Aims of our journal are to create a synergy among different disciplines, research methods and fields of interest by gathering various areas in the name of philology; to provide a dynamic platform for scientific studies in philology; to provide researchers convenient and unrestricted reach with open access policy.
Discours Journal of Philology covers the following fields: Linguistics, language philosophy, literature researches, literature theory, comparative literature, literary criticism, semiotics, narratology, folklore, translation studies, literature sociology and literary philosophy.
1. Title: The title should be consistent with the content. Only the first letter of the words should be capitalized. It should be 18 point, bold and centered.
2. Author name: All letters that make up the author’s first and last name must be written in capital lettters. It sholud be 12 point and bold and centered. Institutions and e-mail addresses of authors should be given in the footnote with a “*” sign.
3. Abstract: At the beginning of the verb, there should be a summary in Turkish and English consisting of at least 100 and at most 250 words expressing the short form. The papers should include "keywords" and "keywords" consisting of at least 5 words and no more than 8 words without spaces left.
4. Order: For A4 size, it should be typed in word program with "Palatino Linotype"/with 11 points and 1.2 lines. Paragraph head value should be 1 cm (except block quotes), no paragraph spacing should be left. A 2-inch margin should be left from the page edges (right, left, top and bottom). Parts that need to be emphasized in the text should be indicated in italic (not bold) or double quotes.
5. Chapter titles: All main headings are in capital letters and bold, the intermediate headings and subheadings are all bold and the first words should be written in capital letters.
6. Tables and figures: Numbers and titles for tables should be written. The figure numbers and names should be just below the figure.
7. Quotations: Direct quotes should be quoted. Quotations less than 4 lines should be quoted in the paragraph, quotes of 5 or more lines should be given in the form of independent paragraphs. Such blocks should have a space of 1,5 cm from the left and right of the citation, and should not be given a paragraph head and should be 10 pt size. The line spacing must also be 1,2 cm.
Footnotes should only be used for statements that cannot be made in the text, and the characters in this section should be arranged in 9 points.)
8. Reference: References in the text should be followed by the APA system.
References should be indicated in the form of single-letter publications (Kaplan, 1980, p. 56), in many written citations (Bloom et al., 2013, p. 35).
* If the name of the cited author is included in the text, only the publication year and page must be specified in the submission: Moretti (2004, p. 37).
* Internet sources should indicate the date of arrival of the resource. Addresses should also be given in the bibliography section. Sample: (Access 28.02.2016)
9. Sources: The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically according to the sournames of the authors at the end of the article. Sample: Tanpinar, Ahmet Hamdi (1988). Huzur. İstanbul: Dergah Publichouse.
* If the source has two manuscripts, the surname of the author who is first in the work is given first. Sample: Parlatir, İsmail and Nurullah Chetin (1996). Genç Kalemler Dergisi. Ankara: Akcag Publichouse.
* If the source has more than three articles, then the first author's information should be used and the abbreviation of the others should be used. Sample: Kaplan, Mehmet vd. (1983). Devrin Yazarlarının Kalemiyle Millî Mücadele. Ankara: Culture and Tourism Ministry.
* Large, independent work names, such as names of books and journals, should be in italics. Chapter of book, small, dependent work titles such as poetry should be written in normal but double quotes.
* If journal, encyclopedia material, book parts are used, page range information should be given at the welder.
* If it is, it must be translated, compiled, prepared, written on behalf of the editor and given after the knowledge of the work.
* If the same author has more than one work of the same date at the sources, it should be displayed as "a, b, c ...".
* If the thesis is used, the author's surname-name, the date the thesis was written, the title of the thesis with slanted characters, the type of thesis, the name of the city and the university. Sample: Yivli, Oktay (2005). Ahmet Muhip Dıranas’ın Şiiri. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Eskisehir: Osmangazi University.
* Sources used on the Internet should include the author's surname-name, title, internet address, and access date.
• The journal publisher has started to charge an "article processing fee" as of January 2021 to cover the various expenses incurred during the year in relation to the journal - since no sponsor is available. The fee is required regardless of the acceptance or rejection of the article. The processing fee of 50 American dollars must be transferred to Bilal Öngül's bank account (TR 45 0006 4000 0013 4200 3003 76) with the article submission. To send receipt or fee information, address can be used. (Evaluation of the book reviews will be done free of charge.)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.