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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 69 - 90, 01.12.2013


Odaklanma, dalıp gitme, öz-bilinç kaybı, zaman mefhumunu yitirme ve mutluluk ile tanımlanan bir zihinsel durum olan akış, aynı zamanda bireylerin müze ziyaretleri sırasında yaşadıkları psikolojik durumu da yansıtmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, akış teorisinin, müze ziyareti deneyimini açıklamak için nasıl kullanılabileceğini tartışmak, araştırma önerileri geliştirmek ve müze yöneticilerine önerilerde bulunmaktır. Müze ziyareti deneyimi kapsamında akış, dikkatin yoğunlaşması, zamanın dönüşümü, öz bilinç kaybı ve mutluluk faktörlerinden oluşan yüksek düzeyde bir yapı olarak kavramsallaştırılmıştır. Akışın öncülü, deneyimin içerdiği güçlükler ile ziyaretçinin yetkinlikleri arasındaki dengedir. Modele göre akışın, yaşattığı olumlu duygular ve müze ziyareti deneyiminden beklentileri karşılaması nedeniyle ziyaretçi memnuniyeti üzerinde olumlu etkisinin olması, bu memnuniyetin ise tekrar ziyaret etme ve müze ziyaretini başkalarına önerme niyeti ile sonuçlanması beklenmektedir. Model, akışın kültür/sanat organizasyonlarının kontrolü altında olabileceğini, diğer bir deyişle, bu organizasyonların güçlük ve yetkinlikler arasındaki dengeyi yöneterek ziyaretçiler için akış deneyimi yaratabileceğini ve bu deneyimi zenginleştirebileceğini öne sürmektedir. Bu anlamda, özellikle müzelerin pazara sundukları deneyimlerin tasarımı ve ziyaretçi eğitimi konularında müze yöneticilerine yönelik çıkarımlar yapılmıştır


  • Addis, M. (2005). “New Technologies and Cultural Consumption – Edutainment Is Born ”, European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 729-736.
  • Alba, J.W. ve Williams, E.F. (2013). “Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research on Hedonic Consumption”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1), 2-18.
  • Altunel, M.C. ve Kahraman, N. (2012). “Kültür Turisti Tipolojilerinin Belirlenmesi: İstan- bul Örneği”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 7-18.
  • Arnould, E.J. ve Price, L.L. (2003). “River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Ex- tended Service Encounter”, Journal of Consumer Research, 20(1), 24-45.
  • Bakker, A.B., Oerlemans, W., Demerouti, E., Slot, B.B. ve Ali, D.K. (2011). Flow and Perfor- mance: A Study Among Talented Dutch Soccer Players, Psychology of Sport and Ex- ercise, 12, 442-450.
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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 69 - 90, 01.12.2013


Flow, which is a state of mind characterized by concentration, immersion, loss of self-consciousness, time distortion, and enjoyment, represents the psychological state of individuals when they visit museums. The purpose of this study is to discuss how flow theory could be used to explain the experience of museum visits, develop research propositions and address managerial implications. Within the context of museum visit experience, flow is conceptualized as a higher order construct consisting of focused attention, transformation of time, loss of self-consciousness, and enjoyment. The antecedent of flow is set as the balance between the challenges involved in the experience and skills of the visitor. Based on the model, flow - because of the positive affects involved in it as well as its capability to meet the expectations of visitors from a museum visit experience- is expected to have a positive influence on visitor satisfaction, which, in turn, is expected to result in intention to revisit and intention to recommend. The model implies that flow could be under control of culture/arts organizations, i.e. it could be produced and enhanced by these organizations by managing the balance between challenges of the experience and skills needed to meet these challenges. In this sense, managerial implications are addressed concerning the design of museum experiences and visitor education


