Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 3/1/22

Year: 2022

Research Article

Review Article

Prof. Dr. Mustafa TABAKCI KONYA TEKNİK UNİVERSİTESIİ 0000-0003-2941-2191
Kimya Mühendisliği
Prof. Dr. Halife KODAZ KONYA TEKNİK UNİVERSİTESIİ 0000-0001-8602-4262
Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği, Algoritmalar ve Hesaplama Kuramı, Bilgi Sistemleri, Büyük Data, Veri Madenciliği, Yapay Öğrenme, Yapay Zeka
Görüntü İşleme, Yapay Zeka, Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği

Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences (KONJES), which belongs to Konya Technical University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences was published on January 01, 1986, the previous name of which was Selçuk University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (ISSN: 1300-5200 printed, 1304-8708 electronic).

Official Gazette dated October 7, 2012, and numbered 28434: "DECISION OF THE MINISTER'S BOARD Decision: 2012/3762 Changing the name of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture within the body of the Rectorate of Selçuk University to the Faculty of Engineering and the establishment of the Faculty of Architecture under the said Rectorate 7/9/2012. It was decided by the Council of Ministers on 20/9/2012 in accordance with the additional article 30 of the Law numbered 2809 and dated 28/3/1983 on the letter dated 2012 and numbered 22448. Therefore, as of March 2013, the journal name was changed and Selçuk University Engineering, Science and Technology Journal (E-JOURNAL, ISSN: 2147-9364) under the name of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Libraries and Publications and ISSN registration has been made. In Selçuk University Engineering, Science and Technology Magazine (SUJEST) in March 2013 “Selçuk University Engineering, Science and Technology Journal ”(E-JOURNAL, ISSN: 2147-9364) T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, and the name and ISSN registration were made.

However, Selcuk University Engineering Faculty; It was established as a new university named “Konya Technical University ile with the Additional Article-179 added to the law numbered 2809 with the seventh article of the law numbered 7141 published in the Official Gazette dated 18.05.2018 and numbered 30425. In this context, SUJEST magazine continues its publication life under the new name of “Konya Engineering Sciences Magazine (KONJES) Konya under the name of Konya Technical University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. To date, there have not been any incentives in our journals and the continuity of publication has been maintained.


Our journal is of international quality and continues to be published with articles in both Turkish and English. KONJES Magazine is published 4 times a year (March, June, September, December). The journal is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of engineering. KONJES aims to bring the latest scientific/technical developments in engineering sciences to the relevant scientists and readers. The journal deals with both experimental and theoretical studies of engineering. The works to be published should not have been published anywhere before and the rights of publication should not be granted. All responsibility for the works to be published in the journal belongs to the author (s). Manuscripts submitted to the journal by the authors are considered to be at least two peer-reviewed peer-reviewed authors.

Research Article: Articles reflecting original research with its findings and results. The study must contribute to science.

Screening Article: These are articles that scan a sufficient number of scientific articles, summarize the subject at the current level of knowledge and technology, evaluate and compare the findings.

Editorial Comment / Discussion: It is the evaluation of the original research articles published by the expert other than the authors. It is published at the end of the article.

Letter to the Editor: The articles that are published in the journal within the last year include a maximum of 500 words containing various opinions, experiences and questions of the readers. There are no titles and abstract sections. The number of references is limited to 5. It should be stated which article (number, date) is dedicated and at the end, there should be the name, institution, and address of the author. The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the author (s) of the article and published in the journal.


Case Presentation: Articles that conduct research, examination, and evaluation in forensic engineering cases and interpret the findings, if any, with the simulations.

Authors are required to submit the Copyright Transfer Form (available from the journal's WEB page) in PDF format with the publication. Copyright transfer of the articles is taken by filling out and signing the form presented on the journal website. Articles of authors who do not submit the signed Copyright Transfer Form is not published.

The author (s) acknowledge that the submitted work complies with the PUBLICATION ETHICS and accepts ethical responsibility for the article. Each author is equally responsible for the article content. The manuscripts submitted to the manuscripts are first submitted to the referees after being subjected to iThenticate® (Professional Plagiarism Prevention). Manuscripts are checked with the iThenticate® program, and if plagiarism or self-plagiarism is determined, the article is not evaluated. Similarity rate should be at most 25%, excluding references.

Ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately for clinical and experimental animal studies requiring an ethics committee decision.

