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A Sample Investigation on Note-taking Practices of English Language Teaching Students

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 50, 118 - 137, 01.09.2020


Students’ success or failure in courses is variably affected by the development of their listening and note-taking practices. These areas of development have such kind of cognitive contributions to students. Given the central role of the lecture in faculty education, these cognitive abilities deserve to be examined in terms of university students who expected to perform cognitive abilities at the highest degree. Thus, this research aims to seek how English Language Teaching Department Students at Amasya University carry out their note-taking practices in their courses. The sample of the study consists of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th-grade students studying at the English Language Teaching Department during the spring semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. In addition to the demographic information and questions that explore the students’ general practices about note-taking, 42 item scale ranged in ‘‘1= Never’’, ‘‘2= Seldom’’, ‘‘3= Sometimes’’, ‘‘4= Usually’’, ‘‘5= Always’’ was applied to the students as data collection instruments. In the data analysis process, percentages and frequencies representing the ELT students generally and individually were calculated for descriptive analysis. Moreover, related to the number of the participants parametric methods were also used to reach statistical proofs to support the descriptive results of the study. The findings of the study point out such effective ideas that efforts and practices of cognitive abilities such as note-taking should be improved in the educational lives of individuals not only at their bachelor degree but also at all stages of their educational lives.


  • Al-Askhar, B. A. (2014). The influence of note-taking strategy on improving students' academic achievement from English and TEFL majors' perspectives at An-Najah National University. Unpublished MA thesis. An-Najah National University. Nablus, Palestine.
  • Al-Musalli, A. M.(2015). Taxonomy of lecture note-taking skills and subskills. International Journal of Listening, 29 (3), 134-147.DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2015.1011643
  • Aguilar, A.C. (2008). Devoloping transferring, and adapting self-regulated learning processes. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Balaban, S. (2017). A comparison of shadowing and note-taking as two while-listening strategies and their effects on EFL learners. Unpublished MA thesis. Yeditepe University. The Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Beckman, P. (2002). Strategy instruction.
  • Boch, F., & Piolat, A. (2005). Note taking and learning: A summary of research. WAC Journal,16, 101-113.Bozkurt, Z. (2009). The effect of language of note taking on successful task completion Unpublished MA thesis. İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University. The Institute of Social Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Carrell, P. L., Dunkel. P. A., & Mollaun, P. (2002). The effects of note taking. lecture length and topic on the listening component of TOEFL 2000. Princeton. NJ: Educational Testing Service.
  • Castello, M., & Monereo, Carles (2005). Students' note-taking as a knowledge-construction tool. Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 5, 265-285.
  • Clark, M., Wayland, S., Castle, S., & Gynther, K. (2013). The effects of note-taking on L2 listening comprehension: Assessment plan (TTO 2012 Technical Report 2.1). College Park, MD: University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language.
  • Çetingöz, D. (2006). Note taking strategy instruction. history achievement. retention and achievement motivation. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Dokuz Eylül University. The Institute of Educational Sciences. İzmir, Turkey.
  • Çetingöz, D. (2010). University students’ learning processes of note-taking strategies. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 4098–4108.
  • Dunkel, P. (1988). The content of Ll and L2 students’ lecture notes and its relation to test performance. TESOL Quarterly. 22, 259-281.
  • Dunkel, P., & Davey. S. (1989). The heuristic of lecture notetaking: Perceptions of Ame¬rican and international student regarding the value and practice of notetaking. English For Specific purposes. 8, 33-50.
  • Goh, C. (1997). ‗Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners ‗ in ELT Journal, .51(4), 361-369.
  • Kiriş, A. (2005). The effects of note taking techniques (outline and matrix) on the students' performance and the level of recalling in history teaching. Unpublished MA thesis. Gazi University The Institute of Educational. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kocaadam, D. (2011). The effects of listening education with note taking to listening skills of 7th grade students. Unpublished MA thesis. Gazi University. The Institute of Educational. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Locke, E. A. (1977). An empirical study of lecture note taking among college students. The Journal of Educational Research, 71(2), 93-99. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.1977.10885044
  • Mayer, R. E. (1998). The promise of educational psychology: Learning in the content areas. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Meer, J. (2012). Students’ note-taking challenges in the twenty-first century: Considerations for teachers and academic staff developers.Teaching in Higher Education, 17(1), 13- 23. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2011.590974
  • Meltzer, L., Katzir-Cohen, T. ve Miller, L. (2001). The impact of effort and strategy use on academic performance: Student and teacher perceptions. Learning Disability Quarterly, 24:2, 58-98.
  • Norman, D. A. (1988). The psychology of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.
  • Oğuz, A. (1999). The effect of lecture note taking on the level of learning and recalling. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Hacetepe University. The Institue of Social Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Reed, D. K., Hallett, A., & Rimel, H. (2016). Note-taking ınstruction for college students with autism spectrum disorder. Exceptionality, 24 (4), 195-212. DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2015.1107833
  • Reed, D. K., Hallett, A., & Rimel, H. (2016). Note-taking ınterventions for college students: a synthesis and meta-analysis of the literature. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 9(3), 307- 333. DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2015.1105894
  • Rickards, J. P., Fajen, B. R., Sullivan, J. F., & Gillespie. G. (1997). Signalling note-taking and field dependence-dependence in text comprehension and recall. Journal of Educational Psychology. 89 (3), 508-517.
  • Ryan, M. P. (2001). Conceptual models of lecture learning: Guıdıng metaphors and model- appropriate notetaking practices. Reading Psychology, 22(4), 289-312. DOI: 10.1080/02702710127638
  • Uzun, O. (2018). The effect of selective listening strategy on note taking and summarizing skills of bilingual 5th grade students. Unpublished MA thesis. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. The Institute of Educational Sciences. Bolu, Turkey.

İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Öğrencilerinin Not Tutma Uygulamalarına İlişkin Örnek Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 50, 118 - 137, 01.09.2020


derslerdeki başarıları veya başarısızlıkları, dinleme ve not tutma
uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi bakımından değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. Bu
gelişim alanlarının öğrenciler üzerinde bilişsel katkıları vardır. Fakülte
eğitiminde derslerin merkezi rolü göz önüne alındığında, bu bilişsel
yetenekler, bilişsel yetenekleri en üst düzeyde gerçekleştirmesi beklenen üniversite
öğrencileri açısından incelenmeye değer bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu
araştırmanın amacı Amasya Üniversitesi'ndeki İngilizce Öğretmenliği Bölümü
Öğrencilerinin not tutma uygulamalarını derslerinde nasıl uyguladıklarını
araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, 2017-2018 akademik yılı bahar
döneminde İngilizce Öğretmenliği Bölümünde öğrenim gören 1., 2., 3. ve 4. sınıf
öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Demografik bilgi ve öğrencilerin not tutma
konusundaki genel uygulamalarını araştıran sorulara ek olarak, ''1= Asla '', ''2=
Nadiren '', ''3= Bazen ''4= Genellikle'', ''5= Her zaman'' seçeneklerinden
oluşan not tutma uygulamalarına yönelik veri toplama aracı öğrencilere uygulanmıştır.
Veri analizi sürecinde tanımlayıcı analiz için ELT öğrencisini genel olarak ve
bireysel olarak temsil eden yüzdeler ve frekanslar hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca,
çalışmanın tanımlayıcı sonuçlarını desteklemek amacıyla istatistiksel kanıtlara
ulaşmak için elde edilen verileri destekleyici ilgili parametrik yöntemler de
kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları not tutma gibi bilişsel yetenek, çaba ve
uygulamaların, sadece lisans derecelerinde değil, aynı zamanda bireylerin eğitim
yaşamlarının tüm aşamalarında dahil edilerek eğitim hayatlarının iyileştirilmesi
gerektiği konusunda etkili birçok fikre işaret etmektedir.


