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Plant Proteins and Their Use as a Meat Alternative

Yıl 2024, , 1913 - 1932, 16.09.2024


Due to the increase in the world population and its effects on the consumption of resources, we are faced with increasing deficiencies in the availability of proteins with high biological value. Issues regarding animal welfare and human health, as well as the search for solutions to environmental pollution and sustainability, have encouraged the development of meat alternatives with plant protein. The market for plant-based meat alternatives is rapidly expanding to meet increasing consumer demand. Soy protein has been used in the preparation of meat alternatives and has become an alternative to animal protein due to its gelling properties and potential to form fibrous structures. This study focused on plant protein-based meat alternatives, approaches to improve the taste of plant protein meat alternatives, and their effects on health.


  • Aaslyng MD., Martens M., Poll L., Nielsen PM., Flyge H., Larsen LM. Chemical and sensory characterization ofhydrolyzed vegetable protein, a savory flavoring. Journal of Agri-cultural and Food Chemistry 1998; 46(2): 481–489
  • Alexander P., Brown C., Arneth A., Dias C., Finnigan J., Moran D., Rounsevell MD. Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use?. Global Food Security 2017; 15, 22-32.
  • Alexander P., Brown C., Arneth A., Finnigan J., Moran D., Rounsevell MD. Losses, inefficiencies and waste in the global food system. Agricultural Systems 2017b; 153, 190-200.
  • Alim A., Song H., Liu Y., Zou T., Zhang Y., Zhang S. Flavour-active compounds in thermally treated yeast extracts.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2018; 98(10): 3774–3783.
  • Aluko RE., Mofolasayo OA., Watts BM. Emulsifying and foaming properties of commercial yellow pea (Pisum sativum L.) seed flours. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009; 57(20): 9793-9800.
  • Aydemir LY., Yemenicioğlu A. Potential of Turkish Kabuli type chickpea and green and red lentil cultivars as source of soy and animal origin functional protein alternatives. LWT-Food Science and Technolog 2013; 50(2): 686-694.
  • Bachran C., Bachran S., Sutherland M., Bachran D., Fuchs H. Saponins in tumor therapy. Mini reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2008, 8(6): 575-584.
  • Bader S., Bez J., Eisner P. Can protein functionalities be enhanced by high-pressure homogenization?–A study on functional properties of lupin proteins. Procedia Food Science 2011; 1, 1359-1366.
  • Bednárˇová M., Borkovcová M., Komprda T. Purine derivate content and amino acid profile in larval stages of three edible insects. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2014; 94(1): 71–76.
  • Bednárová M., Borkovcová M., Mlcek J., Rop O., Zeman L. Edible insects – Species suitable for entomophagy under condition of Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 2013; 61, 587–593.
  • Belluco S., Losasso C., Maggioletti M., Alonzi CC., Paoletti MG., Ricci A. Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: A critical review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2013; 12(3): 296–313.
  • Berghout JAM., Boom RM., van der Goot AJ. Understanding the differences in gelling properties between lupin protein isolate and soyprotein isolate. Food Hydrocolloids 2015a; 43, 465-472.
  • Berghout JAM., Venema P., Boom RM., Van der Goot AJ. Comparing functional properties of concentrated protein isolates with freezedried protein isolates from lupin seeds. Food Hydrocolloids 2015b; 51, 346-354.
  • Bohrer BM. An investigation of the formulation and nutri-tional composition of modern meat analogue products. Food Sci-ence and Human Wellness 2019; 8(4): 320–329
  • Boukid F. Plant-based meat analogues: From niche to mainstream. European Food Research and Technology 2021; 247(2): 297-308.
  • Boye JI., Aksay S., Roufik, S., Ribéreau S., Mondor M., Farnworth E., Rajamohamed SH., Comparison of the functional properties of pea,chickpea and lentil protein concentrates processed using ultrafiltration and isoelectric precipitation techniques. Food Research International 2010; 43(2): 537-546.
  • Cabrera-Orozco A., Jiménez-Martínez C., Dávila-Ortiz G. Soybean: Non-nutritional factors and their biological functionality. Soybean-Bio-Active Compounds 2013, 387-410.
  • Caparros Megido R., Alabi T., Nieus C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Bogaert J., et al. Optimization of a cheap and residential small-scale production of edible crickets with local by-products as an alternative protein-rich human food source in Ratanakiri Province (Cambodia). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015; 96(2): 627–632.
  • Caparros Megido R., Sablon L., Geuens M., Brostaux Y., Alabi T., Blecker C., et al. Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: Promising attitude for entomophagy development. Journal of Sensory Studies 2014; 29(1): 14–20.
  • Chapleau N., De Lamballerie-Anton M. Improvement of emulsifying properties of lupin proteins by high pressure induced aggregation. Food Hydrocolloids 2003; 17(3): 27-280.
  • Chen N., Zhao M., Sun W., 2013. Effect of protein oxidation on the in vitro digestibility of soy protein isolate. Food Chemistry 2013; 141(3): 3224-3229.
