientific Studies of Reading, 5, 239– 259. Geva, E.; Ryan, E., B. (1985). Use of conjunctions in expository text by skilled and less skilled readers. Journal of Reading Behavior, 17(4), 331-345.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1995). Evaluating model fit. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp.76-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Jenkins, J. R., & Jewell, M. (1993). Examining the validity of two measures for formative teaching: Reading aloud and maze. Exceptional Children, 59, 421–432.
  • Kim, K. H., & Bentler, P. M. (2006). Data modeling: Structural equation modeling. In J. L. Green, G. Camilli, & P. B. Elmore (Eds.), Handbook of complementary methods in education research (pp. 161-175). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Kim, Y S, Wagner, R, K. & Lopez, D. (2012). Developmental relations between reading fluency and reading comprehension: A longitudinal study from Grade 1 to Grade 2. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113, 93-111.
  • Kurtul, K. (2011). Türkçe ve İngilizce’deki Bağlaçların Yazılı Metinlerde Kullanımı [Use of Turkish and English Connectives in Written Texts]. (Unpublished doctoral thesis) Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Littlefield, H. (2005). Lexical and functional prepositions in acquisition: Evidence for a Hybrid Category. Boston University Conference on Language Development 29, Online Proceedings Supplement.
  • McNamara, D.S., Kintsch, E., Songer, N.B., & Kintsch, W. (1996). Are good texts always better? Text coherence, background knowledge, and levels of understanding in learning from text. Cognition and Instruction, 14, 1-43.
  • National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assesment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Washington, DC: The National Instute of Child Health and Human Development.
  • Noordman, L. G., Vonk, W., & Kempff, H. J. (1992). Causal inferences during the reading of expository texts. Journal of Memory and Language, 31(5), 573-590.
  • Oakhill, J; Cain, K & Elbro, C. (2015). Understanding and teaching reading comprehension: A handbook., New York: Routledge.
  • Özdemir & Sertsöz (2006). Okuduğunu anlama davranıșının kazandırılmasının matematik bașarısına etkisi [How bringing reading comprehension behavior to students affect mathematics achievement]. M.U. Atatürk Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 23, 237-257.
  • Perfetti, C. A. (1998). Two basic questions about reading and learning to read. In P. Reitsma & L. Verhoven (Eds.) Problems and interventions in literacy development (pp. 15-48). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer-Academic Publisher.
  • Perfetti, C. (2007). Reading ability: Lexical quality to comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11(4), 357-383.
  • Pikulski, J. J. & Chard, D. J. (2005). Fluency: Bridge between decoding and reading comprehension. Reading Teacher, 58, 510-519.
  • Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), 717-731.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74.
  • Schumacker, R. E., & Lomax, R. G. (2004). Beginner’s guide to structural equation modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic intervals for indirect effects in structural equations models. Sociological Methodology, 13, 290-312.
  • Smith, T. C., & Witten, I. H. (1993). Language inference from function words (Computer Science Working Papers 93/3). Hamilton, New Zealand: Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato.
  • Sanders, T. J. M; Noordman, L. G. M. (2000). The role of coherence relations and their linguistic markers in text processing. Discourse Processes, 29(1), 37-60.
  • Ural, A. & Ülper, H. (2013). İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme ile Okuduğunu Anlama Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Relationship between Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematical Modeling and Reading Comprehension Skills]. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi - Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 6(2), 214-241.
  • Ülper, H. & Yağmur, K. (2016) Akıcı sessiz sözcük okuma testinin geliştirilmesi [Developing the fluent silent word reading test]. İlköğretim Online, 15(2), 581-593.
  • Ülper, H.; Çetinkaya, G. & Bayat, Nihat (2017). Okuduğunu anlama testinin geliştirilmesi [Developing the reading comprehension test]. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education (KEFAD), 18 (1), 175-187.
  • van Silfhout, G., Evers-Vermeul, J. & Sanders, T. (2015) Connectives as processing signals: how students benefit in processing narrative and expository texts. Discourse Processes, 52(1), 47-76
  • Verhoeven, L. & Leeuwe, J. V. (2008). Prediction of the development of reading comprehension: a longitudinal study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 407–423.
  • Yıldız, M. (2013). Okuma motivasyonu, akıcı okuma ve okuduğunu anlamanın beşinci sınıf öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarındaki rolü [Role of reading motivation, reading fluency and reading comprehension on fifth-grade students academic achievements], Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8/4, 1461-1478.
  • Yıldırım, K.; Yıldız, M. & Ateş, S. (2011). Kelime Bilgisi Okuduğunu Anlamanın Anlamlı Bir Yordayıcısı mıdır ve Yordama Gücü Metin Türlerine Göre Farklılaşmakta mıdır? [Is Lexical Knowledge a Predictor of Reading Comprehension and Do its Predictiveness Differ by Types of Text?] Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, (3), 1531-1547.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2008). Kelime tekrar tekniğinin akıcı okuma becerilerini geliştirmeye etkisi [Effect of word repetition technique on improving the reading fluency skills]. Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(2), 323-350.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2011). İlköğretim 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama seviyeleri ile Türkçe, matematik, sosyal bilgiler ve fen ve teknoloji derslerindeki başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi [Relationship between elementary fourth-grade students’ reading comprehension levels and achievements in the courses of Turkish, mathematics, social studies, and science and technology]. Dumlupınar University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 29, 9-13.
  • Yılmaz, B. (2012). Okuma Alışkanlığının Okul Başarısına Etkisi: Ankara Keçiören Atapark İlköğretim Okulu Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma [How Reading Habit Affects School Achievement: Research on Students of Ankara Keçiören Atapark Elementary School]. Külcü, Ö.; Çakmak. T. & Özel, N. (Ed.), Prof. Prof. K. Gülbün Baydur’a armağan [A Gift to Prof. K. Gülbün Baydur] (210-218). Ankara: Özyurt Matbaacılık.
  • Zufferey, S., Mak, W., Degand, L., & Sanders, T. (2015). Advanced learners’ comprehension of discourse connectives: The role of L1 transfer across on-line and off-line tasks. Visible Language, 18(31), 389-411.

