Special Issue Current Issue

Volume: 17 Issue: 1 (özel sayı- MUSBD 2024; 17, özel sayı-1, 22. Mersin Pediatri Günleri Bildiri Kitabı), 9/30/24

Year: 2024

Sözlü Bildiriler

Conference Paper

13. Herpetik Dolama: Olgu Sunumu

Poster Bildiriler

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences aims to provide qualified scientific knowledge to the health sciences literature. For this purpose, the scientific manuscripts sent to our journal for evaluation are evaluated through a fast, qualified, double-blind peer review process and it is decided whether the manuscript will be published.

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences is the publication organization of the Institute of Health Sciences and is published 3 times a year (April, August, December). As a multidisciplinary refereed scientific journal, MEU publishes scientific papers in the fields of Basic, Surgical and Internal Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Health Management, Midwifery, First and Emergency Aid, Sportsman Health, Emergency and Disaster Management, Social Services and Psychology. 


A- Publishing Principles

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences is the journal of the Institute of Health Sciences and is published 3 times a year (April, August, December). MEU is a multidisciplinary refereed scientific publication in the field of Basic, Surgical and Internal Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Health Management, Midwifery, First and Emergency Aid, Sportsman Health, Emergency and Disaster Management, Social Services and Psychology. scientific papers are published. Manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal should not have been published in another journal or have not already been submitted for publication. The copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to the journal. Published and unpublished articles are not refundable.


B- Scientific Responsibility

All authors should have direct academic-scientific contribution to the manuscript submitted. The name specified as an author must have all of the following features:

• Plan or perform the work in the article,

• Write or revise the article and

• Accept the final version of the manuscript.

 C- Ethical Responsibility

In all human studies, the researchers stated that in the “Materials and Methods” section, they conducted the study in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration Principles (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html), and that the ethics committees of their institutions and “Informed consent an from the people who participated in the study.

If “Animal” is used in the study, in the “Materials and Methods” section of the article, animal rights are protected in accordance with the principles of Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html). approval should be indicated.

In all epidemiological studies, the element of which is human or animal, the ethics committee decision should be written in the method part of the manuscript. If requested by the editor, the author agrees to send a copy of the document showing the Ethics Committee Decision to the editor. An epidemiological study without an ethics committee decision is rejected without being taken into the evaluation process.

In case reports, Informed Consent should be taken from the patients and stated in the manuscript. At the application stage of the manuscript, a copy of edit Informed consent should be submitted to the editor.

If the article contains a direct-indirect commercial link or financial support for the study, the authors should indicate to the editor on the presentation page that there is no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, company, etc. used, and if so, the relationship (consultant, other agreements).


D- Submission of Articles to the Journal by the Persons in the Editorial Board

As the publication policy of the journal, the author and referees are guaranteed blind peer review. In the referee evaluation process of the manuscripts, Editor-in-Chief can see all the manuscripts and the editors of the department and page layout can see only the manuscripts. If the Editor-in-Chief receives a manuscript from a journal editor, the guarantee of blind arbitration is fulfilled when he/she appoints another editor for the review process. For this reason, members of the editorial board other than Editor-in-Chief may submit articles to the journal.

E-Types of Text

1. Research Article: It is recommended that the number of words, together with the summary (excluding references) should not exceed 4000, the total number of tables, figures, photographs and pictures should not exceed 5 and the number of references should not exceed 30.

2. Review: It is recommended that the number of words should not exceed 5000 and the number of references should not exceed 40. It should contain new and up-to-date information. The number of authors should not exceed three. At least one of the authors should have scientific studies on the subject and at least one research article should be published in the journals cited in SCI / SCI Expanded lists.

3. Case Report: It is recommended that the number of words should not exceed 1000 and the number of references should not exceed 15.

4. Letter to the Editor: Articles containing different opinions, experiences and questions of the readers about the articles published in the journal in the last year. It should not contain abstracts. It is recommended that the number of words should not exceed 500 and the number of references should not exceed 5.


F- Writing Rules

The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Articles that are evaluated and accepted for publication include abstracts in both Turkish and English.

