Dergi Kurulları

Baş Editör

Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi'nde  görev yapmakta olup lisans öğrenimini 1995, yüksek lisans öğrenimini 1998 ve doktorasını 2005 yılında tamamlamıştır. Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği, Balık Hastalıkları alanında çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

Prof. Dr. Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2020-
Doç. Dr. Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2015-2020
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2007-2015
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2005-2007
Arş. Gör. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 1996-2005

(i) Ana alan: Su Ürünleri Hastalıkları, Balık Parazitleri
(ii) diğer alanlar: Mikrobiyoloji,
(iii) güncel araştırma alanları: Balık Parazitleri

Balık Zararlıları ve Hastalıkları

Yardımcı Editör

Doç. Dr. Sevda YILDIZ Sinop Üniversitesi Türkiye Web

Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Matematik Bölümünde Doçent olarak görev almakta olup lisans öğrenimini 2009, yüksek lisans öğrenimini 2012 ve doktorasını 2017 yılında tamamlamış olup yaklaşım teorisi, istatistiksel tip yakınsaklık, toplanabilme teorisi gibi çeşitli alanlarda çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

Matematik, Operatör Cebirleri ve Fonksiyonel Analiz, Reel ve Kompleks Fonksiyonlar

Editör Kurulu (Alan Editörleri)

Dr. Mustafa Kemal Balki, 2006 yılından bu yana Türkiye'de Sinop Üniversitesi'nde akademik personel olarak çalışmaktadır. 2013 yılında doktora derecesini aldıktan sonra Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Makine Mühendisliği bölümünde çalışmaya başlamıştır. 2024 yılında Doçentlik ünvanını alan Balki, alternatif yakıt ve içten yanmalı motorlarda optimizasyon konusunda akademik çalışmaları bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma alanıyla ilgili kitaplar yayınlamıştır. On yıllık yöneticilik deneyimi olan Balki, şuanda Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesinde dekan yardımcısı olarak çalışmaktadır.

Termodinamik ve İstatistiksel Fizik, Yenilenebilir Enerji Sistemleri, Makine Mühendisliği, Enerji Üretimi, Dönüşüm ve Depolama (Kimyasal ve Elektiksel hariç), Makine Mühendisliğinde Optimizasyon Teknikleri, İçten Yanmalı Motorlar, Otomotiv Yanma ve Yakıt Mühendisliği

Müge Erel-Özçevik [S'13 M'19] sırasıyla 2019, 2015 ve 2013 yıllarında İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği bölümünden doktora, yüksek lisans ve lisans derecelerini aldı. 17 uluslararası dergi ve konferans bildirisi ile doktora derecesi ile mezun oldu. Doktora teziyle Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi (TÜBA) tarafından Bilim ve Teknoloji kategorisinde üçüncülükle onurlandırıldı. Ayrıca "En İyi Doktora" ödülüne layık görüldü. IEEE Türkiye ve İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi tarafından da sırasıyla 2021 ve 2019 yıllarında "En İyi Tez" ödülünü almıştır. Halen IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), IEEE Transactions in Wireless Communications (TWC), The International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS); ve The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (COMNET),; IEEE Transactions on Communications, Ad Hoc networks, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Computer Communications (COMCOM) v.b. dergilerinde hakem olarak görev yapmaktadır. IEEE CAMAD En İyi Makale Ödülü'nü (2016) ve IEEE INFOCOM En İyi Poster Makale Ödülü'nü (2015) almıştır. Birçok uluslararası konferansta program başkanı, program eş başkanı, TCP üyesi ve hakem olarak yer almıştır. Güncel araştırmaları arasında Yazılım Tanımlı Ağlar (SDN), İçerik Dağıtım Ağları (CDN), Blockchain yer almaktadır. 5G Ağları ve Ultra Yoğun Ağlar (UDN) konularında eğitim almıştır. Ayrıca, Kasım 2016 ile Haziran 2019 tarihleri ​​arasında ASELSAN tarafından Türk Akademisyenler için Lisansüstü Bursu olarak desteklenmiştir.

Ağ Oluşturma ve İletişim, Sistem ve Ağ Güvenliği, Bilgisayar Yazılımı
Karar Desteği ve Grup Destek Sistemleri, Görüntü İşleme, Makine Öğrenme, Veri Madenciliği ve Bilgi Keşfi, Yapay Zeka, Modelleme ve Simülasyon, Elektrik Mühendisliği, Sinyal İşleme

Prof. Dr. Hülya ÖZLER

Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü

Bitki Morfolojisi ve Anatomisi, Polen Bilimi

Prof. Dr. Sinop Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2007-
Prof. Dr. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 2004-2007
Doç. Dr. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 1999-2004
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 1997-1999
Arş. Gör. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi 1989-1997

Doktora, Aberdeen Üniversitesi, Zooloji Departmanı, İskoçya, Birleşik Kırallık 1993-1996
Yüksek Lisans, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü 1990-1992
Su Ürünleri Temel Bilimler Bölümü
Lisans, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Sinop Su Ürünleri Yüksekokulu 1984-1988

(i) Ana alan: Ekotoksikoloji, Kirliliğin deniz omurgasızlarına etkileri, Deniz faunası ve florasında ağır metal seviyelerine dayalı araştırmalar,
(ii) diğer alanlar: Sediman kalitesi, Bentos, Karadeniz,
(iii) güncel araştırma alanları: Deniz Çöpleri ve Mikroplastikler

Önemli Çalışmaları
• Karadeniz Bölgesi'nin Biyolojik Çeşitliliği
• Türkiye'deki Karadeniz kirliliğine genel bakış
• Karadeniz'in gösterge organizmalarını kullanarak ağır metallerin ekosistem üzerindeki etkileri anlama çalışmaları
• Karadeniz'de ağır metallerin insan sağlığı risk değerlendirmesi
• Karadeniz'in güneyindeki kıyı yönetim planı
• Sediman ve su kalitelerinin mevsimsel çeşitliliğine karasal kökenli kirleticilerin etkileri
• Türkiye’nin Karadeniz kıyısındaki kirlilik kaynakları
• Karadeniz’in Sinop şehri balıkçılığı
• Karadeniz bölgesi boyunca yeni deniz koruma alanları için bir teklif
• Karadeniz bölgesi sedimanındaki ağır metal miktarları
• Karadeniz kıyılarında deniz çöpü ve mikro plastikler

Hidrobiyoloji, Sucul Toksikoloji

Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi İstatistik Bölüm Başkanı olarak görev yapmakta olan Prof. Dr. Emel Çankaya, İngiltere Sheffield Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora diplomasına sahip olup, çalışmalarını "Tıbbi ve Ekolojik problemlerin Klasik, Robust ve Bayesyen Regresyon Modellemesi, Nadir olayların sınıflandırma problemleri, Makine Öğrenmesi" gibi konularda devam ettirmektedir. Aynı zamanda BAP, TÜBİTAK ( 1001 ve 1002) projelerinde yürütücü ve araştırmacı olarak görev almıştır.

İstatistik, Biyoistatistik, İstatistiksel Analiz, İstatistiksel Teori, İstatistiksel Veri Bilimi, Olasılıksal Analiz ve Modelleme
Matematik, Operatör Cebirleri ve Fonksiyonel Analiz




Work Address Department of Physics
Sinop University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sinop, Turkey

Phone (+90) 368 271 55 16-4238,
(+90) 368 271 57 85-6670,
0533 252 50 64

e-Mail Address;;

Present Position Associate Professor Doctor
Department of Physics
Sinop University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Head of Physics Department


Undergraduate Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics, 1994
Samsun, Turkey

M.Sc. Research Assistant, Department of Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science and Technology
Field: Atomic and Molecular Physics, 1997
Advisor: Recep TAPRAMAZ, Professor Doctor.
Thesis topic: “EPR investigation of some chemicals absorpted zeolites and of Cu2+ doped glycine.”

Ph.D. Research Assistant, Department of Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science and Technology
Field: Solid State Physics, 2004
Advisor: Ahmet ERDÖNMEZ, Professor Doctor.
Thesis topic: “The crystal structure determination of some organic and organometallic crystals.”


8/2017- present Professor Doctor
Department of Physics
Sinop University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sinop, Turkey

3/2012- 8/2017 Associate Professor Doctor
Department of Physics
Sinop University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sinop, Turkey

5/2007-3/2012 Assistant Professor Doctor
Department of Physics
Sinop University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sinop, Turkey

3/2006-5/2007 Assistant Professor Doctor
Department of Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Sinop Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sinop, Turkey

9/1995-3/2006 Research Assistant, Department of Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Samsun, Turkey

3/1995-9/1995 Research Assistant, Department of Physics
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Institute of Science and Technology
Samsun, Turkey

Crystallography; density functional theory with structure analysis (single crystal); theoretical calculation; spectroscopic methods (NMR, IR, UV).

