Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/30/21

Year: 2021



Kitap İnceleme

Sinema, Film Eleştirisi, Film Yapım-Yönetim, Sinema Kuramları, Sinema Tarihi, Sinema ve Estetik
Dr. Gül Dilek TÜRK ADNAN MENDERES ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-8610-7153
İletişim Psikolojisi, İletişim Sosyolojisi, Kişilerarası İletişim, Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri, Sosyal Medya Çalışmaları, Dijital İletişim, İletişim Araştırmaları, Sosyal Medya Uygulamaları ve Analizi
Görsel İletişim Tasarımı
Sinema, Sinema Sosyolojisi, Sinema Kuramları, Sinema Tarihi, Film Eleştirisi
İletişim Çalışmaları
İletişim Çalışmaları
Res. Assist. Taner KIZILHAN ADNAN MENDERES ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-3501-415X
Görsel İletişim Tasarımı, Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri

MEDIAJ adopts the main objectives such as opening new discussion topics in the field of media and communication and ensuring the circulation of academic knowledge at the national and international level.

Adopting the primary perspective of making original contributions to media and communication research as a priority point of view, MEDIAJ is open to all theoretical studies and research in the field of communication, adhering to the academic publication approach. In this direction, it plans to publish articles, book reviews, and interviews.

1. Writing Format & Rules
• Articles to be sent to the journal should be between 6000-10000 words, including footnotes and references.
• Book reviews to be sent to the journal should be between 1500-3000 words, including footnotes and references.
• Papers should be sent with Turkish and English abstracts of 150-250 words. There should be 5 keywords under the abstracts.
• Only the headline should be placed over the articles and abstracts.
• Authors must enter their title and institution information, e-mail address and ORCID numbers in the relevant places in the Dergipark system.
• Authors should not write any information about their names and institutions anywhere in the text, including sub-texts such as footnotes.
• If reference is made to the author (s) 'own works in the bibliography, instead of the name of the author (s), only the phrase "Author" should be written and the year should be specified, no other information about the author (s)' works (article title, book title, etc.) should be included.
• Manuscripts sent to the journal are accepted with the iThenticate report. As a result of the report, a similarity of maximum 20% is accepted. The journal secretariat can also take the similarity report. In case the rate exceeds 20%, the article can be sent back to the author along with the report.
• In articles produced from theses, 50% similarity is accepted at most. The author must state in the footnote that the article was produced from the thesis. If the similarity rate exceeds 50%, the article is sent to the author with the report.
• During the preliminary evaluation of the articles, it is checked whether they comply with the determined journal writing rules. Articles that do not comply with the writing, reference and bibliography rules are sent back to the authors, and they are requested to be sent to the Journal after the article would be prepared according to the writing rules.
• Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word format (doc or docx extension), Times New Roman font, 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be written in 9 font size and single line spacing.
• Footnotes should be indicated in numbers and placed at the end of the page.
     • The main title of the article should be written in capital letters and bold.
     • Only the first letters of the subtitles should be written in capital and the entire subtitle should be written bold.
     • Headings within the section should be italicized with only the first letters capitalized.
• All titles should be left-justified and not numbered.
• Paragraphs should be adjacent to each other and 1 tab indented.
• Quotations should be in double-quotes if they are short, in blocks if they are 40 words or more, and should be inside 1 tab on the right and left. The font, font size and line spacing used in the main text are valid in quotations. In block citations, the line spacing should be 1.
• Single-digit numbers should be indicated by letters, larger numbers by numbers.
• The reading of the word in the appendices made to the abbreviations made with lowercase letters, and the reading of the last letter of the abbreviation should be taken as basis in the appendices made with capital letters.
• Dates should be indicated in numbers and an apostrophe should be used for the appendixes. (E.g. 1990s, in 2003)
• Images such as graphics, photographs, tables etc. used in the articles should be placed in appropriate places in the text. Such visuals should be listed as Table1, Table2 and Figure1, Figure2.
• In the articles, the explanation note should be given in the form of a footnote, not an endnote.

• After receiving approval from the referee process, the article should be prepared in accordance with the template.