Abbreviations used in the first place in the text. If the numbers in the text are between “1 and 9 “that denoted in written and if “10 and above”, with Arab with Arabic numbers. Sentences must not begin with numbers or numbers. Types of bacteria ‘M. tuberculosis

Manuscripts should be written in standard A4 (21X29.5cm), 2.5 cm margins on all four sides, in Campria font, 11 points and two lines spaced MS Word program. All pages should be numbered starting with the title page. Articles are accepted only at http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/mersinsbd website.

According to the text sections should be as follows:

1. Research Article: Title page, Turkish abstract and key words, English abstract and key words, Main text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion), Acknowledgment (if any), References, Tables, Figures, Photos, Pictures.

2. Review: Title page, Turkish abstract and key words, English abstract and key words, Introduction, Subtitles related to the subject, Resources, Tables, Figures, Photos, Pictures.

3. Case Presentation: Title page, Turkish abstract and key words, English abstract and key words, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References.

4. Letter to the Editor: No title and summary sections. It should be stated which article (number, date). The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the author (s)



G- Preparation of Manuscript

1. Title page

The title of the manuscript (Turkish and English) should be as short as possible, informative and relevant to the text. The names and surnames of all authors should be listed under the title according to the author's order. The names of the authors should be numbered and the academic title, institution, work phone, e-mail and correspondence addresses of the author should be indicated below. Identify the responsible author.

It should be clearly stated where the authors contribute to the manuscript.

If the manuscript is presented as a paper at a national or international scientific meeting, its place and time should be indicated.

If the manuscript is prepared from a thesis study, the name and acceptance date of the thesis must be indicated.

If there are sources that support the study financially, it should be indicated.

It should be stated how many words except the references, if any, how many tables, figures, photographs and pictures.

For the manuscript, a Short Title must be given that does not exceed 40 characters (no spaces).

The names of the authors or the institutions that the authors work for should not be included anywhere other than the Title Page of the manuscript.

Signed by the authors, a Copyright Transfer Form should be uploaded to the system at the application stage. Copyright Transfer Form is available on our web site.

2. Summary and keywords

Turkish and English abstracts should be written in separate pages and should not exceed 250 words in research articles and 150 words in case reports. Abbreviations, tables, figures, pictures should not be used in the abstract and references should not be shown. In summary; Objective, Method, Results and Conclusion sections should be included.

Key words should be written in Turkish and English, separated by commas, at least three and at most five.

English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)..


Turkish keywords Turkey Science Terms (TBT) should be in accordance with what (http://www.bilimterimleri.co I).




3. Main text

The main text should contain sections according to the text types described above. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses where the word appears first, and the abbreviation should be used throughout the text.

4. Limitations of the Study (if any)

If the study has limitations, it should be given after the results and recommendations section in the main text.

5. Conflict of interest / Financial support (if applicable)

If the authors of the study have conflicts of interest related to the study and their financial support is received, their sources should be explained before the acknowledgment.

6. Acknowledgments

In the article, it is recommended that people who do not meet the requirements of authorship, but who contribute to the manuscript (statistical analysis, English / Turkish evaluation) and / or technically contribute to the institutions by giving their names. In addition, during the study and writing the manuscript, all financial and financial support persons and institutions should be indicated, and any conflicts of interest should be written.

7. References

References should be listed in the order of passage in the text and shown in parentheses. Abbreviations of journal names should be made according to “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus. Abbreviations should not be used for journals not included in the index. In the text, if the source has two authors, in between the surname ”and”, and if more than two authors “the surname of the first author et al. (Source Order Number) must be given. If the name of the author does not appear in the text, it must be given in parentheses at the end of the sentence or paragraph (Source Order Number). The use of a source whose original text cannot be reached should be avoided. The references index should be written on a separate page with a single line spacing and single line space between the two sources. The names of all authors should be written. Unpublished theses can be cited as “Unpublished thesis”. Congress papers, personal experiences, unpublished publications, internet addresses not supported by national or international institutions and organizations should not be cited.


Examples for Reference Writing

For the article; “Surname (s) of the author (s) and initial (s) of the name (s). Article name. Journal Name should be written as year, volume (number): page number. The page number should be written without abbreviations.


