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The Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure and Pulsed Electric Field on Maillard Reaction (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 4, 235 - 242, 01.08.2012


The Maillard reaction, mostly occurred in heated and stored products, is one of the most important non-enzymatic browning reactions between amino groups of proteins and reducing sugars. This reaction may lead to desired or undesired effects on the quality characteristics of food; such as color, taste and nutritional value. In order to reduce these negative changes resulting from the complex reaction, nowadays studies are carried out on non-thermal processes and promising results are obtained. The application of non-thermal processes in food industry not only increases the shelf life of foods, but also allows production of foods which are more reliable and have better quality in terms of nutritional and sensory properties. In these respects, non-thermal processes have a potential which can be alternative to conventional food processing methods, including thermal processes. In this review, Maillard reaction and the effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure and Pulsed Electric Field applications, which can be alternative against to conventional food processing methods on Maillard reaction have been reviewed.


  • Eskin NAM. 1990, Biochemistry of food processing: Browning reactions in foods. In 'Biochemistry of Foods', second edition, Academic Press, London, pp. 240-295.
  • Ikan R (ed), Rubinsztain Y, Nissenbaum A and Kaplan IR. 1996. The Maillard reaction: Consequences for the chemical and life sciences. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 204 p.
  • Erbafl M. 2002. Fırın Ürünlerinde Maillard Re- aksiyonu ve Hidroksimetilfurfural (HMF) Oluflumu. Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongre ve Sergisi, 3-4 Ekim, Gaziantep, Türkiye, 331-335.
  • Bozkurt H, Göğüfl F, Eren S. 1998. Pekmezde maillard esmerleflme reaksiyonlarının kinetik modellenmesi, Turk J Eng and Environ Sci 22: 455-460. 5. Guingamp MF, Humbert G, Midon P, Nicolas M, Linden G. 1999. Screening procedure for evaluating heat load in commercial milks. Lait, 79, 457-463. 6. Nınomıya M, Matsuzaki T, Shigematsu H. 1992. Formation of reducing substances in the Maillard reaction between D-glucose and J-aminobutyric acid. Biosci Biotech Biochem, 56(5): 806-807.
  • Daniel JR, Whistler RL. 1985. Carbonhydrates. In Food Chemistry’, O.R. Fennema (Ed.), second edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, p.70-137.
  • Van Boekel MAJS. 2006. Formation of flavour compounds in the Maillard reaction. Biotechnol Adv, 24(2):230-233.
  • Angel Rufia´n-Henares J, Guerra-Herna´ndez E, Garcı´a-Villanova B. 2006. Available lysine and fluorescence in heated milk proteins/dextri- nomaltose or lactose solutions. Food Chem, 98(4):685-92.
  • Ross AIV, Griffiths MW, Mittal GS, Deeth HC. 2003. Combining nonthermal technologies to control foodborne microorganisms. Int J Food Microbiol,89: 125-138.
  • Ledl F, Schleicher E. 1990. New aspects of the Maillard reaction in foods and in the human body. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 29: 565-594.
  • Ames JM. 1992. The Maillard reaction. In Progress in Food Proteins - Biochemistry, ed. Hudson BJF. Elsevier Applied Sci, London, pp. 99-153.
  • Nursten H (ed). 2005. The Maillard Reaction: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Implications. Royal Soc of Chem, Cambridge, UK, p 213.
  • Metin M. 2005. Süt Teknolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 6. baskı, İzmir. s. 213, 214.
  • Ertugay Z. 1983. Ekmek aromasının oluflumu, kaynakları ve aroma oluflumunu etkileyen faktörler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 14: 1-2.
  • Rufia´n-Henares JA, Delgado-Andrade C, Morales FJ. 2009. Assessing the Maillard reaction development during the toasting process of common flours employed by the cereal products industry. Food Chem, 114(1):93-9.
  • Fayle SE, Gerrard J A. 2002. The Maillard Reaction. Royal Society of Chemistry, ed. Belton PS. Great Britain, pp. 1-8.
