Issue: 8, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

 The common purpose of all scientists who support the journal with their ideas and efforts is to contribute to the academic development of social and human sciences academicians and to seek new possibilities to benefit more from social and human sciences for society. For all the scientists who share the same thought, the pages of our journal are always open.

“Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” (J-SCS) is an interdisciplinary academic journal based on the preparation of original works in social and human sciences. It was decided to publish in electronic form all the issues of the journal, which was established in 2018 with the cooperation of independent scholars in different disciplines in the field of social and human sciences. The journal is not affiliated with any official or unofficial institution, organization or group. 

Sample Sheet

Copyright Form

Turnitin /iThenticate report must also be uploaded to the Dergipark system.

Articles that do not fully comply with the stylesheet will not be evaluated.
• All submissions to be considered for publication should be written in Turkish or English.

• All texts should be sent by e-mail in .doc or .docx format after being overwritten on the “Sheet” which is seen as a link above. (e-mail:

• It should be noted that work submitted to this journal has not been previously published or is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere.

•  The margins should be set at 2.5 cm top and bottom, left and right on A4 paper. The spacings in paragraph settings of main body text should be as written below.

  The main body text space line:1,5, Spacing before:6 pt, Spacing after: 6pt; Abstract text space line:1, Spacing before: 6 pt, Spacing after: 6pt

• Font of the text should be “Garamond”. The main body text should be 12 pt type. For quotations longer than 3 lines
or 40 words, start the quotation on a new line, with the entire quote indented 1 cm from the left and right margin, use 10 pt type and 1-spaced paragraph for the text. Italic text type is not allowed for quotations less or more than 3 lines or 40 words.

• Use bold for the title of the article and section headings only.

• Notes and explanations must be inserted as end notes.

• The text must be justified, except titles and headings which should be ranged left.

• The papers should not be less than 3,500 words, nor should exceed 9,000 words. Abstract should not be less than 200 words, nor should exceed 300 words.

• If the article is written in Turkish, it should include an abstract in English too.

• All submissions should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). Further information can be obtained from the American Psychological Association’s style website:

• References in the article should be as in these examples:
Bourdieu (2014) in a paper on … [commonest version];
Wagner (2001, pp.81-82) state that … [where page number is required];
———– (Berger, 2011: p.38).

• Sample for references:
Timasheff, N.S. (1967). Sociological Theory: Its Nature and Growth. 3. Ed. New York: Random House
Stevens, J. (2001). Devletin Yeniden Üretimi. (Çev. Abdullah Yılmaz). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları

While citing the articles, one of the following can be preferred for the volume, number and page range presentation in the bibliography: V.3. No.19. pp. 103-132 or 3(19), 103-132.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
All authors of scientific papers submitted to the journal should take into account the International Standards for Editors and Writers of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
All articles submitted to the journal as of 2020 will be reported with the Turnitin or Itenticate plagiarism program. Turnitin or Itenticate plagiarism reports should also be attached to the articles to be submitted.
“Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” (J-SCS) is published in Turkish and English. “Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” (J-SCS) is published only in electronic form through its website and adopts open access policy. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. No fees are charged for publications, no fees are paid to the editors, the editorial board, and the reviewers and their owners. It is accepted that the authors who submit articles to the contact address for publication in the journal should read and acknowledge this copyright statement.
“Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” is open to the work of all researchers who have the title “Ph.D.” or “Ph.D. student”. It is not obligatory that the second, third, and fourth authors of the article have the title “Ph.D.” or “Ph.D. student”. An article should has been written by max. four authors. The articles prepared in accordance with the writing rules are presented to the reviewer for review after they have passed the editorial review. The reviewer may ask for a correction to the article, directly refuse or accept it. For the articles declined as a result of the reviewer evaluation, a second reviewer may be requested by the author, If the editors’ board finds that the request is appropriate, the article will be sent to a second reviewer.
The articles previously published in another publication or in the evaluation stage by another publication are not accepted into “Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” publication process. All the ethical and legal responsibilities related to the published articles belong to the authors.

Ethical Rules for Authors:
All authors have significantly contributed to the research.
All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
List of references, financial support.
Authors should read and sign the copyright agreement at the top of the page and send it to the contact address.
The articles previously published in another publication or in the evaluation stage by another publication are not accepted into “Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” publication process.
All the ethical and legal responsibilities related to the published articles belong to the authors.
It should be ensured that the articles, figures, drawings, findings and conclusions are made in accordance with the rules of academic publication and do not contain plagiarism in any way.

Ethical Rules for Editors:
Field editors and issue editors will examine whether the articles are original, scientific, or not, according to the criteria above.
A plagiarism report from the Turnitin plagiarism program will be prepared by the issue editor. Articles that appear problematic will be reviewed by the editorial board.
The reviewer evaluation process will not be initiated for any article that is not approved by the Editor – Editorial Board.

Ethical Rules for Reviewers:
Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field.
Judgments are required to be objective.
Reviewers are required to have no conflict of interest.
Reviewers are required to point out relevant published work that is not yet cited.
Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
Reviewers will evaluate the article in terms of academic quality as well as compliance with standards and general international publication ethics.
On ethical issues, Reviewers and editors work on the principle of cross-checking.

No fees are charged for publications, no fees are paid to the editors, the editorial board, and the reviewers and their owners. It is accepted that the authors who submit articles to the contact address for publication in the journal should read and acknowledge this copyright statement.

“Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” (J-SCS) is published in Turkish and English. “Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” (J-SCS) is published only in electronic form through its website and adopts open access policy. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. No fees are charged for publications, no fees are paid to the editors, the editorial board and the referees and their owners. It is accepted that the authors who submit articles to the contact address for publication in the journal should read and acknowledge this copyright statement.

“Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” is open to the work of all researchers who have the title “PhD” or “PhD student”. It is not obligatory that the second, third and fourth authors of the article have the title “PhD” or “PhD student”. An article should has been written by max. four authors. The articles prepared in accordance with the writing rules are presented to the referee for review after they have passed the editorial review. The reviewer may ask for a correction to the article, directly refuse or accept it. For the articles declined as a result of the reviewer evaluation, a second reviewer may be requested by the author, If the editors’ board finds that the request is appropriate, the article will be sent to a second reviewer.

The articles previously published in another publication or in the evaluation stage by another publication are not accepted into “Journal of Social and Cultural Studies” publication process. All the ethical and legal responsibilities related to the published articles belong to the authors.