Writing Rules

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Author Guidelines

The studies sent to be published in the International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences [IJOSES] are first examined by the editor or section editors regarding their appropriateness to the journal's publication policies. If the study is appropriate to the journal's publication policies, it is then sent to at least two peers for them to assess. In the case of one of the peer's negative assessments, it is then sent to a third peer. If the third peer's assessment is negative, it is then returned to its owner.

The Assessment Process

If you are considering submitting an article to our journal, we suggest you look over our journal, the journal's publication policy, and the author guide. Authors should be signed up first to submit work. After signing up, you can start submitting via the entry link, which includes three steps. In the texts that will be uploaded to the system, the name and other information should not be included in any way. The editors later include this information before publication.

The author (s) is responsible for the views and opinions expressed in the texts. All publication rights of the articles that are sent to be published and approved by the publishing council belong to the IJOSES / USEBD Journal. The mandates presented in the national or international symposiums can be submitted to the publication in the condition of being stated. The mandates given in the symposiums should not be published.

The editors checked every article submitted to the International Journal of Social and Educational in terms of their resemblance and plagiarism, using Sciences is che similarity programs such as iThenticate, Turnitin, and İntihal. Articles with more than %25 plagiarism are returned to the author without being taken to the assessment process. If the resemblance is not apparent in the articles or other works to the degree of %25 and above, the studies are sent to the two referees who are experts in the field. Regarding the positive report that referees receive, the article is published. In the case of one of the referees' adverse reports, depending on the report's content, if it is seen as necessary by the editor, the article is sent to a third referee. If the third referee's report is positive, the article is published; otherwise, it is not published. If the article is not assessed within the time given to the referee, the article is sent to another referee.

The articles are only submitted by the open journal system.

* Cases such as name similarities, surname changes, names that consist of Turkish letters, different spellings, and institution changes may create problems in publication/citation searches made by the author's name. Researchers need to obtain their depictor identity/number (ID). For this reason, all of our writers are required to register for ORCID. It is recommended that our authors should request their ORCID information and include this information in journals/articles since Orcid is going to be used to ensure standardization and in the joint studies that are going to be carried out with YOK. ORCID is the abbreviation of Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID is a 16-digit, numbered URI compatible with the ISO Standard (27729), known as the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI). You can create a free registration for an individual ORCID at http://orcid.org.

*Authors should upload their articles to the system after they write or edit their writings according to the journal article template.

*APA 6 style should be used in the in-text citations and references. I'd like you to please use the next link to get information about the APA 6 style. http://www.apastyle.org/learn/index.aspx

The studies sent to the journal should be within the 12,000-word limit, and books and other introductions should be within the 1,600-word limit. The articles should be within the 5,000-word limit. Furthermore, Turkish and English abstracts of between 150 and 200 words should be added to the articles.

*The editorial board reviews the articles uploaded to the system by the authors and decides whether they will be considered for the assessment.

Click for the Copyright Release Form. Telif Hakkı (Copyright Form) Devri için tıklayınız.

Spelling Rules


1. The journal text should be written in Times New Roman type font, with 12 font size, with a 2,5 cm gap from all of the edges, with only one column, with 1 line gap, and in the size of A4.

2. Paragraphs should start with 0,75 indentation; there should be no gap between paragraphs.

3. When stress is needed within the text, it should be done with italics.

4. Before and after the paragraphs, there should be 6-point gaps.

5. There should be no information about the author within the text.

The Article Title

1. The article title should clearly define the subject, its field, and the limits of its problems.
2. The title should be bold and centered, with the expectation of its conjunctions in uppercase in its first letters and 14 font size (Palatino Linotype).


1. Every article should have a Turkish and English abstract at the beginning.
2. The abstract should contain the purpose of the article, its essential findings, and conclusions.
3. The abstract should be justified and written between 150-200 words.
4. The abstract and keywords should be written in Times New Roman font type, 10 font size, and with single line spacing.
5. At the bottom of the abstract, there should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords that describe the article's content.