Cooper PJ, Murray L. Postnatal depression. BM J 1998; 316 (7148): 1884-1886.

Chapter in the book; The surname (s) of the author (s) and the initial (s) of the name (s). Chapter title. Name of the editor (s), book title, number of editions, city, publisher, year and pages should be indicated.


Terebuh BM, Johnson EW. The electodiagnostic consultation including EMG examination. In: Johnson EW, Pease WS Eds :. Practical Electromyography, 2nd Ed., New York: Williams & Wilkins, 1997: 1-13.

For books with the same author and editor; The surname (s) of the author (s) / editor and the initial (s) of the name (s). Chapter title. The name of the book, the number of edition, city, publisher, year and pages should be indicated.


Çınarlı İ. Health communication campaign process. Health Communication and Media. 1st Edition, Ankara, Nobel Publication Distribution, 2008: 143-175.

Unpublished thesis; Author's Surname and initial. Name of the thesis. Type of thesis (Specialty, Doctorate, Master), Name of Supervisor, Unpublished thesis, City, Year.


Şaşmaz T. Adana, Investigation of natural immunity to H. influenzae type b in healthy children between 0-59 months in Doğankent town (Expertise Thesis), Muhsin Akbaba, unpublished thesis, Adana, 2000.

Note: If the thesis is published as an article, the article should be cited as reference, not the thesis.


For electronic journal;

Moulder JE. Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health. Elecromagnetic Technology (Electronic Journal) 1999; 6 (3): 17-28. Access location: http://www.mcw.edu.gcrc/cop/cell-phone-health-FAQ/toc.html.

The date of access to electronic sources other than the journal should also be included.


T. C. Official newspaper. Social Services and Child Protection Agency Law., Law No. 2828, 24 May 1983. Number of Official Gazette: 18059.,

Accessed by: http://www.shcek.gov.tr/kurumsal_bilgi/mev Legislation / laws / 2828.asp, Access Date: 15.01.2010.

H- Table, Figure, Photo, Picture

Each table, figure, photo and picture should be on a separate page. Title; should be written on the table, figure, photo and below the picture. It is recommended that the total number of tables, figures, photographs and pictures should not exceed 5. If the number should be more than 5 for the manuscript, the editor should be consulted.

Tables, figures, photographs and pictures should be numbered in Arabic text (1, 2, 3…) in the order of passage in the text. The image quality of the images and photographs submitted electronically should be high. Since the magazine is published online only, the shapes, photographs and pictures can be colored. Magnification ratio and staining technique should be indicated in microscopic images.

If the article was previously published; quote text, table, figure, photo, picture etc. if available, the author should obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors, and this should be stated in the article. If requested by the editor, a copy of the written permission must be submitted to the editor.


I- Application Evaluation Process

The manuscripts submitted to our journal for evaluation are evaluated by the Editor within 2 weeks at the pre-check stage. At this stage, the editor evaluates the conformity of the manuscript to the rules of writing, originality and priority in scientific terms. Manuscripts that are not suitable for pre-control by the editor are rejected. The department editor is appointed for the articles that are planned to be evaluated in the preliminary examination. Section editors conduct a double blind peer review process with at least two reviewers. It is decided to accept or reject the manuscript after the arbitration process.

İ- Material Disclaimer

The views and reports in all articles published in Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences are the views of the author (s) and are not the views of the Editor or the Editorial Board; The Editor and Editorial Board do not accept any responsibility for these articles. The responsibility of the package programs stated in the method of manuscripts belongs to the authors and editor and editorial board does not accept any responsibility.

J- Article Publishing Charge Policy

Our journal has adopted an open access policy and there is no fee for article application, evaluation and publication in our journal.

K. Plagiarism control

The articles sent to the journal for evaluation are evaluated by the editors of the department in terms of plagiarism.  For this, iThenticate plagiarism detection tools are used during the editorial process.

L. Copyright

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). The articles published in Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences can be evaluated by their authors in different publishing environments without any restrictions other than for commercial purposes by citing our journal.