  • Wang X, Castanon F, Parsons CM. 1998. Dietary formulation with meat and bone meal on a total versus a digestible or bioavilable amino acid basis. Poultry Sci, 77: 1010-1015.
  • Tosun I. 2004. Color changes and 5- hydroxymethyl furfural formation in zile pekmezi during storage. Grasas y Aceites 55 (3): 259-263.
  • Spano N, Casula L, Panzanelli A, Pilo MI, Piu PC, Scanu R, Tapparo A, Sanna G. 2006. An RP-HPLC determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in honey: thecase of strawberry tree honey. Talanta 68 (4): 1390-1395.
  • Arena E, Fallico B, Maccarone E, 2001. Thermal damage in blood orange juice: Kinetics of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde formation. International J Food Sci Technol,36: 145-151.
  • Deliza R, Rosenthal A, Abadio F B D, Silva CHO, Castillo C. 2005. Application of high pressure technology in the fruit juice processing: benefits perceived by consumers. J Food Eng, 67: 241-246.
  • Knorr D. 1999. Novel approaches in food- processing technology: New technologies for preserving foods and modifying function. Curr Opinion in Biotechn, 10: 485-491.
  • Norton T, Sun DW. 2008. Recent advances in the use of high pressure processing technique in the food industry. Food and Bioprocess Technol, 1: 2-34. 25. Trujillo AJ, Capellas M, Gervilla R, Saldo J, Guamis B. 2002. Application of high hydrostatic pressure on milk and diary products: a review. Innovative Food Sci Emerging Technol,3: 295-307. 26. Lanciotti R, Patrignani F, Iucci L, Guerzoni ME, Suzzi G, Belletti N, Gardini F. 2007. Effects of milk high pressure homogenization on biogenic amine accumulation during ripening of ovine and bovine Italian cheeses. Food Chem, 104 (2):693-701.
  • Vardag T, Körner P. 1995. High pressure: a real alternative in food processing. Food Mark. Technol.42-47.
  • Spilimbergo S, Elvassore N, Bertucco A. 2002. Microbial inactivation by high pressure. J of Supercritical Fluids,22: 55-63.
  • Zorba Ö, Kurt fi. 2005. Yüksek basınç uygulamalarının et ve et ürünleri kalitesi üzerine etkisi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (1):71-76.
  • Cheftel JC. 1995. Review: High-pressure, microbial inactivation and food preservation. Food Sci Technol Int,1: 75-90.
  • Trujillo AJ, Capellas M, Buffa M, Royo C, Gervilla R, Felipe X, Sendra E, Saldo J, Ferragut V, Guamis B. 2000. Application of high pressure treatment for cheese production. Food Res Int, 33 (3-4): 311-316. 32. Hugas M, Garriga M, Monfort JM. 2002. New mild technologies in meat processing: high pressure as a model technology, Meat Sci, 62: 359-371.
  • Moerman F. 2005. High hydrostatic pressure inactivation of vegetative microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic spores in pork marengo, a low asidic particulate food product, Meat Sci, 69: 225-232. 34. Brul S, Rommens AJM, Verrips CT. 2000. Mechanistic studies on the inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by High-Pressure, Innovative Food Sci&Emerging Technol,1: 99-108. 35. İbanoğlu E. 2002. Gıdalarda yüksek hidrostatik basınç uygulaması. GIDA 27 (6): 505-510.
  • fianal İS, Çalımlı A. 2000. Yüksek hidrostatik basınç teknolojisi ve gıda endüstrisinde uygulamaları GIDA 25 (3): 193-201.
  • Schwarzenbolz U, Klostermeyer H, Henle T. 2002. Maillard reaction under high hydrostatic pressure: studies on the formation of protein-bound amino acid derivatives. Int Congress Series 1245: 223-227.
  • Linton M, Mc Clements JMJ, Patterson MF. 2004. Changes in the microbiological quality of vacuum-packaged, minced chicken treated with high hydrostatic pressure, Innovative Food Sci and Emerging Techno,(5) : 151-159.
  • Datta N, Deeth HC. 1999. High pressure processing of milk and dairy products. Australian J Dairy Technol,54 (1): 41-48.