Title and Sub-titles

1. All titles should be written in Times New Roman font style, with 12 font sizes.
2. In the section titles, the first letters of the words should be upper case, while the others should be lower case, with centered and bold letters.
3. In the sub-title section, the first letters of the words should be upper case, while the others should be lower case, with left centered and bold.
4. In the third or fourth-level titles, the first letters of the words should be uppercase, while the others should be lowercase using the paragraph title.
5. The paragraph formalizations are:

Middle Title


Second level sub-title

Third-level sub-title (1 cm indentation) Fourth-level sub-title (1 cm indentation) Fifth-level sub-title (1 cm indentation)

The Display of Table and Figure/Visual

1. Tables and figures should be prepared to be published and used when indicated in the text.
2. Tables and titles should be in Times New font sizes and single-Roman, with inline spacing.
3. In the title of the tables, the first letter of every word should be upper case.
4. The texts in the table should be single-spaced, with a gap of 0 pt before and after, and written without adding spaces between paragraphs of the same style.
5. There should be no vertical lines in the table.
6. The width of the lines within the table should be measured according to a width of 1 / 2 pt. 7. Before and after the table, there should be a 12 pt gap.
8. In the display of the table's title and the table's number, the table's number should be bold and left center, and the table's title should be the standard and left center. E.g., Table 1.The Information about the Gender of the Participants
9. In displaying the titles of the figures and visuals, the number of the figure/visual should be bold and centered, and the title of the figure/visual should be regular and centered. E.g., Figure 1. Turkey Cities Map


1. References should be ordered alphabetically.

2. The references should be arranged according to the example below and added to the end of the article.


While a reference is shown within the text, a reference link should be used. In the reference link, there should be the author's last name, the work's publication date, and the page number in the case of direct transfer.

Single Author References Link:

(Akıllı, 2013), (Akıllı, 2013, s. 61), Akıllı’ya (2013) göre, Akıllı’ya (2013, s. 61) göre Two Authors References Link:

(Akıllı & Çalışkan 2013), (Akıllı & Çalışkan, 2013, s. 61), Akıllı ve Çalışkan’a (2013) göre, Akıllı ve Çalışkan’a (2013, s. 61) göre

Three Authors References Link:

(Akıllı, Çalışkan & Uslu, 2013), (Akıllı, Çalışkan & Uslu, 2013, s. 61), Akıllı, Çalışkan ve Uslu’ya (2013) göre, Akıllı, Çalışkan ve Uslu’ya (2013, s. 61) göre,

Four and Five References Link:

In the references where four and five references are apparent, the references link should be like its first mentioned form (Akıllı, Çalışkan, Uslu ve Kurnaz 2013). In the following parts, it should be given as abbreviated (Akıllı vd., 2013).

Six or More References Link:

In the references where four and five references are apparent, the reference link should be in its first mentioned form, and in the following parts, it should be abbreviated.

1. In the case where the citation is used to give reference to the same author's more than one work in the same year, the works should be lineup like below: (Akıllı 2013a), (Akıllı, 2013b), (Akıllı, 2013a,2013b)

2. In the case where the citation is used to give reference to the same author's more than one work, the works should be lineup like below (Akıllı, 2014; Akıllı, 2015)

3. In the case where the citation is used to reference the different authors that share the same last name, the works should be given below. (Akıllı, 2013), (B. Akıllı,2014), Akıllı’ya (2013) göre , B. Akıllı’ya (2014) göre

4. In the case of more than one reference about the same subject, the used references link should be ordered chronologically, and the exact date references should be ordered alphabetically according to the name (Arıcı ve Ungan, 2008; Aytan, 2010; Göçer, 2010; Kurudayıoğlu ve Karadağ, 2010; Karatay, 2011; Dağtaş, 2012; Karadağ ve Kayabaşı, 2013)

5. The abbreviations about the institutions should be given in the first place that it is mentioned and should be used as abbreviations in the following parts: Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü(EGM) – (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü [EGM], 2012)
6. Legal texts should be displayed as: (Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu, 1973)


Single Author Book

İnalcık, H. (2015). Devlet-i aliyye: Osmanlı imparatorluğu araştırmaları-1. İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
Giddens, A. (2009). Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press. Single Author Translated Book
Freire, P. (2014). Ezilenlerin pedagojisi. (D. Hattaoğlu ve E. Özbek, çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
Lewis, B. (2000). Modern Türkiye'nin doğuşu (M. Kıratlı, çev.). Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.

Two Authors Book

Arıcı, A. F. & Ungan, S. (2012). Yazılı anlatım el kitabı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Cook, T. D. & Campell, D. T. (1979) Quasi experimentation: Desing & analysis issues for field setting. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company..