2007-present Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Head of Physics Department
2007-present Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Board Membership
2023-2024 Sinop University, Faculty of Tourism, Dean
2023-2024 Sinop University, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty Board Membership
2020-2023 Sinop University, Rectorate, Member of Provincial Employment and Vocational
Education Board
2020-2023 Sinop University, Rectorate, Chairman of the Education Commission
2020-2023 Sinop University, Rectorate, Vice Rector
2020-2023 Sinop University, Rectorate, Chairman of the Academic Incentive Regulation,
Supervision and Appeals Commission
2020-2023 Sinop University Advisory Board Membership
2020-2023 Sinop University, Head of Distance Education Commission
2020-2023 Sinop University, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Director
2020-2023 Sinop University, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Board
2020-2023 Sinop University, Scientific and Technological Researches Application and
Research Center Advisory Board Membership
2020-2023 Sinop University, Rectorate, Chairman of Bologna Coordination Commission
2020-2023 Sinop University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Quantum Systems Head of
Modeling Department
2007-2023 Sinop University, Scientific and Technological Researches Application and
Research Center Board Membership
2020-2021 Sinop University, Rectorate, Chairman of the Quality Commission
2020-2020 Sinop University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Director
2020-2020 Sinop University, Institute of Graduate Studies Board Membership
2019-2020 Sinop University, Boyabat Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
2019-2020 Sinop University, Boyabat Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Faculty Member of the Board
2019-2019 Sinop University, Vocational School, Director
2019-2019 Sinop University, Vocational School, Board Membership
2018-2019 Sinop University, Boyabat Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Faculty Member of the Board
2017-2019 Sinop University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Quantum Systems Head of
Modeling Department
2017-2019 Sinop University, Durağan Vocational School, Director
2017-2019 Sinop University, Durağan Vocational School, Board Membership
2017-2020 Sinop University, Faculty of Theology, Faculty Board Membership
2017-2020 Sinop University, Rectorate, Chairman of the Education Commission
2015-2016 Sinop University, Vocational School, Director
2015-2016 Sinop University, Vocational School, Board Membership
2015-2016 Sinop University, Türkeli Vocational School, Board Membership
2014-1015 Sinop University, Energy Research and Application Center (SÜENAR), Director
2009-2014 Sinop University, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Board
2009-2023 Sinop University Scientific and Technological Research and Application
Research Center (SUBİTAM), Board Membership
2007-2020 Sinop University, Institute of Science and Technology, Institute Board Member
2007-2011 Sinop University, Advisor to the Rector
2007-2011 Sinop University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Vice Dean
2006-2007 Ondokuz Mayıs University, Sinop Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Head of
Physics Department


National Association of Crystallography (2002-present)


• Award for oral presentation titled “The Contribution of Nature to Mankind in the Energy Dimension - The Answer Given to Nature”, Canik Municipality, “VI. International Canik Symposium”, 2016.

• First Prize, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 1994.

• Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty First Prize, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 1994.


ÖZTÜRK SEFA, (2023). Investigation of the structural properties of some hydrazone derivative compounds by theoretical methods, Sinop University, Graduate School of Education, Interdisciplinary Quantum Systems Modeling Department (Completed).
GÜLER FATMA VİLDAN, (2019). Quantum mechanical modeling of some halogen-containing hydrazone compounds, Sinop University, Institute of Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Quantum Systems Modeling Department (Completed).
MEMİK OSMAN UĞUR, (2018). Investigation of molecular properties of some Schiff base compounds by quantum mechanical methods, Sinop University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Quantum Systems Modeling Department (Completed).


