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The Falangism Propaganda Through Banners in Franco’s Spain

Yıl 2022, , 702 - 715, 28.04.2022


Falangism ideology expresses ideas adopted by the Spanish nationalists struggling against Communism ideology. The ideology put forward by Spanish Falancing Party (FE) in 1933 became the official ideology of the country after Francisco Franco took over Spain in 1939. Franco aimed to build a new Spanish culture by embracing Falangism ideology to the Spanish society. For this purpose, Falangism ideology was tried to make dominant in Spain through mass media in the period from the foundation of the FE in 1933 to Franco’s death in 1975. In the study, the affiches which were used to adopt Falangism ideology in Spain were examined and it was aimed to reveal which discourses started to be dominated and what changes occurred in Spanish social and cultural life with the ideology. The findings of the study revealed that the idea of a single nation and a single country in Spanish culture was idealized, women were come into prominence in social and economic life and militarist discourses gained importance with Falangism ideology. Also Communism, Freemasonry and Jews were declared as enemies of Spanish society, it was argued that Spain was under threat and Falangists were brought to the fore as the savior of Spain in affiches.


  • Aarons, S. (1973). Reminiscences of the Spanish Civil War. Australian Left Review, 1(39), 24-29.
  • Albet-Mas, A. (2006). Three Gods, two shores, one space: Religious justifications for tolerance and confrontation between Spain and Colonial Morocco during the Franco Era. Geopolitics, 11(4), 580- 600.
  • Alonso Gonzalez, C. (2018). The speeches of Zarzuela Manuelita Rosas: Between Argentine revisionism, Falangism and Hispanidad. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 95(8), 1041-1071.
  • Avcı, Ö. (2018). Propaganda çeşitleri. İçinde M. Karaca ve C. Çakı (Edt.), İletişim ve propaganda (ss. 75-114). Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Boyd, C. P. (2008). The politics of history and memory in democratic Spain. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 617(1), 133-148.
  • Calvo-Gonzalez, O. (2007). American military interests and economic confidence in Spain under the Franco Dictatorship. The Journal of Economic History, 67(3), 740-767.
  • Carbayo‐Abengózar, M. (2001). Shaping women: National identity through the use of language in Franco’s Spain. Nations and Nationalism, 7(1), 75-92.
  • De la Cueva, J. (1998). Religious persecution, anticlerical tradition and revolution: On atrocities against the Clergy during the Spanish Civil War. Journal of Contemporary History, 33(3), 355-369.
  • De Meneses, F. R. (2003). Franco and the Spanish Civil War. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Delzell, C. F. (1970). The Falange Española. In C. F. Delzell (Eds.), Mediterranean Fascism 1919–1945 (pp. 257-282). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fiske, J. (2017). İletişim çalışmalarına giriş (Çev: S. İrvan). (5. Baskı). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Gallo, M. (1973). Spain under Franco: A history. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  • Guiraud, P. (2016). Göstergebilim. (Çev: M Yalçın). (3. Baskı). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Goldsmith, T. (2011). From Falangism to technocracy: The legislation and the reality of Spanish urbanism in Barcelona, 1939-1976. Journal of Urban History, 37(3), 331-354.
  • González-Ruibal, A. (2007). Making things public: Archaeologies of the Spanish Civil War. Public Archaeology, 6(4), 203-226.
  • Gunther, R., Sani, G. ve Shabad, G. (1988). Spain after Franco: The making of a competitive party system. The United States: Univ of California Press.
  • Heiberg, M. (2001). Mussolini, Franco and the Spanish Civil War: An afterthought. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 2(3), 55-68.
  • Hermet, G. (1976). Spain under Franco: The changing character of an authoritarian regime. European Journal of Political Research, 4(3), 311-327.
  • Holguin, S. (2005). “National Spain Invites You”: Battlefield tourism during the Spanish Civil War. The American Historical Review, 110(5), 1399-1426.
  • Juárez, J. R. (1963). Argentine neutrality, mediation, and asylum during the Spanish Civil War. The Americas, 19(4), 383-403.
  • Lannon, F. (1991). Women and images of women in the Spanish Civil War. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1, 213-228.
  • La Porte, P. (2004). Civil-military relations in the Spanish protectorate in Morocco: The road to the Spanish Civil War, 1912-1936. Armed Forces & Society, 30(2), 203-226.
  • Leitz, C. (1996). Economic Relations between Nazi Germany and Franco’s Spain: 1936-1945. The United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  • Library of Congress (2021). Kongre Kütüphanesi. Erişim Linki:
  • LOC (2020a). Vatan Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020b). Özgürlük Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020c). Zafer Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020d). İspanya Afişi. Erişim Tarihi: https://www.
  • Madueno Alvarez, M. (2018). The Falangism in the shadow of the Franco regime. The search for identities of the falangist groups in the first years of the transition. Razon Historica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Historia de Las Ideas, (40), 100-115.
