An Investigation on the Presence of Salmonella spp. in Raw Water Buffalo Milks Collected from Afyonkarahisar Province
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 180 - 185, 17.05.2018
Ulaş Acaröz
Recep Kara
Zeki Gürler
Damla Arslan-acaröz
Fahriye Zemheri
Salmonella spp., important foodborne pathogens and
zoonoses, can cause food-borne outbreaks by contaminating food of animal origin
such as meat, eggs, cheese, and raw milk.
This study aimed to determine the presence and the contamination level
of Salmonella spp. in raw buffalo
milk samples collected from Afyonkarahisar.
For this purpose, 100 milk samples collected from buffalo milk producers
were taken aseptically and transferred to the laboratory under cold chain
contidions, followingly samples were analyzed according to the method of ISO
6579. Two Salmonella spp. were
isolated from the collected buffalo milk samples and they were confirmed by means
of the PCR technique. Consequently, it was determined that Salmonella spp. was not widely found in raw buffalo milk collected
from Afyonkarahisar. However, considering that Salmonella infections may cause health problems from mild
gastroenteritis to severe septicemia, it is recommended that the staff working
in dairy companies should be informed about to obey hygiene and sanitation
rules and the importance of pasteurization process in elimination of this food
- Akan M. Türkiye’de Kanatlı Endüstrisi, Bölüm 1, Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları, 1. Baskı syf: 1-7. Ed: İzgür M, Akan M. Medisan Yayın Serisi No: 50, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2002.
- Anonim 2002. Microbiology of Food and Animal Feeding Stuffs-Horizontal Method for the Detection of Salmonella spp., International Standard, ISO (International Standardization Organization) 6579: 2002, Geneva, Switzerland Switzerland.
- Anonim 2011. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and foodborne outbreaks in 2009. EFSA J. 2011; 9: 2090-2477.
- Anonim 2016. FAOSTAT 2016, Erişim adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2018.
- Anonim 2018. Tüik, bölgesel istatistikler,, Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2018.
- Amarjit SN, Toshihiko N. Role of buffalo in the socioeconomic development of rural Asia: Current status and future prospectus. Animal Science Journal. 2003; 74: 443-445.
- Aydın M. Adıyaman İlinde Tüketime Sunulan Tavuk Etlerinde Salmonella Spp. Yaygınlığının Son Zamanlarda Geliştirilen Biotinil-Tiramid Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017; 21(4): 412-419.
- Beale DJ, Morrison PD, Palombo EA. Detection of Listeria in milk using non-targeted metabolic profiling of Listeria monocytogenes: a proof-of-concept application. Food Control. 2014; 42: 343-346.
- Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E. Bursa’da içme maksatlı kullanılan artezyen kuyu sularında Salmonella ve Shigella varlığının araştırılması. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2005; 23(1): 79-82.
- Chapman HR, Sharpe ME. Microbiology of cheese. In: Robinson RK ed. Dairy Microbiology. London: Applied Science Publishers. 1981; 157-243.
- Chye FY, Abdullah A, Ayob MK. Bacteriological quality and safety of raw milk in Malaysia. Food microbiology. 2004;21(5), 535-541.
- Colak H, Hampikyan H, Bingol EB, Ulusoy B. Prevalence of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in tulum cheese. Food Control. 2007; 18(5): 576-579.
- D’amico DJ, Groves E, Donnelly CW. Low incidence of foodborne pathogens of concern in raw milk utilized for farmstead cheese production. Journal of Food Protection. 2008; 71(8): 1580-1589.
- O'Donnell ET. The incidence of Salmonella and Listeria in raw milk from farm bulk tanks in England and Wales. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 1995; 48(1): 25-29.
- Ekici K, Bozkurt H, İsleyici O. Isolation of some pathogens from raw milk of different milch animals. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2004; 3(3): 161-162.
- Finstad S, O'bryan CA, Marcy JA, Crandall PG, Ricke SC. Salmonella and broiler processing in the United States: Relationship to foodborne salmonellosis. Food Res Int. 2012; 45: 789-794.