Scientific manuscripts to be sent to journals should take into account the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the International Standards for Editors and Writers of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Referees: The author (s) must provide three referees' names and e-mail addresses, at least from two different universities. In addition, the author (s) may declare the names of the referees that he/she does not want to review their articles. Each manuscript is sent to at least two referees related to the subject and examined in terms of form and content. The journal editor can send the articles to the referee.

PRINTING: After completing the deficiencies stated in the referees' opinions, the articles that can be published in the journal are returned to the editor in the last edition format by the authors. The authors are responsible for any errors that may occur in the article as published in the journal.

Correspondence Address: "JOURNAL", Konya Technical University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 42040 KONYA

Tel: 0-332-2238818

E-mail: mkahveci@ktun.edu.tr



1. The text should be written in A4 (210x297mm) in single-spaced, double-spaced, spaced margins (25 mm), using Times NewRoman Turkish character and 12 pt. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages, except for manuscripts including references and figures. Each application must be submitted with a cover letter (specifying the author's information to be contacted). The cover letter should state which issue the article focuses on and the innovation it brings. All other correspondence should be made by an e-mail describing the current process and specifying the work registration number (notified by e-mail after the initial application).

2. Parts of the work, if possible, should be in the following order: Cover page, Text, Symbols, Specifying Contribution (if necessary), References and Annotations. Recommended main section names are: INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL and METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, ACKOWLEDGEMENT, REFERENCES (REFERENCES) APPENDIX).

3. COVER PAGE: The title of the work should be written centered on the page in capital letters. The title should be short and clear. Under the title, the name and surname of the author (s) and postal and e-mail addresses should be written.

4. ABSTRACT: Abstract should not exceed 200 words in Turkish and English. The title of the work should be written in the same language. Keywords should be included at the end of the abstract.

5. TEXT: Generally, it covers the introduction, method, findings, and conclusion. All titles, subheadings, tables, and figures used in the work should be written in parenthesis (if it fits in a single line) in English in 8 points.

6. SYMBOLS: All the symbols used in the text are given under this title. Subtitles such as "Greek Letters", "Sub-Index" may be used if necessary.

7. REFERENCES: References should be cited in the text in the order of author surname and date. If the source is the work of three or more authors, the surname of the first author et al. shaped; if more than one work of the same author is cited, the same author will be published a, b, c, etc. articles must. References should be given in alphabetical order in the following format.

If the source is an article: Author's last name, initial name, year, "Full Title of the Article", Title of the Journal (international abbreviations, if any), volume no, issue number, starting and ending page no.


Bilir, S., 1995, "Laminar Flow Heat Transfer in Pipes Including Two Dimensional Wall and Fluid Axial Conduction", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 38, Nr. 9, pp. 1619-1625.

If the source is a book: Author's last name, initial name, year, name of the book, volume no, editor, if any, publisher's name, publication number, place of publication.


Kenneth L. Carper., 2001, Forensic Engineering SE, CRC Press, Washington, D.C., U.S. Pat.

If there is a chapter from the sourcebook: The author's last name, the first letter of the author's name, the year, the "Name of the Chapter", the Kit from which the Chapter is Taken.


Saritas, S., Davies, TJ, 1987, "Reduction of Oxide Inclusions During Pre-Forging Heat Treatments", Powder Metallurgy for Full Density Products, New Perspectives in Powder Metallurgy, Volume 8, Editor: Kulkarni, KM, Metal Powder Industries Federation , Princeton, NJ, USA, 417-430.

If the thesis is published: Last name of the author, first letter of the name, year, Name of the thesis, type (master, doctorate), university, institute, place.


Kara, M., 2012, Low-Speed ​​Pulse Repaired by Patch after Filament Winding GRP Pipes Damage Behavior Under Internal Pressure, PhD Thesis, Selcuk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Konya.

If the source is a paper from the congress: The surname of the author, the first letter of the name, the name of the paper, the name of the congress, the place of the congress, the starting and ending page number of the paper, the date of the congress.


Imrek, H., Bagci, M., Khalfan, O.M., "Experimental Investigation of Effects of External Loads on Erosive Wear", 12th International Materials Symposium, PAU, Denizli, 446-453, 15-17 October 2008.

If the source is internet or application notes: Internet resources should not be used unless compulsory in the article. If the source is to be given, the format should be adı Name of the preparing institution or, if known, name of the author, Name of the document, address of the internet source from which it was received, date of visit ”.


Zor, M., Güzenge, O., Introduction to ANSYS-WORKBENCH with examples, http://web.deu.edu.tr/ansys/ansysgiris/workbenche-giris.pdf, visited October 01, 2012.

