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Production of Microbial Lipids from Whey

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 15 - 17, 01.08.2004


Present biotechnological research has concentrated on the commercial exploitation of microorganisms. Various microorganisms can be used as a source of microbial oils, known as Single Cell Oil SCO ; however, recent studies are based on development of SCO production using yeast technology. Among the yeasts Candida curvata, Rhodotorula glutinis, Lipomyces starkeyii and Cryptococcus albidis are attracting considerable attention.Certain yeast species can accumulate high amounts of lipid 20 % or more in their cells, determined by culture conditions. Lipid accumulates in oleaginous microorganisms when there is an excess of carbon available to the cells during a period when another nutrient usually nitrogen , which is required for cell proliferation, is exhausted from the medium.For microbial oils to be considered for commercial production, these products should have similar properties to current supply of conventional plant and animal oils. Moreover, for commercial consideration of SCO the substrate for microbial growth must be continous, abundant and inexpensive. Whey, a by-product of cheese production, has sufficient growth nutrients in excess and, therefore, is an appropriate substrate for microbial synthesis


  • Ratledge, C., 1982a. Single Cell Oil, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 4: 58
  • Powell, K.A., Rogers, B.L.F., 1984. In Methylotrophs: Microbiology
  • Biochemisyty and Genetics. (ed. C.T.HOU) CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. pp 119-144. Ratledge, C., 1979. The Possibilities of Single Cell Oil. In Microbiology Applied to Biotechnology, Proceedings of the XII. International Congress of Microbiology, Munich, pp 165-180.
  • Ratledge, C., 1991. Microorganisms for Lipids. Acta Biotechnologica 11: 429
  • Davies, R. J., 1992. Scale Up of Yeast Oil Technology. In Industrial Applications of Single Cell Oills. (eds. Wiseman, A ) pp 196-218.
  • Akpınar, A., 1997. Transformations of Fatty Acids in Filamentous Fungi. Ph.D.
  • Thesis, University of Hull, Hull. UK. 321 p. Weete, J.D., 1980. Lipid Biochemistry of Fungi and Other Organisms. Plenum Press, London.
  • Ratledge, C., 1982b. Microbial Oils and Fats: an Assessment of their
  • Commercial Potential. Progress in Industrial Microbiology 16: 119-206. Moon, N.J., Hammond, E.G., Glatz. B.A., 1978. Conversion of Cheese Whey
  • Permeate to Oil and Single-Cell Protein. Journal of Dairy Science 61: 1537-1547.
  • Floetenmeyer, M.D., Glatz B.A, Hammond E.G.,1985. Continuous Culture
  • Fermentation of Whey Permeate to Produce Microbial Oil. Journal of Dairy Science 68: 633-637. Evans, C.T., Ratledge, C., 1983. A Comparison of the Oleaginous Yeast
  • Candida curvata, Grown on Different Carbon Sources in Continuous and Batch Cultures. Lipids 18 (9): 623-639. Mısra, S., Grosh, A., Dutta, J., 1984. Production and Composition of Microbial
  • Fat from Rhodotorula glutinis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 35. 65. Yamauchi, H., Mori, H., Kobayashi, T., Shımızu, S. 1983. Mass Production of
  • Lipids by Lipomyces starkeyi in Microcomputer-Aided Fed-Batch Culture. Journal of Fermentation Technology 61: 275-280. Zhelifonova, V.P., Krylova, N.I., Dedyukhina, E.G., Eroshin, V.K. 1983. The Study of Oleaginous Yeasts Grown in a Medium With Ethanol. Mikrobiologiya :219-224.
  • Davies, R.J.1988. Yeast Oil from Cheese Whey - Process Development. In
  • Single Cell Oil, (ed. R. S. Moreton), Longmans Publishing Company, England, pp 146. Kurt, A.1990. Süt teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: Erzurum.398 s.
  • Özcan, T., Ovalı, B. B.1997. Bursa'da Tüketime Sunulan Lor Peynirlerinin
  • Bileşiminin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Türk Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi 68 (4): 63-65. Özcan, T., Erbil, F., Kurdal, E.1996. Peyniraltı Suyundan Laktozun Geri
