Yazım Kuralları


The Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life accepts, original research articles, case reports and review articles that are relevant to the scope of Basic medical, Internal Medicine and Surgical Sciences, Nursing, Health Management, Midwifery, Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, on the condition that they have not been previously published elsewhere. All manuscripts are subject to editorial revision to ensure they conform to the style adopted by the journal. There is a double blind kind of reviewing system.

To insure a timely publication process, authors are asked to read the following instructions carefully.


The authors are responsible for their compliance with the ethical rules. Investigations on human subjects should conform to accepted ethical standards. Fully informed consent should be obtained and noted in the manuscript. For all manuscripts dealing with experimental work involving human subjects, specify that informed consent was obtained following a full explanation of the procedure (s) undertaken. Patients should be referred to by number; do not use real names or initials.

In experimental studies on animals, it should be noted that the study protocol has been approved by the animal experiment ethics committee at the institution where the study was conducted. Authors should submit the ethics committee's approval with the article. If there are previously published text, tables, pictures, etc. in the article, the authors have to get written permission from the copyright holder and the authors should specify and indicate the used material in the manuscript. In the course of the manuscript evaluation, the authors may be requested to submit the research data and / or the ethics committee approval document if deemed necessary.

Manuscripts submitted to Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life are evaluated for plagiarism and similarity through detection software packages (iThenticate, Turnitin etc.). Acceptable threshold of similarity index is 30%, however, editorial team may decide to return the manuscript based on the plagiarism or the extent of similarity from a single document. Plagiarism detected in any published article will be immediately retracted along with the blacklisting of the author(s).


Click here for a sample title page.

Click here for an article template.

Click here for Copyright form.

Click here EndNote style for Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life.

1. The language of the journal is English.

2. The manuscript has to be submitted Dergi Park Submission System of Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life.

3. Manuscripts (including references, figures and tables) should be prepared with the following attributes: 12-point Times New Roman and A4 page size. Page numbers should also be written on the right top of each page except the first page.

4. Each tables and figures must not be submitted as a separate file. They should be embed in your text as a last part of the manuscript

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 3.12.2024 09:35:27