8. Annotations: The annotations section should be used in particular to provide information that could lead to loss of continuity in reading.

9. SCHEDULE AND FIGURES: All images (photos, drawings, diagrams, graphics, maps, etc.) that do not contain charts should be named as figures. Each table and figure should be numbered according to their transitions in the text and should be placed as close to the place they are mentioned. Table headings should be placed above the table and figure headings should be placed under the figure.

Articles in the tables should never be less than 8 points. It is preferable that the table fits on a single page, but may overflow onto the second page if necessary. Handwriting should never be used in the figures. All graphics and photographs should be of printable quality and printed on glossy paper. Color photographs are acceptable, but printing will be black and white.

Figures, Tables, Sheets and Photographs should be prepared to be placed in a single column (7.5x22.5 cm) or double column (16x22.5). faint and fine lines should be avoided in the preparation of shapes. Descriptions of figures and tables should be written in Turkish and English. English explanations should be 8 pt and italic.

10. FOOTNOTES: Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, but if necessary, they should be separated by a line at the bottom of the page where they are used.

11. TERMINOLOGY AND UNITS: For terminology, please use the IUPAC Terminology for Organic Chemistry (www.iupac.org). Chemical names, abbreviations and short names (acronym) should be given in parentheses where the article is first used. Well-known procedures / reactions should be indicated with a name and an appropriate reference from the literature.

Please use the International Unit System (SI). For the use of units, the Regulation on the International System of Units should be reviewed. You can read the article in the link for many mistakes made in unit usage. Temperatures should be given as C. The 'billion' unit in English articles has two meanings (109 in the USA, 1012 in Europe) and should be avoided. Article: http: //www.bilimbilmek.com/tr/birim-sistemleri-ve-si.html

Each symbol and variable in the text is in italics; units, mathematical formulas and abbreviations should be written as normal. The magnitudes in the chart axes and table headings should be given in variable format, eg time t (s), potential E (mV), current density i (mA / cm2).

Decimal numbers are used as decimal separator in Turkish text and "in English text". " It should be used. Percentages should be 90% in Turkish and 90% in English.


The format given in the first section is for the first presentation. The manuscripts that have been judged and decided to be published are re-arranged by the authors in print format in accordance with the Turkish and English sample articles available on the WEB page of the journal and returned to the editor electronically. There will be no typesetting work except for inserting the page number during the printing of the articles. All figures, tables, graphs, pictures and the like should be in their respective places in the electronic text. Each issue of the journal will be placed on the Faculty WEB page.

Articles should be written in Microsoft Word (version 6.0 or later).

The entire article should be arranged in a single section and a column and the paper orientation should be 'vertical'.

Page margins should be selected as 'Reciprocal margins' in the 'Margins' tab as 'Multiple pages' option, followed by 3.42 cm at the top, 2.04 cm at the bottom, 3.14 cm at the bottom and 1.5 cm at the outside. Again, in the page structure, on the 'Layout' tab, click 'Different on odd and even pages' and 'Different on first page' boxes and select 'Entire document' as the 'Application location'. In this tab, the distance from the edge should be 1.25 cm for the header and footer. In addition, using the Turkish character "Palatino Linotype" and 8 font size (except the first page of the text), the initials and surnames of the author names should be written in capital letters. If there is more than one author, each author name must be separated by a comma. (For example: A. SARUCAN, M. C. AKKOYUNLU, A. BAŞ) On the other hand, the first letter of each word of the article title should be written in capital letters. (Ex: Analytical Hierarchy Process)

The text should be written in single line spacing using the Turkish character "Palatino Linotype" and 10 pt. (Space between columns is 1 cm). The English equivalents given in parentheses should be written in 8 pt.

From the title of the article to the end of the abstract, the References section should be arranged in a single column. There should be 2 line spacing between the address and "ABSTRACT" and 1 line spacing between the headings and paragraphs in the text.

Long equations should be broken down into terms that fit into a single column and conform to their notation.

Click here to download the sample article.

Ethical committee approval must be obtained and documented separately for clinical and experimental animal studies requiring an ethics committee decision

Application Checklist

During the application process, the authors should check that their application complies with all the items listed below, and the applications that do not comply with this guide will be returned to the authors.

- The submitted manuscript has not been published before and has not been submitted to any journal for review (provided detailed guidance in the Author's Guide).

- The submission file is in the format of an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect document file.

- Here are the URLs for existing applications.

