Writing Rules

Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts must be submitted online at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/1109/submission/step/manuscript/new following the instructions below. Manuscripts submitted via e-mail will not be considered for publication.

General Structure
All articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (doc or docx). The automatic line numbering and page numbering functions to number the lines and pages should be used in the main text.

Four separate documents under the following titles must be uploaded for all manuscripts:
1. Title page (Click for Template)
2. Main Text (Click for Template)
3. Copyright Agreement Form (Click for the form)
4. Authorship Form (Click for the form)

Article Types
Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences publishes research articles, reviews, case studies and editorials. The articles submitted to the journal should contain new data on theoretical research, experimental research or practical applications in the field of sport sciences. It is important to note that the submitted articles should not have been published elsewhere.

Review articles survey recent developments in a topical area of sport sciences. The Editor or Associate Editors usually invite review articles. However, self-invited manuscripts would be considered only if the authors have a proven track record of productivity in the relevant field being reviewed. Systematic review and meta-analysis should follow the EQUATOR Reporting Guidelines (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/prisma/). The main text should start with Abstract, Introduction and end with Conclusion and References sections. Authors may choose to use any subheading in between those sections.

Case Report
A Case Report is a detailed and in-depth examination (including all types of interventions) of a specific topic, usually involving an athlete, and the results obtained. This comprehensive review should reveal new or rare cases within the selected subject. The detailed analysis should include the history of the subject, the symptoms, the diagnostic methods used, the subtleties of the interventions applied and the final results observed. Case report studies should be oriented towards understanding unique scenarios, promoting continuous learning and increasing the overall knowledge of the relevant field. Case report studies should include an Abstract, Keywords, an Introduction, a Case Description, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.

Research Article

The abstract should be limited to 250 words, followed by 3 - 6 keywords that are not included in the title. The abstract should include sentences (without titles) related to the aim of the study, methods, results, and conclusions. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. However, If they are necessary, define them in the first instance they are used in the abstract.
Keywords: keyword, keyword, keyword

This section should orient the reader to the article's content and provide an understanding of the importance of the research. This section should clearly state the study's purpose, importance and scope. In addition, it should introduce the basic concepts related to the topic. Furthermore, the main questions or hypotheses of the research should be stated and explain to the reader what problems it aims to solve.


In this section, research participants should be identified. Demographic information (age, gender, education level, etc.) of the participants should be provided in this section. In addition, information on adherence to ethical rules and ethics committee approval for research involving humans or animals should be included in this section.
Note: In this section, the institution where the ethics committee approval was obtained should be written as XXX University (Year and number). The institution where the ethics committee approval was obtained should be clearly written on the title page.

The design used in the research, e.g. cross-sectional, longitudinal, experimental, etc. and sampling method should be included in this section. In addition, methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, or laboratory experiments should be described in this section. Moreover, while describing these methods, the tools and materials used in the research should also be mentioned in this section.

Data Analysis
In the section, the statistical methods used in the research, the software used, content analysis, etc. should be explained in detail.

All details such as tables, figures, etc. showing the research results should be included in this section. The number of each table, figure, etc. should be expressed primarily in the text. The main findings that are the focus of the research should be explained in detail in this section. In particular, findings that are noteworthy and/or unexpected in the research should be emphasized.

In this section, findings should be associated with the literature and important findings should be emphasized. Explanation of contradictory or inconsistent findings, if any. Comparisons between different groups or relationships between variables should be discussed with the support of the literature. Limitations of the study, if any, should be given at the end of this section.

This section should summarize the main findings of the research. Also in this section, the main points of the data obtained should be emphasized and these findings should be related to their general context. In addition, recommendations for future research should be made in this section.

Practical Implications
This section should highlight the implications of the research for daily practice. It should also discuss the potential implications of the findings for practice. This section should explain how the concrete results of the research can be used, providing recommendations for professionals in the sectors.

1. Title Page

Please indicate this file's name as: "Title Page". The title page should contain the following information:

Manuscript Title: Should be clear, descriptive, and not too long.

Running Head: Limited to 50 characters in length, including spaces.

Authors’ Full Name(s) and Surname(s): Do not list academic degrees.

ORCID ID for all Author (s) (http://orcid.org/)

Authors’ Affiliations and e-mail (s): Author’s affiliation should be included: Department, University, City, Country respectively.

Contact details for the corresponding author: The name, institution, mail address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

Section name to evaluate the study: Choose one of the sections below:
• Leisure & Sport Management
• Physical Activity, Health & Exercise
• Social & Behavioral Sciences
• Sports Performance
• Teacher Education & Sport Pedagogy

Acknowledgements: Information concerning financial support, technical assistance, and intellectual contributions not associated with authorship should be provided.

Conflict of interest declaration: Information concerning conflict of interest should be provided if necessary.

2. Main Text
Please indicate this file's name as: "Blind Main Text" and don't mention any information regarding the author(s)' personal information. Main Text should include the manuscript title in capital letters. The main text must contain the following sections with titles ; Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Practical Implications, and References.

The abstract should be limited to 250 words, followed by 3 - 6 keywords not used in the title. The abstract should include sentences (without titles) related to the aim of the study, methods, results, and conclusions. Also, from non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. However, if necessary, they should be defined in the first mentioned place in the abstract.

All references must be written according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) citation format (known as APA 7). For further information, please visit the website https://apastyle.apa.org/

Sample In-Text Referencing

    Reference can be made to sources in text (Arslan & Bulgu, 2010). If multiple sources are given, this should be done in alphabetical order. If the names are the same, years should be considered. For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus “et al.” in every citation, including the first citation (Yıldız et al., 2015). Direct quotations in the text “must be written in quotation marks” (Avşar et. al., 2019, p. 400), or Hürmeriç Altunsöz & Yapar (2019) emphasize that direct quotations in the text “must be written in quotation marks” (p. 30).                 
    Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must be indented. Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in
    qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must be indented. Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must
    be indented. 

Sample Bibliography
Reference to a journal article
Arslan, Y., & Bulgu, N. (2010). Socialization via play. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 1 (1), 8–22. https://doi.org/pjss
Yıldız, A., Koçak, S., Altunsöz, I. H., & Devrilmez, E. (2015). Spectators’ Participation Decisions in the Basketball Matches. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 6(1), 1–11.  https://doi.org/pjss.
Reference to a book
Arslan, Y., & Semiz, K. (Eds.). (2020). Beden Eğitimi ve Sporda Öğretim Teknolojileri. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık. https://doi.org/10.14527/9786050370010
Reference to a book chapter
Avşar, Z., Hünük, D. & Demirhan, G. (2019). Physical Education Teacher Education in Turkey. In MacPhail, A., Tannehill, D. ve Avsar , Z. (Eds.), European Physical Education Teacher Education Practices (pp. 397-413). Meyer     & Meyer Sports
Hürmeriç Altunsöz, I., & Yapar, A. (2019). Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretimi Teknolojileri: Donanım. In Y. Arslan & K. Semiz (Eds.), Beden Eğitimi ve Sporda Öğretim Teknolojileri (pp. 27-34). Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.     https://doi.org/10.14527/9786050370010
Reference to a website entry
Yıldız, A. (n.d.). General Information. Retrieved February 3, 2021, from https://www.pau.edu.tr/sbf/en/sayfa/general-information-12

3. Copyright Agreement and Authorship Forms

All the copyright of submitted articles must be transferred to PJSS during the article submission process. Therefore, Copyright Agreement Form signed by all authors must be submitted with the article. For Copyright Agreement Form, please click hereFor Authorship Form, please click here.