  • Maravall, J. M. (1978). Dictatorship and political dissent: Workers and students in Franco’s Spain. The United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
  • Mar del Pozo Andrés, M. D. ve Braster, J. F. A. (2006). The reinvention of the new education movement in the Franco dictatorship (Spain, 1936–1976). Paedagogica Historica, 42(1-2), 109-126.
  • Martín-Aceña, P., Martinez Ruiz, E. ve Pons, M. A. (2012). War and economics: Spanish Civil War finances revisited. European Review of Economic History, 16(2), 144-165.
  • Pack, S. (2006). Tourism and dictatorship: Europe’s peaceful invasion of Franco’s Spain. Germany: Springer.
  • Paz, M. A. A. (2003). The Spanish remember: Movie attendance during the Franco dictatorship, 1943–1975. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 23(4), 357-374.
  • Payne, S. G. (2008). Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany, and World War II. The United States: Yale University Press.
  • Payne, S. G. (2011). The Franco regime, 1936-1975. The United States: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Pérez-Aguado, C. M. ve Brugues, E. (2010). Medicine and nursing in the Spanish Civil War: Women who served in the health services of the international brigades (1936-1939). Vesalius: Acta Internationales Historiae Medicinae, 29-33.
  • Powell, C. (2007). The United States and Spain. From Franco to Juan Carlos. In N. Townson (Eds.), Transformed, the late Franco dictatorship, 1959-1975 (pp. 227-247). Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Preston, P. (1992). Franco and Hitler: The myth of Hendaye 1940. Contemporary European History, 1(1), 1-16.
  • Richards, M. (2002). From war culture to civil society: Francoism, social change and memories of the Spanish Civil War. History & Memory, 14(1-2), 93-120.
  • Quiroga, A. (2015). Spanish fury: Football and national identities under Franco. European History Quarterly, 45(3), 506-529.
  • Richards, M. (1998). A time of silence: Civil war and the culture of repression in Franco’s Spain, 1936-1945 (Vol. 4). The United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rohr, I. (2003). The use of antisemitism in the Spanish Civil War. Patterns of Prejudice, 37(2), 195-211.
  • Ruiz, J. (2005). A Spanish genocide? Reflections on the Francoist repression after the Spanish Civil War. Contemporary European History, 14(2), 171-191.
  • Sánchez, A. C. (2009). Fear and progress: Ordinary lives in Franco’s Spain, 1939-1975. The United States: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Seixas, X. M. N. (2015). Falangism, National-Socialism and the Hitler myth in Spain (1931-1945). Revista de Estudios Politicos, (169), 13-43.
  • Southworth, H. R. (2002). Conspiracy and the Spanish Civil War: The brainwashing of Francisco Franco. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Thomàs, J. (2008). Roosevelt and Franco during the Second World War: From the Spanish Civil War to Pearl Harbor. Germany: Springer.
  • VADS (2020a). Komünizm afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS (2020b). Mücadele afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS (2020c). Halk afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS AC (2021). Görsel Sanatlar Veri Hizmeti. Erişim Linki:
  • Whealey, R. H. (1971). Foreign intervention in the Spanish Civil War. In R. Carr (Eds.), The republic and the civil war in Spain (pp. 213-238). London: Palgrave.
  • Whealey, R. H. (2015). Hitler and Spain: The Nazi role in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939. The United States: University Press of Kentucky.
  • Wigg, R. (2005). Churchill and Spain: The Survival of the Franco regime, 1940–1945. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Zaloga, S. J. (1999). Soviet tank operations in the Spanish Civil War. The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 12(3), 134-162.

Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası

Yıl 2022, , 702 - 715, 28.04.2022


 Falanjizm ideolojisi, Komünizm ideolojisine karşı mücadele eden İspanyol milliyetçilerin benimsediği fikir akımını ifade etmektedir. İspanyol Falanjı Partisi (FE) tarafından 1933 yılında ortaya konan ideoloji, 1939 yılında Francisco Franco’nun İspanya yönetimini ele geçirmesinden sonra ülkenin resmi ideolojisi haline gelmiştir. Franco, Falanjizm ideolojisini İspanyol toplumuna benimseterek, yeni bir İspanyol kültürü inşa etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla 1933 yılında FE’nin kuruluşundan, 1975 yılında Franco’nun ölümüne kadarki süreçte kitle iletişim araçları yoluyla Falanjizm ideolojisinin İspanya’da hâkim kılınması için çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada İspanya’da Falanjizm ideolojisinin benimsetilmesi amacıyla kullanılan afişler incelenmiş, ideolojiyle birlikte İspanyol toplumsal ve kültürel hayatında hangi söylemlerin hâkim kılınmaya başlandığının ve hangi değişimlerin yaşandığının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ele edilen bulgularda, Falanjizm ideolojisiyle birlikte İspanyol kültüründe tek ulus ve tek vatan düşüncesinin idealleştirildiği, kadınların toplumsal ve ekonomik hayatta ön plana çıkarıldığı, militarist söylemlerinin ağırlık kazandığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca afişlerde Komünizm, Masonluk ve Yahudiler, İspanyol toplumunun düşmanı olarak ilan edilmiş, İspanya’nın tehlike altında olduğu savunulmuş, bu aşamada da Falanjistler İspanya’nın kurtarıcısı olarak ön plana çıkarılmıştır.