  • Kazanım Aşamaları. Süt Teknolojisi Dergisi 1 (2): 55-57. Anonim, -. Dairy Handbook. Alfa-Laval. 333 s. Gıda yağları (palm oleini, kakao yağı gibi), Gıda yapı düzenleyicileri, Karıştırma yağları, Yenilebilir yağlar - margarin, kızartma yağı, vb. Gürsel, A., Avşar, S. 1989. Peyniraltı suyu içecekleri. Sütçülük Dergisi 2 (6): 30.
  • Hugunin, A.G. 1980. Whey. An Opportunity for the Baking Industry. Bakers' Digest 54 (4): 8.
  • Topal, Ş. 1982. Çeşitli Tarımsal Artıklar ve Gıda Sanayii Artıklarının
  • Mikrobiyolojide Besiyeri Olarak Kullanılabilme Olanaklarının Araştırılması. TÜBİTAK MAE Yayın No: 58, Gebze. Zadow, J.G. 1986. Utilisation of Milk Components: Whey. Modern Dairy
  • Technology. Vol 2, Advances in Milk Products. (ed. Robinson, R. K.)Elsevier Applied Science Publ. Ltd., London. 313- 365 p. Davies, R.J. 1983. Microbial Oil from Whey. Report of the Department of
  • Scientific and Industrial Research, New Zealand. No: IPD7TSO/2011 DSIR.
  • Davies, R.J.1984. Oil from Whey. Food Technology in New Zeland. June: 33
  • Davies, R.J., Gordon, T.1984. Continuous Production of Yeast Oil from Whey.
  • Proceedings 5 Australian Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane. September 5-7 : 134. Ratledge, C. 1989. Biotechnology of Oils and Fats. In Microbial Lipids, Vol 2
  • (eds. Ratledge C. & Wilkinson, S.G.), Academic Press, London. pp 567-651
  • Kaneko, H., Hasohara, M., Tanaka, M, Itoh, T. (1976) Lipid Composition of 30
  • Species of Yeast. Lipids 11(12): 837-847. Reed, G., Peppler, J.H. 1973. Yeast Technology. AVI Publishers, Westport, Connecticut. 1082 p.
  • Asenjo, J.A., Dunhıll, P. 1981. The Isolation of Lytic Enzymes from Cytophaga and their Application to the Rupture of Yeast Cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 23 : 1045-1056.
  • Lımon-Lason, J., Howard, M., Osborn, C.B., Doyle, D.J., Dunnill. P. 1979.
  • Reactor Properties of a High Speed Bead Mill for Microbial Cell Rupture. Biotechnolgy and Bioengineering. 21 (5): 745-774. Engler, C.R. and .Robinson. C.W. 1981. Disruption of Candida utilis Cells in
  • High Pressure Flow Devices. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 23 : 765-780. Shulte, H., Kroner, K.H., Hustedt, H., Kula, M.R. 1983. Experiences with a 20 liter Industrial Bead Mill for the Disruption of Microorganisms. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 5 : 143-148.
  • Hammond, E.G., Glatz, B.A, Choi, Y., Teasdale, M.T. 1981. AOCS Monograph
  • No. 9 (eds. E.H.Pryde, L.H.Princen and K.D.Mukherjee) Champaign Illinois, 171- ekstraksiyonu basamaklarında olmaktadır. th

Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi

Year 2004, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 15 - 17, 01.08.2004


Günümüz biyolojik araştırmaları, mikroorganizmaların ticari amaçla kullanılabilmesi üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Tek Hücre Yağı THY olarak nitelenen mikrobiyel yağ üretimi için pek çok mikroorganizma düşünülebilirken, son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar çoğunlukla mayalardan yararlanarak bu üretimin geliştirilebilmesine yöneliktir. Bu amaçla incelenen mayalar arasında Candida curvata, Rhodotorula glutinis, Lipomyces starkeyii ve Cryptococcus albidis sayılabilir.Hücre bileşimlerinde yüksek miktarda yağ içeren % 20 veya daha yüksek oranda birçok maya bulunmaktadır, ki bu durum gelişme koşullarına bağlıdır. Hücre içinde yağ birikimi, organizmanın gelişmesi için gerekli olan bir besin maddesi genellikle azot tükendiği ve ortamda fazla miktarda kullanılabilir karbon bulunduğu zaman gerçekleşmektedir. Mikrobiyel yağların ticari olarak dikkat çekmesi ancak mevcut bitkisel ve hayvansal yağlara benzer özelliklerde olmaları ile mümkündür. Bunların yanı sıra, THY üretiminde kullanılan substratın ucuz, sürekli ve bol miktarda olması gerekmektedir. Peynir üretimi sırasında yan ürün olarak elde edilen ve gerekli besin maddelerince zengin olan peyniraltı suyu bu amaç için uygun bir substrattır