- The text is highlighted in italics (with valid URL addresses) instead of single-line, 10-point, underline, and all figures, images and tables are placed at the appropriate points in the text instead of at the end of the page. For printing, send quality copies of the pictures as an attachment. If the size of the sent file becomes too large, the system may not receive. In such cases, you can split the text and send the other sections as an additional file.

- The style and bibliographic requirements added here can be found in the Author Guide in the About Journal section.

- Only internationally accepted abbreviations are used.

- The purpose of the submission is stated.

- Information about the publication of some or all of the previous ones.

- If there are issues about authors about conflict of interest, these are stated.

- The title of the article, author names, institution information, address of correspondence and any financial support were used for the study.

- The titles are written in both Turkish and English.

- Written in both Turkish and English.

- 250 Original Articles; It does not exceed 150 words in the screening article and case presentation.

- Self-structured (Objective. Materials and methods, including Results and Results sub-headings).

- The structured abstract was not used in the case presentation.

- Footnotes, references, and trade names are not used in the abstract.

- Files to be uploaded to the system; It has been prepared to send online as a cover letter, title page, article main text, figures and pictures, and Copyright Transfer Agreement.

- The files to be uploaded to the system do not include the author and institution information, except for the title page, to assist in the impartial evaluation of the referees.

- References are written in strict compliance with the source writing format required in the Journal Writing Rules.

- Unpublished data, information obtained through personal communication, articles currently under consideration, presentations made at meetings, and articles published in non-refereed journals are not cited.

- References are given in parentheses before the point at the end of the sentence, eg "... (Uyaner et al., 2000; Uyaner and Kara, 2012; Uyaner, 2005)."

- References are numbered according to the order in which they are cited.

- Tables are numbered with Arabic numbers.

- Each Table is cited in the Main Text of the Manuscript.

- Each table contains enough information to be evaluated independently of the article.

- There is no table for the information that can be expressed in one or two sentences.

- For the abbreviations used in the tables, an explanation is given below for each abbreviation.

- Each figure is cited in the text.

- The letters and markings on the figure are clean and legible.

- Magnification and staining information of microscopic images are included (such as HE, X200).

Copyright Regulation


Click here to download copyright form. After this form is printed by the authors, the signed version should be scanned in PDF format and uploaded to the system.

Click here to download sample article.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses of this journal will be used for the purposes of this journal. It will not be used for other purposes or for any other section.

Publication Ethics

Publication processes of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences are based on producing, developing and sharing knowledge evenhandedly within scientific methods.
Refereed articles are studies require scientific methods and they provide objectivity. All components of publication process (publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers) should obey ethical rules for scientific production.
In case we identify that author(s) of the manuscript use(s) falsified and fabricated data, then we will report this to the institution of the authors where he/she works and reject the manuscript. Editorial members of the journal and/or the reviewers reserve the right to ask author(s) to provide raw data which was used in the manuscript.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher

Konya Technical University, the publisher of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, is a public-spirited and nonprofit-making public educational institution.
Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences is one of the long-established journals of engineering sciences under the management of the editorial board and continued its duty with the managerial support of the Konya Technical University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Board of Directors.
Members of the Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences are appointed by considering the branches of engineering science. As the head of the Editorial Board, a chief editor and, depending on the situation, one or more assistant editors and field editors are determined. A new member is appointed to replace the departed member. According to the subject of the article, when necessary, the editor can send articles to faculty members who are not members of the Board of Editors for review as a field editor.

The Responsibilities of Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences

Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences is responsible for all processes of the articles sent to the journal. This responsibility requires deciding independently by considering public interest, not personal gains. The relationship between Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on independence policy, and all decisions of the editors are independent from the publisher and the other persons and institutions.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences permanently strives to develop and raise the quality of the journal.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences determines and performs journal policies as publication, blind review, evaluation process and ethical principles.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps copyrights of the articles published in Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences is responsible for keeping intellectual property rights of authors in publication processes and guarding against unethical behaviors, plagiarism and reference gangs.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences prepares a “Guide for Authors” to inform authors and “Guide for Reviewers” to inform reviewers about evaluation processes.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences determines incentive policies for the authors.
• Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps the records of each article electronically or in written forms.