Examination of Factors Affecting Students’ Reading-Comprehension Achievement with Structural Equation Modeling

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 428 - 442, 19.09.2018


It is noted in the light of several studies associated with the reading-comprehension skills that fluent word reading, connectives knowledge and fluent text reading are closely related to the comprehension skill. Hence it seems possible to create a model over these concepts and their interrelationships. Within the scope of this research two different models are proposed considering theoretical information. The study group of the research was composed of 263 secondary school students at a state school in Burdur province. Three different confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed to see whether factor structures were confirmed on the sample by using the maximum estimate method of the AMOS 18 software. Analysis of Covariance and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance were performed to determine whether the demographic variables grade level and gender had a significant effect on the scale scores. These analyzes were also performed in the SPSS 18 program. It has been found that as the grade level of the students increases, connective usage konowledge increases, the fluent silent word reading, the fluent silent text reading, the reading comprehension and the academic achievements increase as the grade level increases. This research concluded that reading comprehension strongly and significantly predicted academic achievement. But however, fluent silent text reading did not predict reading comprehension significantly. According to the results of the research, the model formed by the sub-dimensions of binding usage information shows better fit.


  • Akay, A. A. (2004). İlköğretim 2. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama becerilerinin matematik problemlerini çözme başarısına etkisi [Effect of reading comprehension skills on mathematical problem solving among elementary second-grade students]. İstanbul: Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Postgraduate Thesis.
  • Bakeman, R., & Robinson, B. F. (2014). Understanding statistics in the behavioral science. Mahwah, New Jersey: Psychology Press.
  • Baron, R. M., & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
  • Başaran, M. (2013). Okuduğunu anlamanın bir göstergesi olarak akıcı okuma [Fluency reading as an indicator of reading comprehension]. KUYEB, 13 (4), 2277-2290.
  • Baştuğ, M. & Keskin, H., K. (2012). Akıcı okuma becerileri ile anlama düzeyleri (basit ve çıkarımsal) arasındaki ilişki [Relationship between fluency reading skills and comprehension levels (literal and inferential)]. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education (KEFAD), 13 (3), 227-244.
  • Bayat, N.; Şekercioğlu, G. & Bakır, S. (2014). The Relationship Between Reading Comprehension and Success in Science. Education and Science, 39 (176), 457-466.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Caccamise, D., Snyder, L., & Kintsch, E. (2008). Constructivist theory and the situation model: Relevance to future assessment of reading comprehension. In C. C. Block, & S. R. Parris (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices (2nd ed., pp. 80-97). NY: The Guilford Press. Chapple
  • Castillo, J.M., Torgesen, J.K., Powell-Smith, K.A., & Al-Otaiba, S. (2009). Examining the decision reliability and validity of three reading fluency measures for predicting outcomes on statewide reading accountability tests. In R.K. Wagner, S. Schatsneider, & C. PhythianSence (Eds.), Beyond decoding: The behavioral and biological foundations of reading comprehension (pp. 195-223). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Comrey, A. L. (1988). Methodological contributions to clinical research. Factor-analytic methods of scale development in personality and clinical psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(5), 754-761.
  • Çetinkaya, G. & Uzun, L. (2011). Türkçe Ders Kitaplarındaki Metinlerin Okunabilirlik Özellikleri [Readability Qualities of Turkish Course Book Texts], Ed. Hakan Ülper, Türkçe Ders Kitabı Çözümlemeleri [Analyses of Turkish Course Book], Ankara: PegemA yay.