Articles published in international refereed journals:
1. Elif Tezel Ersanlı, Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı (2023). Biomimicry: Journey to the Future with the Power of Nature, International Scientific and Vocational Journal (ISVOS Journal), 7(2), 149-160., Doi: 10.47897/bilmes.1388402.
2. Sefa ÖztÜrk, Tuğba Aycan, Zeynep Keleşoğlu, Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı (2023). Quantum Mechanical Calculations, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis, Molecular Docking, ADME and Toxicology Studies of Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[(4-nitrophenyl)hydrazono]-3-oxobutrate Compound, International Scientific and Vocational Journal (ISVOS Journal), 7(2), 109-121. Doi: 10.47897/bilmes.1385170.
3. Çakmak Şükriye, Keleşoğlu Zeynep, Uzun Serap, Veyisoğlu Aysel, Yakan Hasan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2022). Synthesis, X-ray structure, antimicrobial activity, DFT and molecular docking studies of N-(thiophen-2-ylmethyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), 78, 1-8., Doi: 10.1107/S2053229622006283.
4. Çakmak Şükriye, Kansız Sevgi, Azam Mohammad, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, İdil Önder, Veyisoğlu Aysel, Yakan Hasan, Kütük Halil, Chutia Arunabhiram (2022). Synthesis, Structural Investigation, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis, and Biological Evaluation of N-(3- Cyanothiophen-2-yl)-2-(thiophen-2-yl)acetamide. ACS Omega, 7(13), 11320-11329., Doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c00318.
5. Çakmak Şükriye, Koşar Başak, Veyisoğlu Aysel, Yakan Hasan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Kütük Halil (2022). Experimental and theoretical investigations on a furan-2-carboxamide-bearing thiazole: synthesis, molecular characterization by IR/NMR/XRD, electronic characterization by DFT, Hirshfeld surface analysis and biological activity. Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 78(3), 201-211., Doi: 10.1107/S2053229622002066.
6. Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Berkil Akar Kıymet, Karaoğlan Nursel (2022). Structural, spectroscopic, Hirshfeld surface and DFT approach of 3,9-dibromophenanthrene. Organic Communications, 15(1), 59-70., Doi: 10.25135/acg.oc.119.2109.2213.
7. Soylu Özge, Atioğlu Zeliha, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Karalı Nilgün Lütfiye (2021). Molecular and crystal structure of 1-methyl5-trifluoromethoxy-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-[4-(4-methoxyphenyl)thiosemicarbazone]. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 51(1), 59-66., Doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2020.0080.
8. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Kaştaş Gökhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2021). Synthesis, crystal structure, computational chemistry studies and Hirshfeld surface analysis of two Schiff bases, (E)-2-[(4-bromo-2-methylphenylimino)methyl]-4-methylphenol and (E)-2-[(4-bromo-2-methylphenylimino)methyl]-6-methylphenol. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Doi: 10.1080/15421406.2020.1871178.
9. Koşar Başak, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2021). Molecular and electronic structures of two new Schiff base compounds: (E)-2-bromo-6-[(2-bromo-4- methylphenylimino)methyl]-4-chlorophenol and (E)-2-bromo-6-[(4-bromo-3-methylphenylimino) methyl]-4-chlorophenol. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1241(130643), 1-12., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.130643.
10. Ökten Salih, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2021). Novel methoxyquinoline derivative: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface, thermodynamic properties, and quantum chemical calculation of 3,6,8-trimethoxyquinoline. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 714(1), 37-58., Doi: 10.1080/15421406.2020.1848260.
11. Çakmak Osman, Ökten Salih, Alımlı Dilek, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Taslimi Parham, Koçyiğit Ümit Muhammet (2020). Novel piperazine and morpholine substituted quinolines: Selective synthesis through activation of 3,6,8-tribromoquinoline, characterization and their some metabolic enzymes inhibition potentials. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1220(128666), 1-12., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.128666.
12. Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Kaştaş Gökhan, Koşar Başak, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2020). Molecular Structure and Supramolecular Architecture of (E)-2-Bromo-6-[(2,4,6- tribromophenylimino)methyl]-4-chlorophenol. Crystallography Reports, 65(7), 1106-1110., Doi: 10.1134/S1063774520070093.
13. Kaştaş Gökhan, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak (2020). Investigation of the Molecular Structure of (E)-2-Bromo-6-[(4-bromo-2-methylphenylimino)methyl]-4-chlorophenol. Crystallography Reports, 65(3), 463-467.
14. Ekici Öner, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çukurovalı Alaaddin (2020). Experimental and theoretical approach: Chemical activity, charge transfer of DNA/ECT, thermodinamic, spectroscopic, structural and electronic properties of N-(4-(3-methyl-3- phenylcyclobutyl)thiazol-2-yl)acetamide molecule. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1204, 1-12., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.127513.
15. Kaştaş Gökhan, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Koşar Başak, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2020). The effect of the change in substituents’ positions on the formation of supramolecular networks and the solvent type/substituent dependence of prototropic behavior in three new o-hydroxy Schiff bases. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1200, 1-13., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.127109.
16. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Alpaslan Gökhan (2019). Local and Global Chemical Activity Calculations of (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-methyloxyphenyl)hydrazone]-3-oxo-butanoate Crystal by Computational Chemistry and Determination of Charge Transfer with DNA Bases. Sinop University Journal of Natural Sciences, 4(2), 93-108.
17. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Kaya Kantar Günay, Şaşmaz Selami (2019). Spectroscopic, Hirshfeld surface, X-ray diffraction methodologies and local global chemical activity calculations of 5-(2-methoxy-4-(prop-1-en-1-yl)phenoxy)pyrazine-2,3-dicarbonitrile. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1181, 25-37., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2018.12.072.
18. Ökten Salih, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakmak Osman (2018). Structural Characterization of 6- Bromo-5-nitroquinoline-1-oxide: A Quantum Chemical Study and XRD Investigations. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 39(4), 940-953., Doi: 10.17776/csj.424045.
19. Çakmak Osman, Ökten Salih, Alımlı Dilek, Saddıqa Aisha, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Activation of 6-bromoquinoline by nitration: synthesis of morpholinyl and piperazinyl quinolines. Arkivoc, 2018(3), 362-374., Doi: 10.24820/ark.5550190.p010.374.
20. Akkoç Senem, Yavuz Sevtap Çağlar, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Density functional theory study of a silver Nheterocyclic carbene complex. Journal of the Chinese Advanced Materials Society, 6(2), 112-122., Doi:
21. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Kaya Kantar Günay, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Şaşmaz Selami (2018). 4-(2-Methoxy-4-(prop-1-enyl)phenoxy)phthalonitrile; synthesis, characterization, Hirshfeld surface analysis and chemical activity studies. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 667(1), 88-111., Doi: 10.1080/15421406.2018.1528417.
22. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem (2017). Synthesis, X-ray and Quantum Chemical Characterizations Studies on (E)-2-Bromo-4-chloro-6-[(4-chloro-2,5- dimethoxyphenylimino)methyl]phenol Compound. Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4), 531-543.
23. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Kaya Kantar Günay, Şaşmaz Selami (2017). Crystallographic, spectroscopic (FTIR and NMR) and quantum computational calculation studies on bis(2-methoxy-4-((E)-prop-1-enyl)phenyl)oxalate. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1143, 318-327., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2017.04.032.
24. Çelik İsmail, Akkurt Mehmet, Ökten Salih, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). 6-Bromoquinoline-8-carbonitrile. IUCrData, 2(7), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617009300.
25. Çelik İsmail, Akkurt Mehmet, Ekiz Makbule, Ökten Salih, Tutar Ahmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). 9-Amino-5,7-dibromo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine hemihydrate. IUCrData, 2(7), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617010112.
26. Çelik İsmail, Akkurt Mehmet, Ekiz Makbule, Tutar Ahmet, Ökten Salih, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). 11-[Bis(trimethylsilyl)amino]-2,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6H-cyclohepta[1,2-b]quinoline. IUCrData, 2(6), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617008884.
27. Atioğlu Zeliha, Şeyma Sevinçli Zekiye, Karalı Nilgün Lütfiye, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). (2Z)-2-(5-Fluoro-1-methyl-2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)-N-(3-fluorophenyl)hydrazine-1-carbothioamide. IUCrData, 2(6), Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617009002.
28. Çelik İsmail, Ökten Salih, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakmak Osman, Özbakır Rana (2017). 5,7-Dibromo-8-methoxyquinoline. IUCrData, 2(5), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617006435.
29. Atioğlu Zeliha, Sevinçli Zekiye Şeyma, Karalı Nilgün Lütfiye, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). 2-(5-Fluoro-1-methyl-2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)-N-[4-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl] hydrazine-1-carbothioamide. IUCrData, 2(5), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S241431461700671X.
30. Rad Javad Amerı, Jarrahpour Alıasghar, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Atioğlu Zeliha, Akkurt Mehmet, Turos Edward (2017). Synthesis of some novel indeno[1,2-b]quinoxalin spiro-β-lactam conjugates. Tetrahedron, 73(8), 1135-1142., Doi: 10.1016/j.tet.2017.01.009.
31. Atioğlu Zeliha, Akkurt Mehmet, Başoğlu Faika, Ulusoy Güzeldemirci Nuray, Köseoğlu Rahmi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). (Z)-N’-(3-Ethyl-4-oxothiazolidin-2-ylidene)-2-[6-(4- methoxyphenyl)imidazo[2,1-b]thiazol-3-yl]acetohydrazide. IUCrData, 2(x170040), 1-3., Doi: 10.1107/S2414314617000402.
32. Çelik İsmail, Ökten Salih, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Çakmak Osman (2016). 6 Bromo 1 2 3 4 tetrahydroquinoline 8 carbonitrile. IUCrData, 1(11), 1-6., Doi: 10.1107/S241431461601854X.
33. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Köseoğlu Rahmi, Akşit Hüseyin, Erenler Ramazan, Demirtaş İbrahim, Akkurt Mehmet (2016). Crystal structure of 3, 4a, 7, 7, 10a-pentamethyl-3-vinyldodecahydro-1H-benzo[f]chromen-9-ol isolated from Sideritis perfoliata Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 72(10), 1380-1382., Doi: 10.1107/S2056989016013864.
34. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Akşit Hüseyin, Erenler Ramazan (2016). Synthesis Crystal Structure and Theoretical Characterization of (3R, 4R, 6S)-3, 6- dihydroxy-1-menthene Isolated from Echinophora tenuifolia. Gazi University Journal of Science, 29(4), 953-957.
35. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Gezegen Hayreddin, Köseoğlu Rahmi (2016). Crystal structure of racemic [(1R, 2S, 3R, 4S, 6S)-2, 6-bis(furan-2-yl)-4-hy droxy-4-thiophen-2-yl)cyclohexane-1 3-diyl] bis(thiophen-2-ylmethanone). Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 72(7), 976-979., Doi: 10.1107/S2056989016009452.
