About the Gastro-World
Gastro-World is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online-only journal published by Atatürk University. The journal is published annual in both Turkish and English, with articles released in September.
Aims, Scope, and Audience
Gastro-World aims to publish studies of the highest scientific caliber in the field of gastronomy.
Gastro-World publishes research, and review articles that will contribute to the literature on gastronomy, culinary arts, food culture, nutrition and food. The main purpose of the journal is to disseminate the scientific knowledge produced in the field of gastronomic communication, sociology, psychology, literature, religion, history, archaeology, anthropology, economy, tourism, politics, agriculture, physics, chemistry, technology, fine arts, marketing, nutrition and dietetics, food engineering to a wide platform. In doing so, the journal aims to bring together researchers, educational practitioners and policy makers at a common intersection.
The target audience of the journal consists of researchers who are interested in or working in the field of gastronomy.
Research Article
Türk Mutfağı Kavramının Lisansüstü Öğrencilerin Gözünden Kit Yöntemi İle Analiz EdilmesiReview
Iğdır Halk Mutfak Kültüründe Yer Alan Lezzetlerin DeğerlendirilmesiResearch Article
TÜRK TARİHİNDE GASTRONOMİ KÜLTÜRÜGastro-World is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International License