  • Ratledge, C., 1982a. Single Cell Oil, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 4: 58
  • Powell, K.A., Rogers, B.L.F., 1984. In Methylotrophs: Microbiology
  • Biochemisyty and Genetics. (ed. C.T.HOU) CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. pp 119-144. Ratledge, C., 1979. The Possibilities of Single Cell Oil. In Microbiology Applied to Biotechnology, Proceedings of the XII. International Congress of Microbiology, Munich, pp 165-180.
  • Ratledge, C., 1991. Microorganisms for Lipids. Acta Biotechnologica 11: 429
  • Davies, R. J., 1992. Scale Up of Yeast Oil Technology. In Industrial Applications of Single Cell Oills. (eds. Wiseman, A ) pp 196-218.
  • Akpınar, A., 1997. Transformations of Fatty Acids in Filamentous Fungi. Ph.D.
  • Thesis, University of Hull, Hull. UK. 321 p. Weete, J.D., 1980. Lipid Biochemistry of Fungi and Other Organisms. Plenum Press, London.
  • Ratledge, C., 1982b. Microbial Oils and Fats: an Assessment of their
  • Commercial Potential. Progress in Industrial Microbiology 16: 119-206. Moon, N.J., Hammond, E.G., Glatz. B.A., 1978. Conversion of Cheese Whey
  • Permeate to Oil and Single-Cell Protein. Journal of Dairy Science 61: 1537-1547.
  • Floetenmeyer, M.D., Glatz B.A, Hammond E.G.,1985. Continuous Culture
  • Fermentation of Whey Permeate to Produce Microbial Oil. Journal of Dairy Science 68: 633-637. Evans, C.T., Ratledge, C., 1983. A Comparison of the Oleaginous Yeast
  • Candida curvata, Grown on Different Carbon Sources in Continuous and Batch Cultures. Lipids 18 (9): 623-639. Mısra, S., Grosh, A., Dutta, J., 1984. Production and Composition of Microbial
  • Fat from Rhodotorula glutinis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 35. 65. Yamauchi, H., Mori, H., Kobayashi, T., Shımızu, S. 1983. Mass Production of
  • Lipids by Lipomyces starkeyi in Microcomputer-Aided Fed-Batch Culture. Journal of Fermentation Technology 61: 275-280. Zhelifonova, V.P., Krylova, N.I., Dedyukhina, E.G., Eroshin, V.K. 1983. The Study of Oleaginous Yeasts Grown in a Medium With Ethanol. Mikrobiologiya :219-224.
  • Davies, R.J.1988. Yeast Oil from Cheese Whey - Process Development. In
  • Single Cell Oil, (ed. R. S. Moreton), Longmans Publishing Company, England, pp 146. Kurt, A.1990. Süt teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: Erzurum.398 s.
  • Özcan, T., Ovalı, B. B.1997. Bursa'da Tüketime Sunulan Lor Peynirlerinin
  • Bileşiminin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Türk Veteriner Hekimler Derneği Dergisi 68 (4): 63-65. Özcan, T., Erbil, F., Kurdal, E.1996. Peyniraltı Suyundan Laktozun Geri
  • Kazanım Aşamaları. Süt Teknolojisi Dergisi 1 (2): 55-57. Anonim, -. Dairy Handbook. Alfa-Laval. 333 s. Gıda yağları (palm oleini, kakao yağı gibi), Gıda yapı düzenleyicileri, Karıştırma yağları, Yenilebilir yağlar - margarin, kızartma yağı, vb. Gürsel, A., Avşar, S. 1989. Peyniraltı suyu içecekleri. Sütçülük Dergisi 2 (6): 30.
  • Hugunin, A.G. 1980. Whey. An Opportunity for the Baking Industry. Bakers' Digest 54 (4): 8.
  • Topal, Ş. 1982. Çeşitli Tarımsal Artıklar ve Gıda Sanayii Artıklarının
  • Mikrobiyolojide Besiyeri Olarak Kullanılabilme Olanaklarının Araştırılması. TÜBİTAK MAE Yayın No: 58, Gebze. Zadow, J.G. 1986. Utilisation of Milk Components: Whey. Modern Dairy
  • Technology. Vol 2, Advances in Milk Products. (ed. Robinson, R. K.)Elsevier Applied Science Publ. Ltd., London. 313- 365 p. Davies, R.J. 1983. Microbial Oil from Whey. Report of the Department of
  • Scientific and Industrial Research, New Zealand. No: IPD7TSO/2011 DSIR.
  • Davies, R.J.1984. Oil from Whey. Food Technology in New Zeland. June: 33
  • Davies, R.J., Gordon, T.1984. Continuous Production of Yeast Oil from Whey.
  • Proceedings 5 Australian Biotechnology Conference, Brisbane. September 5-7 : 134. Ratledge, C. 1989. Biotechnology of Oils and Fats. In Microbial Lipids, Vol 2
  • (eds. Ratledge C. & Wilkinson, S.G.), Academic Press, London. pp 567-651
  • Kaneko, H., Hasohara, M., Tanaka, M, Itoh, T. (1976) Lipid Composition of 30
  • Species of Yeast. Lipids 11(12): 837-847. Reed, G., Peppler, J.H. 1973. Yeast Technology. AVI Publishers, Westport, Connecticut. 1082 p.
  • Asenjo, J.A., Dunhıll, P. 1981. The Isolation of Lytic Enzymes from Cytophaga and their Application to the Rupture of Yeast Cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 23 : 1045-1056.
  • Lımon-Lason, J., Howard, M., Osborn, C.B., Doyle, D.J., Dunnill. P. 1979.
  • Reactor Properties of a High Speed Bead Mill for Microbial Cell Rupture. Biotechnolgy and Bioengineering. 21 (5): 745-774. Engler, C.R. and .Robinson. C.W. 1981. Disruption of Candida utilis Cells in
  • High Pressure Flow Devices. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 23 : 765-780. Shulte, H., Kroner, K.H., Hustedt, H., Kula, M.R. 1983. Experiences with a 20 liter Industrial Bead Mill for the Disruption of Microorganisms. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 5 : 143-148.
  • Hammond, E.G., Glatz, B.A, Choi, Y., Teasdale, M.T. 1981. AOCS Monograph
  • No. 9 (eds. E.H.Pryde, L.H.Princen and K.D.Mukherjee) Champaign Illinois, 171- ekstraksiyonu basamaklarında olmaktadır. th
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Arzu Akpınar Bayizit This is me