36. Abdullah M Asiri, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Şahin Onur, Arshad Muhammad Nadeem, Hameed Salem A (2016). Molecular structure spectroscopic and quantum chemical studies of 1’, 3’, 3’- trimethylspirobenzo[f]chromene-3,2’-indoline. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1111, 108-117., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2016.01.086.
37. A Kahan Salman, Y Obaid Abdullah, M Alharbi Laila, Arshad Muhammad Nadeem, Şahin Onur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, RM Abdel Rehman, Abdullah M Asiri, Michael B Hursthouse (2015). Synthesis spectroscopic UV vis and GIAO NMR crystallographic and theoretical studies of triazine heterocyclic derivatives. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1096, 29-37., Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2015.04.036.
38. Padmanabha S Manjula, Sarojini Balladka K, Hemmige S Yathirajan, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Glidewell Christopher (2015). The crystal structures of three 3-methyl-1H-1,2,4 triazole-5-thiones, including a second polymorph of 4-[(E)-(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-3-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5(4H)-thione and a redetermination of 4-amino-3-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole-5(4H)-thione. Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications, 71(9), 1003-1009., Doi: 10.1107/S205698901501422X.
39. Subbulakshmi Karanth N, Narayana Badiadka, Yathirajan Hemmige S, Akkurt Mehmet, Çelik Ömer, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Glidewell Christopher (2015). Dihydrooxazolones and dihydroimidazolones derived from acylglycines syntheses molecular structures and supramolecular assembly. Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 71(8), 742-751., Doi: 10.1107/S2053229615013637.
40. Vinutha V Salian, Badiadka Narayana, Hemmige S Yathirajan, Akkurt Mehmet, Çelik Ömer, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Christopher Glidewell (2015). A chalcone showing positional disorder two related diarylcyclohexenones showing enantiomeric disorder and a related hydroxyterphenyl all derived from simple carbonyl precursors. Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 71(7), 610-617., Doi: 10.1107/S2053229615011961.
41. Koşar Başak, Albayrak Çiğdem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Mustafa Odabaşoğlu, Orhan Büyükgüngör (2012). Molecular structure spectroscopic investigations second order nonlinear optical properties and intramolecular proton transfer of (E)-5-(diethylamino)-2-[(4- propylphenylimino)methyl]phenol: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Spectrochimica Acta Part A- Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 93(93), 1-9.
42. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Daştan Arif, Garcia-Granda Santiago (2007). Crystal Structure of (1RS, 2SR, 3SR ,4SR, 9RS)-1,2,3,9-tetrabromo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- 1,4-methanonaphthalene. The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 23(23), 133-135., Doi: DOI:10.2116/analscix.23.x133.
43. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Demirtaş İbrahim (2007). Crystal and Molecular Structure of N-Trityl-m-aminophenol Chloroform Solvate. The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, 23(23), 231-232.
44. Heren Zerrin, Keser Cem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Zafer Yeşilel Okan, Ocak İskeleli Nazan (2006). Synthesis Spectral and Thermal Studies and Crystal Structure of cis-Bis(4- methylimidazole)bis(picolinato)copper(II) [Cu(pic)2(4-MeIm)2]. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 61(10), 1217-1221.
45. Çelik İsmail, Akkurt Mehmet, Erenler Ramazan, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2006). trans,trans,trans-1,4-Dimethoxy-2,3,5,8-tetrabromotetralin. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 62(10), 4609-4610., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536806037949.
46. Heren Zerrin, Keser Cem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Yeşilel Okan Zafer, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2006). Synthesis Spectral and Thermal Studies and Crystal Structure of cis-Bis(imidazole)bis(picolinato)copper(II) Dihydrate[Cu(pic)2(im)2].2H2O. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 61(9), 1072-1078.
47. Çelik İsmail, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Akkurt Mehmet, Daştan Arif, Garcia-Granda Santiago (2006). (1RS, 2RS, 3SR, 4SR, 9RS)-1,2,3,9-Tetrabromo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-1,4-methanonaphthalene. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 62(8), 3483-3485., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536806027723.
48. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2006). (Z)-6-{[1,3-Dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-ylamino]methylene}-2- methoxy-4-[(E)-o-tolyldiazenyl]cyclohexa-2,4-dienone. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 62(8), 483-485., Doi: 10.1107/S010827010602052X.
49. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet (2006). (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxo-2-(2-o-tolylhydrazono)butanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 62(5), 1828-1830., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536806012670.
50. Heren Zerrin, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Keser Cem, Ocak İskeleli Nazan (2006). Redetermination of trans-diaqua­bis(picolinato-κ2N,O)cobalt(II) dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 62(4), 796-798., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536806009081.
51. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2005). (Z)-4-[(E)-(4-Butylphenyl)diazenyl]-6-{[1,3-dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-ylamino]methylene}-2-methoxycyclohexa-2,4-dienone. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(12), 4139-4141., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805037177.
52. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Kazak Canan (2005). (Z)-6-{[1,3-Dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-ylamino]methylene}-2-methoxy-4-{(E)- [3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]diazenyl}cyclohexa-2,4-dienone. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(12), 4051-4053., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805035415.
53. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet, Ocak İskeleli Nazan (2005). (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-chlorophenyl)hydrazono]-3-oxobutanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(11), 3648-3650., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805032022.
54. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet, Ocak İskeleli Nazan (2005). (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-methoxyphenyl)hydrazono]-3-oxobutanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(10), 3442-3444., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805030163.
55. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). (E) Ethyl 4-chloro-3-[2-(2-fluorophenyl)hydrazono]butanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(9), 2823-2825., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805024153.
56. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). Ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxo-2-(phenylhydrazono)butyrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(8), 2428-2430., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805021240.
57. Turgut Cin Günseli, Zora Metin, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2005). (2-Hydroxyethyl)hydrazinium(2+) dichloride. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 61(5), 321-323., Doi: 10.1107/S0108270105007183.
58. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Sarı Uğur, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). N-Cinnamoylsaccharin. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 61(4), 243-245., Doi: 10.1107/S0108270105005160.
59. Akkurt Mehmet, Çelik İsmail, Berkil Akar Kıymet, Tutar Ahmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakmak Osman, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2005). (1RS,2SR)-1,2,4,5,7-Pentabromo-5-methoxyindane. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(2), 475-477., Doi: 10.1107/S160053680500111X.
60. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çoruh Ufuk, Hökelek Tuncer, Vázquez-López E. M., Daştan Arif (2005). (±)-(1SR, 8RS, 10RS)-9,9,10-Tribromotricyclo[,7]undeca-2,4,6-triene. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 61(2), 263-265., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536805000255.
61. Akkurt Mehmet, Çelik İsmail, Erenler Ramazan, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2004). trans,trans,trans-2,3,5,8-Tetra­bromo-1,4-di­hydroxy-1,2,3,4- tetra­hydro­naphthalene. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(11), 2096- 2098., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804026042.
62. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Kazak Canan, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 3-Methoxy-5-(4-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde and 3-methoxy-5-(2-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 60(6), 455-457., Doi: 10.1107/S0108270104010844.
63. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çoruh Ufuk, Hökelek Tuncer, Vázquez-López E. M., Daştan Arif, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). (1RS, 8SR, 9RS, 10RS, 11RS, 12RS)-10,11-Dibromotetracyclo[,7.09,12]tetradeca-2,4,6,13-tetraene. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(4), 703-705., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804007305.
64. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 4-(2-Hydroxyphenylimino­methylene)­phenol. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(3), 389-391., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804003319.
65. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Albayrak Çiğdem, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 4-Acetylanilinium chloride monohydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(3), 397-398., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804002569.
66. Çelik İsmail, Çakmak Osman, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2004). 2,3,-exo,exo-5,6-Tetra­bromobi­cyclo­[2.2.1]­hept-2-ene. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(3), 468-470., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804004131.
67. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Çiğdem Albayrak, Thöne Carsten, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 4-[(2-Chlorophenyl)diazenyl]-6-methoxy-2-{[tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl] aminomethylene} cyclohexa 3,5-dien-1(2H)-one. Acta Crystallograpica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications, 60(2), 133-135.
68. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Albayrak Çiğdem, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 6-Methoxy-5-(phenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(2), 230-231., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804000819.
69. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). 2-[2-(Hydroxymethyl)phenylimino­methyl]­phenol. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 60(2), 264-266., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536804001321.
70. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dündar Yasemin, Sarı Uğur, Noyanalpan Ningur, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Erdönmez Ahmet (2003). Methyl 3-(2-oxobenzothiazolin-3-yl)propanoate. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 59(11), 1604-1606., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536803021147.
71. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Erdönmez Ahmet (2003). 2-[(2-Hydroxy-4-nitrophenyl)aminomethylene]cyclohexa-3,5-dien-1(2H)-one. Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 59(10), 601-602., Doi: 10.1107/S0108270103018456.
72. Necefoğlu Hacali, Hökelek Tuncer, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet (2002). Bis(4-hydroxybenzoato-κO)bis(nicotinamide-κN)zinc(II). Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 58(12), 758-761., Doi: 10.1107/S1600536802021712.