  • Al-Askhar, B. A. (2014). The influence of note-taking strategy on improving students' academic achievement from English and TEFL majors' perspectives at An-Najah National University. Unpublished MA thesis. An-Najah National University. Nablus, Palestine.
  • Al-Musalli, A. M.(2015). Taxonomy of lecture note-taking skills and subskills. International Journal of Listening, 29 (3), 134-147.DOI: 10.1080/10904018.2015.1011643
  • Aguilar, A.C. (2008). Devoloping transferring, and adapting self-regulated learning processes. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Temple University.
  • Balaban, S. (2017). A comparison of shadowing and note-taking as two while-listening strategies and their effects on EFL learners. Unpublished MA thesis. Yeditepe University. The Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Beckman, P. (2002). Strategy instruction.
  • Boch, F., & Piolat, A. (2005). Note taking and learning: A summary of research. WAC Journal,16, 101-113.Bozkurt, Z. (2009). The effect of language of note taking on successful task completion Unpublished MA thesis. İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University. The Institute of Social Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Carrell, P. L., Dunkel. P. A., & Mollaun, P. (2002). The effects of note taking. lecture length and topic on the listening component of TOEFL 2000. Princeton. NJ: Educational Testing Service.
  • Castello, M., & Monereo, Carles (2005). Students' note-taking as a knowledge-construction tool. Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 5, 265-285.
  • Clark, M., Wayland, S., Castle, S., & Gynther, K. (2013). The effects of note-taking on L2 listening comprehension: Assessment plan (TTO 2012 Technical Report 2.1). College Park, MD: University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language.
  • Çetingöz, D. (2006). Note taking strategy instruction. history achievement. retention and achievement motivation. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Dokuz Eylül University. The Institute of Educational Sciences. İzmir, Turkey.
  • Çetingöz, D. (2010). University students’ learning processes of note-taking strategies. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 4098–4108.
  • Dunkel, P. (1988). The content of Ll and L2 students’ lecture notes and its relation to test performance. TESOL Quarterly. 22, 259-281.
  • Dunkel, P., & Davey. S. (1989). The heuristic of lecture notetaking: Perceptions of Ame¬rican and international student regarding the value and practice of notetaking. English For Specific purposes. 8, 33-50.
  • Goh, C. (1997). ‗Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners ‗ in ELT Journal, .51(4), 361-369.
  • Kiriş, A. (2005). The effects of note taking techniques (outline and matrix) on the students' performance and the level of recalling in history teaching. Unpublished MA thesis. Gazi University The Institute of Educational. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kocaadam, D. (2011). The effects of listening education with note taking to listening skills of 7th grade students. Unpublished MA thesis. Gazi University. The Institute of Educational. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Locke, E. A. (1977). An empirical study of lecture note taking among college students. The Journal of Educational Research, 71(2), 93-99. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.1977.10885044
  • Mayer, R. E. (1998). The promise of educational psychology: Learning in the content areas. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
  • Meer, J. (2012). Students’ note-taking challenges in the twenty-first century: Considerations for teachers and academic staff developers.Teaching in Higher Education, 17(1), 13- 23. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2011.590974
  • Meltzer, L., Katzir-Cohen, T. ve Miller, L. (2001). The impact of effort and strategy use on academic performance: Student and teacher perceptions. Learning Disability Quarterly, 24:2, 58-98.
  • Norman, D. A. (1988). The psychology of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.
  • Oğuz, A. (1999). The effect of lecture note taking on the level of learning and recalling. Unpublished PhD dissertation. Hacetepe University. The Institue of Social Sciences. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Reed, D. K., Hallett, A., & Rimel, H. (2016). Note-taking ınstruction for college students with autism spectrum disorder. Exceptionality, 24 (4), 195-212. DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2015.1107833
  • Reed, D. K., Hallett, A., & Rimel, H. (2016). Note-taking ınterventions for college students: a synthesis and meta-analysis of the literature. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 9(3), 307- 333. DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2015.1105894
  • Rickards, J. P., Fajen, B. R., Sullivan, J. F., & Gillespie. G. (1997). Signalling note-taking and field dependence-dependence in text comprehension and recall. Journal of Educational Psychology. 89 (3), 508-517.
  • Ryan, M. P. (2001). Conceptual models of lecture learning: Guıdıng metaphors and model- appropriate notetaking practices. Reading Psychology, 22(4), 289-312. DOI: 10.1080/02702710127638
  • Uzun, O. (2018). The effect of selective listening strategy on note taking and summarizing skills of bilingual 5th grade students. Unpublished MA thesis. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. The Institute of Educational Sciences. Bolu, Turkey.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayfer Su Bergil 0000-0002-9277-2862

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Haziran 2019
Kabul Tarihi 14 Kasım 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 50

Kaynak Göster

APA Su Bergil, A. (2020). A Sample Investigation on Note-taking Practices of English Language Teaching Students. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(50), 118-137.