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Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik (STEM) Eğitimi Etkinlik Örneği: Pıhtı Önleyici İlaç

Yıl 2019, , 1935 - 1946, 15.09.2019


Bu araştırmada, bir STEM etkinliğinin geliştirilmesi ve
birinci sınıf fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarına uygulanma sürecinin sunulması
amaçlanmaktadır. Etkinlik geliştirme sürecine problem ve konunun belirlenmesi
ile başlanmıştır. Etkinlik konusu belirlenirken Genel Kimya Laboratuvarı II
ders içeriğinde yer alan ve hâlihazırda uygulanan deneyler kapsamında STEM
eğitim yaklaşımı ile mühendislik tasarım sürecinin işletilebildiği, günlük
yaşam ile ilişkinin kurulabildiği, güvenlik, etik ve sağlık konusunda
önlemlerin alınabileceği durumlar göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Ayrıca bu
konunun derste ayrılan süreye, öğrenci seviyesine ve mevcut fiziki donanıma
uygunluğuna da dikkat edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda ‘kimyasal reaksiyonlar: maddenin
değişimi’ konusu uygulamaları kapsamında yürütülen “Aspirin eldesi” deneyi konu
olarak seçilmiştir. Günlük yaşam bağlamı kurulması amacıyla aspirinin içeriği
ve faydaları araştırılmış ve STEM etkinliği hazırlanmaya geçilmiştir.
Etkinliğin hazırlanması sürecinde mühendislik tasarım süreci aşamaları
kullanılmıştır. Hazırlanan etkinlik, uygulanmadan önce STEM eğitimi alanında
çalışmaları olan beş uzmanın görüşüne sunulmuştur ve uzmanların görüşlerine
göre düzenlenmiştir. Bu şekilde son hali verilen etkinlik 2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim
yılı bahar döneminde Doğu Karadeniz’de bir devlet üniversitesinin eğitim
fakültesi fen bilgisi öğretmenliği bölümünde Genel Kimya Laboratuvarı II
dersine kayıtlı olan ve çalışmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan 32 öğretmen adayına
uygulanmıştır. Tüm öğretim uygulamaları toplamda 10 ders saati (10x50 dakika)
sürmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda öğrenciler gerçek yaşamlarında
karşılaşabilecekleri bir problem olan kanın aşırı pıhtılaşması problemini
çözmek için pıhtı önleyici bir ilaç yapımını ve mühendislik tasarım temelli fen
eğitimini deneyimleme fırsatı sağlamışlardır. 


  • Aydın, E., & Karslı Baydere, F. (2019). Yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin STEM etkinlikleri hakkındaki görüşleri: Karışımla-rın ayrıştırılması örneği. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 35-52. DOI: . Bozkurt, E. (2014). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğı̇tı̇mı̇nı̇n fen bilgı̇sı̇ öğretmen adaylarının karar verme becerı̇sı̇, bı̇lı̇msel süreç becerı̇lerı̇ ve sürece yönelı̇k algılarına etkı̇sı̇. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara. Bozkurt-Altan, E. (2018). Disipliner yapıdaki derslerde STEM eğitimi: Tasarım temelli öğrenme ve probleme daya-lı STEM uygulamaları. Kuramdan Uygulamaya STEAM Eğitimi (2. Baskı) içinde (165-202). Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Bozkurt-Altan, E., Yamak, H., & Buluş-Kırıkkaya, E. B. (2016). Hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitiminde FeTeMM eğitimi uygulamaları: Tasarım temelli fen eğitimi. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 212-232. Breiner, J. M., Harkness, S. S., Johnson, C. C., & Koehler, C. M. (2012). What is STEM? A discussion about conceptions of STEM in education and partnerships. School Science and Mathematics, 112(1), 3-11. Bybee, R. W. (2010). What is STEM education? Science, 329(5995), 996. doi: 10.1126/science.1194998. Brunsell, E. (2012). The engineering design process. In Brunsell, E. (Ed.), Integrating engineering + science in your classroom (pp. 3-5). Arlington, Virginia: National Science Teacher Association [NSTA]. Chiu, A., Price, A. C., & Ovrahim, E. (2015). Supporting elementary and middle school STEM education. Chicago: Museum of Science and Industry. Corlu, M. S., Capraro, R. M., & Capraro, M. M. (2014). Introducing STEM education: Implications for educating our teachers for the age of innovation. Education and Science, 39(171), 74-85. Culver, D. E. (2012). A qualitative assessment