  • Clifton PM. Protein and coronary heart disease: the role of different protein sources. Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2011; 13(6): 493-498.
  • Coulibaly A., Kouakou B., Chen J. Phytic acid in cereal grains: structure, healthy or harmful ways to reduce phytic acid in cereal grains and their effects on nutritional quality. American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology, 2011, 1(1): 1-22.
  • Craig WJ. Nutrition concerns and health effects of vegetarian diets. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2010; 25(6): 613-620.
  • Damodaran S.,Arora A. Off-flavor precursors in soy pro-tein isolate and novel strategies for their removal. Annual Reviewof Food Science and Technology 2013; 4, 327–346
  • Dekkers BL., Bom RM., van der Goot AJ. Et analoglarına yönelik süreçlerin yapılandırılması. Trendler Gıda Bilimi. Teknoloji. 2018, 81, 25–36.
  • Don C., Lichtendonk W., Plijter JJ., Hamer RJ. Glutenin macropolymer: a gel formed by glutenin particles. Journal of Cereal Science 2003; 37(1): 1-7.
  • Egbert R., Borders C. Achieving success with meat analogs. Food Technology 2006; 60(1): 28-34.
  • Ertop MH., Bektaş M. Enhancement of bioavailable micronutrients and reduction of antinutrients in foods with some processes. Food and Health, 2018, 4(3): 159-165.
  • FAO 2009. The State of Food and Agriculture. Rome, Italy., Erişim tarihi 18.03.2020.
  • Fraser RZ., Shitut M., Agrawal P., Mendes O., Klapholz S. Safety evaluation of soy leghemoglobin protein preparation derived from pichia pastoris, ıntended for use as a flavor catalyst in plant-based meat. International Journal of Toxicology. 2018; 37(3): 241-262.
  • Gahukar RT. Entomophagy and human food security. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 2011; 31(3): 129–144.
  • Gaudette NJ., Pietrasik Z. Azaltılmış sodyumlu işlenmiş etlerde tuz ikame maddelerinin ve lezzet arttırıcıların duyusal etkisi matrikse bağlıdır. J. Sens. Stud. 2017; 32, 12247
  • Gaydhane MK., Mahanta U., Sharma CS., Khandelwal M., et al.,. Cultured meat: State of the art and future. Biomanufacturing Reviews 2018; 3(1): 1-10.
  • Gómez Luciano LB., Tsai IJ., Chuma I., Tosa Y., Chen YH., Li, JY., Li WH. Blast fungal genomes show frequent chromosomal changes, gene gains and losses, and effector gene turnover. Molecular biology and evolution 2019; 36(6): 1148-1161.
  • Grabowska KJ., Zhu S., Dekkers BL., De Ruijter NCA., Gieteling J., Van Der Goot AJ. Shear-induced structuring as a tool to make anisotropic materials using soy protein concentrate. Journal of Food Engineering 2016; 188, 77-86.
  • Grygiel-Górniak B., Puszczewicz MJ. Diet in hyperuricemia and gout - Myths and facts. Reumatologia 2014; 52(4): 269-275.
  • Güneş C., Ge JOJ., Gan R., Fang Y. Et benzeri ürünlerin işlenmesi, kalitesi, güvenliği ve kabulü. Mühendislik 2021; 7, 674–678.
  • Hadi J., Brightwell G. Alternatif proteinlerin güvenliği: kültürlenmiş et, bitki bazlı et, böcek proteini ve tek hücreli proteinin teknolojik, çevresel ve düzenleyici yönleri. Yiyecekler 2021; 10, 1226.
  • Haque A., Timilsena YP., Adhikari B. Food proteins, structure, and function. Reference Module in Food Science 2016; 1-8.
  • Hatcher HC, Singh RN., Torti FM., Torti SV Synthetic and natural iron chelators: therapeutic potential and clinical use. Future Medicinal Chemistry,2009; 1(9): 1643-1670.
  • Havlik J., Plachy V., Fernandez J., Rada V. Dietary purines in vegetarian meat analogues. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2010; 90(14): 2352-2357.
  • He R., He HY., Chao D., Ju X., Aluko R. Effects of high pressure and heat treatments on physicochemical and gelation properties of rapeseed protein isolate. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2014; 7, 1344-1353.
  • Heinz G., Hautzinger P. Meat processing technology for small-to medium scale producers. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 2007.
  • Henning B. Standing in livestock’s ‘‘long shadow’’: the ethicsof eating meat on a small planet. Ethics & the Environment 2011; 16(2): 63–93.
  • Hoek AC., Luning PA., Weijzen P., Engels W., Kok FJ., de Graaf C. Replacement of meat by meat substitutes. A survey on person- and product-related factors in consumer acceptance. Appetite 2011; 56(3): 662-673.
  • Huma H., Khalid MF. Plant protease inhibitors: a defense strategy in plants. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2007, 2(3): 68-85.
  • Jairath G., Mal G., Gopinath D., Singh B. A holistic approach to access the viability of cultured meat: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2021; 110, 700-710.
  • Karaca AC., Low N., Nickerson M. Emulsifying properties of chickpea, faba bean, lentil and pea proteins produced by isoelectric precipitation and salt extraction. Food Research International 2011a; 44(9): 2742-2750.
  • Karaca AC., Nickerson MT., Low NH. Lentil and chickpea protein-stabilized emulsions: optimization of emulsion formulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2011b; 59(24): 13203-13211.
  • Kazır M., Livney YD. Bitki bazlı deniz ürünleri analogları. Moleküller 2021; 26, 1559.
  • Kim K., Choi B., Lee I., Lee H., Kwon S., Oh K., Kim AY. Bioproduction of mushroom mycelium of Agaricus bisporus by commercial submerged fermentation for the production of meat analogue. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2011; 91(9): 1561-1568.

Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı

Yıl 2024, , 1913 - 1932, 16.09.2024


Dünya nüfusunun artması ve kaynakların tüketimi üzerindeki etkileri nedeniyle, yüksek biyolojik değere sahip proteinlerin bulunabilirliği konusunda giderek artan eksikliklerle karşı karşıya kalınmaktadır. Hayvan refahı ve insan sağlığına ilişkin hususlar ile çevre kirliliğine çözüm arayışları ve sürdürülebilirlik, bitkisel proteinli et alternatiflerinin geliştirilmesini teşvik etmiştir. Bitki bazlı et alternatifleri pazarı, artan tüketici talebini karşılamak için hızla genişlemektedir. Soya proteini, jelleşme özellikleri ve lifli yapılar oluşturma potansiyeli nedeniyle et alternatiflerinin hazırlanmasında kullanılmış ve hayvansal proteine alternatif haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada bitkisel protein bazlı et alternatifleri, bitkisel proteinli et alternatiflerinin lezzetinin geliştirme yaklaşımları ve sağlık üzerine etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur.


  • Aaslyng MD., Martens M., Poll L., Nielsen PM., Flyge H., Larsen LM. Chemical and sensory characterization ofhydrolyzed vegetable protein, a savory flavoring. Journal of Agri-cultural and Food Chemistry 1998; 46(2): 481–489
  • Alexander P., Brown C., Arneth A., Dias C., Finnigan J., Moran D., Rounsevell MD. Could consumption of insects, cultured meat or imitation meat reduce global agricultural land use?. Global Food Security 2017; 15, 22-32.
  • Alexander P., Brown C., Arneth A., Finnigan J., Moran D., Rounsevell MD. Losses, inefficiencies and waste in the global food system. Agricultural Systems 2017b; 153, 190-200.
  • Alim A., Song H., Liu Y., Zou T., Zhang Y., Zhang S. Flavour-active compounds in thermally treated yeast extracts.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2018; 98(10): 3774–3783.
  • Aluko RE., Mofolasayo OA., Watts BM. Emulsifying and foaming properties of commercial yellow pea (Pisum sativum L.) seed flours. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009; 57(20): 9793-9800.
  • Aydemir LY., Yemenicioğlu A. Potential of Turkish Kabuli type chickpea and green and red lentil cultivars as source of soy and animal origin functional protein alternatives. LWT-Food Science and Technolog 2013; 50(2): 686-694.
  • Bachran C., Bachran S., Sutherland M., Bachran D., Fuchs H. Saponins in tumor therapy. Mini reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2008, 8(6): 575-584.
  • Bader S., Bez J., Eisner P. Can protein functionalities be enhanced by high-pressure homogenization?–A study on functional properties of lupin proteins. Procedia Food Science 2011; 1, 1359-1366.
  • Bednárˇová M., Borkovcová M., Komprda T. Purine derivate content and amino acid profile in larval stages of three edible insects. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2014; 94(1): 71–76.
  • Bednárová M., Borkovcová M., Mlcek J., Rop O., Zeman L. Edible insects – Species suitable for entomophagy under condition of Czech Republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 2013; 61, 587–593.
  • Belluco S., Losasso C., Maggioletti M., Alonzi CC., Paoletti MG., Ricci A. Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: A critical review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2013; 12(3): 296–313.
  • Berghout JAM., Boom RM., van der Goot AJ. Understanding the differences in gelling properties between lupin protein isolate and soyprotein isolate. Food Hydrocolloids 2015a; 43, 465-472.
  • Berghout JAM., Venema P., Boom RM., Van der Goot AJ. Comparing functional properties of concentrated protein isolates with freezedried protein isolates from lupin seeds. Food Hydrocolloids 2015b; 51, 346-354.