M. Open Access Policy

The Journal of Mersin University Medical Sciences publishes  in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of open Access.


Communication with Editor-in-Chief

Prof.Dr. Caferi Tayyar Şaşmaz

Mersin University, School of Medicine, Department of Public Health

Phone :0 324 24100 00 / 29048

e-mail  :sagbilderg@mersin.edu.tr

Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi; MEÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsünün yayın organıdır ve yılda 3 kez (Nisan, Ağustos, Aralık) yayımlanır. Multidisipliner hakemli bilimsel bir yayın olan MEÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisinde Temel, Cerrahi ve Dahili Tıp Bilimleri, Eczacılık, Diş Hekimliği, Hemşirelik, Sağlık Yönetimi, Ebelik, İlk ve Acil Yardım, Sporcu Sağlığı, Acil Yardım ve Afet Yönetimi, Sosyal Hizmetler, Diyetisyenlik ve Sağlık psikoloji alanlarından bilimsel yazılar yayımlanır. Bu dergide yayımlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılar, bir başka dergide yayımlanmamış veya hâlihazırda yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olmalıdır. Dergide yayımlanan yazıların telif hakkı dergiye aittir. 

İnsan üzerinde yapılan tüm çalışmalarda araştırmacılar, “Yöntem” bölümünde Helsinki Deklerasyonu Prensipleri’ne (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html) uygun olarak çalışmayı yaptıklarını, ve çalışmaya katılmış insanlardan “Bilgilendirilmiş olur” aldıklarını belirtmelidir.

Çalışmada “Hayvan” öğesi kullanılmış ise makalenin “Gereç ve Yöntemler” bölümünde, hayvan haklarının Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html) prensipleri doğrultusunda korunduğu ve kurumları etik kurullarından onay alındığı belirtilmelidir.

Öğesi insan veya hayvan olan bütün epidemiyolojik çalışmalarda etik kurul kararının yazının Yöntem kısmına yazılması gerekir. Yazının başvuru aşamasında Etik Kurul kararını gösteren belgenin kopyası sisteme yüklenir. Etik kurul kararı olmayan bir epidemiyolojik çalışma değerlendirme sürecine alınmadan ret edilir.

Olgu sunumlarında hastalardan “Bilgilendirilmiş olur” alınmalı ve yazının içinde belirtilmelidir. Yazının başvuru aşamasında “Bilgilendirilmiş olur” un bir örneği editöre ulaştırılmalıdır.

Eğer makalede direkt-indirekt ticari bağlantı veya çalışma için maddi destek veren kurum mevcut ise yazarlar; kullanılan ticari ürün, ilaç, firma vb ile ticari hiçbir ilişkisinin olmadığını ve varsa nasıl bir ilişkisinin olduğunu (konsültan, diğer anlaşmalar) başlık sayfasında belirtmelidirler.

Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi bilimsel yayın başvuru, değerlendirme ve yayınlama aşamasında hiçbir şekilde ücret talep etmemektedir.

MEU Journal of Health Sciences Assoc was began to the publishing process in 2008 under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Gönül Aslan, Editor-in-Chief, and affiliated to Mersin University Institute of Health Sciences. In March 2015, Prof. Dr. Caferi Tayyar Şaşmaz undertook the Editor-in Chief position and since then he has been in charge.

Publishing in three issues per year (April - August - December), it is a multisectoral refereed scientific journal. In addition to research articles, scientific articles such as reviews, case reports and letters to the editor are published in the journal. Our journal, which has been published via e-mail since its inception, has been published both online and in print. Following the Participation Agreement signed with TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Dergi Park in April 2015, it has started to accept and evaluate online publications.

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences have been indexed by Turkey Citation Index since November 16, 2011.

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences have been indexed by ULAKBIM Medical Database from the first issue of 2016.

Mersin University Journal of Health Sciences have been indexed by DOAJ since October 02, 2019.

Article Publishing Charge Policy: Our journal has adopted an open access policy and there is no fee for article application, evaluation, and publication in our journal. All the articles published in our journal can be accessed from the Archive free of charge.


Creative Commons Lisansı
This work is licensed with Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.