- Gwida MM, AL-Ashmawy MA. (2014). Culture versus PCR for Salmonella species identification in some dairy products and dairy handlers with special concern to its zoonotic importance. Veterinary medicine international, 2014; 2014: 5, Article ID 502370.
- Han BZ, Meng Y, Li M, Yang YX, Ren FZ, Zeng QK, Nout MR. A survey on the microbiological and chemical composition of buffalo milk in China. Food Control. 2007; 18(6): 742-746.
- Haug A, Høstmark AT, Harstad OM. Bovine milk in human nutrition–a review. Lipids in health and disease. 2007; 6(1): 25.
- Jayarao BM, Henning DR. Prevalence of Foodborne Pathogens in Bulk Tank Milk1. Journal of Dairy Science. 2001; 84(10): 2157-2162.
- Kahraman T, Ozmen G, Ozinan B, Omer Goksoy E. Prevalence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in different cheese types produced in Turkey. British Food Journal. 2010; 112(11): 1230-1236.
- Karshima NS, Pam VA, Bata SI, Dung PA and Paman ND. Isolation of Salmonella species from milk and locally processed milk products traded for human consumption and associated risk factors in Kanam, Plateau State, Nigeria Journal of Animal Production Advances. 2013; 3(3): 69-74.
- Kaynar P. Ülkemiz peynirleri üzerine mikrobiyolojik araştırmalar. Türk Mikrobiyol. Cemiy. Derg. 2011; 41(1), 1-8.
- Kalendar R, Lee D, Schulman AH. FastPCR Software for PCR Primer and Probe Design and Repeat Search. Genes. Genomes and Genomics. 2009; 3(1): 1-14.Lejeule JT, Rajala-Schultz P. Unpasteurized milk: A continued public threat. Food Safety. 2009; 48: 93-100.
- Ménard O, Ahmad S, Rousseau F, Briard-Bion V, Gaucheron F, Lopez C. Buffalo vs. cow milk fat globules: Size distribution, zeta-potential, compositions in total fatty acids and in polar lipids from the milk fat globule membrane. Food Chemistry. 2010; 120(2): 544-551.
- Murinda SE, Nguyen LT, Ivey SJ, Gillespie BE, Almeida RA, Draughon FA, Oliver SP. Molecular characterization of Salmonella spp. isolated from bulk tank milk and cull dairy cow fecal samples. Journal of food protection, 2002; 65(7): 1100-1105.
- Sağlam D, Şeker E. Gıda Kaynaklı Bakteriyel Patojenler. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi. 2016; 9(2): 105-113.
- Scallan E, Hoekstra RM, Angulo FJ, Tauxe RV, Widdowson MA, Roy SL, Jones JL, Griffin PM. Foodborne illness acquired in the United States-major pathogens. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011; 17: 7-15.
- Soyutemiz E, Cetinkaya F, Ozakın C, Gedikoglu S. Batı Anadolu bölgesi çiğ sütlerinde bulunan koliform bakterilerin identifikasyonu ile Escherichia coli O157:H7 ve Salmonella varlığının araştırılması. Bursa Devlet Hastanesi Bülteni. 2000; 16 (1): 5-8.
- Tekinşen OC. Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi 3. Baskı Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya, 2000.
- Tonbak F, Atasever M, Çalıcıoğlu M. Kanatlı etlerinde Salmonella riski. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg. 2017; 12: 90-98.
- Yıldırım T, Sırıken B, Yavuz C. Sığır kıyma ve köftelerinde Salmonella spp. varlığı. Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi. 2016; 87(1): 11-23.
- Yuan Y, Xu W, Zhai Z, Shi H, Luo Y, Chen Y, Huang K. Universal Primer-Multiplex PCR Approach for Simultaneous Detection of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. in Food Samples. Journal of Food Science. 2009; 74: 8.
