Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Principally, the TÜBA-AR journal covers all recent studies, comments, evaluations, and methods in archaeology, and in adjacent areas related to archaeology, without limitation to any periods or geographic regions. In addition to studies carried out in the field of archaeology, as a publication organ of an academy of science, the journal is open to all professional fields of the social sciences, provided that they are related to archaeology; it has also undertaken the function to create a forum covering recent interpretations, approaches, and analyses developing in these fields.

The journal may feature writings focused on a specific subject as a “file” in order to comprehensively cover new initiatives related to archaeology; and to this end, the Editorial Board decides whether contributions of invited writers are required, or evaluates any requests received in that context. Articles that do not introduce new interpretations and initiatives, but are rather in the form of a preliminary report containing only introductions to materials, including archaeological excavations and surface researches, are out of the scope of the journal. Important findings introducing significant innovations in terms of the cultural history can be accepted as pieces of “news”. When writers send articles to the journal, they are deemed to have agreed and undertaken that the article in question has not been published in any other journal, including its translations into any languages, and that it has not been submitted to any other journal for publication, including its translations.

The contents of this system and all articles published in Journal of TÜBA-AR are licenced under the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0".
