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A Suggestion and Evaluation of a STEM Activity about Friction Coefficient for Pre-Service Science Teachers

Yıl 2022, , 202 - 235, 23.04.2022


In this study, the process of developing and evaluating a STEM activity which can be implemented during Science Teaching Laboratory Practice course in accordance with the 5E Model related to the concept of friction coefficient was addressed. The implementation of the activity was conducted in the form of a case study with the participation of 16 third year pre-service science teachers. Student journal forms and worksheets were utilized for the evaluation of the activity. As a result, it was determined that planned activity could be successfully applied to the pre-service teachers during the weekly course hours of Science Teaching Laboratory Practice course. In addition, positive feedbacks were obtained from pre-service teachers’ evaluation for the activity. It is believed that such studies, which establish connections between science and different disciplines, can contribute to the training of qualified science teachers and that such studies should be given more space in science teacher education.


  • Algodoo (n.d.) Algoryx momentum. Retrieved December 12, 2021 from
  • Anagün, S.Ş., Karahan, E., & Kılıç, Z. (2020). Primary school teacher candidates' experiences regarding problem-based STEM applications. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 11(4), 571-598.
  • Barcelona, K. (2014). 21st century curriculum change initiative: A focus on STEM education as an integrated approach to teaching and learning. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(10), 862-875.
  • Becker, K., & Park, K. (2011). Effects of integrative approaches among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects on students’ learning: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal of STEM Education, 12(5&6), 23-37.
  • Besson, U., Borghi, L., De Ambrosis, A., & Mascheretti, P. (2010). A three-dimensional approach and open source structure for the design and experimentation of teaching-learning sequences: The case of friction. International Journal of Science Education, 32(10), 1289–1313.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2018). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education] (25th Ed.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bybee, R.W. (2009). The BSCS 5E instructional model and 21st century skills. A commissioned paper prepared for a workshop on exploring the intersection of science education and the development of 21st century skills. The National Academies Board on Science Education.
  • Campbell, C., Speldewinde, C., Howitt, C., & MacDonald, A. (2018). STEM practice in the early years. Creative Education, 9, 11-25.
  • Cari, C., Wulandari, P.S., Aminah, N.S., Handhika, J., & Nugraha, D.A. (2019). Students’ understanding level of friction force direction concept on rolling object. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1153, 1-9.
  • Cayvaz, A., & Akçay, H. (2018). The effects of using algodoo in science teaching at middle school. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 9, 151-156.
  • Coramik, M., & Ürek, H. (2021). Calculation of kinetic friction coefficient with Phyphox, Tracker and Algodoo. Physics Education, 56(6), 1-10.
  • Corpuz, E.G., & Rebello, N.S. (2011). Investigating students’ mental models and knowledge construction of microscopic friction. I. Implications for curriculum design and development. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 7, 1-9.
  • Çakır, Z., Altun Yalçın, S., & Yalçın, P. (2020). Montessori yaklaşımı temelli STEM etkinliklerinin okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünme eğilimlerine etkisi [The effect of Montessori approach based STEM activities on pre-school teacher candidates’ critical thinking tendencies]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 18-45.
  • Çelik, H., Sarı, U., & Harwanto, U.N. (2014). Developing and evaluating physics teaching material with Algodoo (phun) in virtual environment; Archimedes’ Principle. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 1, 178-183.
  • Çevik, M., Danıştay, A., & Yağcı, A. (2017). Ortaokul öğretmenlerinin FeTeMM (fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik) farkındalıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of STEM (science–technology–engineering–mathematics) awareness of secondary school teachers with various variables]. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 7(3), 584-599.