  • Bohrer BM. An investigation of the formulation and nutri-tional composition of modern meat analogue products. Food Sci-ence and Human Wellness 2019; 8(4): 320–329
  • Boukid F. Plant-based meat analogues: From niche to mainstream. European Food Research and Technology 2021; 247(2): 297-308.
  • Boye JI., Aksay S., Roufik, S., Ribéreau S., Mondor M., Farnworth E., Rajamohamed SH., Comparison of the functional properties of pea,chickpea and lentil protein concentrates processed using ultrafiltration and isoelectric precipitation techniques. Food Research International 2010; 43(2): 537-546.
  • Cabrera-Orozco A., Jiménez-Martínez C., Dávila-Ortiz G. Soybean: Non-nutritional factors and their biological functionality. Soybean-Bio-Active Compounds 2013, 387-410.
  • Caparros Megido R., Alabi T., Nieus C., Blecker C., Danthine S., Bogaert J., et al. Optimization of a cheap and residential small-scale production of edible crickets with local by-products as an alternative protein-rich human food source in Ratanakiri Province (Cambodia). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015; 96(2): 627–632.
  • Caparros Megido R., Sablon L., Geuens M., Brostaux Y., Alabi T., Blecker C., et al. Edible insects acceptance by Belgian consumers: Promising attitude for entomophagy development. Journal of Sensory Studies 2014; 29(1): 14–20.
  • Chapleau N., De Lamballerie-Anton M. Improvement of emulsifying properties of lupin proteins by high pressure induced aggregation. Food Hydrocolloids 2003; 17(3): 27-280.
  • Chen N., Zhao M., Sun W., 2013. Effect of protein oxidation on the in vitro digestibility of soy protein isolate. Food Chemistry 2013; 141(3): 3224-3229.
  • Clifton PM. Protein and coronary heart disease: the role of different protein sources. Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2011; 13(6): 493-498.
  • Coulibaly A., Kouakou B., Chen J. Phytic acid in cereal grains: structure, healthy or harmful ways to reduce phytic acid in cereal grains and their effects on nutritional quality. American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology, 2011, 1(1): 1-22.
  • Craig WJ. Nutrition concerns and health effects of vegetarian diets. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2010; 25(6): 613-620.
  • Damodaran S.,Arora A. Off-flavor precursors in soy pro-tein isolate and novel strategies for their removal. Annual Reviewof Food Science and Technology 2013; 4, 327–346
  • Dekkers BL., Bom RM., van der Goot AJ. Et analoglarına yönelik süreçlerin yapılandırılması. Trendler Gıda Bilimi. Teknoloji. 2018, 81, 25–36.
  • Don C., Lichtendonk W., Plijter JJ., Hamer RJ. Glutenin macropolymer: a gel formed by glutenin particles. Journal of Cereal Science 2003; 37(1): 1-7.
  • Egbert R., Borders C. Achieving success with meat analogs. Food Technology 2006; 60(1): 28-34.
  • Ertop MH., Bektaş M. Enhancement of bioavailable micronutrients and reduction of antinutrients in foods with some processes. Food and Health, 2018, 4(3): 159-165.
  • FAO 2009. The State of Food and Agriculture. Rome, Italy., Erişim tarihi 18.03.2020.
  • Fraser RZ., Shitut M., Agrawal P., Mendes O., Klapholz S. Safety evaluation of soy leghemoglobin protein preparation derived from pichia pastoris, ıntended for use as a flavor catalyst in plant-based meat. International Journal of Toxicology. 2018; 37(3): 241-262.
  • Gahukar RT. Entomophagy and human food security. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 2011; 31(3): 129–144.