Afyonkarahisar’dan Toplanan Çiğ Manda Sütlerinde Salmonella spp. Varlığının Araştırılması
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 180 - 185, 17.05.2018
Ulaş Acaröz
Recep Kara
Zeki Gürler
Damla Arslan-acaröz
Fahriye Zemheri
Gıda kaynaklı önemli bir patojen ve zoonoz olan Salmonella spp. et, yumurta, peynir ve çiğ süt gibi hayvansal
gıdaları kontamine ederek gıda kaynaklı salgınlara neden olabilmektedir. Yapılan
bu çalışmada Afyonkarahisar'da çiğ manda sütlerinde Salmonella spp. varlığının ve kontaminasyon düzeyinin araştırılması
amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, manda sütü üreticilerinden temin edilen 100 adet çiğ
manda sütü örneği steril kaplara alınarak soğuk zincir altında laboratuvara
ulaştırıldı ve ISO 6579 metoduna göre Salmonella
spp. varlığı bakımından analize alındı. Analize alınan çiğ manda sütü
örneklerinin 2 tanesinde (%2) Salmonella
spp. izole edildi ve PCR tekniği kullanılarak onaylandı. Sonuç olarak, Afyonkarahisar’dan
toplanan çiğ manda sütlerinde Salmonella
spp.’nin yaygın olarak bulunmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ancak, Salmonella
enfeksiyonlarının hafif seyirli gastroenteritislerden, ciddi septisemilere
kadar sağlık problemlerine neden olabileceği göz önünde bulundurulduğundan, Salmonella spp’nin sütlerden eliminasyonunda
pastörizasyon işleminin önemli rol oynadığının göz ardı edilmemesi, süt
işletmelerinde çalışan personelin bu konuda bilgilendirilmesi ve işletmelerde
hijyen ve sanitasyon kurallarına uyulması önerilmektedir.
- Akan M. Türkiye’de Kanatlı Endüstrisi, Bölüm 1, Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları, 1. Baskı syf: 1-7. Ed: İzgür M, Akan M. Medisan Yayın Serisi No: 50, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara. 2002.
- Anonim 2002. Microbiology of Food and Animal Feeding Stuffs-Horizontal Method for the Detection of Salmonella spp., International Standard, ISO (International Standardization Organization) 6579: 2002, Geneva, Switzerland Switzerland.
- Anonim 2011. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): The European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and foodborne outbreaks in 2009. EFSA J. 2011; 9: 2090-2477.
- Anonim 2016. FAOSTAT 2016, Erişim adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2018.
- Anonim 2018. Tüik, bölgesel istatistikler,, Erişim Tarihi: 02.04.2018.
- Amarjit SN, Toshihiko N. Role of buffalo in the socioeconomic development of rural Asia: Current status and future prospectus. Animal Science Journal. 2003; 74: 443-445.
- Aydın M. Adıyaman İlinde Tüketime Sunulan Tavuk Etlerinde Salmonella Spp. Yaygınlığının Son Zamanlarda Geliştirilen Biotinil-Tiramid Yöntemi İle Belirlenmesi. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017; 21(4): 412-419.
- Beale DJ, Morrison PD, Palombo EA. Detection of Listeria in milk using non-targeted metabolic profiling of Listeria monocytogenes: a proof-of-concept application. Food Control. 2014; 42: 343-346.
- Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E. Bursa’da içme maksatlı kullanılan artezyen kuyu sularında Salmonella ve Shigella varlığının araştırılması. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 2005; 23(1): 79-82.
- Chapman HR, Sharpe ME. Microbiology of cheese. In: Robinson RK ed. Dairy Microbiology. London: Applied Science Publishers. 1981; 157-243.
- Chye FY, Abdullah A, Ayob MK. Bacteriological quality and safety of raw milk in Malaysia. Food microbiology. 2004;21(5), 535-541.
- Colak H, Hampikyan H, Bingol EB, Ulusoy B. Prevalence of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. in tulum cheese. Food Control. 2007; 18(5): 576-579.
- D’amico DJ, Groves E, Donnelly CW. Low incidence of foodborne pathogens of concern in raw milk utilized for farmstead cheese production. Journal of Food Protection. 2008; 71(8): 1580-1589.
- O'Donnell ET. The incidence of Salmonella and Listeria in raw milk from farm bulk tanks in England and Wales. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 1995; 48(1): 25-29.
- Ekici K, Bozkurt H, İsleyici O. Isolation of some pathogens from raw milk of different milch animals. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2004; 3(3): 161-162.
