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Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/23

Year: 2023


Peer- Reviewed Articles


The aim of the Journal of Information Management is to increase and disseminate scientific studies by publishing studies with peer-reviewed articles and practice experiences in the field of information management, records management, archive management and information systems with a multidisciplinary approach. 

Journal of Information Management focuses on the following issues in this context: research on specific disciplinary approaches to knowledge management, records management, archive management and information systems, as well as peer-reviewed articles and practice experiences. And it focus also this topics;

  • Archive Management
  • Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems
  • Communication with Electronic Encryption
  • Cyber Security
  • Disaster Management in Records and Information Systems
  • e-Archive Systems
  • Electronic Records Management System (ERMS)
  • Expropriation of Information
  • Incorporation of Electronic Environments into the Legal Framework
  • Information Management
  • Information Management and Intelligence Informatıon Systems
  • Information Management Systems
  • Information Security
  • Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  • Information Systems
  • Librarianship and Information Centers
  • Open Government Data
  • Personal and Enterprise Data Management
  • Public Administration and Information Management Systems
  • Records and Information Security
  • Records Management
  • Standards in Information Management and Information Systems
  • Technical Infrastructure and New Technologies in Records and Information Management Systems
  • Technological Records and Application Examples in the Perspective of Knowledge Management

Journal of Information Management

Journal of Information Management is the publication part of Information Management System Certification and Information Security Center (BİL-BEM) of Ankara University. The main points will be sent to the Journal of Informatıon Management;

  • Coverage
  • Publication Frequency
  • Language of Publication
  • Index Information
  • Publication Principles
  • Reviewing Process
  • Licensing
  • Copyright
  • Author Contributions and Conflict of Interest
  • Open Access Notification
  • Plagiarism
  • Notes to Writers (Writing Rules, Ethical Rules and References)

Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the policy and rules may not be taken into the evaluation process or may be excluded from evaluation in this process.


This journal publish studies with peer-review articles and practice experiences in the field of Information Management, Records Management, Archive Management and Information Systems with an interdisciplinary approach.

In this context, to the Journal; Electronic Records Management System (ERMS), e-Archive Systems, Archive Management, Records Management, Librarianship and Information Centers, Information Management and Information Management Systems, Information Systems, e-Government, Open State Data, Big Data and Information Analysis, Personal and Corporate Data Management, Protection of Personal Data, Information Security Management System (ISMS), Records and Information Security, Information Security, Information Technology Law, Cyber Security, Records-Information-Information Systems Disaster Management, Technological Records and Application Management Perspective, Public Administration and Information Management Systems, Electronic Environments and Law, Information-Informatics-ERMS-Archive Legislation, e-Signature and e-Seal Techniques, Electronic Encryption and Communication, e-Correspondence, Information Expropriation, Information Management and Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems Relationship with topics such as Standardization and Standards in Information Management and Information Systems, Technical Infrastructure and New Technologies in Records and Information Management Systems Scientific articles and application experiences can be sent.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Informatıon Management is published two times a year electronically in the status of "Peer-reviewed Journal" in ULAKBİM’s DergiPark platform.

Language of Publication

The articles should be written in Turkish or English languages.

Publishing Principles

  • Apart from peer-reviewed articles, the journal includes non-peer-reviewed articles, practice studies, study reports, presentations to the case, technical notes, book critiques, reviews, biography studies, law and decision reviews, book promotions and academic studies of undergraduate students.
  • Articles submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication; In the submission of articles, the authors are deemed to have committed this.
  • In the preparation of the article, the valid scientific methods should be followed, the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, the reason for the preparation, etc. the information should be provided in sufficient order and in a certain order.
  • It is accepted that the articles submitted by the authors to the journal are ready for “printing” as such.
  • The articles sent to the journal for publication should be prepared in accordance with the spelling rules stated in the journal and should be submitted in full, including bibliographies.
  • The opinions adopted in the published articles are not the opinion of the journal, it is the responsibility of each article author.
  • If the the articles sent to our journal to be published included in research results requiring an ethical committee decision are , a copy of the Ethics Committee Approval Form must be uploaded to the system at the time of application. In addition, ethical committee decision information (name, date, number etc.) should be specified at the end of the article in addition to method part.
  • Articles that do not comply with our publication principles are not included in the referee evaluation process.
  • After going through the editorial and referee evaluation processes, the magazine is opened for use for the last time in accordance with our quality principles with the "Early View" option. The new issue of the journal is published after the identified deficiencies and errors are corrected.