Presented at international scientific meetings, and published (Proceedings) published papers:

1. Faizi Md. Serajul Haque, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2020). DFT Study on Structural Properties and Energy of Isoquinolin-1(2H)-one. V. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2020, Turkey), 1(1) (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
2. Ayed Brahim, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2020). Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of 4-Nitroaniline. V. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2020, Turkey), 1(1) (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
3. Rasha Rawajfeh, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). A Redetermination of the Crystal Structure of (Acetato-κ2O,O’)(Di-2-Pyridylamine-κN)(Acetato-κO)Zinc(II). IV. International scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019 – Ankara, Turkey), 1(1), 54-58. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
4. Md Serajul Haque Faizi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). Isoquinolin-1(2H)-one: A Redetermination. IV. Internationalscientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019 - Ankara, Turkey), 1(1), 49-53. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
5. Karrouchi Khalid, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). (E)-N’-(2,4-Dihydroxybenzylidene)isonicotinohydrazide Monohydrate: A Redetermination of Its Synthesis and X-Ray Crystal Structure. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress- Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019-Ankara, Turkey), 1(1), 44-48. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
6. Albayati Mustafa R, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). Computational Density Functional Theory Study of (1e,2e)-1,2-Bis(1-(4-Chlorophenyl) Ethylidene) Hydrazine. III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019), 142-146. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
7. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Electrophilicity-Based Charge Transfer (ECT) Method with DNA Bases. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 1, 123-126. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
8. Ayed Brahim, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). DNA/ECT Charge Transfer and Chemical Activity of 4-Nitroaniline Compound with DFT. I. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2019), 24 (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
9. Boukabcha Nourdine, Dege Necmi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). X-Ray Diffraction Crystallographic Characterization of Compound 3,3’-Bis(2-Ethoxyphenyl)-4-Methyl- 2’-Thioxo-[2,5’xx-Bithiazolidin]-4’One. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019), 158-162. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
10. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Tezel Ersanlı Elif (2019). Renewable Energy for A Secure Future. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019), 8 (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
11. Ayed Brahim, Dege Necmi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Geometrical and HOMO/LUMO/MEP Analyses by Using DFT/B3LYP Method: 4-Nitroaniline. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019), 30-34. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
12. Obasi Lawrence Nnamdi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). Quantum Chemical Calculations of (E)-4-[(Furan-2-ylmethylene)amino]-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol- 3(2H)-one. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress-Science and Health (BILMES SH 2019), 130-135. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
13. Obasi Lawrence Nnamdi, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dege Necmi (2019). Density Functional Theory Computations of (E)-4-((furan-2-ylmethylene)amino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H)-one. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2, 169-175. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
14. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of Di(pyridin-2- yl)amine. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2, 274-278. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
15. Güler Fatma Vildan, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Quantum Chemical Calculations of (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-chlorophenyl)hydrazono]-3-oxobutanoate. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2 (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
16. Güler Fatma Vildan, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Quantum Chemical Calculations of (Z)-Ethyl 2-[2-(3-bromophenyl)hydrazono]-4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2, 218-226. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
17. Güler Fatma Vildan, Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). DFT Study on Structural Properties and Energy of (E)-Ethyl 4-chloro-3-[2-(2-fluorophenyl)hydrazone]butanoate. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2, 227-232. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
18. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Chemical Activity Analysis with Computational Chemical Method. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 1, 115-122. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
19. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of Compounds Containing Hydrazone Derivatives. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 2, 233-238. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
20. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). 2D-Fingerprint Plots and Surface Maps with Hirshfeld Surface Analysis. 6th International Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, 109-115. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
21. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Intermolecular Interactions and Fingerprint Plots withHirshfeld Surface Analysis. 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
22. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Chemical Activity Studies with Density Functional Theory. 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (ISAS 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
23. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Local Global Chemical Activity Studies: Electrophilic/Nucleophilic Nature. International Computational Science Congress (CSC 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
24. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Hirshfeld Surface Analysis. International Computational Science Congress (CSC 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
25. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Density Functional Theory Computations: Chemical Activity Analysis with Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Nature. International Congress on the World of Technology and Advanced Materials (WITAM-2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
26. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Hirshfeld Surface Analysis and Chemical Computational Methods for the Characterization of Schiff Bases. International Congress on the World of Technology and Advanced Materials (WITAM-2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
27. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Memik Osman Uğur, Demircioğlu Zeynep (2018). HF Study on Structural Properties, Energy and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of (Z)-6-{[1,3-Dihydroxy-2- (hydroxymethyl)propan-2-ylamino]methylene}-2-methoxy-4-{(E)-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] diazenyl} cyclohexa-2,4-dienone Compound. II. International Congress on New Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICONTRENDS 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
28. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Memik Osman Uğur, Demircioğlu Zeynep (2018). Theoretical Characterization of 4-(2-Hydroxyphenyliminomethylene)phenol Compound by Hartree-Fock Method. II. International Congress on New Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICONTRENDS 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
29. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Memik Osman Uğur, Demircioğlu Zeynep (2018). Molecular and Electronic Properties of 4-[(2-Chlorophenyl)diazenyl]-6-methoxy-2-{[tris(hydroxymethyl) methyl]aminomethylene}cyclohexa-3,5-dien-1(2H)-one Compound By Using Hartree-Fock Method. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
30. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakır Yusuf, Güler Fatma Vildan, Bayrak Rıza, Demircioğlu Zeynep (2018). DFT Computational Investigations on 4-(3-(3-Phenyl-5-thioxo-4-p-tolyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)phthalonitrile. II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, (BILMES 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
31. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Güler Fatma Vildan, Alpaslan Gökhan, Demircioğlu Zeynep (2018). Investigations of the (E)-Ethyl 4-chloro-3-[2-(2-fluorophenyl)hydrazono] butanoate compound by Quantum Chemical Methods. II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, (BILMES 2018) (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
32. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Local and Global Chemical Calculations with Computational Chemistry Method. 2nd International Congress on Multidisciplinary Studies (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
33. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Non-linear Optical (NLO) and Chemical Activity Calculations with DFT. 1st International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2018) (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
34. Demircioğlu Zeynep, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2018). Chemical Computational Methods for the Characterization of Schiff Bases. 1st International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2018) (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
35. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakır Yusuf, Bayrak Rıza (2017). Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 4-(3-Phenyl-5-thioxo-4-p-tolyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)phthalonitrile. I. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, (BILMES 2017), 152-156. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
36. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Kaya Kantar Günay, Şaşmaz Selami, Kantar Cihan (2017). Quantum Chemical Calculations of Molecular Structure, Electronic, Thermodynamic and Non-linear Optical Properties of Bis(2-methoxy-4-((E)-prop-1-enyl)phenyl)oxalate. I. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress, (BILMES 2017), 147-151. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
37. Ökten Salih, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Synthesis of 3,6,8-Tribromo-5-nitroquinoline and 3,6,8-Trimethoxyquinoline and Determination of Chemical Structures by NMR and XRD Studies. 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies (ITWCCSST 2017), 257 (Abstract/Poster).
38. Ökten Salih, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Structural Characterization of novel nitrated 6-bromoquinoline-1-oxide by NMR and XRD. 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies (3rd ITWCCST), 110-110. (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
39. Ökten Salih, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Structural Characterization of novel nitrated 6-bromoquinoline-1-oxide by NMR and XRD. 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologies (ITWCCSST 2017), 110 (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
40. Ökten Salih, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Synthesis of 3,6,8-Tribromo-5-nitroquinoline and 3,6,8-Trimethoxyquinolineand Determination of Chemical Structures by NMR and XRD Studies. 3rd International Turkic World Conference on Chemical Sciences and Technologıes (ITWCCST), 257-257. (Abstract/Poster).
41. Yavuz Abdülkerim, Kartal Zeki, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Experimental determination of thermal expansion coefficient of Poly-bis[diaminozinc(II)]fumarato(tetracyanonickelate)dihydrate crystal. Turkish Physical Society 3rd International Physical Congress (TPS 33) (Abstract/Poster).
42. Kartal Zeki, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Yavuz Abdülkerim (2017). Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Redetermination Poly- bis[diaminozinc (II)]fumarato)(tetracyanonickelate)dihydrate. III. International Turkish Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (TURCMOS 2017), 40-40. (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
43. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakır Yusuf (2017). Investigation by Quantum Chemical Methods of 3- Methoxy-5-(4-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde Compound. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 118-126. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
44. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Dündar Uğur (2017). A Theoretical Study on 5-(Phenyldiazenyl)-6-methoxysalicylaldehyde. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 110-117. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
45. Çakır Yusuf, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Theoretical Analysis of 4-Acetylanilinium Chloride MonohydrateMolecule by Quantum Computation Models. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 127-133. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
46. Memik Osman Uğur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Molecular Modeling of 2-Cinnamoyl-1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one1,1-dioxide Compound. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 92-100. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
47. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Memik Osman Uğur (2017). Investigation of Structural and Spectroscopic (FTIR, NMR) Characterization Properties of N-Trityl-m-Aminophenol Compound. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 84-91. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
48. Dündar Uğur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Investigation of Quantum Chemical Properties of 3- Methoxy-5-(2-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde by DFT Method. IV. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE), 101-109. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
49. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Energy Sources of the Turkey: Alternative Renewable Energy. Ecology 2017, 543-543. (Abstract/Poster).
50. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Biomimicry, Nature and Energy. Ecology 2017, 448-448. (Abstract/Poster).
51. Atioğlu Zeliha, Akkurt Mehmet, Şeyma Sevinçli Zekiye, Karali Nilgün Lütfiye, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2017). Synthesis and crystal structure of (3Z) 5-fluoro-1-methyl-1H-indole-2,3-dione 3-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]thiosemicarbazone. IVEK 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies, 866-866. (Abstract/Poster).
52. Atioğlu Zeliha, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakır Yusuf, Akkurt Mehmet, Jarrahpour Aliasghar (2016). Synthesis, crystal structure of (E)-1-(4-bromophenyl)-N-(3-nitrophenyl)methanimine. 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, 946 (Abstract Paper/Oral Presentation).
53. Dil Emre, Kolay Erdinç, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). On the deformed Einstein equations and quantum back holes. International Conference on Quantum Science and Applications (ICQSA- 2016), 766, 12004, Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/766/1/012004 (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
54. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). The Place and Importance of Using Biomimicry Data in Physics Education. 5th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 583-590. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
55. İşcan Serkan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). Photovoltaic Solar Panel Supported Battery Charging and Led Lighting System Application. 5th International Vocational Schools Symposium, 108-117. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
56. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). Contribution of Nature to Mankind in Energy Dimension Response to Nature. VI. International Canik Symposium, 512-519. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
57. Koşar Başak, Uzun Serap, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). Analysis of Electronic Structures, Thermodynamic and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Two New Heterocyclic Azomethine Derivatives by Computational Quantum Chemical Methods. 1st International Conference on Engineering Technologyand Applied Sciences, 340-345. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
58. Kalfa Özkan, Koşar Başak, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2016). Comparison of Thermal and Nonlinear Optical Properties of (E)-4,6-Dibromo-3-methoxy-2-[(5-methylpyridin-2-ylimino)methyl]phenol (I) and (E)-4,6-dibromo-4-methoxy-2-[(5-methylpyridin-2-ylimino)methyl]phenol (II) Molecules. 1st International Conference on Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences, 400-405. (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation).
59. Dündar Uğur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2015). DFT Study on Structural Properties and Energies of trans,trans,trans-1,4-dimethoxy-2,3,5,8-tetrabromotetralin compound. 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 361-361. (Abstract/Poster).
60. Dündar Uğur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Çakır Yusuf (2015). A Study on Quantum Chemical Calculations of (1RS, 2SR)-1,2,4,5,7-pentabromo-5-methoxyindane. 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 360-360. (Abstract/Poster).
61. Dündar Uğur, Kartal Mert Selcan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2015). Investigation of Quantum Chemical Properties of 2,3,5,6-tetrabromobicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene by DFT and HF Methods. 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 359-359. (Abstract/Poster).
62. Alpaslan Gökhan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Sari Nurşen, Kirindi Talip, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). (E)-2(4-Chlorobenzylideneamino)phenol. 23. International Physics Congress (Abstract/Poster).
63. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). 4-Chloro-3-oxo-2-(phenylhydrazono)butyric acid ethyl ester. Turkish Physical Society IV th International Conference and Festival of Physics Students TPS - IVth ICOFEPS, 61(61), 2428-2430. (Abstract/Poster).
64. Erdönmez Ahmet, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Kazak Canan (2005). 3-Methoxy-5-(4-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde and 3-methoxy-5-(2-methylphenyldiazenyl)salicylaldehyde. IUCR Triennial Congresses, 61, 293-293. (Abstract/Poster).

