Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 10/21/21

Year: 2021

Research Article

Esteemed scientists,

Anadolu University Journal of Education (AUJEF) is a quarterly open-access peer-reviewed journal that is published electronically in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training. The journal aims to contribute to the academic culture by sharing research, knowledge, and approaches in Educational Sciences and Teacher Training. Undoubtedly, the most significant contribution to this goal would come from esteemed researchers like yourself. The fact that the quality of academic studies is monitored as well as their quantity increases the value of scientific studies. For this purpose, the dedication and efforts of the reviewers of our journal are of great significance and importance for us. The devoted efforts and contributions would highly contribute to the journal's status on national and international platforms.

Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) is an international academic and scientific journal published four times in a year, namely January, April, July, and October. Besides, the journal has the right to publish additional issues in special circumstances. In the journal, all types of scientific studies (translation, critique, evaluation, examination, etc.) in the field of education will be welcomed. In this regard, studies that are prepared with a scientific approach related to educational sciences, teacher education, education, and instruction will be published in AUJEF. Besides, AUJEF is also interested in studies which are about: 

  • Qualitative studies
  • Etnographic, historical, phenomenological, case studies, action research, etc.
  • Quantitative studies
  • Mixed methods research
  • Articles introducing a viewpoint
  • Perspectives on policies
  • Critical literature reviews
  • Book reviews

Respected Researcher,

In order to speed up the publication process, AUJEF offers a web-based uploading and referee reviewing system. You can log in or create an account using the link on the homepage and see the status of your article through this system. Notifications will be sent to the e-mail address you use to log in the system. Therefore, make sure that you have written your e-mail address correctly.

You should upload your articles to the system in a way that is congruent with AUJEF writing template and writing guidelines:

Click here for the template file.

Click here for the book review guidelines file.

Click here for the title page file.

Click here for the author contribution statement form.

Guidelines for manuscripts are stated below:

1. Manuscripts should be written in MS Office Word, in A4 (21x29.5 cm) format, using Times New Roman 11 font size, justified style, 15nk interlinear space and 2,5 cm space in all margins. Standart page length is between 20 and 25 pages; however, AUJEF might publish longer manuscripts depending on the decision of the publication board. Manuscripts should be written in accordance with the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

2. AUJEF has a double blind peer review policy. Therefore, the name(s) or the institution(s) should never be stated anywhere on the manuscript. Author notes should be written on the title page.

3. Each manuscript should have an informative and intelligible abstract consisting of 200-250 words and written in 10 font size. Abstract should explain the important information about the aim, method, findings, conclusion and inferences of the study. Below the abstract, there should be 3-5 keywords written.

4. Manuscripts should include an extensive literature review, aim of the study, research questions, participants, data collection tools and materials that are used, data analysis, findings, comments, conclusion, discussion and suggestions. References should be written on a new blank page and the instructions of the Americal Psychological Association (APA) regarding publication format should be followed. 

5. Manuscripts should be checked in terms of the congruence between the in-text references and reference list. Full references should be listed at the end of the article alphabetically.

6. Appendixes and acknowledgement should be written before the reference list and after the main body of the manuscript.

7. If the manuscript is written in Turkish, French or German, an extended abstract in English between 800-850 words should be included at the end of the manuscript.

While the studies requiring Ethics Committee Approval are uploaded from the article submission system, an Ethics Committee Approval Certificate should be uploaded as a supplementary file. In addition, it should be stated on the first page of the study that ethics committee approval is obtained as a footnote, and in the method section of the study, it should be clearly presented the approval was obtained from which institution, on which date, and with which decision or which issue number.

Article submission, editorial processing, and article publishing charges
Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) does not charge any article submission, editorial processing, or article publication charges (page or color), which means that upon reviewers’ evaluation and confirmation, all the accepted articles are published without any charges.

Plagiarism screening policy
Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) accepts and prints articles up to a maximum similarity rate of 20% using Turnitin and IThenticate software. Except for exceptional cases, this limit cannot be exceeded, and any submitted article that has a higher rate of similarity mentioned here will be rejected.

Open-access policy
Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) is a fully open-access journal and it provides free and unlimited access to the articles that it publishes without any form of restriction, subscription, or requirement. This benefit results in higher visibility, readership and citation. An open-access policy also helps disseminate knowledge as widely as possible. Based on its open-access policy, the journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose.

Licensing policy
AUJEF lets researchers remix, adapt, and build upon the articles published on its website non-commercially, as long as they credit AUJEF and license their new work under identical terms. All the articles published on the AUJEF website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA). Because of its open-access policy, AUJEF does not allow others to share the articles that it publishes commercially.

Copyright policy
Authors retain the copyright of their papers without restrictions, but they are responsible for the content of their article published in the journal. Authors also grant Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF) non-exclusive first publishing rights to publish their articles.
Authors confirm that their articles' content does not bind the owner, editor, co-editors, or advisory board members.
Authors declare that their articles are original and have not been published previously or are under consideration of publication elsewhere.

Makale gönderme ücretleri: Yok
Editoryal işlem ücretleri: Yok
Makale işleme ücretleri: Yok
Yayın ücretleri: Yok
Abonelik ücretleri: Yok

Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty (AUJEF)
Phone:  +902223350580-3550      E-mail: aujef@anadolu.edu.tr
Website:   https://aujef.anadolu.edu.tr/

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