  • Çoban, A. (2021). Algodoo for online education: Impulse and momentum activities. Physics Education, 56, 1-6.
  • Dağdalan, G., & Taş, E. (2017). Simülasyon destekli fen öğretiminin öğrencilerin başarısına ve bilgisayar destekli fen öğretimine yönelik tutumlarına etkisi [Effect of simulation–based science teaching on students’ achievement and attitudes towards computer–based science teaching]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 5(2), 160-172.
  • Dani, D.E., Hartman, S.L., & Helfrich, S.R. (2018). Learning to teach science: Elementary teacher candidates facilitate informal STEM events. The New Educator, 14(4), 363-380.
  • da Silva, S.L., Junior, J.T.G., da Silva, R.L., Viana, E.R., & Leal, F.F. (2014). An alternative for teaching and learning the simple diffusion process using Algodoo animations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6666.
  • Er, K.O., & Acar-Başeğmez, D. (2020). The relation between STEM awareness and self-efficacy belief related to STEM practice of pre-service teachers. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi (EFMED), 14(2), 941-987.
  • Gregorcic, B. (2015). Exploring Kepler’s laws using an interactive whiteboard and Algodoo. Physics Education, 50, 1-6.
  • Güven, G., & Sülün, Y. (2018). Investigation of the effect of the interdisciplinary instructional approach on pre-service science teachers’ cognitive structure about the concept of energy. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi (EFMED), 12(1), 249-281.
  • Herdem, K. (2021). STEM etkinliklerinin 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin bilimsel değerlere eğilimi ve STEM mesleklerine yönelik ilgileri üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of STEM activities on tendency towards scientific values and interest in STEM profession fields of 7th grade students]. Unpublished phD dissertation. İnönü University, Malatya.
  • Huang, C.Z.R., Wood, R.W., & Demos, S.G. (2018). Adaptation of microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation for enhancing stem and undergraduate education. J. Biomed. Opt. 23(12), 1-8.
  • Karataş, F.Ö. (2018). Eğitimde geleneksel anlayışa yeni bir S(İ)TEM [A reproach to the traditional view in education]. In S. Çepni (Ed.), Kuramdan uygulamaya STEM eğitimi [STEM education from theory to practice] (pp.53-68), Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Karışan, D., & Bakırcı, H. (2018). Öğretmen adaylarının FeTeMM öğretim yönelimlerinin anabilim dalına ve sınıf düzeyine göre incelenmesi [Exploration of preservice teachers’ STEM teaching intentions with respect to the department and grade]. Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 152-175.
  • Kennedy, J.T., & Odell, M.R.L. (2014). Engaging students in STEM education. Science Education International, 25(3), 246-258.
  • Kızılcık, H.Ş., Aygün, M., Şahin, E., Önder-Çelikkanlı, N., Türk, O., Taşkın, T., & Güneş, B. (2021). Possible misconceptions about solid friction. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17, 1-20.
  • Kulakoğlu, B. (2019). The unknown territory of stem: The perceptions of high school administrators. Unpublished master’s thesis. Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Kurnaz, M.A., & Eksi, C. (2015). An analysis of high school students’ mental models of solid friction in physics. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(3), 787-795.
  • Koyunlu-Ünlü, Z., & Dere, Z. (2019). Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının FeTeMM farkındalıklarının değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of pre-service preschool teachers’ awareness of STEM]. Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 44-55.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE]. (2018). Fen bilimleri dersi öğretim programı (ilkokul ve ortaokul 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıflar için) [Science course teaching program (for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary and middle school)]. Ankara. Retrieved November 12, 2021 from the website
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis an expanded sourcebook. (2nd Ed.), California: Sage Publications.
  • Özçakır-Sümen, Ö., & Çalışıcı, H. (2019). STEM proje tabanlı öğrenme ortamında sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının geliştirdikleri matematik projelerinin incelenmesi [An investigation of mathematics projects developed by prospective primary school teachers in STEM project-based learning environment]. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 238- 252.