of preservice elementary teachers' formative perceptions regarding engineering and K-12 engineering education. Graduate Theses, Iowa State University Ames, Iowa. Dugger, W. (2010). Evolution of STEM in the United States. In Technology Education Research Conference. Queensland. Dym C.L. (1994). Engineering: A synthesis of views. New York: Cambridge University Press. Eger, J. (2013). STEAM... Now!. The STEAM Journal, 1(1), 8. Fortus, D., Dershimer, R. C., Krajcik, J. S., Marx, R. W., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2004). Design-based science and student learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 1081-1110. Erdogan, N., Corlu, M. S., & Capraro, R. M. (2013). Defining innovation literacy: Do robotics programs help students develop innovation literacy skills? International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(1), 1-9. Freeman, K. E., Alston, S. T., & Winborne, D. G. (2008). Do learning communities enhance the quality of students’ lear-ning and motivation in STEM? Journal of Negro Education, 77(3), 227- 240. Gülhan, F., & Şahin, F. (2016a). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin kavramsal nlamalarına ve mesleklerle ilgili görüşlerine etkisi. In Ö. Demirel, & S. Dinçer (Eds.), Eğitimde nitelikler arayışı (pp. 283-302). Pegem Yayınları: Ankara. Gülhan, F., & Şahin, F. (2016b). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin bu alanlarla ilgili algı ve tutumlarına etkisi. International Journal of Human Sciences, 602-620. doi:10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3447 Gülhan, F. (2016). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin algı, tutum, kavramsal anlama ve bilimsel yaratıcılıklarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul. Hacıoğlu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2017). The opinions of prospective science teachers regarding STEM education: The engineering design based science education. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 649-684. Hacıoglu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2016a). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğitiminin fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının bi-limsel yaratıcılıklarına etkisi. ERPA International Congresses on Education 2016 (Sözlü Sunum). Saray-bosna. Hacıoglu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2016b). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğitimi ile ilgili öğretmen görüşleri. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(3), 807-830. Han, S., Yalvac, B., Capraro, M. M., & Capraro, M. R. (2015). In-service teachers' implementation of and understanding from project-based learning (PBL) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) project-based le-arning, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science ve Technology Education, 11(1), 63-76. Hmelo, C. E., Holton, D., & Kolodner, J. L. (2000). Designing to learn about complex systems. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9(3), 247–298. Holbrook, J., & Kolodner, J. L. (2000). Scaffolding the development of an inquiry-based (science) classroom. In B. Fishman & S. O’Conner-Divelbiss (Edt.), Proceedings, International Conference of The Learning Sciences 2000 (ICLS). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Honey, M., Pearson, G., & Schweingruber, H. (Eds). National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. Hynes, M., Portsmore, M., Dare, E., Milto, E., Rogers, C., Hammer, D., & Carberry, A. (2011). Infusing engineering design into high school STEM courses. International Technology Educators Association/International Technology and Engineering Educators Association [ITEA]. (2000/2002/2007). Standards for technological literacy: Content for the study of technology. Reston, VA: Author. Karslı, F., Kocaman, K., Hacıoğlu, Y. & Şahin, Ç. (2016). Graduate Students’ Views About The Science, Technology, Enginee-ring, And Mathematics (STEM) Educatıon. International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Techno-logy, Turkey. Kolodner, J. L. (2002). Facilitating the learning of design practices: lessons learned from an inquiry into science educa-tion. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 39(3). Kolodner, J. L., Crismond, D., Gray, J., Holbrook, J., & Puntambekar, S. (1998). Learning by design from theory to practice. lbd/htmlpubs/lbdtheorytoprac.html Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Tyler-Wood, T., & Periathiruvadi, S. (2013). Impact of environmental power monitoring activities on middle school student perceptions of STEM. Science Education International, 24(1), 98-123. Koehler, C., Faraclas, E., Sanchez, S., Latif, K., & Kazarounian, K. (2005). Engineering frameworks for a high school setting: guidelines for technical literacy for high school students. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Edu-cation Annual Conference and Exposition. June, 2005. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Educa-tion. Leonard, M. J. (2004). Toward epistemologically authentic engineering design activities in the science classroom. National Asso-ciation for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, B.C. Leonard, M., & Derry, S. (2011). “What’s the science behind it?” The interaction of engineering and science goals, knowledge, and practices in a design-based science activity. (Sözlü sunum). WCER Working Paper (No. 2011-5). University of Wiscon-sin–Madison. Lewis, T. (2006). Design and inquiry: bases for an accommodation between science and technology education in the curriculum? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43(3), 255-281. Maeda, J. (2013). STEM+ Art= STEAM. The STEAM Journal, 1(1), 34. Marulcu, İ. (2010). Investigating the impact of a lego-based, engineering-oriented curriculum compared to an inquiry-based curri-culum on fifth graders’ content learning of simple machines. Doctoral dissertation, Lynch School of Education, Boston College. Mehalik, M., Doppelt, Y., & Schunn, C. D. (2008). Middle school science through design based learning versus scripted inquiry: better overall science concept learning and equity gap reduction. Journal of Engineering Education, January, 97(1), 71-85. Meng, C. C., Idris, N., & Eu, L. K. (2014). Secondary students' perceptions of assessments in science, technology, engi-neering, and mathematics (STEM). Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(3), 219-227. Mentzer, N. (2011). High school engineering and technology education integration through design challenges. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 48(2), 103-136. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (2018). Fen bilimleri dersi öğretim programı (ilkokul ve ortaokul 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıflar) öğretim programı. Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Basım Evi Moore, T. J., Stohlmann, M. S., Wang, H. H., Tank, K. M., Glancy, A. W., & Roehrig, G. H. (2014). Implementation and integration of engineering in K-12 STEM education. In Engineering in Pre-College Settings: Synthesizing Research, Po-licy, and Practices (pp. 35-60). Purdue University Press. Morrison, J. (2006). TIES STEM education monograph series, attributes of STEM education. National Academy of Engineering [NAE] & National Research Council [NRC] (2009). Engineering in K-12 education understanding the status and improving the prospects. Edt. Katehi, L., Pearson, G. & Feder, M. Washington, DC: Natio-nal Academies Press. National Academy of Engineering [NAE]. (2010). Standards for K-12 engineering education? Washington, DC: National Academies. National Research Council [NRC]. (2012). A Framework for k-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington DC: The National Academic Press. Niess, M. L. (2005). Preparing teachers to teach science and mathematics with technology: Developing a technology pedagogical content knowledge. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21(5), 509-523. Platz, J. (2007). How do you turn STEM into STEAM? Add the arts. Ohio Alliance for Arts Education. Rehmat, A. P. (2015). Engineering the path to higher-order thinking in elementary education: A problem-based learning approach for STEM integration. UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 2497. adresinden alınmıştır. Ricks, M. M. (2006). A study of the impact of an informal science education program on middle school students’ science knowledge, science attitude, STEM high school and college course selections, and career decisions. PhD Thesis. The University of Texas, Austin. Roberts, A. (2012). A justification for STEM education. Technology and Engineering Teacher, May/June 2012. 12roberts.pdf Roth, W. M. (2001). Learning science through technological design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(7), 768-790. Saad, M. E. (2014). Progressing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in North Dakota with near-space ballooning. Master Thesis. Master of Science Grand Forks, North Dakota. Sadler, P. M., Coyle, H. P., & Schwartz, M. (2000). Engineering competitions in the middle school classroom: Key ele-ments in developing effective design challenges. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9(3), 299-327. Sampurno, P. J. Sari, Y. A., & Wijaya, A. D. (2015). Integrating STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and disaster (STEM-D) education for building students’ disaster literacy. International Journal of Learning and Teac-hing, 1(1), 73-76. Silk, E. M., & Schunn C. D. (2008). The impact of an engineering design curriculum on science reasoning in an urban setting, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(3), 209-223. Tarnoff, J. (2010). STEM to STEAM—Recognizing the value of creative skills in the competitiveness debate. The Huffing-ton Post. Retrieved from Tseng, K. H., Chang, C. C, Lou, Ş. J., & Chen, W. P. (2013). Attitudes towards science, technology, engineering and mat-hematics (STEM) in a project-based learning (PjBL) environment. International Journal Technology Design Education, 23(1), 87-102. Wang, H. H., Moore, T. J., Roehrig, G. H., & Park, M. S. (2011). STEM integration: teacher perceptions and practice. Jour-nal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 1(2), 1-13. Wendell, K. B. (2008). The theoretical and empirical basis for design-based science instruction for children. Qualifying Paper, Tufts University. Wendell, K. B., Connolly, K. G., Wright, C. G., Jarvin, L., Rogers, C., Barnett, M., & Marulcu, I. (2010). Incorporating engi-neering design into elementary school science curricula. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conferen-ce & Exposition, Louisville, KY. Williams, J. (2011). STEM education: proceed with caution. Design and Technology Education, 16(1), 26-35. Yamak, H., Bulut, N., & Dündar, S. (2014). 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin bilimsel süreç becerileri ile fene karşı tutumlarına FeTEMM etkinliklerinin etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(2), 249-265.

An Example of The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Activity: Anticoagulant Drugs

Yıl 2019, , 1935 - 1946, 15.09.2019


In this research, it is aimed to present
the process of developing and implementation on science teacher candidates a
STEM activity. For this, the process has been started with the determination of
problem and topic first. Some issues such as the engineering design process can
be operated with the STEM education approach in the content of the General
Chemistry Laboratory II course, where relationship with daily life can be
established, and safety, ethics and health precautions, have been taken into
consideration when determining the topic of activity. In addition, attention
has been paid to the suitability of this subject to allocated time in the
lesson, to student level, and to the existing physical equipment. In this
context, the experiment "obtaining Aspirin" conducted under the
subject of ‘chemical reactions: change of matter’ was chosen as the subject.
The contents and benefits of Aspirin have been investigated in order to
establish a daily life context and the activity started to be prepared. In the
process of preparing the activity, the engineering design processes are used.
