Amaç ve Kapsam

The aims of Kastamonu Education Journal (KEJ):
• To publish research on issues of national and international importance in the field of education,
• Publishing high quality articles of national and international importance in terms of research design and/or findings,
• To establish a communication network between national and international researchers,
• To provide a platform for scientific studies in the fields of education, training and learning to reach a wide audience.

The scope of Kastamonu Education Journal (KEJ) is publishing scientific articles focusing on education, teaching and learning in school environments from early childhood to higher education and within the context of lifelong learning. KEJ fills the gap between theory and practice by addressing information, ideas and opinions. In addition, KEJ welcomes contributions from both national and international contexts enabling authors to explain their local contexts and demonstrate the importance of their work for global readers.
KEJ publishes papers in several categories, outlined below.
• Empirical research papers (qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods)
• Theoretical papers
• Comments and criticisms 

Yayımlanma Ayları
Ocak Nisan Temmuz Ekim