  • Özdemir, A.U., & Cappellaro, E. (2020). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin FeTeMM farkındalıkları ve FeTeMM eğitimi uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri [Elementary school teachers’ STEM awareness and their opinions towards STEM education practices]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 46.75.
  • Özdemir, E., & Çoramık, M. (2021). Optik öğretiminde Algodoo kullanımı [The use of Algodoo in physics teaching]. ISPEC 7th International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities, 972-981.
  • Özer, İ.E., Canbazoğlu Bilici, S., & Karahan, E. (2016). Fen bilimleri dersinde Algodoo kullanımına yönelik öğrenci görüşleri [Middle school students’ opinions towards using Algodoo simulations in science classrooms]. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 28-40.
  • Radloff, J., & Guzey, S. (2016). Investigating preservice STEM teacher conceptions of STEM education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(5), 759–774.
  • Saraç, E., & Doğru, M. (2021). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının STEM eğitimi tasarlama ve uygulama deneyimlerinin incelenmesi [Examination of prospective primary teachers' STEM education design and implementation experiences]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretim Dergisi, 9(1), 1-37.
  • Sarı, U., Duygu, E., Şen, Ö.F., & Kırındı, T. (2020). The effect of STEM education on scientific process skills and STEM awareness in simulation based inquiry learning environment. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(3), 387-405.
  • Saylan-Kırmızıgül, A. (2020). Simülasyon tabanlı öğrenme ile STEM eğitimi [STEM education with simulation based learning]. In M. Çevik (Ed.), Ders planları kurgusunda öğretme öğrenme yaklaşımlarıyla uygulamalı STEM eğitimi [Practical STEM education with learning-teaching approaches based on lesson plan designs] (pp. 319-341). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Scholz, R.W., & Tietje, O. (2002). Embedded case study methods: Integrating quantitative and qualitative knowledge. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Serway, R.A. & Jewett, J.W. (2004). Physics for scientists and engineers. California: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  • Sungur-Gül, K. (2020). Tasarım temelli öğrenme yaklaşımı ile STEM eğitimi [STEM education with design based learning approach]. In M. Çevik (Ed.), Ders planları kurgusunda öğretme öğrenme yaklaşımlarıyla uygulamalı STEM eğitimi [Practical STEM education with learning-teaching approaches based on lesson plan designs], (pp.181-206), Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Şahin, F., Göcük, A., & Sevgi, Y. (2018). Fizik, kimya, biyoloji ve fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının disiplinlerarası ilişki kurma düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Kan basıncı [Examination of physics, chemistry, biology and science preservice teachers’ levels of interdisciplinary relationship: Blood pressure]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 6(1), 73-95
  • Taştan-Akdağ, F., & Güneş, T. (2018). Kuvvet ve hareket ünitesinin bilgisayar destekli öğretiminde Algodoo kullanımı [Using Algodoo in computer assisted teaching of force and movement unit]. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 4(1), 138-149.
  • Tippett, C.D., & Milford, T.M. (2017). Findings from a pre-kindergarten classroom: Making the case for STEM in early childhood education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15, 67–86.
  • Ültay, N., Emeksiz, N., & Durmuş, R. (2020). STEAM yaklaşımına ilişkin örnek bir uygulama ve uygulama hakkında öğrenci görüşleri [An example STEAM implementation and student opinions about the implementation]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 1-17.
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods (4th Ed.). London: Sage.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2021). Teoriden pratiğe STEM eğitimi uygulama kitabı [STEM education implementation book from theory to practice]. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods in social sciences] (11th Ed.). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • YÖK, (2018). Fen bilgisi öğretmenliği lisans programı [Science teacher education udergraduate program] Retrieved November 20, 2021 from the website

