ISSN: 1016-3573
e-ISSN: 2717-8099
Founded: 1960
Publisher: Veteriner Kontrol Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü
Cover Image

The Journal of Etlik Veterinary Microbiology is a national and international refereed academic journal of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Veterinary Control Central Research Institute that is evaluated by double-blind peer reviewers after editorial board review and the journal is indexed in the scope of EBSCO, ULAKBİM life sciences, and various databases. The Journal publishes scientific articles. It is published twice a year in the months of June and December in Turkish and English languages. Unpublished original researches, case reports, short communications, up-to-date or invited reviews, letters to the editor in the field of veterinary medicine are published in the Journal of Etlik Veterinary Microbiology. Reviews are accepted if they are original, up-to-date, have the latest information, and are not the repetition of classical information.  It is stipulated that authors of reviews have original publications and research on the national or international level. Our journal is open to manuscripts from all over the world. The Journal of Etlik Veterinary Microbiology is subjected to the standards of research and publication ethics. You can have more details about the publication policies, ethics, referee, and legal responsibilities here. Before sending your articles to this journal, you can use the guide documents related to article writing, which can be accessed from the link .

2023 - Volume: 34 Issue: 2

Research Article

Effects of propylene glycol in different doses on metabolic parameters in dairy cows

Formerly known as

Journal was published between 1960-1976 as Journal of Etlik Veterinary Bacteriology Institute,

Between 1977-1986 as Journal of Etlik Veterinary Microbiology Institute Dergisi,

From starting 1987 till today as Journal of Etlik Veterinary Microbiology.