Refereeing and Evaluation Process

The referee list is reviewed and updated once a year.

Referee Evaluation Method
Articles are evaluated by the Referee Board with double blind peer review method.

Preliminary Evaluation Process
  • The articles submitted to the journal for publication will be published in terms of purpose, scope, method and writing principles.
  • At the end of the editorial process, the article that need to be revised are returned to the author by specifying the reasons on the system.
  • The article that can be published at the end of the editorial process are sent to 2 different referees. (Preferably from different institutions)
Referee Invitations

  • In this journal, the referees are given 5 days for the acceptance of the evaluation and 15 days for evaluation of the the article. The evaluation process is started as of the day the referee accepts the invitation.
  • If the referee cannot evaluate the article, he / she should refuse the refereeing on the system.
  • If the referee will evaluate the article, the full text of the article and the article evaluation form shall be shared with the referee after the referee accepts the invitation.
  • If the referee cannot evaluate the article within the said period, he / she may request additional time or inform the Editor that he cannot evaluate the work due to time constraint.
  • If the referee is knowledgeable about the people doing the study and therefore cannot make the assessment unbiased, he/ she should report it to the journal.
Referee Evaluation Method
  • The referees are only expected to make a text-based evulation.
  • Referees should make their evaluations through the article evaluation form sent by the editor. Click for article evaluation form.
  • The referees should not respond to the evaluation criteria only as yes or no.They should give reasons elaborate his / her negative views.
  • In particular, the referee who issued a negative opinion, should give the weaknesses in the article and the reasons.
  • If the referees are required to express their opinions on the article, the explanations should be uploaded to the system as a separate word file. Referees should make sure does not their name in the person tag section in word file. When you add or modify the text in this file if the label writes a name on the label they must change their name.
  • As a requirement of their responsibilities to be educators and trainers, referees should guide the authors, avoid offensive and dishonest comments, statements about the author's / author's inadequacies.
Referee Evaluation Process
  • If the two referees give the opinion of "Publishing is Suitable", the article will be published as soon as possible.
  • If the two referees declare that "Publication is not appropriate", the article will not be published in the journal.
  • If one of the referees requests correction, he will be returned to writers and will be asked to make the necessary changes.
  • The amended work is returned to the referees and processed according to the result from the referees.
  • In the evaluation process, if one of the referees is positive and the other gives a negative opinion, the article will be sent a third referee. In the publication of the manuscript, the third report is the determinant.
Editorial / Editorial Board Evaluation and Publication
  • The referees may submit a final opinion on the situation in which the article published or not published.
  • However, the Editor / Editorial Board may make a final decision on the similar and opposing views of the referees evaluating the article.
  • The Editor / Editorial Board looks at the strength of the arguments of the referees or the authors, not the number of referees who accept or reject it.
  • The publication of a study, the referee can see that his views are not fully reflected in the study. It is possible that the other arbitrators have different views and that the Editor / Editorial Board has taken these opinions into consideration. In this case, in accordance with the request of the referee who evaluates the article, the opinions of the other referee may be sent to him/her if the Editorial Board considers it appropriate.

The Editor / Editorial Board follows one of the following ways:

  • Can publish article.
  • Partial and significant changes and improvements can be accepted for publication.
  • The author (s) may request the referee to arrange his / her article in accordance with his / her opinions and initiate a new evaluation process.
  • Can refuse to article.

Evaluation Outcome
Referee reports should be archived to be kept.
For unpublished manuscripts, the authors are provided with the reasons for their referee reports.


Journal of Information Management is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  (CC BY 4.0)
The authors are under the following conditions;
  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.