  • Çetinkaya, G., Ülper, H. and Bayat, N. (2014). Bağlayıcı testinin geliştirilmesi ve öğrencilerin bağlayıcı bilgisinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi [Developing Connectives Test and examining students’ connectives knowledge based on various variables] International Journal of Language Academy, 2(3), 88-98.
  • Çetinkaya, G.; Ülper, H. & Yağmur, K. (2015). Öğrencilerin Doğru ve Akıcı Sessiz Sözcük Okuma Becerileriyle Kavrama Başarıları Arasındaki İlişki [Relationship between Students’ Reading Accuracy and Fluency and Comprehension Achievements], İlköğretim Online, 14(3), 993-1004.
  • Dowhower, S. (1987). Effects of repeated reading on second-grade transitional readers’ fluency and comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 22, 389-406.
  • Flores d’Arcadais, G. D. (1984). Lexical knowledge and word recognition: Children’s reading of function words. Visible Language, 18(4), 359-377.
  • Fuchs, L.S., Fuchs, D., Hosp, M.D. and Jenkins, J. (2001). Oral reading fluency as an indicator of reading competence: A theoretical, empirical, and historical analysis. Scientific Studies of Reading, 5, 239– 259. Geva, E.; Ryan, E., B. (1985). Use of conjunctions in expository text by skilled and less skilled readers. Journal of Reading Behavior, 17(4), 331-345.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1995). Evaluating model fit. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.), Structural equation modeling: Concepts, issues, and applications (pp.76-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Jenkins, J. R., & Jewell, M. (1993). Examining the validity of two measures for formative teaching: Reading aloud and maze. Exceptional Children, 59, 421–432.
  • Kim, K. H., & Bentler, P. M. (2006). Data modeling: Structural equation modeling. In J. L. Green, G. Camilli, & P. B. Elmore (Eds.), Handbook of complementary methods in education research (pp. 161-175). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Kim, Y S, Wagner, R, K. & Lopez, D. (2012). Developmental relations between reading fluency and reading comprehension: A longitudinal study from Grade 1 to Grade 2. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113, 93-111.
  • Kurtul, K. (2011). Türkçe ve İngilizce’deki Bağlaçların Yazılı Metinlerde Kullanımı [Use of Turkish and English Connectives in Written Texts]. (Unpublished doctoral thesis) Ankara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Littlefield, H. (2005). Lexical and functional prepositions in acquisition: Evidence for a Hybrid Category. Boston University Conference on Language Development 29, Online Proceedings Supplement.
  • McNamara, D.S., Kintsch, E., Songer, N.B., & Kintsch, W. (1996). Are good texts always better? Text coherence, background knowledge, and levels of understanding in learning from text. Cognition and Instruction, 14, 1-43.
  • National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assesment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. Washington, DC: The National Instute of Child Health and Human Development.
  • Noordman, L. G., Vonk, W., & Kempff, H. J. (1992). Causal inferences during the reading of expository texts. Journal of Memory and Language, 31(5), 573-590.
  • Oakhill, J; Cain, K & Elbro, C. (2015). Understanding and teaching reading comprehension: A handbook., New York: Routledge.
  • Özdemir & Sertsöz (2006). Okuduğunu anlama davranıșının kazandırılmasının matematik bașarısına etkisi [How bringing reading comprehension behavior to students affect mathematics achievement]. M.U. Atatürk Faculty of Education Journal of Educational Sciences, 23, 237-257.
  • Perfetti, C. A. (1998). Two basic questions about reading and learning to read. In P. Reitsma & L. Verhoven (Eds.) Problems and interventions in literacy development (pp. 15-48). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer-Academic Publisher.
  • Perfetti, C. (2007). Reading ability: Lexical quality to comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11(4), 357-383.
  • Pikulski, J. J. & Chard, D. J. (2005). Fluency: Bridge between decoding and reading comprehension. Reading Teacher, 58, 510-519.
  • Preacher, K. J., & Hayes, A. F. (2004). SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), 717-731.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23-74.