A Suggestion and Evaluation of a STEM Activity about Friction Coefficient for Pre-Service Science Teachers

Yıl 2022, , 202 - 235, 23.04.2022


In this study, the process of developing and evaluating a STEM activity which can be implemented during Science Teaching Laboratory Practice course in accordance with the 5E Model related to the concept of friction coefficient was addressed. The implementation of the activity was conducted in the form of a case study with the participation of 16 third year pre-service science teachers. Student journal forms and worksheets were utilized for the evaluation of the activity. As a result, it was determined that planned activity could be successfully applied to the pre-service teachers during the weekly course hours of Science Teaching Laboratory Practice course. In addition, positive feedbacks were obtained from pre-service teachers’ evaluation for the activity. It is believed that such studies, which establish connections between science and different disciplines, can contribute to the training of qualified science teachers and that such studies should be given more space in science teacher education.


  • Algodoo (n.d.) Algoryx momentum. Retrieved December 12, 2021 from
  • Anagün, S.Ş., Karahan, E., & Kılıç, Z. (2020). Primary school teacher candidates' experiences regarding problem-based STEM applications. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 11(4), 571-598.
  • Barcelona, K. (2014). 21st century curriculum change initiative: A focus on STEM education as an integrated approach to teaching and learning. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(10), 862-875.
  • Becker, K., & Park, K. (2011). Effects of integrative approaches among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects on students’ learning: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal of STEM Education, 12(5&6), 23-37.
  • Besson, U., Borghi, L., De Ambrosis, A., & Mascheretti, P. (2010). A three-dimensional approach and open source structure for the design and experimentation of teaching-learning sequences: The case of friction. International Journal of Science Education, 32(10), 1289–1313.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2018). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education] (25th Ed.). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Bybee, R.W. (2009). The BSCS 5E instructional model and 21st century skills. A commissioned paper prepared for a workshop on exploring the intersection of science education and the development of 21st century skills. The National Academies Board on Science Education.
  • Campbell, C., Speldewinde, C., Howitt, C., & MacDonald, A. (2018). STEM practice in the early years. Creative Education, 9, 11-25.
  • Cari, C., Wulandari, P.S., Aminah, N.S., Handhika, J., & Nugraha, D.A. (2019). Students’ understanding level of friction force direction concept on rolling object. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1153, 1-9.
  • Cayvaz, A., & Akçay, H. (2018). The effects of using algodoo in science teaching at middle school. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 9, 151-156.
  • Coramik, M., & Ürek, H. (2021). Calculation of kinetic friction coefficient with Phyphox, Tracker and Algodoo. Physics Education, 56(6), 1-10.
  • Corpuz, E.G., & Rebello, N.S. (2011). Investigating students’ mental models and knowledge construction of microscopic friction. I. Implications for curriculum design and development. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research, 7, 1-9.
  • Çakır, Z., Altun Yalçın, S., & Yalçın, P. (2020). Montessori yaklaşımı temelli STEM etkinliklerinin okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünme eğilimlerine etkisi [The effect of Montessori approach based STEM activities on pre-school teacher candidates’ critical thinking tendencies]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 18-45.
  • Çelik, H., Sarı, U., & Harwanto, U.N. (2014). Developing and evaluating physics teaching material with Algodoo (phun) in virtual environment; Archimedes’ Principle. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 1, 178-183.
  • Çevik, M., Danıştay, A., & Yağcı, A. (2017). Ortaokul öğretmenlerinin FeTeMM (fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik) farkındalıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of STEM (science–technology–engineering–mathematics) awareness of secondary school teachers with various variables]. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 7(3), 584-599.
  • Çoban, A. (2021). Algodoo for online education: Impulse and momentum activities. Physics Education, 56, 1-6.