Authors must fill in the copyright transfer form for submitted articles. In order for the article to be evaluated, the signed and scanned version of the "Journal of Information Management of Copyright Form" must be uploaded to the system. Otherwise, the article will not be evaluated. Click here for the copyright transfer form.

*Only the Corresponding Author should fill in the copyright transfer form.

Click for the Copyright Transfer Form.

Author Contributions and Conflict of Interest

Authors must complete the Author Contribution and Conflict of Interest Form for submitted articles and articles. In order for your article to be evaluated, the signed and scanned version of the "Author Contribution and Conflict of Interest Form" must be uploaded to the system. Otherwise your article will not be evaluated.

Click for Author Contributions and Conflict of Interest Form.

Open Access Notification

Journal of Information Management is published as Open Access. The journal adopts the Budapest Open Access Initiative in 2002 as the Open Access Policy. Click for Policy.


Articles should be prepared in accordance with ethical rules and citations made in the text must be clearly indicated. Articles submitted to our journal is assessed in the Ithenticate program to prevent plagiarism thereafter the referee evaluation process is completed.

The upper limit of similarity rate is 20%.

Notes to Writers (Writing Rules and Referencing Forms)

Writing Rules
  • Journal of Information Management accepts Turkish and English produced articles.
  • The article should be written in accordance with the rules of language knowledge.
  • The use of punctuation marks in Turkish articles, the latest Turkish Language Association Writing Guide should be taken as the basis for writing words and abbreviations.
  • Articles should be no more than 30 pages.
  • APA (American Psychological Association) style should be taken into account when writing in text and reference.
  • The article should be prepared in MS Word format. The article should be loaded into the system in MS Word format.
  • Abstract and sum font "Times New Roman" and font should be 10 font size.
  • Article font "Times New Roman" and font should be 11 font size.
  • The top and bottom headings in the article should be left-aligned and the content should be written right and left side-by-side.
  • Paragraph heads should be written left-justified in the article.
  • Article pages should be prepared in A4 size (210 x 297 mm).
  • Page margins should be "Normal" (bottom, top, right, left 2.5 cm).
  • "Times New Roman" font must be used in all article fields.
  • Line spacing must be "odd" in all article fields.
  • Tables and figures should be placed in the text as a picture (.jpeg, .png) and give figure numbers.
Author Information Page Layout

The article name, author name, surname, institution, communication, author resume information and ORC ID should be included in this page for blinded review process. While the article is being submitted, this page should be uploaded to the system as a separate file with the name "Author Information".

The article content should be given in a separate file. Author's name or institutional information should not be given in the file where the is located.

Click for the author information page layout template.

Article Template

Click for the Article Template.

In this Word File, given as an Article Template include the upper and lower spaces, alignment, fonts, font styles, etc. specified for the article layout. You can download this template on this template by downloading it from your computer.

Bibliography Examples

The bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the 7th version of the APA style.

Resource with a Single Author:

Aktan, E . (2018). Büyük Veri: Uygulama Alanları, Analitiği ve Güvenlik Boyutu. Bilgi Yönetimi, 1 (1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.33721/by.403010 

Multiple Author Resource:

Al, U., Sezen, U., Soydal, İ., Taşkın, Z. & Düzyol, G. (2012). Collaboration of Turkish Scholars: Local or Global?. Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 6, 145-159. https://doi.org/10.1080/09737766.2012.10700930 


Özdemirci, F. (1996). Kurum ve Kuruluşlarda Belge Üretiminin Denetlenmesi ve Belge Yönetimi. TKD İstanbul Şubesi.

Book Section:

Çiçek, N. & Sağlık, Ö. (2019). Blokzincir Teknolojisinin Elektronik Belgelerin Güvenilirliğinin Korunmasında Başarıya Katkısı. B. Yalçınkaya, M. A. Ünal, B. Yılmaz, F. Özdemirci (Ed.). eBelge-eArşiv-eDevlet-Bulut Bilişim-Büyük Veri-Yapay Zeka (s. 141-170) içinde. Ankara Üniversitesi BİL- BEM.


