Copyright and Licensing

In addition authors who send their articles to Journal of Islamic Law Studies read and approve the text of the responsibility statement on the screen of the control list when they upload their studies on the online system of the journal. As marking the box “I warrant that it is in conformity with the items above” at the end of the control list, it is deemed to have accepted the text of the responsibility statement.

The Text of the Responsibility Statement

Author(s) approve;

a) That the article presented has been the original work of the author(s),

b) That all the authors have participated individually and taken all the responsibility in this study,

c) That all the authors have seen the last form of the article sent and approved it,

d) That the article has not been published in anywhere else or presented to be published,

e) That the text, figures, and documents in the article do not violate the copyrights of the third parties, the publisher is not responsible for any claims or lawsuits to be made by third parties due to copyright infringement, and all responsibility belongs to them,

f) That if the article is accepted for publication, it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

By submitting their work to the Journal of Islamic Law Studies under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, the author(s) are deemed to have accepted the following conditions:

1) The copyright of the published article belongs to its author(s).

2) The author(s) authorize this Journal to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

3) Nothing in this license impairs or restricts an author's right to preserve the integrity and ownership of their work.

4) All commercial rights related to the article belong to the author(s).

Journal of Islamic Law Studies has been published both in print and online since its first issue. Until 2022, online publication has been made only in full issue ( Since the beginning of 2022, all publication processes are carried out through DergiPark. The current issue of the journal is first published online through DergiPark and then in print accordingly. Issues before 2022 have been added to the DergiPark archive so that all issues of the journal can be accessed from one place.

Journal of Islamic Law Studies is an open-access journal. From 2022 onwards, all manuscripts are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Author(s) own the copyright (without any restrictions) of the published articles. The articles before 2022 were also published in accordance with the definition of open access and the copyright of the articles belonged to the authors; however, this is not explicitly stated in the online and hard copies of the journal.

With this permission of the licensee copying, distribution and viewing operations on the work can only be performed on verbatim copies of the work, not derivative works. This license allows the work to be shared, copied and reproduced in any size and format, except for commercial use and without changing the content, provided that it is referenced and published under similar license conditions to be created.

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Last Update Time: 3/25/22, 4:15:08 PM