Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 12/1/21

Year: 2021

This Journal publishes studies on Maritime and Marine Sciences subjects.

Our Journal covers various topics of marine technology production and development such as; aquatic ecosystems and populations, marine pollution, fisheries, aquaculture, genetics and biotechnology studies, geological, biological, physical and chemical oceanography studies, naval architecture and marine engineering subjects, offshore systems, underwater and coastal structures, renewable energy generation together with maritime transportation, maritime management and logistics, underwater archaeology and maritime history subjects.

Page layout

A4 paper size should be used for the submissions with left, right, bottom margins of 3 cm and a top margin of 4 cm.  The text should be both left and right justified and the vertical spacing should be 1 lines with no blank lines between paragraphs.  Times New Roman fonts should be used in the whole document with a font size of 12 points.

Title of the Article

Title should be short, explanatory and should be written in capital letters (12 points) with center alignment. In the published articles, the English title and the abstract should be written first and then followed by the Turkish title and the abstract.


Initial(s) of the author(s)’s first name(s) should be written with capital letters and the rest should be written in lowercase letters, surname(s) should be written in capital letters. Author(s)’s name(s) should be written with center aligned text (12 points). Superscripted numbers (1, 2 ...) should be used following the author(s)'s name(s) to indicate the address(es). The responsible author should be indicated by an additional superscripted star symbol (*) following his/her name. Full address(es) of the author(s) should be written just below the author(s)’s name(s) in lowercase letters (10 points, center aligned), the responsible author's e-mail address should be footnoted (10 points). Author(s)’s name(s) should not include any academic titles.

Abstract and Keywords

  1. Turkish and English abstracts should be limited to 250 words. 4-6 keywords should be given below the abstracts in lowercase (12 points).  Repetition of the title should be avoided in the keywords.
  2. An additional shortened title of the article to be used in the page headers should be given.

Section Titles

  1. Main section titles should be written in Times New Roman fonts (12 points) with left justification. Titles should be written in bold uppercase letters and should be numbered starting from the introduction part.
  2. Subsection titles should be written in Times New Roman fonts (12 points) with uppercase initials.

The article should be composed of Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusions main sections followed by References part (and additional Recommendations and Acknowledgements sections if necessary).


  1. Unpublished works such as; researches under preparation or submitted for publication, unpublished results or observations, information via personal communication, reports, lecture notes and seminars should not be referenced. An unpublished but printed thesis study can be used a reference.
  2. References part should have single line spacing and should be written in 10 points fonts.


References should be cited between “ ( ) ” in the textEnumeration should follow the citation order an alphabetical sort.

Format of the references section is given below:

a) Article: Surname(s) of the author(s) should be written first with uppercase initials and be followed by the uppercase initial of the first name after a single space. Authors should be separated with commas. Following the author(s), year of publication (between parentheses), article title, name of the journal (in italic with uppercase initials) and the volume number should be given, if exists issue number and the page numbers should follow.

Example: Balık, İ., Çubuk, H., Çınar, Ş., (2009). Population structure, growth, mortality and estimated stock size of the introduced tench, Tinca tinca (L.), population in Lake Beyşehir, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25: 206-210.‏   

b) Book: Author's surname, first name's initial, year of publication (between parentheses), book title (in italic), (translator and/or editor if exists), volume and edition numbers (if exists), number of pages, place of publication, publisher.

Example: Maden S. (2006). Diferansiyel Denklemler. Birinci baskı, s. 358, Ankara, Sözkesen Matbaacılık.

c) Part of a Book: Author’s surname, initial of the first name, year of publication, section or chapter title, title of the book, editor(s) (between parentheses), page numbers, place of publication, publisher.  

Example: Nelson D.W., Sommers, L. E. (1982). Organic Matter. In “Methods of Soil Analysis Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties 2nd Ed.” ( A.L. Page, R,H, Miller& D.R. Keeney, eds),  Agronomy. No: 9, s.  574-579, Madison, Wisconsin.

d) Conference or Symposium: Author(s)'s surname(s) followed initial of the first name, date, title of the proceeding, name of the conference or symposium, volume number, page number, place of the conference or symposium.