Arısoy, Y. (2018). Elektronik Arşivlere Yönelik Uluslararası Yaklaşımlar Çerçevesinde Türkiye Değerlendirmesi. Bilgi Yönetimi, 1 (1), 63-77. https://dergipark.org.tr/by/issue/37228/415166 


Yazıcı, S. (2019). Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemlerinde Birlikte Çalışabilirlik ve Olgunluk Modeli Önerisi [ Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi]. https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp 


Ankara Üniversitesi Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri Belgelendirme ve Bilgi Güvenliği Merkezi. (2016). EBYS Zirvesi 2016. http://bilbem.ankara.edu.tr/2016/04/21/ebys-zirvesi-2016/ 

Social Media:

Alper, S. [@SinanAlper_]. (2020, 2 Eylül). Gerçekten de, istatistiğin ve onu kullanan bilim alanlarının temelde amacı aynıdır: Henüz yaşanmamış şeyleri tahmin edebilmek [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SinanAlper_/status/1301210933335916547  

  1. Journal of Informatıon Management is published two times a year (June and December) electronically in the status of "Peer-reviewed Journal".
  2. The journal publishes original Turkish and English studies in the field of Information Management, Records Management, Archive Management and Information Systems with an interdisciplinary approach.
  3. After the studies submitted to the journal are passed through the editorial process in terms of purpose, scope, method and writing principles, they are scientifically evaluated by the Board of Referees by double-blind method.
  4. The journal includes non-refereed articles, practice studies, study reports, case presentations, technical notes, book reviews, standard reviews, biography studies, law and decision reviews, book promotions and undergraduate students' academic studies, apart from the articles that have been reviewed by the referee.
  5. Information Management Journal adopts the Open Access approach. There are no submission charges, article editorial processing charges (apcs) or publication charges (page or color charges) for Journal of Information Management.
  6. No charge is paid to the authors for the articles published in the journal.
  7. Articles should be prepared in accordance with ethical rules and citations made in the text must be clearly indicated. The upper limit of similarity rate is 20%.
  8. The opinions adopted in the published articles are not the opinion of the journal, it is the responsibility of each article author.
  9. Information Management Journal’s purpose and scope, writing rules, publishing principles, article submission and evaluation processes, ethical principles etc. detailed information on the topics is available on the website.

This ethical responsibilities have been prepared in accordance with the ethical rules and responsibilities set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The editors, referees and authors of our journal are expected to act in accordance with the following ethical rules.

1. Ethical Responsibilities for The Referee

The arbitral tribunal is reviewed and updated regularly at least once a year. The articles sent to the journal for publication are subjected to editorial process in terms of purpose, scope, method and writing principles. The manuscripts that can be published at the end of the editorial process are sent to 2 different referees. In this context, referees of Information Management Journal are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:
  • Assessments should be impartial.
  • Referees must be experts in the subject matter and refuse the proposal if they do not have sufficient information.
  • Referees should not be in conflict of interest with research or authors.
  • In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, referees should destroy the studies they have reviewed after the evaluation process.
  • Evaluate objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality should not allow gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns to influence assessment.
  • As a requirement of their responsibilities as a trainer and instructor, referees should guide the authors, avoid refractive and honor-damaging comments and statements about the author's / authors' inadequacies.
  • Carry out the work they accept to evaluate in a timely manner and within the framework of the ethical responsibilities above.

