Conflict of Interest Statement

By the publication policy of the Journal of Urban Academy (Kent Akademisi), the people who contributed realistically should be written in the articles sent to the journal as authors. The author (s) of the manuscript must declare that there are no conflicts of personal and financial interest within the scope of the study. This notification must be uploaded by the author/authors in pdf format with wet signature, by filling out the form in our documents menu before the article is published.

Referees should inform the journal editor about the evaluation process if they suspect any conflict of interest in the article they are evaluating, and refuse article evaluation if necessary. To prevent conflict of interest, people in the academic unit where the authors are working cannot referee the article. It is obligatory to appoint at most one referee from the institution the authors are affiliated with and assign other referees from other institutions.

Editors should not have personal or financial conflicts of interest with articles.

Last Update Time: 10/5/20, 9:56:29 PM

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi
Information, Communication, Culture, Art and Media Services (ICAM Network) |
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