  • Yemencioglu A, Özkan M. 2004, Meyve ve Sebzelerle Bunlardan Elde Edilen Ürünlerin Dayandırılma Yöntemleri. Meyve ve Sebze İsleme Teknikleri 1, Cemeroglu B (bafl editör), Baskent Klise Matbaacılık, Ankara, s. 226-227.
  • Ohlsson T (ed), Bengtsson N. 2002. Minimal Processing Technologies In The Food Industry. Woodhead publishing limited, England, pp 41.
  • Farr D. 1990. High Pressure Technology in the Food Industry. Trends Food Sci and Technol, 1: 14-16. 43. Penna ALB, Subbarao-Gurram, Barbosa-Cánovas G V. 2007. High hydrostatic pressure processing on microstructure of probiotic low-fat yogurt. Food Res Int,40 (4): 510-519.
  • Temiz H, Tarakçı Z, Aykut U. 2008. Süt ve ürünlerinde mikroorganizmaları azaltmada alternatif yöntemler. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum, 777-780.
  • Pereira RN, Vicente AA. 2010. Environ impact of novel thermal and non-thermal Technologies in food processing. Food Research International, 43: 1936-1943.
  • Isaacs N, Coulson M. Effect of pressure on processes modelling the Maillard reaction. 1996. J Phys Org Chem.9: 639-644.
  • Namiki M, Hayashi T. 1983. A New Mechanism of the Maillard Reaction Involving Sugar Fragmentation and Free Radical Formation. ACS Symp. Ser., No. 215, 21-46, 185-201.
  • Mitsuda H., Yasumoto K. And Yokoyama K. 1965.Studies of Free Radicals in Amino-carbonyl Reaction. J Agric Biol Chem, 29: 751.
  • Bristow M, Isaacs NS. 1999. The effect of high pressure on the formation of volatile products in a model Maillard reaction. J Chem Soc Perkin Trans.2: 2213–2218.
  • Hill VM, Ledward DA, Ames JM. 1996. Influence of high hydrostatic pressure and pH on the rate of Maillard Browning in a glucose-lysine system. J Agric Food Chem,44(2):594-598.
  • Namiki M. 1985. Studies on interactions of food components. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 59: 811-822 (in Japanese).
  • Tamaoka T, Itoh N, Hayashi R. 1991. High HHP effect on Maillard reaction. Agric Biol Chem,55: 2071-2074.
  • Okazaki T, Yamauchı S, Yoneda T, Suzuki K. 2001. Effect of combination of heating and pressurization on browning reaction of glucose- glycine solution and white sauce. Food Sci Technol Res,7 (4): 285-289.
  • Campus M, Flores M, Martinez A, Toldra F. 2008. Effect of high pressure treatment on colour, microbial and chemical characteristics of dry cured loin. Meat Sci, 80(4):1174-1181.
  • Ames MJ. 1998. Applications of the Maillard reaction in the food industry. Food Chem, 62:(4) 431-439.
  • Heremans K. 1995. High pressure effects on biomolecules. In High Pressure Processing of Foods, eds Ledward DA, Eamshaw RG, Johnson DE, Hasting APM. Nottingham University Press, Sutton Bonington, pp. 81-98.
  • Ames JM. 1990. Control of the Maillard reaction in food systems. Trends in Food Sci Technol, 1: 150-154.
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Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 4, 235 - 242, 01.08.2012


Maillard reaksiyonu, çoğunlukla ısıl işleme tabi tutulan ve depolanan ürünlerde görülen, indirgen şekerlerle proteinlerin amino grupları arasında meydana gelen en önemli enzimatik olmayan esmerleşme reaksiyonlarından biridir. Bu reaksiyon, gıdaların renk, tat-aroma ve besin değeri gibi kalite özellikleri üzerine istenen veya istenmeyen etkilere neden olabilmektedir. Bu kompleks reaksiyonun gıdalarda meydana getirdiği olumsuz değişiklikleri azaltmak amacıyla günümüzde ısıl olmayan işlemler üzerine çalışmalar yapılmakta ve ümit verici sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Gıda endüstrisinde ısıl olmayan işlemlerin uygulaması sadece gıdaların raf ömrünün artırılması amacıyla değil, aynı zamanda; daha güvenilir, besinsel ve duyusal açıdan daha kaliteli gıdaların üretilebilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu yönleri ile ısıl olmayan işlemler, ısıl işlem tekniklerini içeren geleneksel gıda işleme yöntemlerine alternatif olabilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu derlemede Maillard reaksiyonu ve geleneksel gıda işleme metotlarına alternatif olarak Yüksek Hidrostatik Basınç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan uygulamalarının Maillard reaksiyonu üzerine olan etkileri anlatılmaktadır.