- Finstad S, O'bryan CA, Marcy JA, Crandall PG, Ricke SC. Salmonella and broiler processing in the United States: Relationship to foodborne salmonellosis. Food Res Int. 2012; 45: 789-794.
- Gwida MM, AL-Ashmawy MA. (2014). Culture versus PCR for Salmonella species identification in some dairy products and dairy handlers with special concern to its zoonotic importance. Veterinary medicine international, 2014; 2014: 5, Article ID 502370.
- Han BZ, Meng Y, Li M, Yang YX, Ren FZ, Zeng QK, Nout MR. A survey on the microbiological and chemical composition of buffalo milk in China. Food Control. 2007; 18(6): 742-746.
- Haug A, Høstmark AT, Harstad OM. Bovine milk in human nutrition–a review. Lipids in health and disease. 2007; 6(1): 25.
- Jayarao BM, Henning DR. Prevalence of Foodborne Pathogens in Bulk Tank Milk1. Journal of Dairy Science. 2001; 84(10): 2157-2162.
- Kahraman T, Ozmen G, Ozinan B, Omer Goksoy E. Prevalence of Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes in different cheese types produced in Turkey. British Food Journal. 2010; 112(11): 1230-1236.
- Karshima NS, Pam VA, Bata SI, Dung PA and Paman ND. Isolation of Salmonella species from milk and locally processed milk products traded for human consumption and associated risk factors in Kanam, Plateau State, Nigeria Journal of Animal Production Advances. 2013; 3(3): 69-74.
- Kaynar P. Ülkemiz peynirleri üzerine mikrobiyolojik araştırmalar. Türk Mikrobiyol. Cemiy. Derg. 2011; 41(1), 1-8.
- Kalendar R, Lee D, Schulman AH. FastPCR Software for PCR Primer and Probe Design and Repeat Search. Genes. Genomes and Genomics. 2009; 3(1): 1-14.Lejeule JT, Rajala-Schultz P. Unpasteurized milk: A continued public threat. Food Safety. 2009; 48: 93-100.
- Ménard O, Ahmad S, Rousseau F, Briard-Bion V, Gaucheron F, Lopez C. Buffalo vs. cow milk fat globules: Size distribution, zeta-potential, compositions in total fatty acids and in polar lipids from the milk fat globule membrane. Food Chemistry. 2010; 120(2): 544-551.
- Murinda SE, Nguyen LT, Ivey SJ, Gillespie BE, Almeida RA, Draughon FA, Oliver SP. Molecular characterization of Salmonella spp. isolated from bulk tank milk and cull dairy cow fecal samples. Journal of food protection, 2002; 65(7): 1100-1105.
- Sağlam D, Şeker E. Gıda Kaynaklı Bakteriyel Patojenler. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi. 2016; 9(2): 105-113.
- Scallan E, Hoekstra RM, Angulo FJ, Tauxe RV, Widdowson MA, Roy SL, Jones JL, Griffin PM. Foodborne illness acquired in the United States-major pathogens. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011; 17: 7-15.
- Soyutemiz E, Cetinkaya F, Ozakın C, Gedikoglu S. Batı Anadolu bölgesi çiğ sütlerinde bulunan koliform bakterilerin identifikasyonu ile Escherichia coli O157:H7 ve Salmonella varlığının araştırılması. Bursa Devlet Hastanesi Bülteni. 2000; 16 (1): 5-8.
- Tekinşen OC. Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi 3. Baskı Selçuk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Konya, 2000.
- Tonbak F, Atasever M, Çalıcıoğlu M. Kanatlı etlerinde Salmonella riski. Atatürk Üniversitesi Vet Bil Derg. 2017; 12: 90-98.
- Yıldırım T, Sırıken B, Yavuz C. Sığır kıyma ve köftelerinde Salmonella spp. varlığı. Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi. 2016; 87(1): 11-23.
- Yuan Y, Xu W, Zhai Z, Shi H, Luo Y, Chen Y, Huang K. Universal Primer-Multiplex PCR Approach for Simultaneous Detection of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. in Food Samples. Journal of Food Science. 2009; 74: 8.