1- Journal of Islamic Law Studies is a peer-reviewed and academic journal that is published twice in a year (in June and December). No fees are charged from the authors for the evaluation and publishing process of the articles.
2- In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board , date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first page of the article. For the studies requiring ethics commitee approval, see Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.
3- Turkish, Arabic and English articles can be published in the journal. Just one study of an author can be published in an issue.
4- The articles submitted for publication are passed through the steps of preliminary control, intelligent component, reference evaluation and language control.
5- In case of three preliminary checks, the work which can not pass this process is returned to the author and not processed again in the same publication period.
6- The article that have passed the pre-control phase are taken into the evaluation process in which at least two judges are in the framework of the double-blind refereeing principle. See Evatuation Process.
7- The authors whose researches are approved as “publishable” by both of the reviewers are required to extend Turkish and English abstracts to 500-600 words.
8- The studies having more than one author should include declarations of the contribution rate, if there are, support and acknowledgment and conflict at the end of the study completing the peer-review process. Additionally, the conflict of interest declaration form should be filled and uploaded to the system.
9- Journal of Islamic Law Studies suggests using Zotero, Mendeley, or Endnote in terms of international coherence in article writing.
10- See Author Guidelines.
11- See Article Writing Template.
12. See a Guide for Book Reviews.
13. In order for the blind refereeing practice to work properly, the names of the writers should not be included in the user name and initials sections of the word program. For this, do not forget to review the user name and initials part of the general settings section in the word options.