Tülay Özcan Yılsay This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Akpınar Bayizit, A., & Özcan Yılsay, T. (2004). Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi. Akademik Gıda, 2(4), 15-17.
AMA Akpınar Bayizit A, Özcan Yılsay T. Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi. Akademik Gıda. August 2004;2(4):15-17.
Chicago Akpınar Bayizit, Arzu, and Tülay Özcan Yılsay. “Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi”. Akademik Gıda 2, no. 4 (August 2004): 15-17.
EndNote Akpınar Bayizit A, Özcan Yılsay T (August 1, 2004) Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi. Akademik Gıda 2 4 15–17.
IEEE A. Akpınar Bayizit and T. Özcan Yılsay, “Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 15–17, 2004.
ISNAD Akpınar Bayizit, Arzu - Özcan Yılsay, Tülay. “Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi”. Akademik Gıda 2/4 (August 2004), 15-17.
JAMA Akpınar Bayizit A, Özcan Yılsay T. Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi. Akademik Gıda. 2004;2:15–17.
MLA Akpınar Bayizit, Arzu and Tülay Özcan Yılsay. “Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 2, no. 4, 2004, pp. 15-17.
Vancouver Akpınar Bayizit A, Özcan Yılsay T. Peyniraltı Suyundan Mikrobiyel Yağ Üretimi. Akademik Gıda. 2004;2(4):15-7.

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