  • Eskin NAM. 1990, Biochemistry of food processing: Browning reactions in foods. In 'Biochemistry of Foods', second edition, Academic Press, London, pp. 240-295.
  • Ikan R (ed), Rubinsztain Y, Nissenbaum A and Kaplan IR. 1996. The Maillard reaction: Consequences for the chemical and life sciences. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 204 p.
  • Erbafl M. 2002. Fırın Ürünlerinde Maillard Re- aksiyonu ve Hidroksimetilfurfural (HMF) Oluflumu. Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongre ve Sergisi, 3-4 Ekim, Gaziantep, Türkiye, 331-335.
  • Bozkurt H, Göğüfl F, Eren S. 1998. Pekmezde maillard esmerleflme reaksiyonlarının kinetik modellenmesi, Turk J Eng and Environ Sci 22: 455-460. 5. Guingamp MF, Humbert G, Midon P, Nicolas M, Linden G. 1999. Screening procedure for evaluating heat load in commercial milks. Lait, 79, 457-463. 6. Nınomıya M, Matsuzaki T, Shigematsu H. 1992. Formation of reducing substances in the Maillard reaction between D-glucose and J-aminobutyric acid. Biosci Biotech Biochem, 56(5): 806-807.
  • Daniel JR, Whistler RL. 1985. Carbonhydrates. In Food Chemistry’, O.R. Fennema (Ed.), second edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, p.70-137.
  • Van Boekel MAJS. 2006. Formation of flavour compounds in the Maillard reaction. Biotechnol Adv, 24(2):230-233.
  • Angel Rufia´n-Henares J, Guerra-Herna´ndez E, Garcı´a-Villanova B. 2006. Available lysine and fluorescence in heated milk proteins/dextri- nomaltose or lactose solutions. Food Chem, 98(4):685-92.
  • Ross AIV, Griffiths MW, Mittal GS, Deeth HC. 2003. Combining nonthermal technologies to control foodborne microorganisms. Int J Food Microbiol,89: 125-138.
  • Ledl F, Schleicher E. 1990. New aspects of the Maillard reaction in foods and in the human body. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 29: 565-594.
  • Ames JM. 1992. The Maillard reaction. In Progress in Food Proteins - Biochemistry, ed. Hudson BJF. Elsevier Applied Sci, London, pp. 99-153.
  • Nursten H (ed). 2005. The Maillard Reaction: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Implications. Royal Soc of Chem, Cambridge, UK, p 213.
  • Metin M. 2005. Süt Teknolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 6. baskı, İzmir. s. 213, 214.
  • Ertugay Z. 1983. Ekmek aromasının oluflumu, kaynakları ve aroma oluflumunu etkileyen faktörler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 14: 1-2.
  • Rufia´n-Henares JA, Delgado-Andrade C, Morales FJ. 2009. Assessing the Maillard reaction development during the toasting process of common flours employed by the cereal products industry. Food Chem, 114(1):93-9.
  • Fayle SE, Gerrard J A. 2002. The Maillard Reaction. Royal Society of Chemistry, ed. Belton PS. Great Britain, pp. 1-8.
  • Wang X, Castanon F, Parsons CM. 1998. Dietary formulation with meat and bone meal on a total versus a digestible or bioavilable amino acid basis. Poultry Sci, 77: 1010-1015.
  • Tosun I. 2004. Color changes and 5- hydroxymethyl furfural formation in zile pekmezi during storage. Grasas y Aceites 55 (3): 259-263.