The Responsibilities of Editors, Editor Assistants and Field Editors

• Editors try to inform reviewers, authors, researchers and readers, to answer their questions clearly within the principles of clarity.
• Editors, during the publication process, consider that the articles should be original and contribute the literature, the readers and researchers.
• While editors are making decisions about the article publication, they consider originality, contribution to the field, clarity of expressions, content and validity and reliability of the articles.
• Editors take the articles without any problem to the preliminary evaluation, consider positive views of reviewers, and they do not change the decisions of the reviewers unless there is a big problem for publishing.
• Editors implement the policies of blind review and evaluation processes, keep private personal identity information of the authors, and provide impartial evaluation processes in due of time for the articles.
• Editors send the articles to field editors and reviewers considering their professional fields, and care that the articles are evaluated impartially and independently.
• Editors, in evaluation processes, consider if there are conflicts or collaborations between authors and reviewers or not.
• Editors generate a large number or reviewers, and they update it consistently.
• Editors prevent non-scientific that do not comply with academic etiquette rules.
• Editors ensure that journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with publishing policies and guidelines, inform those who are in the process of the developments on publishing policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.
• Editors communicate effectively with everyone involved in the publishing processes, and organize meetings at regular intervals.
• Editors provide protection of personal data in assessed articles; they keep personal data of authors, referees and readers.
• Editors attach importance to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, emphasize that the clear approval of the participants of the article is documented, and rejects the articles witout the approval of the ethics committee on the participants of the article and without any permit in experimental investigations.
• Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about the abuse of duty, they share the findings about the subject by conducting an objective investigation.
• Editors provide errors, inconsistencies, or misleading errors in articles to be corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles, and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation. Editors also take the necessary precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; they control authenticity-similarity.
• Editors considers consistent critiques for the articles published in the journal and enables authors to answer these critiques.
• Editors considers the studies including negative conclusions also.
• Editors evaluate the complaints sent to the journal and make necessary statements.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

The articles in The Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps the records of each article and correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print.are evaluated by double-blind review in a process, which neither the authors know the reviewers nor the reviewers know the authors; reviewers cannot communicate the authors directly; article evaluation forms and proofreading requests are sent to the authors through the website of the journal. Reviewers must bear the ethical responsibilities in The Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps the records of each article and correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print. as below:
• Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their specializations.
• Reviewers should make the evaluation impartially and confidentially. In accordance with this principle, the articles they review should be annihilated after the evaluation process, but they should be used after publication. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not distort the impartiality of the evaluation.
• When reviewers understand that there is a conflict or collaboration, they should inform the editors and refuse to evaluate the article.
• Reviewers must evaluate articles with a constructive attitude in accordance with the academic etiquette rules; they should refrain from insulting and hostile personal comments.
• Reviewers should evaluate the articles they agree on during the evaluation.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors

The ethical responsibilities of the authors that apply to The Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps the records of each article and correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print.as below:
• The authors should not send an article published in or sent to be published in another journal to The Editorial Board of Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences keeps the records of each article and correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print. at the same time.
• The authors should send original articles to Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences. Authors should refer to the sources they use in writing articles in the correct way in the direction of ethical principles.
• Persons who do not contribute to the articles should not be listed as authors, and it should not be proposed to change the author order of a published article and to add authors.
• Reviewers must notify the editors of the conflicts and collaborations about the article.
• In the evaluation process of the articles the authors should provide the editorial staff with information about the articles or the raw data if required.
• The authors must document the rights to use the data they use in their articles, the permission for research or the approval of the participants to whom they have searched.
• Authors should communicate with the editors to provide information, to correct the article or to withdraw it when they are aware of the error associated with the evaluation and early appearance phase or the published article in electronic form.
• The author(s) must specify that they received the ethics committee approval for the researches that require data collection by using quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiment, survey, scale, interview, observation, focus group work that require ethics committee decision; the author(s) must also specify the name of the ethics committee, the date and the number of the ethics committee decision on the first-last page and in the method section of the candidate article. In addition, the author(s) must include information on the fact that the informed consent form was received for the case reports in the articles.
• The author(s) should present proof of their ethical principles for data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use their documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph etc.) in the article. It should be noted in the articles that the copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the study is conducted on human and animal subjects, it should be reported in the article that the study was carried out in accordance with international reports, guidelines, etc.
• Ethics committee approval is not required for review articles from the author(s). However, it should be stated in articles not requiring an ethics committee decision that the ethics committee decision is not required on the first-last page and in the method section of the article.

Notification of Ethics Non-Principles Status Editor

In case of encountering an unethical situation in articles or about editors, reviewers and authors or in articles that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding in the Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, it should be reported by konjes@ktun.edu.tr 
