Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 1.04.2016

Yıl: 2016

Araştırma Makalesi


1. Development Strategy of Service Sector in Conditions of Federal States Entities Autonomy Increasing


2. The Mechanism of State-Public Management of Vocational Education in the Region


3. Pedagogical Managerial Mechanisms of the Labor Market Needs in a New Generation of Specialists


4. University Educational District as an Innovative Corporation and Education Management Entity


5. Pedagogical Management of Civil Education of Research Universities Students


6. Education as the Management of Research Universities Students' Socialization


7. The Managerial Mechanism of Future Competitive Technical Specialists Vocational Training: the Russian Experience


8. Higher School Teachers Training Model Features


9. Innovative Entrepreneurship in Education: A New Look in the Students Training Content and Existing Problems


10. The Implementation of Trans-Disciplinary Principle in the Content of Higher School Students Humanitarian Training


11. Social Partnership Approach for Effective Social Worker Education


12. Modeling of Art Students’ Intellectual Motivating Training in Fundamentals of Philosophy


13. Pedagogical Support of Foreign Students Social Adaptation in Russian University


14. Educational Systems Scenarios Development in Modern Conditions


15. Students Virtual and Social Identity in the Process of Humanities Study: the Problems of its Correction


16. Training Features to Japanese Experience Constructive Use in Russia in Traditional Folk Cultures Pedagogical Potential Implementation


17. Didactic Possibilities of Formation of University Students Professionally Significant Personal Qualities


19. Information and Communication Technologies in Education as a Factor of Students Motivation


20. Intellectual Resource for Professional Culture Formation of a High School Student - Future Specialist for Modern Production


21. Managerial Features of the Municipal Educational System in Russia


22. Development of Teaching Staff Members’ Corporate Competitiveness: Research of Effectiveness


23. Selective Support for the Development of Regional Vocational Education Services: the Russian Experience


24. The Managerial Mechanism of Social Sphere Future Specialists’ Professional World View Formation


25. Features of Integrative Relations between Science, State and Industry in Russia and Abroad


26. The Essence and Content of State Regulation of Services Development in Conditions of Increasing Autonomy of Federal State Entities


27. The Research of the Effectiveness of the Program on Formation of Patriotic Qualities of Pupils


28. Psychological Conditions for the Acceptance of Religious Education by a New Generation of Russians


29. The Mechanism of Industrial Educational Clusters Creation as Managerial Entities of Vocational Education


30. The Manageability of the Educational System: Characteristics and Optimization


31. Management Effectiveness of Students Socialization as a Development Imperative of Cultures Dialogue and Civilizations Partnership


32. The Model of Formation of Patriotism at Schoolchildren by Means of Folk Pedagogics


33. Elaboration of a Frame Model for Intensification and Managing Requirements to Learning Outcomes in Regional Systems of Continuing Professional Education


34. Identities Management as a Solidarities Constructing Tool in Contemporary Society


35. The Management of Russian Universities on the Basis of International Education Quality Standards


36. The Preconditions of Economic Management of Problematic Region in a Federal State


37. Innovative Forms of Production Organization in the Context of High-Tech Meso-Economic Systems Sustainable Development


38. The Methods of National Innovation Systems Assessing


41. The Use of MBO (Management of Objectives) Method of Attraction and Evaluation of Effectiveness of Investments to the Tourism and Hospitality


42. The Management of Youth Employment in a Lifelong Engineering Education System


43. Civil-Law Education: Foreign and Russian Experience


44. Management of Students Professional Competencies Formation on the basis of Interdisciplinary Integration


45. Pedagogical Conditions of College Students’ Core Competencies Formation in the Process of Foreign Languages Learning


46. Features of Pedagogical Management of Students Civil and Patriotic Qualities Forming


47. The Mechanism of State Regulation of Regional Services Markets as an Imperative to Reduce Territorial Socio-Economic Disparities


48. Digital Technology in the Field of Educational Services


49. Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Services Spheres Innovative Development Maintenance as a Component of Management of Regional Economy


50. Market Regulators of Service Spheres Innovative Development as a Tool of Regional Socio-Economic Policy


51. Sociality and Person-Oriented Approach of Modern Education



18. The Traditional and Innovative Technologies of Vocational Guidance Work with Pupils and Students