  • Dağdalan, G., & Taş, E. (2017). Simülasyon destekli fen öğretiminin öğrencilerin başarısına ve bilgisayar destekli fen öğretimine yönelik tutumlarına etkisi [Effect of simulation–based science teaching on students’ achievement and attitudes towards computer–based science teaching]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 5(2), 160-172.
  • Dani, D.E., Hartman, S.L., & Helfrich, S.R. (2018). Learning to teach science: Elementary teacher candidates facilitate informal STEM events. The New Educator, 14(4), 363-380.
  • da Silva, S.L., Junior, J.T.G., da Silva, R.L., Viana, E.R., & Leal, F.F. (2014). An alternative for teaching and learning the simple diffusion process using Algodoo animations. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6666.
  • Er, K.O., & Acar-Başeğmez, D. (2020). The relation between STEM awareness and self-efficacy belief related to STEM practice of pre-service teachers. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi (EFMED), 14(2), 941-987.
  • Gregorcic, B. (2015). Exploring Kepler’s laws using an interactive whiteboard and Algodoo. Physics Education, 50, 1-6.
  • Güven, G., & Sülün, Y. (2018). Investigation of the effect of the interdisciplinary instructional approach on pre-service science teachers’ cognitive structure about the concept of energy. Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Elektronik Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi (EFMED), 12(1), 249-281.
  • Herdem, K. (2021). STEM etkinliklerinin 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin bilimsel değerlere eğilimi ve STEM mesleklerine yönelik ilgileri üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of STEM activities on tendency towards scientific values and interest in STEM profession fields of 7th grade students]. Unpublished phD dissertation. İnönü University, Malatya.
  • Huang, C.Z.R., Wood, R.W., & Demos, S.G. (2018). Adaptation of microscopy with ultraviolet surface excitation for enhancing stem and undergraduate education. J. Biomed. Opt. 23(12), 1-8.
  • Karataş, F.Ö. (2018). Eğitimde geleneksel anlayışa yeni bir S(İ)TEM [A reproach to the traditional view in education]. In S. Çepni (Ed.), Kuramdan uygulamaya STEM eğitimi [STEM education from theory to practice] (pp.53-68), Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Karışan, D., & Bakırcı, H. (2018). Öğretmen adaylarının FeTeMM öğretim yönelimlerinin anabilim dalına ve sınıf düzeyine göre incelenmesi [Exploration of preservice teachers’ STEM teaching intentions with respect to the department and grade]. Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 152-175.
  • Kennedy, J.T., & Odell, M.R.L. (2014). Engaging students in STEM education. Science Education International, 25(3), 246-258.
  • Kızılcık, H.Ş., Aygün, M., Şahin, E., Önder-Çelikkanlı, N., Türk, O., Taşkın, T., & Güneş, B. (2021). Possible misconceptions about solid friction. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17, 1-20.
  • Kulakoğlu, B. (2019). The unknown territory of stem: The perceptions of high school administrators. Unpublished master’s thesis. Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Kurnaz, M.A., & Eksi, C. (2015). An analysis of high school students’ mental models of solid friction in physics. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(3), 787-795.
  • Koyunlu-Ünlü, Z., & Dere, Z. (2019). Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının FeTeMM farkındalıklarının değerlendirilmesi [Assessment of pre-service preschool teachers’ awareness of STEM]. Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 44-55.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE]. (2018). Fen bilimleri dersi öğretim programı (ilkokul ve ortaokul 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıflar için) [Science course teaching program (for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of primary and middle school)]. Ankara. Retrieved November 12, 2021 from the website
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis an expanded sourcebook. (2nd Ed.), California: Sage Publications.
  • Özçakır-Sümen, Ö., & Çalışıcı, H. (2019). STEM proje tabanlı öğrenme ortamında sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının geliştirdikleri matematik projelerinin incelenmesi [An investigation of mathematics projects developed by prospective primary school teachers in STEM project-based learning environment]. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 238- 252.
  • Özdemir, A.U., & Cappellaro, E. (2020). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin FeTeMM farkındalıkları ve FeTeMM eğitimi uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri [Elementary school teachers’ STEM awareness and their opinions towards STEM education practices]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 46.75.