2. Ethical Responsibilities For Authors

  • Articles submitted for publication should not be contrary to the ethics of scientific publications (plagiarism, falsification, distortion, republishing, slicing, unfair authorship, not specifying the supporting organization, not following ethical rules in animal studies, etc.).
  • Manuscripts should be original works in accordance with the specified fields of study.
  • Authors should indicate the ethical committee decision information (name of the committee, date, number etc.) in the article if the results of the research that include the ethical committee decision are included in the articles they send. In addition, ethical committee decision information (name, date, number etc.) should be specified at the end of the article in addition to method part
  • Authors should have conducted the research process of their manuscripts in accordance with ethical rules and related legislation.
  • If the article is cited directly from other studies during the research process, the author should be cited.
  • The bibliography list should be complete and the references cited should be indicated.
2. 1. Compliance and Reliability
  • The author should use appropriate data analysis methods when necessary and seek expert advice if necessary.
  • In multi-author studies, authors should take joint responsibility for the content of their publications. Authors should check their publications at every stage to ensure that the methods and findings are correctly reported.
2. 2. Honesty
  • Articles submitted to the journal should not be published elsewhere or sent for publication.
  • The author should define the research methods used and present his findings clearly.
2. 3. Originality
  • The author must undertake that the work is original and not published in any language or elsewhere.
  • If the research findings were published previously or sent to a different journal for publication elsewhere, the Editor should be informed about the issue during the submission process.
  • Authors should submit copies of related publications or copies of works submitted to other journals.
  • Multiple publications originating from a single research project should be clearly identified and referenced to the primary publication.
2. 4. Transparency
  • The author may request raw data on his / her articles within the framework of the evaluation process, in which case the author should be prepared to submit the expected data and information to the editorial board and the referee board.
  • The author must have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research / analysis, or the document indicating that he / she has performed the authorization procedures for the subjects.
  • The author should clearly and clearly define his methods in order to confirm the findings of the study by others.
2. 5. Responsibility
  • The author cannot keep his / her studies in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application may be initiated following the completion of the previous application.
  • The author is obliged to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing the journal editor if he / she discovers a mistake or error related to his / her published, early appearance or evaluation work.
2. 6. Multi-Author Works
  • All authors should be listed in the case of multi-authored works, and should be listed on the copyright transfer form during the submission of articles.
  • A responsible author should be selected from the authors during the evaluation of the manuscripts, and the author should maintain communication with the editor.
  • It is not possible to change the author's responsibilities (such as adding author, changing the order of author, removing the author) of a study that has started the evaluation process.
  • Changes and regulations made to the manuscript should be communicated to all authors. This process is the “Responsible Author” responsibility.
  • In multi-author studies, authors are expected to take joint responsibility for the integrity of research and reporting. However, if authors take responsibility for only certain aspects and reports of the research, this should be stated in the publication.
2. 7. Referee Process and Copyright Transfer Form
  • Detailed information about the referee process can be found in the Rules of Writing page under the heading Hakem Arbitration and Evaluation Process ". Authors are deemed to have accepted these rules when submitting articles.
  • The author should cooperate in this process and respond timely and accurately to the requests of the referees and editors.
  • The author should inform the editor if he / she wants to withdraw his / her work during the evaluation process.
2. 8. Reporting Research on Humans or Animals
  • Appropriate approval, licenses or records must be obtained and details should be provided in the report before the study commences (eg, Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Committee approval, national licensing authorities for animal use).
  • If requested by editors, authors should provide evidence that the reported study has received appropriate approval and ethics (eg copies of approvals, licenses, participant approval forms).
  • The author should not publish or share personal data collected during the research without the consent of the individual (or representative).
  • The author should publish all meaningful research results that may contribute to understanding.

3. Ethical Responsibilities For Editors

3. 1. Responsibility for Journal Content

The editor is responsible for every article published in the journal. They must ensure the quality of the material they publish and maintain the integrity of the published record. In this context, the editor;