Example: Dizy, J., Bhave, A., Ooi, D., Soyhan, H.S. 2016. Bringing and combustion characteristics within IC engine simulation and optimization work-flow, 5th International Conference on Fuels, Fire and Combustion in Engineering, İstanbul, TURKEY.

e) Internet: When a source on internet is cited (except for the works also published in journals), the full address path of the internet site should be given in the references section.

f) Web page: Author's surname, first name's initial, (publication or preparation date of the web page.

URL: Example: URL-1, Robotics at Boston Dynamics, Streim D.,(2008) 21.10.2008 http://www.bostondynamics.com/content/sec.php?section=robotics

g) Thesis: Author's surname, first name's initial, year of publication, thesis title, thesis degree, place of publication (university).

Example: Pehlivan, E.F. (2016). Biodiesel pilot fueled natural gas engine simulation using stochastic reactor model (in Turkish), Master of Science Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.

Brakora, J.L. (2012). A Comprehensive Combustion Model for Biodiesel-Fueled Engine Simulations, PhD Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

h) Patents: Kitchen, “Combustion Improver Fuel Additive”. US Patent No: 4, 585, 462. April 29, 1986.

ı) Footnotes: E-mail address of the responsible author should be footnoted and if the presented work is a part of a proceeding, thesis or a project then it should be indicated as a footnote (only on the first page).

j) Figures and Tables: Illustrations apart from the tables, such as; photographs, plots, drawings and graphics should be given as “Figure”s. These images should be clear and suitable for the offset printing technique. All tables and figures should be referenced in the text, they should be numbered (Table 1., Figure 1.) and should have headers/captions with proper explanations. Size of the figures and the tables should be determined considering the page size.

Figure numbers and captions should be given below the figure, while the table headers should be written above the table.

k) Equations (Formulas): All equations should be numbered. Equation numbers should be shown between parentheses and placed on the right side of the equation with right justification. 10 point fonts should be used for the equations, main characters and the variables should be in italic while the numbers and the mathematical expressions should be given in normal fonts.

l) Appendices: Each appendix should be given on a separate page and should be numbered with roman numbers.

Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) / Ethical Principals and Publication Policy:

  • Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) is an international, refereed, multidisciplinary scientific and technology journal that has been published at least 2 times a year since 2015. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) it is committed to provide a platform where highest standards of publication ethics are the key aspect of the editorial and peer-review processes.
  • The editorial process for a manuscript to the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) consists of a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
  • If the manuscript is accepted in the review stage of the Editorial Process then, the submission goes through the editing stage, which consists of the processes of copyediting, language control, reference control, layout and proofreading. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially in Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS).
  • Papers submitted to Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) are screened for plagiarism with the iThenticate plagiarism detection tool. In case that the editors become aware of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, they can take the necessary steps.The editors have the right to retract an article whether submitted to Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) or published in Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS).
  • Following the completion of the editing stage, the manuscript is then scheduled for publication in an issue of the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS). The articles which are submitted to Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) to be published are free of article submission, processing and publication charges. The accepted articles are published free-of-charge as online from the journal website. The articles that are accepted to appear in the journal are made freely available to the public via the journal’s website.
  • Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) has chief editor, section editors and an editorial board. Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) has an open access policy which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful research purposes.
  • Publication ethics of the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) are mainly based on the guidelines and recommendations which are published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE) and Elsevier’s Publishing Ethics for Editors statements. It must be obeyed research and publication ethics in the article submitted by authors.

The duties and responsibilities of all parties in the publishing process including editors, authors and others are defined below.