2. Referencing

All the references should be given according to https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/iuchkd/page/5573

1. General Principles
The International Journal of Media and Communication Studies - MEDIAJ is committed to adhering to the highest scientific publication ethics standards. In this direction, it adopts the following principles based on the recommendations, principles and guidelines put forward by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) organization:
• Articles sent to MEDIAJ should not have been published before and should not be included in the evaluation process of any journal for publication.
• After the articles sent to MEDIAJ pass the pre-evaluation process, they are taken to the double-blind refereeing process and sent to the referee evaluation process to protect the authors' and referees' confidentiality.
• In case of detection of violations of publication ethics and abuse, such as reproduction, plagiarism, fake data, fake authorship, copyright violation, etc., in the submitted and/or published articles, the flow in the publication ethics schemes created by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts) is followed, and the articles in question are removed from the publication.
MEDIAJ defines the ethical principles that editors, referees, and authors are obliged in cases of conflict of interest that may arise regarding the submitted articles and suspends the evaluation process of the article until the conflict is resolved by acting with sensitivity to ensure that the process is carried out in accordance with ethical standards.
MEDIAJ acts sensitively about publishing content such as correction, explanation, apology, and denial.

2. Publisher's Responsibilities
The publisher of MEDIAJ is the Dean of the Faculty of Communication on behalf of Aydın Adnan Menderes University. The publisher is responsible for the following aspects of the journal:
• Implementation of publication ethics principles among stakeholders,
• Providing open access to journal content free of charge and continuously,
• Archiving and preserving publications,
• Clarifying and resolving suspected cases of violations of scientific publication ethics.

3. Responsibilities of Editor and Assistant Editors
Editor and assistant editors are responsible for all publications published within MEDIAJ. In this context, the relevant people's main responsibilities are to ensure that the journal operates in line with intellectual property rights and ethical standards and take all kinds of measures related to the subject.
In the event of a suspicion about plagiarism or other ethical standards in the publications published or sent to them for publication, they act according to the business schemes determined by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Flowcharts) in their investigations to resolve the aforementioned concerns. Besides, other roles and responsibilities of the editor and assistant editors are listed below:
• Protection of personal data within the scope of the journal's publishing policies and ethical principles,
• Ensuring the academic integrity of the journal and improving its quality,
• When deciding the publications sent to MEDIAJ with the request for a publication, acting transparently and impartially in accordance with the formal criteria determined by the journal, the purpose and scope of the journal, and international scientific and ethical rules,
• Paying attention to the protection of human and animal rights, determining the studies requiring ethics committee approval and requesting this approval from the author,
• Meeting the information needs of readers and writers and ensuring freedom of thought and diversity in the studies published in the journal.

4. Responsibilities of Referees/ Reviewers
The referees' opinions are taken as a basis in the decision processes regarding the publication of articles sent to MEDIAJ. In this context, all publications sent to MEDIAJ are evaluated according to the double-blind review system in line with the principles of impartiality, independence, and reliability. The roles and obligations of the referees who evaluate for MEDIAJ are listed below:
• To make the evaluation processes faster and healthier, the referees who feel insufficient to evaluate the subject covered in the articles directed to them, who think that the subject is not related to their field of expertise and/or who do not have enough time for evaluation, should immediately inform the editors and refuse to review the article, so that editors can contact alternative referees and offer a review.
• Whether they accept the review or not, they do not share the articles or information about the articles with third parties because the articles sent to them are classified as confidential documents, they do not use the information they obtain during the review process for their personal interests, and in this sense, they comply with the principle of confidentiality.
• When they think that they are faced with a conflict of interest, they declare this clearly and inform the editors by refusing to review the relevant article,
• Being objective and constructive while evaluating the studies submitted to them, using polite language, making comments only on the text regardless of authors' personality, and explaining all their arguments with supporting discourse and sources,
• Evaluating the articles, they reach within the journal's publishing policies and ethical principles, informing the editor of the journal about the scientific and ethical problems they encounter.

5. Responsibilities of Authors
In publications sent to MEDIAJ, authors are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• Authors are obliged to send their publications within the application dates of the relevant issue. Studies submitted outside the specified dates will not be evaluated.
• Authors cannot send papers that are previously published and/or in the evaluation process of any journal for publication to MEDIAJ.
• Authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles they submit to scientific and ethical principles.
• Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of the articles they submit. If other sources are used, it is the author's responsibility to state this in line with academic and ethical practices. If ethical violations related to this are detected, the journal rejects the article.
• In the studies sent to MEDIAJ, if the authors include the ideas and statements in their previously published works, they should refer to these parts. Authors are obliged to fulfill their responsibilities regarding the correction of the conflicts detected by the editors.
• In cases in which the submitted studies are prepared with more than one author's contribution, the authors must make a joint decision on the order of the names and apply in this way. In the studies whose evaluation process continues, the author's responsibility is to apply with the justification to request a change in order of the authors' name.
• Persons who do not contribute actively to the study should not be included among the authors. The responsibility in this matter belongs to the author.
• Authors are obliged to explain the situations and contents that may create a conflict of interest.
• Authors are required to inform the editors of the journal to make corrections, explanations, apologies, and denials regarding the errors detected after the publication of the paper.

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