  • Spano N, Casula L, Panzanelli A, Pilo MI, Piu PC, Scanu R, Tapparo A, Sanna G. 2006. An RP-HPLC determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in honey: thecase of strawberry tree honey. Talanta 68 (4): 1390-1395.
  • Arena E, Fallico B, Maccarone E, 2001. Thermal damage in blood orange juice: Kinetics of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde formation. International J Food Sci Technol,36: 145-151.
  • Deliza R, Rosenthal A, Abadio F B D, Silva CHO, Castillo C. 2005. Application of high pressure technology in the fruit juice processing: benefits perceived by consumers. J Food Eng, 67: 241-246.
  • Knorr D. 1999. Novel approaches in food- processing technology: New technologies for preserving foods and modifying function. Curr Opinion in Biotechn, 10: 485-491.
  • Norton T, Sun DW. 2008. Recent advances in the use of high pressure processing technique in the food industry. Food and Bioprocess Technol, 1: 2-34. 25. Trujillo AJ, Capellas M, Gervilla R, Saldo J, Guamis B. 2002. Application of high hydrostatic pressure on milk and diary products: a review. Innovative Food Sci Emerging Technol,3: 295-307. 26. Lanciotti R, Patrignani F, Iucci L, Guerzoni ME, Suzzi G, Belletti N, Gardini F. 2007. Effects of milk high pressure homogenization on biogenic amine accumulation during ripening of ovine and bovine Italian cheeses. Food Chem, 104 (2):693-701.
  • Vardag T, Körner P. 1995. High pressure: a real alternative in food processing. Food Mark. Technol.42-47.
  • Spilimbergo S, Elvassore N, Bertucco A. 2002. Microbial inactivation by high pressure. J of Supercritical Fluids,22: 55-63.
  • Zorba Ö, Kurt fi. 2005. Yüksek basınç uygulamalarının et ve et ürünleri kalitesi üzerine etkisi. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (1):71-76.
  • Cheftel JC. 1995. Review: High-pressure, microbial inactivation and food preservation. Food Sci Technol Int,1: 75-90.
  • Trujillo AJ, Capellas M, Buffa M, Royo C, Gervilla R, Felipe X, Sendra E, Saldo J, Ferragut V, Guamis B. 2000. Application of high pressure treatment for cheese production. Food Res Int, 33 (3-4): 311-316. 32. Hugas M, Garriga M, Monfort JM. 2002. New mild technologies in meat processing: high pressure as a model technology, Meat Sci, 62: 359-371.
  • Moerman F. 2005. High hydrostatic pressure inactivation of vegetative microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic spores in pork marengo, a low asidic particulate food product, Meat Sci, 69: 225-232. 34. Brul S, Rommens AJM, Verrips CT. 2000. Mechanistic studies on the inactivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by High-Pressure, Innovative Food Sci&Emerging Technol,1: 99-108. 35. İbanoğlu E. 2002. Gıdalarda yüksek hidrostatik basınç uygulaması. GIDA 27 (6): 505-510.
  • fianal İS, Çalımlı A. 2000. Yüksek hidrostatik basınç teknolojisi ve gıda endüstrisinde uygulamaları GIDA 25 (3): 193-201.
  • Schwarzenbolz U, Klostermeyer H, Henle T. 2002. Maillard reaction under high hydrostatic pressure: studies on the formation of protein-bound amino acid derivatives. Int Congress Series 1245: 223-227.
  • Linton M, Mc Clements JMJ, Patterson MF. 2004. Changes in the microbiological quality of vacuum-packaged, minced chicken treated with high hydrostatic pressure, Innovative Food Sci and Emerging Techno,(5) : 151-159.
  • Datta N, Deeth HC. 1999. High pressure processing of milk and dairy products. Australian J Dairy Technol,54 (1): 41-48.
  • Yemencioglu A, Özkan M. 2004, Meyve ve Sebzelerle Bunlardan Elde Edilen Ürünlerin Dayandırılma Yöntemleri. Meyve ve Sebze İsleme Teknikleri 1, Cemeroglu B (bafl editör), Baskent Klise Matbaacılık, Ankara, s. 226-227.