  • Schumacker, R. E., & Lomax, R. G. (2004). Beginner’s guide to structural equation modeling (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic intervals for indirect effects in structural equations models. Sociological Methodology, 13, 290-312.
  • Smith, T. C., & Witten, I. H. (1993). Language inference from function words (Computer Science Working Papers 93/3). Hamilton, New Zealand: Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato.
  • Sanders, T. J. M; Noordman, L. G. M. (2000). The role of coherence relations and their linguistic markers in text processing. Discourse Processes, 29(1), 37-60.
  • Ural, A. & Ülper, H. (2013). İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme ile Okuduğunu Anlama Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Relationship between Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematical Modeling and Reading Comprehension Skills]. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi - Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 6(2), 214-241.
  • Ülper, H. & Yağmur, K. (2016) Akıcı sessiz sözcük okuma testinin geliştirilmesi [Developing the fluent silent word reading test]. İlköğretim Online, 15(2), 581-593.
  • Ülper, H.; Çetinkaya, G. & Bayat, Nihat (2017). Okuduğunu anlama testinin geliştirilmesi [Developing the reading comprehension test]. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education (KEFAD), 18 (1), 175-187.
  • van Silfhout, G., Evers-Vermeul, J. & Sanders, T. (2015) Connectives as processing signals: how students benefit in processing narrative and expository texts. Discourse Processes, 52(1), 47-76
  • Verhoeven, L. & Leeuwe, J. V. (2008). Prediction of the development of reading comprehension: a longitudinal study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 407–423.
  • Yıldız, M. (2013). Okuma motivasyonu, akıcı okuma ve okuduğunu anlamanın beşinci sınıf öğrencilerinin akademik başarılarındaki rolü [Role of reading motivation, reading fluency and reading comprehension on fifth-grade students academic achievements], Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 8/4, 1461-1478.
  • Yıldırım, K.; Yıldız, M. & Ateş, S. (2011). Kelime Bilgisi Okuduğunu Anlamanın Anlamlı Bir Yordayıcısı mıdır ve Yordama Gücü Metin Türlerine Göre Farklılaşmakta mıdır? [Is Lexical Knowledge a Predictor of Reading Comprehension and Do its Predictiveness Differ by Types of Text?] Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, (3), 1531-1547.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2008). Kelime tekrar tekniğinin akıcı okuma becerilerini geliştirmeye etkisi [Effect of word repetition technique on improving the reading fluency skills]. Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(2), 323-350.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2011). İlköğretim 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin okuduğunu anlama seviyeleri ile Türkçe, matematik, sosyal bilgiler ve fen ve teknoloji derslerindeki başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi [Relationship between elementary fourth-grade students’ reading comprehension levels and achievements in the courses of Turkish, mathematics, social studies, and science and technology]. Dumlupınar University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 29, 9-13.
  • Yılmaz, B. (2012). Okuma Alışkanlığının Okul Başarısına Etkisi: Ankara Keçiören Atapark İlköğretim Okulu Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma [How Reading Habit Affects School Achievement: Research on Students of Ankara Keçiören Atapark Elementary School]. Külcü, Ö.; Çakmak. T. & Özel, N. (Ed.), Prof. Prof. K. Gülbün Baydur’a armağan [A Gift to Prof. K. Gülbün Baydur] (210-218). Ankara: Özyurt Matbaacılık.
  • Zufferey, S., Mak, W., Degand, L., & Sanders, T. (2015). Advanced learners’ comprehension of discourse connectives: The role of L1 transfer across on-line and off-line tasks. Visible Language, 18(31), 389-411.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan Ülper

Gökhan Çetinkaya

Ayhan Dikici Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ülper, H., Çetinkaya, G., & Dikici, A. (2018). Examination of Factors Affecting Students’ Reading-Comprehension Achievement with Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(3), 428-442.

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