Current Issue

Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 6/28/24

Year: 2024

TROYACADEMY is an international peer-reviewed and scientific journal published in three issues per year (February June October). The language of the journal is Turkish and English. The Journal has been published in the field of Social Sciences in accordance with scientific research criteria and has never been published anywhere before.;

- Scientific articles prepared using part or all of the results obtained from doctoral and master's studies,

- Research-Review article,

- Technical notes, Book reviews

TroyAcademy provides open access to journal content, based on the principle that providing scientific research to all researchers for free will increase the publication and globalization of its knowledge.

TroyAcademy does not charge any fee from its authors or readers in any way.

The journal covers all areas of Social Sciences. The Journal has the following topics and related fields:

Middle East
Art History
International Relations
Political Science
Cultural Studies
It is expected that the studies submitted for publication will provide theoretical and/or methodological contributions in their field.

Author instructions

Please upload your work to the system in accordance with the “Article Writing Template”. The general lines of the file that you upload to the system should not be different from the template. Otherwise, editing will be requested before the evaluation process is started.

The editing request must be completed in 30 days after the request. Otherwise, the article evaluation process will not be started and the article will be return to the authors.

Page layout: All pages must have a page number in the lower-right corner. Articles should be A4 size,

Page margins: Top and bottom should be 2.54 cm, left and right should be 1.91 cm (middle).

Main text: The main text should be written before and after 6nk, 1.5 lines apart in a side-justified format. Foreign language, which is different from the main language of the article, words should be written in italics, and bold text should not be used in the main text.

Main title: Tirst letters are written in capital, Times New Roman, 24 nk before, 12 nk after, 20 points, bold, single-line spacing, 3 cm indented from the right and justified to the left.

The articles to be submitted to the journal must be written in the character of Times New Roman and with a range of 1.5. The main text should be written 12 points before and after 6nk intervals. Footnotes should be written in 10-point single-line spacing, before and after 0nk format.

Author name and surname: under the main title, paragraph set before 30nk and after 0nk, single-line spacing, 12-point, bold, last name should be written in capital letters and right-aligned. If there are more than one author, the author names will be written side by side in order. ( * ) to the footnote of the page (10 points), respectively Institution, Department, email address and ORCID iD (ORCID ID: information must be written.

Abstract: Titles are written in such a way that all letters are capital and bold, regardless of the text, do not exceed 200 words. Summary texts should be written as Times New Roman, 11 points, Side-Aligned, single-line spaced, and paragraph setting 0nk/0nk.

Abstract title should be 11 point left justified, 1.5 line spaced, before and after 0nk. At least 3, at most 5 keywords should be written.

Introduction: The introduction is located at the beginning of the page after the abstracts. The input header should be 12-point, bold, single-line, left-aligned, all capitalized, and without a number. The paragraph setting is 0nk before, 0nk after.

Subtitles: The main topics and other subtitles in articles should be numbered and written. Before and after should be set to 0nk format. Titles should be left-leaning, 12-point, and bold. All letters in the main topic title should be capitalized, the first letter of each word in second-degree subheadings should be capitalized, and only the first letter in third-degree titles should be capitalized and written in bold. Titles must be written before 0nk, after 0nk, and with one line spacing.

Tables and figures: For tables, figures, graphics and images, if quoted, the source must be specified. The source to be displayed should be written just below the table, Figure, chart, and image, where the left border of the table begins, 10 points, single-line spacing, and 6nk first, 6nk then paragraph set. The names of tables and figures, tables, and figure where it starts from the left border of the table, on top of, times New Roman, 10 PT, bold, single-spaced paragraph 6nk 6nk before and after set of initials should be written in words. In Images, Image names should be written on top of the image before and after 6nk and 1.5 line spacing. (Ex: Figure 14: Bandırma Archaeological Museum, Kiborium Arch)

References: The references should be at the beginning of the page. The heading is written in 12-point Bold and right-aligned. The bibliography title should be written first with a single line interval, with a paragraph set to 0nk and then 6nk and a right/left 1 cm scroll. Bibliographic text should be written before and after 0nk, right/left 1 cm indented, hanging 1.25 and single line spacing.

References:  The authors may use an in-text (APA) or footnote citation system (Oxford). In the in-text citation system, it is dissociated from the APA in the following form.

Ethical principles and Publication policy

The process of publishing TroyAcademy is based on the principles of impartiality and objectivity of the knowledge underlying science. In scientific studies submitted to our journal, guidelines related to Scientific Research and publication ethics of Higher Education Institutions, the international standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for editors and author should be taken into account.

Plagiarism, falsification or misleading of data, repetition of Publication, Division of publication, and inclusion of people who do not contribute to research among authors are unacceptable practices within the framework of ethical rules.If situations such as manipulation, modification, fabrication and distortion of the data used in the submitted articles are detected, the violations will be reported to the institution where the author(s)of the article works, and the publication process of the article will be stopped and rejected. If necessary, our journal has the right to request output files related to the results of the analysis from the study owners according to the feedback of the editor and/or the referee.

Plagiarism controls are performed through "Turnitin".

It is important for the publication owner and everyone involved in the publication process to agree on the ethical behavior expected by our journal. For this reason, the relevant persons must complete the following:

1. Editorial Responsibilities
- Editors have all the responsibility and authority necessary to accept or reject a submitted work.
- There must be no conflict of interest in the work accepted or rejected by the editor.
- Only studies that will provide specific and original benefits should be accepted.
- The confidentiality of referees should be given importance.
- Data forgery, plagiarism should be prevented.

2.Referee Responsibilities
- Assessments should be made objectively.
- Referees should be in any conflict of interest regarding the publication they are evaluating.
- Attention should be paid to the confidentiality of the evaluated studies.
- Ethical rules must be adhered to in the evaluation process.

3.Authorship and author responsibilities
- All authors included in the article should contribute significantly to the study.
-It should be declared that the data contained in the study is original, real and original.
-All authors are responsible for errors and correction of errors in the work.
- It should be given in full with references in the study.
- The submitted publication must not be sent simultaneously to another journal.

Journal readers are expected to inform the journal immediately if plagiarism, data forgery, and non-compliance with ethical rules are detected in any of the published studies.

Troyacademy does not charge for submission or publications.