Open Access Policy

Open Access, Copyright and Licensing

The Journal of New Approaches in Education provides instant open access to the journal content. Open access is an approach that reinforces interdisciplinary development and encourages collaboration between different disciplines. For this reason, The Journal of New Approaches in Education contributes to its field by providing greater access to articles and a more transparent review process. It is intended that all stakeholders (author, editor, referee, publisher, and reader) who produce a scientific study contribute to the correct progress of science. In this context, all content is offered free of charge to readers or to the institutions to which the readers belong. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science through its Open Access Policy and the content it publishes. The content published in The Journal of New Approaches in Education can be accessed, read, saved, copied, scanned, linked to the full text, indexed, transferred to the software as data, and used for any legal purpose without permission from the author.
The Journal of New Approaches in Education has accepted the online open access application via DergiPark. In addition, it also approves the principles and practices of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, dated February 14, 2002. These open access principles are available at

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The Journal of New Approaches in Education is licensed under the Open Access License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Open Access License of The Journal of New Approaches in Education: CC BY-NC ND 4.0 DEED

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED

Copyright: Authors have copyright and full publishing rights without restriction.

Open Access Start Date: Issue: 7 (01.06.2024).

Open Access is when publications are available to anyone online, free of charge, and with few restrictions on reuse. The unrestricted dissemination of research is especially important for authors, readers, and funders. Articles published in The Journal of New Approaches in Education are published as open access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. The Journal of New Approaches in Education believes that for open access to work effectively, user rights and copyright ownership must be clear through licensing.
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Studies sent to The Journal of New Approaches in Education must be original studies that have not previously been published or have been sent somewhere else to be published simultaneously. Authors have their copyrights under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND. The authors hold the rights to non-commercially distribute, use derivative works, translate, and adapt their articles, giving the authors and the journal proper credit.

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Last Update Time: 7/8/24, 10:52:17 PM