Publishing Policies

- Compliance with spelling and punctuation rules is the most important issue in articles to be sent to Bilge International Journal of Social Research.

- Citation and citation of articles to be submitted to the International Journal of International Social Research should be made in accordance with APA version 6. Click here for more information.

-The manuscripts submitted to the Journal of International Social Research should not have been published anywhere before and should not be submitted for publication.

- Articles written in either Turkish or English are published in the journal. The responsibility of the studies published in the journal in terms of science and language belongs to the author (s).

- In our journal, not only the studies coming from academicians, but also the studies coming from researchers and practitioners will be evaluated.

-The articles should be uploaded in .doc or .docx format in MS Office Word program after the user registration is done in the JournalPark system.

-The most important point to be considered while submitting the works via the JournalPark system is as follows: Due to the blind arbitration application, the first page of the article file should contain only the name of the author (s), institution, e-mail information and additional information (thanks, explanation, etc.). The text of the manuscript should start from page 2, separate from the first page, without giving the author information.

-The articles sent to our journal are sent to at least two referees after preliminary examination in terms of form and content and scanned in plagiarism program. Manuscripts received positive comments from the referees are included in the publication process. If a positive and a negative report is received from the referees, the work is sent to a third referee if deemed appropriate by the Editor.

- The articles whose evaluation process is completed are listed as of the date of submission and published in the related issue of the journal. For accepted manuscripts, an acceptance e-mail is sent to the author (s) through the JournalPark.

- A number of articles of the same author (s) are not published at the same time.

In addition to original research, translations are occasionally published in Bilge International Journal of Social Research. A copy of the translation of the publication should be sent to the journal with the approval of the author (s) and the journal in which the first publication was made.

- In accordance with the reports coming from the referees, it is decided to publish the article, to request correction, additional information and abbreviation from the author (s) within the framework of the report or not to be published and this decision is notified to the author (s) through the system. The author (s) are obliged to make all changes requested by the referees. Studies are not published until the desired changes are made.

- No copyright payment is made to the author (s) for the studies published in the journal. The copyright of the articles submitted for publication in Bilge International Social Research Journal is deemed to have been transferred to Bilge International Social Research Journal by sending the article through the JournalPark.

- Articles accepted for publication or published may not be reproduced or published in any way without the written permission of Bilge International Social Research Journal. However, quotations may be made provided that the source is cited.

-The opinions of the articles published in the journal and responsibility in this regard belong to the authors.

- If the article and the article in question are supported by any institution or produced from the thesis, this should be indicated on the first page of the article file containing the author's information.

Last Update Time: 11/1/23, 3:17:15 PM