  • Ohlsson T (ed), Bengtsson N. 2002. Minimal Processing Technologies In The Food Industry. Woodhead publishing limited, England, pp 41.
  • Farr D. 1990. High Pressure Technology in the Food Industry. Trends Food Sci and Technol, 1: 14-16. 43. Penna ALB, Subbarao-Gurram, Barbosa-Cánovas G V. 2007. High hydrostatic pressure processing on microstructure of probiotic low-fat yogurt. Food Res Int,40 (4): 510-519.
  • Temiz H, Tarakçı Z, Aykut U. 2008. Süt ve ürünlerinde mikroorganizmaları azaltmada alternatif yöntemler. Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum, 777-780.
  • Pereira RN, Vicente AA. 2010. Environ impact of novel thermal and non-thermal Technologies in food processing. Food Research International, 43: 1936-1943.
  • Isaacs N, Coulson M. Effect of pressure on processes modelling the Maillard reaction. 1996. J Phys Org Chem.9: 639-644.
  • Namiki M, Hayashi T. 1983. A New Mechanism of the Maillard Reaction Involving Sugar Fragmentation and Free Radical Formation. ACS Symp. Ser., No. 215, 21-46, 185-201.
  • Mitsuda H., Yasumoto K. And Yokoyama K. 1965.Studies of Free Radicals in Amino-carbonyl Reaction. J Agric Biol Chem, 29: 751.
  • Bristow M, Isaacs NS. 1999. The effect of high pressure on the formation of volatile products in a model Maillard reaction. J Chem Soc Perkin Trans.2: 2213–2218.
  • Hill VM, Ledward DA, Ames JM. 1996. Influence of high hydrostatic pressure and pH on the rate of Maillard Browning in a glucose-lysine system. J Agric Food Chem,44(2):594-598.
  • Namiki M. 1985. Studies on interactions of food components. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, 59: 811-822 (in Japanese).
  • Tamaoka T, Itoh N, Hayashi R. 1991. High HHP effect on Maillard reaction. Agric Biol Chem,55: 2071-2074.
  • Okazaki T, Yamauchı S, Yoneda T, Suzuki K. 2001. Effect of combination of heating and pressurization on browning reaction of glucose- glycine solution and white sauce. Food Sci Technol Res,7 (4): 285-289.
  • Campus M, Flores M, Martinez A, Toldra F. 2008. Effect of high pressure treatment on colour, microbial and chemical characteristics of dry cured loin. Meat Sci, 80(4):1174-1181.
  • Ames MJ. 1998. Applications of the Maillard reaction in the food industry. Food Chem, 62:(4) 431-439.
  • Heremans K. 1995. High pressure effects on biomolecules. In High Pressure Processing of Foods, eds Ledward DA, Eamshaw RG, Johnson DE, Hasting APM. Nottingham University Press, Sutton Bonington, pp. 81-98.
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There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

E. Feyza Topdaş

M. Fatih Ertugay This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 37 Issue: 4


APA Topdaş, E. F. ., & Ertugay, M. F. . (2012). Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda, 37(4), 235-242.
AMA Topdaş EF, Ertugay MF. Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi. The Journal of Food. August 2012;37(4):235-242.
Chicago Topdaş, E. Feyza, and M. Fatih Ertugay. “Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç Ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda 37, no. 4 (August 2012): 235-42.
EndNote Topdaş EF, Ertugay MF (August 1, 2012) Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda 37 4 235–242.
IEEE E. F. . Topdaş and M. F. . Ertugay, “Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 235–242, 2012.
ISNAD Topdaş, E. Feyza - Ertugay, M. Fatih. “Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç Ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda 37/4 (August 2012), 235-242.
JAMA Topdaş EF, Ertugay MF. Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2012;37:235–242.
MLA Topdaş, E. Feyza and M. Fatih Ertugay. “Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç Ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda, vol. 37, no. 4, 2012, pp. 235-42.
Vancouver Topdaş EF, Ertugay MF. Yüksek Hidrostatik Basinç ve Vurgulu Elektriksel Alan İşlemlerinin Maillard Reaksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2012;37(4):235-42.


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