Two Authors Translated Book

Cooper, R. & Sawaf, A. (1997). Liderlikte duygusal zekâ. (Çev: Z. Ayman & B. Sancar). İstanbul: Sistem Yayınları.

Three Authors Book

Köklü, N., Büyüköztürk, Ş. & Çokluk-Bökeoğlu, Ö. (2006). Sosyal bilimler için istatistik.Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Parris, S. R., Fisher, D. & Headley, K. (2009). Adolescent literacy: Field-tested effective solutions for every classroom. Newark: International Reading Association.

Edited Book

Çetin, İ. (Edt.) (2010). Dil ve edebiyat öğretim yöntemleri. İstanbul: Nobel..
Coady, N. & Lehmann, P. (Eds.) (2008). Theoretical perspectives for direct social work practice. New York: Springer.

The section in the Edited Book

Uzun Tulgar, Y. (2010). Edebiyat öğretiminde kullanılan teori ve yaklaşımlar. İ. Çetin (Edt.). Dil ve edebiyat öğretim yöntemleri içinde (s. 45-80). İstanbul: Nobel.

Çeviri Kitapta Bölüm
Creswell, J. (2014). Nicel Yöntemler. S. B. Demir (Ed.), Araştırma Deseni: Nitel, nicel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (M. Bursal, Çev.) içinde (s. 155-182). Ankara: Eğiten Kitap.

Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget's theory (G. Gellerier & J. Langer, Trans.). In K. Richardson & S. Sheldon (Eds.), Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader (pp. 3-18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Turkish Article

Aydın, A. (2004). Psikolojide yeni arayışlar ve insan doğası tartışmaları. Akdeniz Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1 (1), 23–29.
Article That is Published in a Foreign Language
Winstead Fry, S. & Griffin, S. (2010). Fourth graders as models for teachers: teaching and learning 6+1 trait writing as a collaborative experience. Literacy Research and Instruction, 49(4), 283-298.

Notice That is Published in Proceedings Book

Yılmaz, K. (2009). Okul yöneticilerinin örgüt ve yönetime ilişkin abartılar hakkındaki görüşleri. IV. Eğitim Yönetimi Kongresi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi & EYEDDER. 14– 15 May 2009. Denizli. Ss. 496–501.

Notice That is not Published in Proceedings Book or Notice that is Published as Summary Text

Turan, S. (2006). Eğitim yönetiminde paradigmatik dönüşümler (dönüşen bir şey yok). Türkiye’de Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri Toplantısı. 27–28 Nisan 2006. EYEDDER-Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi. Ankara.
Turan, S. (2001). School climate, supportive leadership behavior and faculty trust in Turkish public schools. American Educational Research Association (AERA). April 10–14, 2001.
Seattle, Washington, USA.

Unpublished Graduate Education Theses

Arı, G. S. (2003). İşletmelerde güven ve personel güçlendirme ilişkisi: Bankacılık sektöründe bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Kamer, M. (2001). Örgütsel güven, örgütsel bağlılık ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarına etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Evans, T. J. (1996). Elementary teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of principals leadership style and school social organization. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.


Türk Dil Kurumu (2005). Türkçe sözlük. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayını.
Türk Dil Kurumu (1975). Felsefe terimleri sözlüğü. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayını. Encyclopedia
Meydan Larousse (1990). Meydan Larousse ansiklopedisi. İstanbul: Meydan Yayınevi. Report or Other Institutional Texts
MEB (2009). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı 2010–2014 Stratejik Planı. Ankara: MEB Yayını.

MoNE (1977). Report by the ministry of national education supervision council. Ankara: MoNE Publications.

Legal Texts Such as Code, Regulations, Covenant

Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu (1973). Resmi Gazete. Yayım Tarihi: 24.06.1973. Sayısı: 14574. Numarası: 1739.

Web Site

UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage list. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list adresinden erişildi. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.05.2013)UNESCO. (2013).


Last Update Time: 11/14/24, 3:32:20 PM



INDEX COPERNİCUS [ICI], Eurasian Scientific Journal Index [ESJI], ISAM [Makaleler Veri Tabanı], SOBIAD, Scilit, İdeal Online
tarafından dizinlenmekte.

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