Hanife Sarı Erkan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Civil Engineering Faculty
Publication 1 Review 1
1 Publication
1 Review

Research Fields

Environmental Pollution and Prevention Wastewater Treatment Processes


Hanife Sari Erkan got her BSc degree in 2008 from the Department of Environmental Engineering at Selcuk University, Turkey. She completed her MSc degree in the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Istanbul in 2012 and her PhD in the same department at YTU in 2017. She became an associate professor in April 2020 in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering at Yildiz Technical University. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sari Erkan has published many papers and participated in several national and international conferences. Her research areas include aerobic wastewater treatment, membrane bioreactors, electrochemical industrial wastewater treatment technologies and microplastics in wastewater and oceans. 


Civil Engineering Faculty




Environmental Research and Technology
Environmental Research and Technology
Section Editor , Layout Editor , Copyeditor , Proofreader , Co-Editor , Production Editor
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