  • Decides only academically and takes full responsibility for these decisions.
  • It pays attention to act in accordance with the principle of freedom of thought in order to evaluate the works fairly and impartially.
  • Conducts business processes in accordance with intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
  • Strives to meet the information needs of readers and writers, constantly strives to ensure the development of the journal.
  • It protects the confidentiality of authors and referees and manages the referee process accordingly.
  • Takes into account the views of the authors, readers and referees committee members in order to improve the processes of the journal.
  • Follows the researches about refereeing and publishing, and reviews the processes of the journal in the light of new information.
3. 2. Relations with the Reader
  • The editors pay attention to the originality of the published works, and take care to ensure that the study contributes to the readers, researchers and practitioners.
  • The editors take the feedback from all stakeholders into consideration and strive to provide explanatory and informative feedback.
3. 3. Relations with Authors
  • The editors pay attention to the review of all works by qualified referees.
  • Detailed information about the authors about the processes is given in the Rules of Writing on the website of the Journal of Information Management.
  • The Editor is in constant communication with the author in order to avoid any problems related to the process.
3. 4. Relations with Referees
  • During the appointment of the referees, the editors shall check whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the referees.
  • Since the evaluation process is carried out by double blind method, the identity of the referees is kept confidential. The referee list of each issue is announced in the related issue.
  • Referees are encouraged to use an objective, scientific and objective language when evaluating the work.
  • The necessary studies are carried out for the referee pool to be composed of different disciplines and to be constantly updated.
  • Decent and unscientific evaluations are prevented or censored.
3. 5. Refereeing and Evaluation Process
  • Editors; The journal is obliged to implement the Hakem Refereeing and Evaluation Process yer policies in the Writing Rules. In this context, the editors ensure that the fair, impartial and timely evaluation of each work is completed.
  • The referees in their reports may give a definite opinion about the publication or non-publication of the study. However, the Editor / Editorial Board may make a decision based on similar and opposing views of the reviewers.
  • The Editor / Editorial Board looks at the strength of the arguments of the referees or authors, not the number of referees who accept or reject this issue. The Editorial / Editorial Board considers reports with strong, justified propositions rather than reports with evaluation questions answered yes or no.
  • The referee may see that his / her views are not fully reflected in the study after publication. It is possible that other referees have different opinions and that the Editor / Editorial Board has taken these views into consideration. In this case, upon the request of the referee evaluating the work, the opinions of the other referees may be sent to him if the Editorial Board deems appropriate.

According to the recommendations of the referees, the Editorial / Editorial Board follows one of the following ways:

  • Publish the work.
  • Accept partial and significant changes and improvements to the publication.
  • It can ask the author (s) to organize the work in accordance with the opinion of the referee and initiate a new evaluation process.
  • He may refuse to work.
3. 6. Editorial Board Members
  • Care is taken to identify the members of the editorial board who are qualified to contribute to the development of the journal.
  • Editorial Board members are reviewed on a regular basis.
  • The editor receives opinion from board members about the management of the journal, reports changes in journal policies, and consults regularly (eg once a year) to plan for the future.
3. 7. Protection of Personal Data

Editors; refuses to work unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies involving personal data. In addition, editors; The author is responsible for protecting the individual data of the referees and readers.

3. 8. Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights
Editors; takes care to ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the studies evaluated. Ethics committee approval of the subjects used in the studies is responsible for rejecting the study in the absence of permission for experimental research.

3. 9. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The editors are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of possible violations.

3. 10. Creativity and Openness to Discussion
The editors take into consideration the criticisms of the works published in the journal and endeavor to take a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.

3. 11. Complaints
The editors carefully examine the complaints from the authors and referees or readers and try to respond in a descriptive manner.

4. Ethical Responsibilities Of The Publisher

Journal of Information Management;
  • It does not charge any fee from the authors.
  • It takes care to protect the copyright and property of each published article and to keep a record of each copy.

5. Licensing And Copyright

  • The Journal of Information Management is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • Within the scope of this license, users may distribute, copy, work on, and use the work for derivative works by referring to the owner.

6. Plagiarism 

Reported studies should be prepared in accordance with ethical rules and citations should be indicated in the text. The studies submitted to our journal are evaluated in Ithenticate program in order to prevent plagiarism before publication, after the referee evaluation process is completed.

The upper limit of the similarity rate is 20%.

If you encounter an unethical situation;

If you notice significant errors or inaccuracies in a published article, or if you encounter behavior or content that does not comply with the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please notify bydergisi@gmail.com.

Journal of Information Management

Information Management Journal adopts the Open Access approach. There are no submission charges, article editorial processing charges (apcs) or publication charges (page or color charges) for Journal of Information Management.