  • Özdemir, E., & Çoramık, M. (2021). Optik öğretiminde Algodoo kullanımı [The use of Algodoo in physics teaching]. ISPEC 7th International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities, 972-981.
  • Özer, İ.E., Canbazoğlu Bilici, S., & Karahan, E. (2016). Fen bilimleri dersinde Algodoo kullanımına yönelik öğrenci görüşleri [Middle school students’ opinions towards using Algodoo simulations in science classrooms]. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 28-40.
  • Radloff, J., & Guzey, S. (2016). Investigating preservice STEM teacher conceptions of STEM education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(5), 759–774.
  • Saraç, E., & Doğru, M. (2021). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının STEM eğitimi tasarlama ve uygulama deneyimlerinin incelenmesi [Examination of prospective primary teachers' STEM education design and implementation experiences]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretim Dergisi, 9(1), 1-37.
  • Sarı, U., Duygu, E., Şen, Ö.F., & Kırındı, T. (2020). The effect of STEM education on scientific process skills and STEM awareness in simulation based inquiry learning environment. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(3), 387-405.
  • Saylan-Kırmızıgül, A. (2020). Simülasyon tabanlı öğrenme ile STEM eğitimi [STEM education with simulation based learning]. In M. Çevik (Ed.), Ders planları kurgusunda öğretme öğrenme yaklaşımlarıyla uygulamalı STEM eğitimi [Practical STEM education with learning-teaching approaches based on lesson plan designs] (pp. 319-341). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Scholz, R.W., & Tietje, O. (2002). Embedded case study methods: Integrating quantitative and qualitative knowledge. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Serway, R.A. & Jewett, J.W. (2004). Physics for scientists and engineers. California: Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  • Sungur-Gül, K. (2020). Tasarım temelli öğrenme yaklaşımı ile STEM eğitimi [STEM education with design based learning approach]. In M. Çevik (Ed.), Ders planları kurgusunda öğretme öğrenme yaklaşımlarıyla uygulamalı STEM eğitimi [Practical STEM education with learning-teaching approaches based on lesson plan designs], (pp.181-206), Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Şahin, F., Göcük, A., & Sevgi, Y. (2018). Fizik, kimya, biyoloji ve fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının disiplinlerarası ilişki kurma düzeylerinin incelenmesi: Kan basıncı [Examination of physics, chemistry, biology and science preservice teachers’ levels of interdisciplinary relationship: Blood pressure]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 6(1), 73-95
  • Taştan-Akdağ, F., & Güneş, T. (2018). Kuvvet ve hareket ünitesinin bilgisayar destekli öğretiminde Algodoo kullanımı [Using Algodoo in computer assisted teaching of force and movement unit]. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 4(1), 138-149.
  • Tippett, C.D., & Milford, T.M. (2017). Findings from a pre-kindergarten classroom: Making the case for STEM in early childhood education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15, 67–86.
  • Ültay, N., Emeksiz, N., & Durmuş, R. (2020). STEAM yaklaşımına ilişkin örnek bir uygulama ve uygulama hakkında öğrenci görüşleri [An example STEAM implementation and student opinions about the implementation]. Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi Dergisi, 8(1), 1-17.
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods (4th Ed.). London: Sage.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2021). Teoriden pratiğe STEM eğitimi uygulama kitabı [STEM education implementation book from theory to practice]. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
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Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Handan Ürek 0000-0002-3593-8547

Mustafa Çoramık 0000-0002-3225-633X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ocak 2022
Kabul Tarihi 1 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Ürek, H., & Çoramık, M. (2022). A Suggestion and Evaluation of a STEM Activity about Friction Coefficient for Pre-Service Science Teachers. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 10(19), 202-235.

Creative Commons Lisansı

Bu eser Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

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Önemli: "Yazar adından yapılan yayın/atıf taramalarında isim benzerlikleri, soyadı değişikliği, Türkçe harf içeren isimler, farklı yazımlar, kurum değişiklikleri gibi durumlar sorun oluşturabilmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmacıların tanımlayıcı kimlik/numara (ID) edinmeleri önem taşımaktadır. ULAKBİM TR Dizin sistemlerinde tanımlayıcı ID bilgilerine yer verilecektir.

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