The Responsibilities of the Authors:
1. Authors are responsible for the scientific, contextual, and linguistic aspects of the articles which are published in the journal. The views expressed or implied in this publication, unless otherwise noted, should not be interpreted as official positions of the Institution.
2. Authors should follow the “Author Guidelines” in Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS)’s web page on DergiPark.
3. Authors should conduct their researches in an ethical and responsible manner and follow all relevant legislation.
4. Authors should take collective responsibility for their work and for the content of their publications.
5. Authors should check their publications carefully at all stages to ensure that methods and findings are reported accurately.
6. Authors must represent the work of others accurately in citations, quotations and references.
7. Authors should carefully check calculations, data presentations, typescripts/submissions and proofs.
8. Authors should present their conclusions and results honestly and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. Research images should not be modified in a misleading way.
9. Authors should describe their methods to present their findings clearly and unambiguously.
10. Authors accept that the publisher of Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) holds and retains the copyright of the published articles.
11. Authors are responsible to obtain permission to include images, figures, etc. to appear in the article.
12. In multi-authored publications - unless otherwise stated - author rankings are made according to their contributions.
13. Authors should alert the editor promptly if they discover an error in any submitted.
14. Authors should follow the TRJMMS Article Submission Policy regarding that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere in any language.
15. Authors should work with the editor or publisher to correct their work promptly if errors are discovered after publication.
16. If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly identify these in the manuscript.
17. If the work involves the use of animals or human participants, the authors should ensure that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines and that the appropriate institutional committee(s) has approved them; the manuscript should contain a statement to this effect.
18. Authors should also include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human participants. Because the privacy rights of human participants must always be preserved. It is important that authors have an explicit statement explaining that informed consent has been obtained from human participants and the participants’ rights have been observed.
19. Authors have the responsibility of responding to the reviewers’ comments promptly and cooperatively, in a point-by-point manner.

The Responsibilities of the Reviewers:
1. Peer review process has two fundamental purposes as follow: The first purpose is to decide whether the relevant article can be published in Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) or not and the second purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the weaknesses of the related article before the publication.
2. The peer review process for an article to the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) consists of a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Reviewed articles are treated confidentially in Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS).
3. Reviewers must respect the confidentiality of peer review process.
4. Reviewers must refrain from using the knowledge that they have obtained during the peer review process for their own or others’ interests.
5. Reviewers should definitely be in contact with the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) if they suspect about the identity of the author(s) during the review process and if they think that this knowledge may raise potential competition or conflict of interest.
6. Reviewers should notify the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) in case of any suspicion regarding the potential competition or conflict of interest during the review process.
7. Reviewers should accept to review the studies in which they have the required expertise to conduct an appropriate appraisal, they can comply with the confidentiality of the double-blind review system and that they can keep the details about the peer review process in confidential.
8. Reviewers should be in contact with the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) in order to demand some missing documents, following the examination of the article, supplementary files and ancillary materials.
9. Reviewers should act with the awareness that they are the most basic determinants of the academic quality of the articles to be published in the journal and they should review the article with the responsibility to increase academic quality.
10. Reviewers should be in contact with the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) editors if they detect any irregularities with respect to the Publication Ethics and Responsibilities.
11. Reviewers should review the articles within the time that has been allowed. If they can not review the article within a reasonable time-frame, then they should notify the journal as soon as possible.
12. Reviewers should report their opinions and suggestions in terms of acceptance / revision / rejection for the manuscript in the peer review process through the Referee Review Form which is provided by DergiPark.
13. In case of rejection, reviewers should demonstrate the deficient and defective issues about the manuscript in a clear and concrete manner in the provided Referee Review Form.
14. Review reports should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the format and content of the Referee Review Form which is provided by Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS).
15. Review reports should be fair, objective, original and prudent manner.
16. Review reports should contain constructive criticism and suggestions about the relevant article.

The Responsibilities of the Editors:
1. Editors are responsible of enhancing the quality of the journal and supporting the authors in their effort to produce high quality research. Under no conditions do they allow plagiarism or scientific misconduct.
2. Editors ensure that all submissions go through a double-blind review and other editorial procedures. All submissions are subject to a double-blind peer-review process and an editorial decision based on objective judgment.
3. Each submission is assessed by the editor for suitability in the Turkish Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (TRJMMS) and then, sent to the at least two expert reviewers.
4. Editors are responsible for seeking reviewers who do not have conflict of interest with the authors. A double-blind review assists the editor in making editorial decisions.
5. Editors ensure that all the submitted studies have passed initial screening, plagiarism check, review and editing. In case the editors become aware of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, they can take the necessary steps. The editors have the right to retract an article. The editors are willing to publish errata, retractions or apologies when needed.click here!!!

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