Chapters in national/international books:

1. Advances in Science and Mathematics, Chapter title: (Molecular Docking, ADME, Toxicology and Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Some Hydrazone Derivative Compounds) (2023). Öztürk Sefa, Keleşoğlu Zeynep, Aycan Tuğba, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Platanus Publishing, Editor: Talaz Oktay, Edition: 1, Pages 457, ISBN:978-625-6971-81-3, Turkish (Scientific Book).
2. Academic Research and Compilations in the Field of Life Sciences, Chapter title: (A Green Touch to Energy, Blue Touch to Health: The Power of Algae to Shape the Future) (2023). Tezel Ersanlı Elif, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Published Place: BİDGE Publications, Editor: Nurşen Çördük, Volume: 1, Number of Pages: 191, ISBN: 978-625- 6488-95-3, Pages: 118-137, Turkish (Scientific Book).
3. Science Education in Current Research II, Chapter title: (In the 100th Year of Our Republic: The Path Illuminated by Turkish Physicists) (2023) Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, (2023). Publishing Place: BİDGE Publications, Editor: Emine Uzun, Volume: 1, Number of Pages: 97, ISBN: 978-625-6707-57-3, Pages: 47-80, Turkish (Scientific Book).
4. Current Debates on Natural and Engineering Sciences 11, Chapter title: (Quantum Chemical, Molecular Docking, and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis Studies of 8-Bromo-9-hydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-11-methylenespiro[5.5]undec-1-en-3-one Molecule Isolated from Algae) (2023), Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, BIDGE Publications, Editor: Çoğun Hikmet Yeter, Edition: 1, Page Number 385, ISBN:978-625-6488-21-2, English (Scientific Book).
5. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2020 Science/I, Chapter Title: (Hirshfeld Surface Analysis, Local and Global Chemical Activity, NBO and DNA/ECT Studies of Methyl 3-(2-oxobenzothiazolin-3-yl)-propanoate) (2020). Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, Editor: Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı, Elif Tezel Ersanlı, Canan Başlak, Edition:1, Page Number 114, ISBN:978-625-7983-93-8, Turkish (Scientific Book).
6. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2019 Engineering and Natural Sciences, Chapter Title: (Quantum Chemical Calculations of Molecule Isolated from Algae) (2019). Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Editor: Oktay Erdoğan, Munise Didem Demirbaş, Serdar Özyön, Baran Toprak, Edition: 1, Page Number 268, ISBN: 978-605-327-988-4, Turkish (Scientific Book).
7. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2019 Mathematics and Science, Chapter Title: (Renewable Energy for a Secure Future) (2019). Tezel Ersanlı Elif, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Editor: Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı, Ayhan Erciyes, Canan Başlak, Edition: 1, Pages 216, ISBN:978-605-327-987-7, Turkish (Scientific Book).
8. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2019 Mathematics and Science, Chapter Title: (Theoretical Chemical Activity of Styrene Molecule and Determination of Charge Transfer by DNA/ECT Method) (2019). Demircioğlu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Editor: Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı, Ayhan Erciyes, Canan Başlak, Edition: 1, Pages 216, ISBN: 978-605-327-987-7, Turkish (Scientific Book).
9. NUCLEAR ENERGY, Chapter name: (Atoms and Nuclei) (2015). Bayram Tuncay, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Tel Eyyüp, Sarpün İsmail Hakkı, Tufan Mustafa Çağatay, Yılmaz Ahmet Hakan, Aydın Abdullah, Bursal Murat, Karakoç Mesut, Demir Bayram, Damla Nevzat, Çelik Neçati, Aksoy Canan, Sayın Ülkü, Ozansoy Aysuhan, Çakmak Necla, Kaplan Abdullah, Böyükata Mahmut, Billur Ahmet Alper, Koçak Gökhan, Soylu Asım, Kara Seyit Okan, Eser Erhan, Manisa Kaan, Küp Aylıkçı Nuray, Akkoyun Serkan, Kara Ayhan, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti., Editor: Yılmaz Ahmet Hakan, Aydın Abdullah, Bayram Tuncay, Akkoyun Serkan, Billur Ahmet Alper, Edition:1, Page Number 548, ISBN:978-605-320-174-8, Turkish (Textbook).
10. GENERAL PHYSICS II Introduction to Classical Electricity and Magnetism Theory, Chapter name: (Electrical Potential) (2014). Ayvacı Hakan Şevki, Değirmenci Salih, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Gümüş Sedat, Kabadayı Önder, İnğeç Şebnem, Karabulut Bünyamin, Karaca İbrahim, Öner Feda, Özdoğan Telhat, Ünlü Yavaş Pervin, Ünsal Yasin, Yılmazlar Mustafa, Pegem Akademi, Editor: Mehmet Fatih Taşar, Metin Orbay, Edition: 2, Pages 362, ISBN:9786055885717, Turkish (Textbook).

Articles published in national refereed journals:

1. Demircioglu Zeynep, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2019). Calculations of Charge Transfer with DNA bases and Local and Global Chemical Activityby Computational Chemistry Method of (±)-(1SR,8RS,10RS)-9,9,10-Tribromotricyclo[,7]undeca-2,4,6-triene. Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Science, 14(1), 165-178., Doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.542294.
2. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak (2015). Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of 2 2 Hydroxy 4 nitrophenyl aminomethylene cyclohexa 3 5 diene 1 2h one by DFT Method. Dumlupınar University Journal of Science and Technology, 109-126.
3. Tekin Fatih, Kalfa Özkan, Koşar Başak, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2015). A Study on Quantum Chemical Calculations of 3 Hydroxy-6-4-hydroxyphenylamino methylene cyclohexa 2,4 dienone. Dumlupınar University Journal of Science and Technology, 51-64.
4. Kalfa Özkan, Tekin Fatih, Koşar Başak, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt (2015). A Study on Quantum Chemical Calculations of 2 hydroxy-6-4-hydroxyphenylamino methylene cyclohexa-2-4-dienone. Dumlupınar University Journal of Science and Technology, 127-138.

