Spelling Rules
Articles should be high quality scientific articles that comply with the purpose and scope of the journal and make an original contribution to the field. Articles should include an abstract, keywords and bibliography. Abstract and keywords must comply with international standards. Resources such as TR Index Key Terms List can be used for this purpose. For Turkish manuscripts, the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association Spelling Guide should be applied. For articles written in Russian, the title, name(s) of author(s), abstract and keywords should be given in Turkish and English, respectively, written in Latin alphabet in order to increase the impact of the articles in national and international fields, and there should also be a bibliography prepared in Latin alphabet. Research and review articles submitted to the journal should not exceed 10,000 words excluding bibliography and should be organised as follows:
1. Title: It should be a clear, comprehensible and specific title that is compatible with the content and best expresses the content; it should be written in bold and capital letters, centred, in Times New Roman font style in 12 pt. The title of the article should not exceed 10-12 words.
2. Author Name(s) and Address(es): The name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) should be written in bold, right justified, all letters of the surname(s) should be capitalised (FULL NAME), leaving one line space under the title; addresses should be written in normal and italicised letters, the title of the author(s), the institution where the author(s) work and the institutional contact address, if any, should be given at the bottom of the page by adding a footnote with an asterisk at the end of the author's name [Title, University, Faculty or Institute, Department, City / Country, e-mail address, ORCID iD]. Since situations such as name similarities, surname changes, national alphabet-specific letters, different spellings, institutional changes may cause problems in publication/citation searches made through the author's name, authors are required to obtain a ‘descriptive researcher-contributor identification number’ [Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID iD)] and indicate this ID number in their manuscripts. ORCID ID number can be obtained free of charge by registering at https://orcid.org.
3. Abstract and Keywords: At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract of at least 150 words that briefly and concisely expresses the subject. In the abstract, tables, diagrams, figure numbers and references utilised should not be included unless necessary. Under the abstract, there should be keywords consisting of at least 5 and at most 8 words. Keywords should be compatible with the content of the article, inclusive and specific. After the Turkish abstract, the title, abstract and keywords should appear in English.
4. Main Text: It should be written in MS Word programme, in Times New Roman font, 12 pt. with 1.5 line spacing. Paragraphs should start 1 cm from the inside. There should be 2.5 cm margins on the left, right, top and bottom of the page edges; page numbers should be given at the bottom of the page, right justified. Footnotes should be written at the bottom of the relevant page in 10 pt, 1 line spacing, justified on both sides. The parts that need to be emphasised in the text should be written in italics, not bold, in double quotation marks or underlined. Double emphasis such as quotation marks and italics should not be used in the text. If special fonts are used, they should be sent in the attachment of the article. Main, intermediate and subheadings can be used in the article to ensure regular flow and transfer of information. If used, main headings (main sections, bibliography and appendices) should be written in bold, vertical and capital letters, and intermediate and subheadings should be written in bold and vertical characters with the first letter of each word capitalised and numbered.
5. Extended English Abstract: In addition to the Turkish-English Abstract and Keywords, our journal requires an Extended Abstract of 750-1000 words for Turkish and Russian articles ‘accepted for publication’ as of January 2023, which addresses the purpose, scope, method and results of the study.
Footnoting single-author sources Footnote example for copyrighted books:
Author's name and surname, title, edition (if any), publisher, place and year of publication, page number.
Example of footnotes for translated books:
Author's name and surname, title of the work, name and surname of the translator (translator), edition (if any), publishing house, place and year of publication, page number.
Example of footnotes for articles:
Author's Name and Surname, ‘Article Title’, Journal in which the article was published, Volume (Roman numerals)/Number (Arabic numerals), (year), page number.
Example of a footnote for an encyclopaedia article:
If the author of the article is known, his/her name and surname should be written, followed by the title of the article in double quotation marks, the name of the encyclopaedia in italic letters (abbreviations can be made), the volume number in Roman numerals, the year of publication and the page number in brackets in Arabic numerals.
Example of footnotes for papers presented in workshops, symposiums, congresses and conventions: When the source is cited for the first time: Author's Name and Surname, ‘Paper Name’, Workshop, Symposium, Congress or Assembly Proceedings Book Name (year), Publisher's Name and Surname, Publisher, Place and year of publication, page number.
For detailed information click here Instructions for Authors and Guidelines for Authors and Translators
MUJOT publishes scientific studies such as research articles, review articles; historiographic studies, archival and monographic source publications, scholarly translation and transcriptions, bibliography and chronologies, book and thesis reviews, interviews and obituary studies along with announcements about related subjects about Turkic World particularly in the fields of language, culture, literature, history, folklore, geography and art.