  • Gaudette NJ., Pietrasik Z. Azaltılmış sodyumlu işlenmiş etlerde tuz ikame maddelerinin ve lezzet arttırıcıların duyusal etkisi matrikse bağlıdır. J. Sens. Stud. 2017; 32, 12247
  • Gaydhane MK., Mahanta U., Sharma CS., Khandelwal M., et al.,. Cultured meat: State of the art and future. Biomanufacturing Reviews 2018; 3(1): 1-10.
  • Gómez Luciano LB., Tsai IJ., Chuma I., Tosa Y., Chen YH., Li, JY., Li WH. Blast fungal genomes show frequent chromosomal changes, gene gains and losses, and effector gene turnover. Molecular biology and evolution 2019; 36(6): 1148-1161.
  • Grabowska KJ., Zhu S., Dekkers BL., De Ruijter NCA., Gieteling J., Van Der Goot AJ. Shear-induced structuring as a tool to make anisotropic materials using soy protein concentrate. Journal of Food Engineering 2016; 188, 77-86.
  • Grygiel-Górniak B., Puszczewicz MJ. Diet in hyperuricemia and gout - Myths and facts. Reumatologia 2014; 52(4): 269-275.
  • Güneş C., Ge JOJ., Gan R., Fang Y. Et benzeri ürünlerin işlenmesi, kalitesi, güvenliği ve kabulü. Mühendislik 2021; 7, 674–678.
  • Hadi J., Brightwell G. Alternatif proteinlerin güvenliği: kültürlenmiş et, bitki bazlı et, böcek proteini ve tek hücreli proteinin teknolojik, çevresel ve düzenleyici yönleri. Yiyecekler 2021; 10, 1226.
  • Haque A., Timilsena YP., Adhikari B. Food proteins, structure, and function. Reference Module in Food Science 2016; 1-8.
  • Hatcher HC, Singh RN., Torti FM., Torti SV Synthetic and natural iron chelators: therapeutic potential and clinical use. Future Medicinal Chemistry,2009; 1(9): 1643-1670.
  • Havlik J., Plachy V., Fernandez J., Rada V. Dietary purines in vegetarian meat analogues. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2010; 90(14): 2352-2357.
  • He R., He HY., Chao D., Ju X., Aluko R. Effects of high pressure and heat treatments on physicochemical and gelation properties of rapeseed protein isolate. Food and Bioprocess Technology 2014; 7, 1344-1353.
  • Heinz G., Hautzinger P. Meat processing technology for small-to medium scale producers. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 2007.
  • Henning B. Standing in livestock’s ‘‘long shadow’’: the ethicsof eating meat on a small planet. Ethics & the Environment 2011; 16(2): 63–93.
  • Hoek AC., Luning PA., Weijzen P., Engels W., Kok FJ., de Graaf C. Replacement of meat by meat substitutes. A survey on person- and product-related factors in consumer acceptance. Appetite 2011; 56(3): 662-673.
  • Huma H., Khalid MF. Plant protease inhibitors: a defense strategy in plants. Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2007, 2(3): 68-85.
  • Jairath G., Mal G., Gopinath D., Singh B. A holistic approach to access the viability of cultured meat: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2021; 110, 700-710.
  • Karaca AC., Low N., Nickerson M. Emulsifying properties of chickpea, faba bean, lentil and pea proteins produced by isoelectric precipitation and salt extraction. Food Research International 2011a; 44(9): 2742-2750.
  • Karaca AC., Nickerson MT., Low NH. Lentil and chickpea protein-stabilized emulsions: optimization of emulsion formulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2011b; 59(24): 13203-13211.
  • Kazır M., Livney YD. Bitki bazlı deniz ürünleri analogları. Moleküller 2021; 26, 1559.
  • Kim K., Choi B., Lee I., Lee H., Kwon S., Oh K., Kim AY. Bioproduction of mushroom mycelium of Agaricus bisporus by commercial submerged fermentation for the production of meat analogue. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2011; 91(9): 1561-1568.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derlemeler (REVIEWS)