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:

1. Koşar Başak, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem (2015). Investigation of the physical and chemical properties of E 3 methoxy 2 5 methylpridine 2 ilimino methyl phenol molecule exhibiting prototropic tautomerism by experimental and theoretical methods. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract/Poster).
2. Çakır Yusuf, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak (2015). A study on quantum chemical calculations of methyl 3 2 oxobenzothiazoline 3 il propanoate. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract/Poster).
3. Kartal Mert Selcan, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak (2015). Theoretical investigation of some properties of trans,trans,trans-2,3,5,8-tetrabrom-4-dihydroxy 1,2,3,4 tetrahydronaphthalene compound using Gaussian 03W programme. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract Paper/Poster).
4. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Tapramaz Recep (2015). Investigation of metal complexes impregnated into some zeolites by EPR spectroscopy. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract/Poster).
5. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Tapramaz Recep (2015). EPR investigation of nitroxide radical adsorption on some zeolites. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract/Poster).
6. Dündar Uğur, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Koşar Başak (2015). Investigation of the crystal structure of 1RS,2RS,3SR,4SR,4SR,9RS 1 2 3 9 tetrabromine 1 2 3 4 tetrahydro 1 4 methanonaphthalene compound by theoretical methods. Step Physics Days IV (Abstract/Poster).
7. Heren Zerrin, Keser Cem, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2006). Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Cisbis imidazole bis picolinato copper II dihydrate Complex. XXth National Chemistry Congress (Abstract/Poster).
8. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet, Ocak İskeleli Nazan, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2006). (E)-Ethyl 4-chloro-3-[2-(2-fluorophenyl)hydrazono]butanoate and (Z) Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-chlorophenyl)hydrazono]-3- oxobutanoate. II. National Crystallography Meeting (Abstract/Poster).
9. Alpaslan Gökhan, Özdamar Özgür, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet, Ocak İskeleli Nazan (2006). (Z)-Ethyl 4-chloro-2-[2-(2-methoxyphenyl)hydrazono]-3-oxobutanoate. II. National Crystallography Meeting, 1(1) (Abstract/Poster).
10. Celik Ismail, Akkurt Mehmet, Ersanli Cem Cüneyt, Dastan Arif (2006). Crystal and molecular structure of C11H8Br4. II. National Crystallography Meeting (Abstract/Poster).
11. Çeli̇k İsmai̇l, Akkurt Mehmet, Erenler Ramazan, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2005). Crystal and Molecular Structure of C12H12Br4O2. Traditional Erzurum Physics Days-II (Abstract/Poster).
12. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Sarı Uğur, Erdönmez Ahmet (2005). N-Cinnamoylsaccharin. Traditional Erzurum Physics Days-II (Abstract/Poster).
13. Çelik İsmail, Akkurt Mehmet, Çakmak Osman, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Büyükgüngör Orhan (2004). Crystal and Molecular Structure of C7H8Br4. I. National Crystallography Meeting (Abstract/Poster).
14. Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Albayrak Kaştaş Çiğdem, Odabaşoğlu Mustafa, Thöne Carsten, Erdönmez Ahmet (2004). Structure Determination of 4-[(2-Chlorphenyl)diazenyl]-6-methoxy-2-{[tris(hydroxy-methyl)methyl]aminomethylene}cyclohexa-3,5-diene-1(2H)-one. I. National Crystallography Meeting (Abstract/Poster).
15. Necefoğlu Hacali, Hökelek Tuncer, Ersanlı Cem Cüneyt, Erdönmez Ahmet (2002). Crystal and Molecular Structure of C26H22N4O8Zn. TFD-21 Physics Congress (Abstract/Poster).


1. In Molecular Analysis: The Mystery of the Realm of Spectroscopic Techniques and Thermodynamic Properties, Editor: Prof. Dr. Cem Cüneyt Ersanlı, BIDGE Publications, ISBN: 978-625-6707-51-1, 1st Edition, Publication Date: 25.12.2023, p 53.
2. Open Chemistry Journal (Other indexes), Journal, BENTHAM Open, 11.10.2019- 30.12.2019.
3. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2019 Mathematics and Science (Other indexes), Book, Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 15.10.2019-15.10.2019.
4. Sinop University Journal of Science and Technology (TR Index), Journal, Dergipark.
5. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal (Field indexes), Journal, Editorial Board Membership, Dergipark.
6. Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology (Not indexed), Journal, Associate Editor, Dergipark.
7. Scientific and Professional Studies in the World of the Future 2020 Science / I, Book, Editor, Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım, 11.03.2020-11.03.2020.

Chairmanship in international scientific events:

1. III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SM 2019), 27-29 June 2019, Nevşehir, Turkey
2. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2019), 07-10 November 2019, Ankara, Turkey
3. I. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2019), 26-29 August 2019, Denizli, Turkey
4. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, (UMYOS’19), 11-13 June 2019, Sinop Turkey
5. II. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2021), 26-29 August 2019, Denizli, Turkey
6. III. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2022), 09-12 June 2022, Turkey (online)
7. V. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2020, Turkey), 12-15 December 2020
8. VI. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2021, Turkey), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey
9. VII. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SE 2022, Turkey), 16-17 December 2022, (online), Turkey
10. IV. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2023), 27-30 July 2023, Turkey (online)
11. VIII. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES 2023, Turkey), 22-24 December 2023, Turkey (online)
Organising committee in international scientific events/science committee membership:
1. II. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES 2018), 5-8 July 2018, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
2. II. International Congress on New Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICONTRENDS 2018), 04-06 September 2018, Roma, Italy (Science Committee Membership)
3. III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SM 2019), 27-29 June 2019, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
4. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2019), 07-10 November 2019, Ankara, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
5. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES EN 2019), 07-10 November 2019, Ankara, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
6. I. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2019), 26-29 August 2019, Denizli, Turkey (Mühendislik Science Committee Membership)
7. I. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2019), 26-29 August 2019, Denizli, Turkey (Fen ve Sağlık Science Committee Membership)
8. 8th International Vocational Schools Symposium, (UMYOS’19), 11-13 June 2019, Sinop Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
9. II. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2021), 25-27 June 2021, Turkey (online) (Organising Committee Membership)
10. II. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2021), 25-27 June 2021, Turkey (online) (Science Committee Membership)
11. III. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2022), 09-12 June 2022, Turkey (online) (Organising Committee Membership)
12. III. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2022), 09-12 June 2022, Turkey (online) (Science Committee Membership)
13. III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2019), 27-29 June 2019, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
14. III. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES EN 2019), 27-29 June 2019, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
15. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES EN 2020), 12-15 December 2020, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
16. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2020), 12-15 December 2020, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
17. V. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES EN 2021), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
18. VI. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2021), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
19. VI. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SH 2021), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey (Organising Committee Membership)
20. VII. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress (BILMES SE 2022), 16-18 December 2022, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
21. YSU 2019 Congresses, 06-08 August 2019, Prague, Czechia (Science Committee Membership)
22. IMCOFE’19, 24-26 April 2019, Antalya, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
23. IV. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2023), 27-30 July 2023, Turkey (online) (Organising Committee Membership)
24. IV. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2023), 27-30 July 2023, Turkey (online) (Science Committee Membership)
Organising committee in national scientific events/science committee membership:
1. I. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH), 27-30 June 2019, Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
2. I. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH), 27-30 June 2019, Ürgüp, Nevşehir, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
3. II. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH), 07-10 November 2019, Ankara, Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
4. III. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH BİLMES 2020), 12-15 December 2020, (online), Turkey (Organising Committee Membership)
5. IV. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH BİLMES 2021), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey (Organising Committee Membership)
6. IV. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH BİLMES 2021), 23-26 December 2021, (online), Turkey (Science Committee Membership)
7. V. National Congress of Scientific and Professional Studies in Engineering (UMUH BİLMES 2022), 16-18 December 2022, (online), Turkey (Organising Committee Membership)

