Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

The International Journal of New Approaches in Social Studies (IJONASS) is an academic journal established to ensure that the dissemination of original studies in the field of social studies education is at the highest level. It also aims to bring a new perspective to social studies education with an interdisciplinary approach.

The International Journal of New Approaches in Social Studies (IJONASS), which started its publishing life in 2017, is an international and refereed journal that publishes in Turkish and English and it has a Reviewer’s Evaluation System. Written works that are in the field of social studies education and that could be in the form of theoretical and applied research, survey-review, conference paper, case study, short report, course activities, biography, book review or letter to the editor can be published after their reviewers’ positive evaluation. The manuscript prepared in accordance with the author guidelines is sent to the reviewers for evaluation by the journal editors. IJONASS utilises a double blind review system. The decision for publication is made by the journal editor and the editorial board in the light of reviewers’ evaluation. The submitted manuscripts are not returned to the author(s), whether they are published or not. All kinds of responsibility (e.g. scientific, professional, legal and ethical) of the manuscripts published in IJONASS belong to the authors. The published articles are copyrighted and cannot be used without reference. In order to improve scholarly communication between researchers, articles the qualifications of which are described below and that have not been published elsewhere are accepted in Turkish or in English. However, the abstracts must be written both in Turkish and English.

Research Articles
Articles that present original research with its findings and results.

Review Articles
Articles that review a sufficient number of scientific articles, summarise the topic at today’s level of knowledge and technology, evaluate it and interpret the findings by comparing them.

Short Articles
Articles that describes a new method or technique explaining the important findings of a study conducted.

Copyright transfer of all manuscripts is received by sending a form to the authors. Manuscripts of the authors who have not sent the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form are not processed. No additions on the manuscripts can be made by the authors when the manuscripts are decided to be published.
Every manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers whose research areas cover the subject of the manuscript and it is reviewed in terms of its form and content. After the typesetting of the manuscript that are decided to be published in the journal are made, they are sent to their authors for the last review before publishing. The responsibility of the mistakes/errors that appear in the article as printed in the journal belongs to the authors. If the error is caused by the editorial office, correction might be published.

Although the main theme is social studies education, it is also aimed to explore the place of educational sciences and other disciplines in the context of social studies though an interdisciplinary approach. In this context, the data of Social Sciences, Sports Sciences and event Mathematics and Science and Health Sciences are taken into consideration.
The scope of IJONASS include but not limited to:
• Social Studies Learning,
• Social Studies Teaching,
• Citizenship,
• History of the Republic of Turkey and Ataturk,
• History of Education,
• Other topics in Social Studies Education such as Social Studies Education Curriculum, Social Studies Education Teacher Training Programmes, Values Education, Concept Teaching, Skills Education and Media Literacy.

The citation, footnote and reference list formats of the manuscripts submitted to IJONASS should be prepared according to the American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style. The authors should follow the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

For authors
The manuscripts submitted to the journal need to have the following features:
• Research with original scientific findings
• Studies that present application examples with a scientific approach
• Review papers that thoroughly investigate important developments on a particular subject.

The manuscripts should be uploaded to the DergiPark system electronically through IJONASS webpage.
The articles cannot be published anywhere else and cannot be presented as a paper without the permission of the editorial board. All or part of the article cannot be used anywhere without giving a citation to the source. The authors in the article must provide a common agreement on the order of their names.

Writing rules
You can use the sample document written in accordance with the spelling rules.
For the sample article, please click on the file below:

Writing Guide

Documents that are expected to be sent with your manuscript:

1) Plagiarism Report
As per the decision taken, the manuscripts are evaluated together with the plagiarism report (iThenticate, Turnitin etc.) as for 2017. If the plagiarism report is not added, the editorial board has the right to reject the article directly after checking plagiarism on the iThenticate software.

2) Copyright Transfer Agreement Form
The copyright transfer of the manuscripts is taken by filling in and signing the form on the journal’s website. It should be downloaded, filled in and printed out. After signing the document, you need to scan and upload it on the system as a PDF document. Manuscripts of the authors who do not send this form will not be published. 

3) Ethics Committee Approval Report

For studies submitted to our journal, ethics committee approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethical committee decision and must be uploaded to the journal system, provided that they are documented.

Contact with us:
Prof. Dr. Hakan AKDAĞ
Phone: +90-5057470535 (Editor)

Prof. Dr. Selahattin KAYMAKCI
Phone: +90-50303203337 (Co-editor)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fuat Serkan SAY
Phone: +90-5323860809 (Co-editor)



Studies with reviewers are works that concretise and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers and editors) comply with the standards of ethical principles. IJONASS expects all stakeholders to have the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of the publication ethics:

Responsibilities of the Authors
1. The manuscript sent for publication should not be published before or simultaneously sent to another journal for review. Each submission can be done following the completion of the previous one. The work published in another journal cannot be submitted to IJONASS.
2. The authors must make full and accurate references and/or citations when they are using/citing other works. In citations and reference list, the writing rules of APA 7 should be followed.
3. The situations and relationships of all works submitted for publication that constitute a conflict of interest, if any, should be stated explicitly.
4. Raw data or additional information might be requested from the authors within the framework of the evaluation process. In this case, the authors should be ready to present the required data and information to the editorial board.
5. The authors must have the document showing that they have the right to use the data used in the manuscript and the necessary permissions for research/measurement tools and analysis.
6. The ethical board approval must be obtained and presented in the study with the related information.
7. When the authors notice a mistake or an error related to their manuscript in the evaluation process or when it is published or early-accessed, they are obliged to inform the editorial board or the publisher and to cooperate with the editor(s) in the process of revision and withdraw.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers
1. The reviewers should agree to evaluate studies related to their area of expertise only.
2. The reviewers should evaluate the manuscripts in an objective and confidential way.
3. If they think that there is a conflict of interest, the reviewers should refuse to review the manuscript and inform the journal editor.
4. In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, the reviewers should destroy the manuscripts they have evaluated after the reviewing process. They can only use the final versions of the manuscripts only after they are published.
5. The reviewers should make the evaluation objectively and only in relation to the content of the manuscript. They should not allow race, gender, religious beliefs, political views or commercial concerns to influence their evaluation.
6. The reviewers are expected to use a polite language when giving feedback. They should avoid personal or offensive comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
7. The reviewers are expected to carry out and complete the evaluation within the specified timing and in compliance with the ethical responsibilities listed above.

Responsibilities of the Editors
1. All manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of their intellectual content regardless of the authors’ gender, race, ethnicity, religion or political views.
2. Personal information about the manuscripts is kept confidential.
3. The conflict of interest, if any, observed for the manuscript should be explained.
4. The Editorial Board takes the responsibility of making editorial decisions for the submitted manuscripts on the evaluation of the manuscripts, the journal policies and the items that are prohibited against plagiarism and copyright infringements. 


The International Journal of New Approaches in Social Studies (IJONASS) has a free of charge publishing policy by adopting the principle that offering scholarly research free of charge to the scientific community will increase the dissemination of information worldwide and contribute more to the development in the field of education.
All published articles are available Open Access (OA). OA journals are scientific journals that reach readers online and without any legal or technical barriers. OA offers the possibilities of unlimited access and reuse. Therefore, OA creates the network to reach the widest possible audience, disseminate all works and rebuilding them.

Publishing Language
Studies in Turkish and/or English are accepted for the journal. At the end of the articles in Turkish, there should be a summary of 750-1000 words in English. The Summary section should include the headings “Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion”.

Publishing Frequency

IJONASS is published twice a year (June and December). The editorial board can change the publishing frequency of the journal.

Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Process

IJONASS adopts DOUBLE BLIND REVIEWING policy. The journal editor and the editorial board decide on publication of a manuscript according to the views and comments of the reviewers. The submitted manuscripts are not returned to the author(s) whether they are published or not. All kinds of responsibilities of the manuscripts (scientific, professional, legal and ethical) published in the journal belong to the authors. The copyrights of the published articles belong to the journal and they cannot be transferred without reference. In order to establish scientific communication between researchers, the manuscripts the qualification of which are described below and which have not been published elsewhere are accepted in Turkish or English.
The manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere or submitted to another journal simultaneously are accepted for evaluation. The manuscripts submitted to the journal are firstly evaluated by the editors and/or the editorial board. The manuscripts that pass this preliminary evaluation are then sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in their fields without the authors’ names and addresses. Whether or not the manuscript will be published in the journal is decided according to the results of the reviewers’ comments and decisions. In the light of the reviewers’ decisions, corrections might be requested from the authors or the manuscript might be unconditionally rejected. The manuscript that is accepted to be published is sent to the corresponding author for a last check. The manuscripts that are revised in the light of the requested corrections and resent by the corresponding author within 10 days are published in the journal.

• The manuscripts submitted to other journals simultaneously will not be accepted.
• The submissions with content outside the scope of IJONASS will not be considered for evaluation.
• The manuscripts are expected to contain original and genuine content. They should not published previously.
• All manuscripts are expected to contain a genuine content. They should not be published or reviewed in another journal before.
• The manuscripts are sent to at least two independent reviewers.
• All submissions will be evaluated as double blind reviewing.
• All editorial decisions are made by the editors of the journal based on the reports of the reviewers.
• All manuscripts and reviewers’ reports are achieved and the manuscripts will not be returned even if they are not published.
• Authors who would like to change their mind and withdraw their submission need to apply to the editorial board.
• Authors are responsible for the text quality of their manuscripts.
• IJONASS is free of charge, so the journal will not pay royalties to the authors.
• A signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form should be submitted with the manuscript.

For more detailed information about Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Process, please CLICK HERE.

Archive Policy – LOCKSS
IJONASS uses the LOCKSS programme to allow libraries to form permanent achieves for preservation and restoration purposes, so that participating libraries could create a distributed archiving system. If you would like to get more information about LOCKSS, please visit this website.
Based at Standford University Librairies, LOCKSS programme offers award-winning, low-cost, open-source digital preservation tools to provide libraries and publishers with access to permanent and authoritative digital content. The LOCKSS programme ( is a library-led preservation system built on the principle of “securing multiple copies”. The LOCKSS programme improves and supports libraries by using open source end-to-end digital preservation software.
The LOCKSS programme allows librarians in each institution to access and preserve the e-content they subscribe to and restore the printed purchasing model that they are familiar with.
Global LOCKSS Network preserves today’s e-magazines and e-books for tomorrow’s readers. The network is also a proven protection approach that empowers both libraries and publishes in a genuine way. The network is managed by Stanford University Libraries LOCKSS programme. For more details, you can visit the LOCKSS programme website.

Privacy Stament
Names and e-mail addresses on the journal’s website will be used for stated purposes of this journal, and will not be used for other purposes or other platforms.

The International Journal of New Approaches in Social Studies (IJONASS) has a free of charge publishing policy by adopting the principle that offering scholarly research free of charge to the scientific community will increase the dissemination of information worldwide and contribute more to the development in the field of education.

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