Basak Esmer

Fatma Hepsağ

İbrahim Hayoğlu 0000-0002-6358-8302

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 17 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Esmer, B., Hepsağ, F., & Hayoğlu, İ. (2024). Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(4), 1913-1932.
AMA Esmer B, Hepsağ F, Hayoğlu İ. Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. Eylül 2024;7(4):1913-1932. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1398301
Chicago Esmer, Basak, Fatma Hepsağ, ve İbrahim Hayoğlu. “Bitkisel Proteinler Ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, sy. 4 (Eylül 2024): 1913-32.
EndNote Esmer B, Hepsağ F, Hayoğlu İ (01 Eylül 2024) Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 4 1913–1932.
IEEE B. Esmer, F. Hepsağ, ve İ. Hayoğlu, “Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, c. 7, sy. 4, ss. 1913–1932, 2024, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1398301.
ISNAD Esmer, Basak vd. “Bitkisel Proteinler Ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/4 (Eylül 2024), 1913-1932.
JAMA Esmer B, Hepsağ F, Hayoğlu İ. Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2024;7:1913–1932.
MLA Esmer, Basak vd. “Bitkisel Proteinler Ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 4, 2024, ss. 1913-32, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1398301.
Vancouver Esmer B, Hepsağ F, Hayoğlu İ. Bitkisel Proteinler ve Et Alternatifi Olarak Kullanımı. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2024;7(4):1913-32.



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