  • Aarons, S. (1973). Reminiscences of the Spanish Civil War. Australian Left Review, 1(39), 24-29.
  • Albet-Mas, A. (2006). Three Gods, two shores, one space: Religious justifications for tolerance and confrontation between Spain and Colonial Morocco during the Franco Era. Geopolitics, 11(4), 580- 600.
  • Alonso Gonzalez, C. (2018). The speeches of Zarzuela Manuelita Rosas: Between Argentine revisionism, Falangism and Hispanidad. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 95(8), 1041-1071.
  • Avcı, Ö. (2018). Propaganda çeşitleri. İçinde M. Karaca ve C. Çakı (Edt.), İletişim ve propaganda (ss. 75-114). Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Boyd, C. P. (2008). The politics of history and memory in democratic Spain. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 617(1), 133-148.
  • Calvo-Gonzalez, O. (2007). American military interests and economic confidence in Spain under the Franco Dictatorship. The Journal of Economic History, 67(3), 740-767.
  • Carbayo‐Abengózar, M. (2001). Shaping women: National identity through the use of language in Franco’s Spain. Nations and Nationalism, 7(1), 75-92.
  • De la Cueva, J. (1998). Religious persecution, anticlerical tradition and revolution: On atrocities against the Clergy during the Spanish Civil War. Journal of Contemporary History, 33(3), 355-369.
  • De Meneses, F. R. (2003). Franco and the Spanish Civil War. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Delzell, C. F. (1970). The Falange Española. In C. F. Delzell (Eds.), Mediterranean Fascism 1919–1945 (pp. 257-282). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fiske, J. (2017). İletişim çalışmalarına giriş (Çev: S. İrvan). (5. Baskı). Ankara: Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • Gallo, M. (1973). Spain under Franco: A history. Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  • Guiraud, P. (2016). Göstergebilim. (Çev: M Yalçın). (3. Baskı). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Goldsmith, T. (2011). From Falangism to technocracy: The legislation and the reality of Spanish urbanism in Barcelona, 1939-1976. Journal of Urban History, 37(3), 331-354.
  • González-Ruibal, A. (2007). Making things public: Archaeologies of the Spanish Civil War. Public Archaeology, 6(4), 203-226.
  • Gunther, R., Sani, G. ve Shabad, G. (1988). Spain after Franco: The making of a competitive party system. The United States: Univ of California Press.
  • Heiberg, M. (2001). Mussolini, Franco and the Spanish Civil War: An afterthought. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 2(3), 55-68.
  • Hermet, G. (1976). Spain under Franco: The changing character of an authoritarian regime. European Journal of Political Research, 4(3), 311-327.
  • Holguin, S. (2005). “National Spain Invites You”: Battlefield tourism during the Spanish Civil War. The American Historical Review, 110(5), 1399-1426.
  • Juárez, J. R. (1963). Argentine neutrality, mediation, and asylum during the Spanish Civil War. The Americas, 19(4), 383-403.
  • Lannon, F. (1991). Women and images of women in the Spanish Civil War. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1, 213-228.
  • La Porte, P. (2004). Civil-military relations in the Spanish protectorate in Morocco: The road to the Spanish Civil War, 1912-1936. Armed Forces & Society, 30(2), 203-226.
  • Leitz, C. (1996). Economic Relations between Nazi Germany and Franco’s Spain: 1936-1945. The United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  • Library of Congress (2021). Kongre Kütüphanesi. Erişim Linki:
  • LOC (2020a). Vatan Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020b). Özgürlük Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020c). Zafer Afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • LOC (2020d). İspanya Afişi. Erişim Tarihi: https://www.
  • Madueno Alvarez, M. (2018). The Falangism in the shadow of the Franco regime. The search for identities of the falangist groups in the first years of the transition. Razon Historica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Historia de Las Ideas, (40), 100-115.
  • Maravall, J. M. (1978). Dictatorship and political dissent: Workers and students in Franco’s Spain. The United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
  • Mar del Pozo Andrés, M. D. ve Braster, J. F. A. (2006). The reinvention of the new education movement in the Franco dictatorship (Spain, 1936–1976). Paedagogica Historica, 42(1-2), 109-126.
  • Martín-Aceña, P., Martinez Ruiz, E. ve Pons, M. A. (2012). War and economics: Spanish Civil War finances revisited. European Review of Economic History, 16(2), 144-165.
  • Pack, S. (2006). Tourism and dictatorship: Europe’s peaceful invasion of Franco’s Spain. Germany: Springer.
  • Paz, M. A. A. (2003). The Spanish remember: Movie attendance during the Franco dictatorship, 1943–1975. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 23(4), 357-374.
  • Payne, S. G. (2008). Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany, and World War II. The United States: Yale University Press.
  • Payne, S. G. (2011). The Franco regime, 1936-1975. The United States: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Pérez-Aguado, C. M. ve Brugues, E. (2010). Medicine and nursing in the Spanish Civil War: Women who served in the health services of the international brigades (1936-1939). Vesalius: Acta Internationales Historiae Medicinae, 29-33.
  • Powell, C. (2007). The United States and Spain. From Franco to Juan Carlos. In N. Townson (Eds.), Transformed, the late Franco dictatorship, 1959-1975 (pp. 227-247). Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Preston, P. (1992). Franco and Hitler: The myth of Hendaye 1940. Contemporary European History, 1(1), 1-16.
  • Richards, M. (2002). From war culture to civil society: Francoism, social change and memories of the Spanish Civil War. History & Memory, 14(1-2), 93-120.
  • Quiroga, A. (2015). Spanish fury: Football and national identities under Franco. European History Quarterly, 45(3), 506-529.
  • Richards, M. (1998). A time of silence: Civil war and the culture of repression in Franco’s Spain, 1936-1945 (Vol. 4). The United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rohr, I. (2003). The use of antisemitism in the Spanish Civil War. Patterns of Prejudice, 37(2), 195-211.
  • Ruiz, J. (2005). A Spanish genocide? Reflections on the Francoist repression after the Spanish Civil War. Contemporary European History, 14(2), 171-191.
  • Sánchez, A. C. (2009). Fear and progress: Ordinary lives in Franco’s Spain, 1939-1975. The United States: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Seixas, X. M. N. (2015). Falangism, National-Socialism and the Hitler myth in Spain (1931-1945). Revista de Estudios Politicos, (169), 13-43.
  • Southworth, H. R. (2002). Conspiracy and the Spanish Civil War: The brainwashing of Francisco Franco. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Thomàs, J. (2008). Roosevelt and Franco during the Second World War: From the Spanish Civil War to Pearl Harbor. Germany: Springer.
  • VADS (2020a). Komünizm afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS (2020b). Mücadele afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS (2020c). Halk afişi. Erişim Tarihi:
  • VADS AC (2021). Görsel Sanatlar Veri Hizmeti. Erişim Linki:
  • Whealey, R. H. (1971). Foreign intervention in the Spanish Civil War. In R. Carr (Eds.), The republic and the civil war in Spain (pp. 213-238). London: Palgrave.
  • Whealey, R. H. (2015). Hitler and Spain: The Nazi role in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939. The United States: University Press of Kentucky.
  • Wigg, R. (2005). Churchill and Spain: The Survival of the Franco regime, 1940–1945. The United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Zaloga, S. J. (1999). Soviet tank operations in the Spanish Civil War. The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 12(3), 134-162.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mustafa Karaca 0000-0002-8204-6154