  • Addis, M. (2005). “New Technologies and Cultural Consumption – Edutainment Is Born ”, European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 729-736.
  • Alba, J.W. ve Williams, E.F. (2013). “Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research on Hedonic Consumption”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(1), 2-18.
  • Altunel, M.C. ve Kahraman, N. (2012). “Kültür Turisti Tipolojilerinin Belirlenmesi: İstan- bul Örneği”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 23(1), 7-18.
  • Arnould, E.J. ve Price, L.L. (2003). “River Magic: Extraordinary Experience and the Ex- tended Service Encounter”, Journal of Consumer Research, 20(1), 24-45.
  • Bakker, A.B., Oerlemans, W., Demerouti, E., Slot, B.B. ve Ali, D.K. (2011). Flow and Perfor- mance: A Study Among Talented Dutch Soccer Players, Psychology of Sport and Ex- ercise, 12, 442-450.
  • Baumgarth, C. (2009). “Brand Orientation of Museums: Model and Empirical Results”, In- ternational Journal of Arts Management, 11(3), 30-45.
  • Bigné, J.E., Mattila, A.S. ve Andreu, L. (2008). “The Impact of Experiential Consumption Cognitions and Emotions on Behavioral Intentions”, Journal of Services Marketing, 22(4), 303–315.
  • Brunner-Sperdin, A.P., Peters, M. ve Strobl, A. (2012). “It Is All About the Emotional State: Managing Tourists’ Experiences”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 23–30.
  • Burton, C., Louviere, J. ve Young, L. (2009). “Retaining the Visitor, Enhancing the Expe- rience: Identifying Attributes of Choice in Repeat Museum Visitation,” Internatio- nal Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14(1), 21-34.
  • Carrillat, F.A., Jaramillo, F., ve Mulki, J.P. (2009). Examining the Impact of Service Quality: A Meta-Analysis of Empirical Evidence. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 17(2), 95–110.
  • Caru, A. ve Cova, B. (2005). “The Impact of Service Elements on the Artistic Experience: The Case of Classical Music Concerts”, International Journal of Arts Management, 7(2), 39-54.
  • Caru, A. ve Cova, B. (2006). “How to Facilitate Immersion in a Consumption Experience: Appropriation Operations and Service Elements”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 4–14.
  • Caru, A. ve Cova, B. (2011). “Can the Generation Gap Impede Immersion in an Exhibition?: The Case of Annisettanta (The 1970s)”, International Journal of Arts Management, 13(2), 16-28.
  • Ceja, L. ve Navarro, J. (2011). “Dynamic Patterns of Flow in the Workplace: Characterizing Within-Individual Variability Using a Complexity Science Approach”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(4), 627–651.
  • Chan, J.K.L. (2009). “The Consumption of Museum Service Experiences: Benefits and Va- lue of Museum Experiences”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 18(2- 3), 173-196.
  • Chan, J.K.L. ve Yeoh, E. (2010). “The Experiential Dimensions of Museum Experiences: The Visitors’ Perspectives”, International Journal of Business and Accountancy, 1(1), 20-31.
  • Chen, H. (2006). “Flow on the Net–Detecting Web Users Positive Affects and Their Flow States”, Computers in Human Behavior, 22(2), 221–233.
  • Chhabra, D. (2008). “Positioning Museums on an Authenticity Continuum”, Annals of To- urism Research, 35(2), 427–447.
  • Choi, D.H., Kim J. ve Kim, S.H. (2007). “ERP Training with a Web-Based Electronic Lear- ning System: The Flow Theory Perspective”, International Journal of Human-Com- puter Studies, 65(3), 223–243.
  • Chronis, A. (2005). “Our Byzantine Heritage: Consumption of the Past and Its Experiential Benefits”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 213–222.
  • Choi, B. ve Baek, Y. (2011). “Exploring Factors of Media Characteristic Influencing Flow in Learning Through Virtual Worlds”, Computers & Education, 57: 2382-2394.
  • Coffee, K. (2007). “Audience Research and the Museum Experience As Social Practice”, Museum Management and Curatorship, 22(4), 377-389.
  • Colbert, F. (2003). “Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Marketing the Arts”, International Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 30-39.
  • Cole, D. (2008). “Museum marketing as a Tool for Survival and Creativity: The Mining Museum Perspective”, Museum Management and Curatorship, 23(2), 177-192.
  • Collin-Lachaud, I. ve Passebois, J. (2008). “Management Do Immersive Technologies Add Value to the Museum Going Experience? An Exploratory Study Conducted at France's Paléosite”, International Journal of Arts Management, 11(1), 60-71.
  • Conway, T. ve Leighton, D. (2012). “Staging the Past, Enacting the Present: Experiential Marketing in the Performing Arts and Heritage Sectors”, Arts Marketing: An Inter- national Journal, 2(1), 35-51.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M., (1990). “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience”, Harperennial Modern Classics, New York.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M., (2000). “The Costs and Benefits of Consuming”, Journal of Consumer Research, 27(2), 267-272.
  • Debendetti, S. (2003). “Investigating the Role of Companions in the Art Museum Expe- rience”, International Journal of Arts Management, 5(3), 52-63.
  • Debendetti, S., Caro, F. ve Krebs, A. (2009). “’I'd Rather Play Than Look at Statues’: The Experiences of Children with Art Works and Interactive Devices at an Art Exhibi- tion”, International Journal of Arts Management, 11(3), 46-58.
  • Dirsehan, T. ve Yalçın, A.M. (2011). “Comparison Between Holistic Museum Visitors and Utilitarian Museum Visitors”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 3(4), 78-94.
  • Drengner, J., Sachse M. ve Furchheim, P. (2009). “Flow in Consumer Research: A Novel Approach”, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 670-671.
  • Fournier, J., Gaudreau, P., Demontrond-Behr, P., Visioli, J., Forest, J. ve Jackson, S. (2007). “French Translation of the Flow State Scale-2: Factor Structure, Cross-Cultural In- variance, and Associations with Goal Attainment”. Psychology of Sports and Exer- cise, 8, 897-916.
  • Gainer, B. ve Padanyi, P. (2002). “Applying the Marketing Concept to Cultural Organiza- tions: An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Market Orientation and Performance”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 7(2), 182-193.
  • Gilmore, A. ve Rentschler, R. (2002). “Changes in Museum Management a Custodial or Marketing Emphasis?”, Journal of Management Development, 21(10), 745-760.
  • Goulding, C. (1999). “Contemporary Museum Culture and Consumer Behaviour”, Journal of Marketing Management, 15(7), 647-671.
  • Goulding, C, (2000). “The Museum Environment and the Visitor Experience”, European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 261-278.
  • Goulding, C. (2001). “Romancing the Past: Heritage Visiting and the Nostalgic Consumer”, Psychology & Marketing, 18(6), 565–592.
  • Grappi, S. ve Montanari, F. (2002). “The Role of Social Identification and Hedonism in Af- fecting Tourist Re-Patronizing Behaviours: The Case of an Italian Festival”, Tour- ism Management, 32(5), 1128-1140.
  • Grönroos, C. (2007). “Service Management and Marketing”, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex.
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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
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