Prepared activity was presented to five experts who had been working in the
field of STEM education and revised according to the opinions of experts. This
activity implemented with 32 teacher candidates who enrolled in General
Chemistry Laboratory II course in the department of science teacher of
education faculty of a state university in Eastern Black Sea in the spring of
2015-2016 education year and volunteered to participate in the study. All
teaching practice lasted a total of 10 lesson-hours--eight 50 minutes. As a
result of this research, students have had the opportunity to experience an
anticoagulant drug production to solve the excessive blood clotting problem
which they may face in their real life and engineering design-based science


  • Aydın, E., & Karslı Baydere, F. (2019). Yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin STEM etkinlikleri hakkındaki görüşleri: Karışımla-rın ayrıştırılması örneği. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 35-52. DOI: . Bozkurt, E. (2014). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğı̇tı̇mı̇nı̇n fen bilgı̇sı̇ öğretmen adaylarının karar verme becerı̇sı̇, bı̇lı̇msel süreç becerı̇lerı̇ ve sürece yönelı̇k algılarına etkı̇sı̇. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara. Bozkurt-Altan, E. (2018). Disipliner yapıdaki derslerde STEM eğitimi: Tasarım temelli öğrenme ve probleme daya-lı STEM uygulamaları. Kuramdan Uygulamaya STEAM Eğitimi (2. Baskı) içinde (165-202). Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Bozkurt-Altan, E., Yamak, H., & Buluş-Kırıkkaya, E. B. (2016). Hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitiminde FeTeMM eğitimi uygulamaları: Tasarım temelli fen eğitimi. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 212-232. Breiner, J. M., Harkness, S. S., Johnson, C. C., & Koehler, C. M. (2012). What is STEM? A discussion about conceptions of STEM in education and partnerships. School Science and Mathematics, 112(1), 3-11. Bybee, R. W. (2010). What is STEM education? Science, 329(5995), 996. doi: 10.1126/science.1194998. Brunsell, E. (2012). The engineering design process. In Brunsell, E. (Ed.), Integrating engineering + science in your classroom (pp. 3-5). Arlington, Virginia: National Science Teacher Association [NSTA]. Chiu, A., Price, A. C., & Ovrahim, E. (2015). Supporting elementary and middle school STEM education. Chicago: Museum of Science and Industry. Corlu, M. S., Capraro, R. M., & Capraro, M. M. (2014). Introducing STEM education: Implications for educating our teachers for the age of innovation. Education and Science, 39(171), 74-85. Culver, D. E. (2012). A qualitative assessment of preservice elementary teachers' formative perceptions regarding engineering and K-12 engineering education. Graduate Theses, Iowa State University Ames, Iowa. Dugger, W. (2010). Evolution of STEM in the United States. In Technology Education Research Conference. Queensland. Dym C.L. (1994). Engineering: A synthesis of views. New York: Cambridge University Press. Eger, J. (2013). STEAM... Now!. The STEAM Journal, 1(1), 8. Fortus, D., Dershimer, R. C., Krajcik, J. S., Marx, R. W., & Mamlok-Naaman, R. (2004). Design-based science and student learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 1081-1110. Erdogan, N., Corlu, M. S., & Capraro, R. M. (2013). Defining innovation literacy: Do robotics programs help students develop innovation literacy skills? International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(1), 1-9. Freeman, K. E., Alston, S. T., & Winborne, D. G. (2008). Do learning communities enhance the quality of students’ lear-ning and motivation in STEM? Journal of Negro Education, 77(3), 227- 240. Gülhan, F., & Şahin, F. (2016a). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin kavramsal nlamalarına ve mesleklerle ilgili görüşlerine etkisi. In Ö. Demirel, & S. Dinçer (Eds.), Eğitimde nitelikler arayışı (pp. 283-302). Pegem Yayınları: Ankara. Gülhan, F., & Şahin, F. (2016b). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin bu alanlarla ilgili algı ve tutumlarına etkisi. International Journal of Human Sciences, 602-620. doi:10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3447 Gülhan, F. (2016). Fen-teknoloji-mühendislik-matematik entegrasyonunun (STEM) 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin algı, tutum, kavramsal anlama ve bilimsel yaratıcılıklarına etkisi. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul. Hacıoğlu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2017). The opinions of prospective science teachers regarding STEM education: The engineering design based science education. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 649-684. Hacıoglu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2016a). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğitiminin fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının bi-limsel yaratıcılıklarına etkisi. ERPA International Congresses on Education 2016 (Sözlü Sunum). Saray-bosna. Hacıoglu, Y., Yamak, H., & Kavak, N. (2016b). Mühendislik tasarım temelli fen eğitimi ile ilgili öğretmen görüşleri. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(3), 807-830. Han, S., Yalvac, B., Capraro, M. M., & Capraro, M. R. (2015). In-service teachers' implementation of and understanding from project-based learning (PBL) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) project-based le-arning, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science ve Technology Education, 11(1), 63-76. Hmelo, C. E., Holton, D., & Kolodner, J. L. (2000). Designing to learn about complex systems. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9(3), 247–298. Holbrook, J., & Kolodner, J. L. (2000). Scaffolding the development of an inquiry-based (science) classroom. In B. Fishman & S. O’Conner-Divelbiss (Edt.), Proceedings, International Conference of The Learning Sciences 2000 (ICLS). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Honey, M., Pearson, G., & Schweingruber, H. (Eds). National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council (2014). STEM integration in K-12 education: Status, prospects, and an agenda for research. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. Hynes, M., Portsmore, M., Dare, E., Milto, E., Rogers, C., Hammer, D., & Carberry, A. (2011). Infusing engineering design into high school STEM courses. International Technology Educators Association/International Technology and Engineering Educators Association [ITEA]. (2000/2002/2007). Standards for technological literacy: Content for the study of technology. Reston, VA: Author. Karslı, F., Kocaman, K., Hacıoğlu, Y. & Şahin, Ç. (2016). Graduate Students’ Views About The Science, Technology, Enginee-ring, And Mathematics (STEM) Educatıon. International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Techno-logy, Turkey. Kolodner, J. L. (2002). Facilitating the learning of design practices: lessons learned from an inquiry into science educa-tion. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 39(3). Kolodner, J. L., Crismond, D., Gray, J., Holbrook, J., & Puntambekar, S. (1998). Learning by design from theory to practice. lbd/htmlpubs/lbdtheorytoprac.html Knezek, G., Christensen, R., Tyler-Wood, T., & Periathiruvadi, S. (2013). Impact of environmental power monitoring activities on middle school student perceptions of STEM. Science Education International, 24(1), 98-123. Koehler, C., Faraclas, E., Sanchez, S., Latif, K., & Kazarounian, K. (2005). Engineering frameworks for a high school setting: guidelines for technical literacy for high school students. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Edu-cation Annual Conference and Exposition. June, 2005. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Educa-tion. Leonard, M. J. (2004). Toward epistemologically authentic engineering design activities in the science classroom. National Asso-ciation for Research in Science Teaching, Vancouver, B.C. Leonard, M., & Derry, S. (2011). “What’s the science behind it?” The interaction of engineering and science goals, knowledge, and practices in a design-based science activity. (Sözlü sunum). WCER Working Paper (No. 2011-5). University of Wiscon-sin–Madison. Lewis, T. (2006). Design and inquiry: bases for an accommodation between science and technology education in the curriculum? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43(3), 255-281. Maeda, J. (2013). STEM+ Art= STEAM. The STEAM Journal, 1(1), 34. Marulcu, İ. (2010). Investigating the impact of a lego-based, engineering-oriented curriculum compared to an inquiry-based curri-culum on fifth graders’ content learning of simple machines. Doctoral dissertation, Lynch School of Education, Boston College. Mehalik, M., Doppelt, Y., & Schunn, C. D. (2008). Middle school science through design based learning versus scripted inquiry: better overall science concept learning and equity gap reduction. Journal of Engineering Education, January, 97(1), 71-85. Meng, C. C., Idris, N., & Eu, L. K. (2014). Secondary students' perceptions of assessments in science, technology, engi-neering, and mathematics (STEM). Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(3), 219-227. Mentzer, N. (2011). High school engineering and technology education integration through design challenges. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 48(2), 103-136. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (2018). Fen bilimleri dersi öğretim programı (ilkokul ve ortaokul 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. sınıflar) öğretim programı. Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Basım Evi Moore, T. J., Stohlmann, M. S., Wang, H. H., Tank, K. M., Glancy, A. W., & Roehrig, G. H. (2014). 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Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Fethiye Karslı Baydere 0000-0003-0994-0974

Yasemin Hacıoğlu 0000-0002-1184-4204

Koray Kocaman Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1908-813X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2019
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Karslı Baydere, F., Hacıoğlu, Y., & Kocaman, K. (2019). Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik (STEM) Eğitimi Etkinlik Örneği: Pıhtı Önleyici İlaç. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(5), 1935-1946.