1. Organic and inorganic crystals synthesized with the determination of the crystal structure, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions (April 2001 - April 2003), Researcher.
2. Some organic and inorganic crystals, the crystal structure determination of the synthesized, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions (March 2003 - March 2004), Researcher.
3. Investigation of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Halogen Containing imines with Theoretical and Experimental Methods, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions (March 2014 - October 2016), Propulsive.
4. Investigation of Molecular Properties and Biological Activities of Heterocyclic Azomethines by Experimental and Theoretical Methods, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (March 2014 - December 2016), Researcher.
5. Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Oxalate and Phthalonitrile Derivative Compounds by Experimental and Theoretical Methods, Scientific Research Project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (November 2015 - December 2017), Propulsive.
6. Synthesis of Some Amide Derivative Compounds, Spectroscopic Properties, Elucidation of Their Structures by X-Ray Diffraction Method and YFT, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (December 2017 - June 2020), Researcher.
7. Synthesis of Nitro and Amine Substituted Quinoline and Tetrahydroquinoline Derivatives, Determination of Their Structures by Various Spectral Methods and Investigation of Their Biological Activities, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (September 2017 - September 2020), Researcher.
8. Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Hydrazone-Containing Compounds by Theoretical Methods, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (September 2018 - September 2019), Propulsive.
9. Synthesis of 7-azaindole-3-carboxylic acid complexes with mixed ligands, investigation by spectroscopic and crystallographic methods, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (July 2018 - June 2020), Researcher.
10. Investigation of Structural Properties of Schiff Bases Containing Electron Donor Groups by Experimental and Computational Methods, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (September 2018 - January 2020), Propulsive.
11. Synthesis and Characterization of ONNO-type Schiff Base and Metal Complexes and Their Effects in Cholesteric Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Media, Scientific research project supported by Higher Education Institutions, (June 2021 - in progress).

Doğrusal Olmayan Optik ve Spektroskopi, Yoğun Madde Fiziği, Yoğun Madde Modellemesi ve Yoğunluk Fonksiyonel Teorisi
Mühendislik, Çevre Mühendisliği
Dr. Julia KORNYYCHUK A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS Rusya Federasyonu Web
Deniz ve Nehir Ağzı Ekolojisi , Hidrobiyoloji, Sucul Kültür ve Balıkçılık, Balık Zararlıları ve Hastalıkları

Doç. Dr. F. Sevinç KURNAZ doktora eğitimini 2017 yılında Prof. Dr. Peter FILZMOSER danışmanlığında "New Robust Penalized Estimator for Linear and Logistic Regression" başlıklı tezi ile tamamlamıştır. Bu süreçte önce ERASMUS, sonra TÜBİTAK2214/A Doktora Sırası Araştırma Bursları ile yaklaşık iki yıl Viyana Teknoloji Üniversitesi'nde akademik çalışmalarına devam etmiştir. 2021 yılında TÜBİTAK 2219 Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu ile Viyana Teknoloji Üniversitesi'nde Araştımacı olarak çalışmıştır. Çalışma konuları yüksek boyutlu veri kümelerinde boyut indirgeyen ve robustlık özelliğine sahip olan tahmin edici modelleri geliştirmektir. Ayrıca, yapay sinir ağı modelleri, makine öğrenmesi modelleri ve hibrit modelleri kapsamında indexli dergilerde makaleleri bulunmaktadır. Çeşitli TÜBİTAK ve BAP projelerinde yürütücü ve araştırmacı olarak yer almaktadır. Lisans ve lisansüstü seviyelerde çeşitli dersler vermekte ve danışmanlık yapmaktadır. 

Veri Yapıları ve Algoritmalar, İstatistik, Büyük ve Karmaşık Veri Teorisi, İstatistiksel Analiz, İstatistiksel Teori, İstatistiksel Veri Bilimi, Uygulamalı İstatistik
Fiziksel Metalurji, Korozyon, Malzeme Karekterizasyonu
Nükleer Enerji Sistemleri, Ayırma İşlemleri, Nükleer Mühendisliği, Dedektör Teknolojisi, Nükleer Uygulamalar, Radyasyon Teknolojisi
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes NAVASİNGH Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Polonya

Dr.N.Rajesh Jesudoss Hynes has undertaken research projects from national funding agencies such as Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Defense Research Development Laboratory, Hyderabad Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Department, New Delhi, Institution of Engineers, Kolkotta; AICTE, New Delhi and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai. He has published 128 articles in international journals of reputation (SCI/Scopus indexed). He is serving as an Editorial Board member in 10 international journals and reviewer of more than 25 International journals. 17 patents were granted for his inventions. 8 scholars completed their Ph.D under his guidance and 6 are currently pursuing. 

Malzeme Tasarım ve Davranışları, Sayısal Modelleme ve Mekanik Karakterizasyon, İmalat Süreçleri ve Teknolojileri, Makine Aletleri, Makine İle İşleme
Doç. Dr. Kremena STEFANOVA Institute of Oceanology– BAS Bulgaristan
Ekoloji, Hayvan Sistematiği ve Taksonomi
Analitik Kimya (Diğer), Kataliz ve Reaksiyon Mekanizmaları, Kolloit ve Yüzey Kimyası, Fiziksel Kimya (Diğer)

Prof. Dr. Hülya TURAN 1991 yılında OMÜ Sinop Su ürünleri Fakültesinden mezun oldu. Aynı kurumda 1992 yılında başladığı akademik hayatı, alanında yaptığı bir çok proje, ulusal ve uluslararası yayınlar, bildiriler ve binden fazla atıfla halen devam etmektedir.  Lisans ve lisansüstü dersler ile yetiştirdiği lisansüstü öğrencilerin yanı sıra, kurumda başta anabilim dalı başkanı, dekan, rektör yardımcısı olmak üzere pek çok idari görevi de yürütmüştür. Sinop Üniversitesi bünyesinde yayın hayatına devam eden Fen Bilimleri Dergisinde de kurulduğu günden beri Alan Editörü olarak görev yapmaktadır. 

Gıda Özellikleri, Gıda Ambalajlama, Saklama ve İşleme, Gıda Kimyası ve Gıda Sensör Bilimi, Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi, Su Ürünleri Teknolojileri
Doç. Dr. İlias GİANNENAS Bir kuruma bağlı değildir Yunanistan

Dr Ilias Giannenas, DVM (2000), PhD (2004), DipECPVS (2014), Director of Laboratory of Nutrition (2018), is a veterinarian and associate Professor (2022) at the Veterinary Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Formerly he served as Lecturer in the Veterinary Faculty of University of Thessaly (2006-2011) and as a Lecturer (2012-2018) and assistant Professor in Aristotle University (2018-2022) . In 2017, he did sabbatical studies in Newcastle University to study further the interaction of dietary fibre and chicken coccidiosis. He is particularly interested in issues of applied poultry nutrition, the use of aromatic plants, plant extracts and essential oils as alternative growth promoters or natural anticoccidials. He is co-author of 5 books, 20 book chapters and 130 papers in refereed journals. He has been an invited speaker in many national or international Congresses or Conferences and he has presented more than 150 Conference papers. He has been scientific responsible or member of the research group in more than 50 research projects and has established collaboration with the industry in terms of feed and feed additives. He served as reviewer in several journals, member of the editorial board in 10 international journals and evaluator for several international projects. His work has more than 3500 citations and an h index of 40.

Hayvan Besleme

Dil Editörleri (İngilizce)

Öğretim Görevlisi Ece Firuze BADAK SİNOP ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye
Doğal Dil İşleme, Uygulamalı Dilbilim ve Eğitim Dilbilimi
Diferansiyel ve İntegral Denklemlerin Sayısal Çözümü, Sayısal Analiz, Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi, Uygulamalı Matematik, Uygulamalarda Dinamik Sistemler


(i) Ana alan: Meiobentoloji, Denizel meiobentik organizmaların dağılımı, bentik nematodların taksonomisi
(ii) diğer alanlar: Meiobentik organizmaların kirlilikle ilişkisi
(iii) güncel araştırma alanları: Ekstrem denizel ortamlarda yaşayan bentik nematodlar, Karadeniz’in suboksik ve anoksik zonları, Derin denizler

Deniz ve Nehir Ağzı Ekolojisi , Hidrobiyoloji, Hayvan Sistematiği ve Taksonomi, Tatlısu ve Deniz Ekolojisi, Su Omurgasızları

Mizanpaj Editörü

Avlanma Sonrası Balıkçılık Teknolojileri (Ulaşım dahil), Su Ürünleri Teknolojileri
Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 28.02.2025 22:41:46

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