Şükrü Macun 0000-0001-7695-1396

Caner Çakı 0000-0002-1523-4649

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaca, M., Macun, Ş., & Çakı, C. (2022). Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(2), 702-715.
AMA Karaca M, Macun Ş, Çakı C. Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası. MJSS. Nisan 2022;11(2):702-715. doi:10.33206/mjss.972386
Chicago Karaca, Mustafa, Şükrü Macun, ve Caner Çakı. “Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 11, sy. 2 (Nisan 2022): 702-15.
EndNote Karaca M, Macun Ş, Çakı C (01 Nisan 2022) Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 11 2 702–715.
IEEE M. Karaca, Ş. Macun, ve C. Çakı, “Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası”, MJSS, c. 11, sy. 2, ss. 702–715, 2022, doi: 10.33206/mjss.972386.
ISNAD Karaca, Mustafa vd. “Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 11/2 (Nisan 2022), 702-715.
JAMA Karaca M, Macun Ş, Çakı C. Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası. MJSS. 2022;11:702–715.
MLA Karaca, Mustafa vd. “Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası”. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, c. 11, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 702-15, doi:10.33206/mjss.972386.
Vancouver Karaca M, Macun Ş, Çakı C. Franco İspanya’sında Afişler Üzerinden Falanjizm Propagandası. MJSS. 2022;11(2):702-15.

MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi)