Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 8/15/24

Year: 2024

The main purpose of the Journal of Creative Drama is to create a common platform where those interested in creative drama from theory to practice share their scientific thoughts and contribute to the literature. The Journal of Creative Drama is based on sharing academic studies in accordance with scientific and ethical rules for scientists, students, teachers and related institutions by including studies that combine creative drama with education, theatre and other disciplines.

Journal of Creative Drama (YADER) (ISSN 1305-8177, E-ISSN: 2459-167X) is a refereed journal published by the Contemporary Drama Association. 

The journal includes academic studies related to art and culture fields such as education, theatre, children's theatre, children's theatre, psychodrama, dance, children's and youth literature with a focus on creative drama, play and improvisation.

Creative drama
Theatre in education
Children's theatre
Children's theatre
The Game
Children and youth literature
Art education

Explanations and Writing Rules for Creative Drama Journal
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Creative Drama for publication:

1. It should be prepared as Turkish and English full text. (The English translations of the names of the Turkish sources in the bibliography of the English full text should also be included in parentheses.) A certified translation of the English full text (proofread certificate) must be uploaded to the system.

2. A document showing the similarity rate of the articles should be uploaded to the system. The citation rate should be below 15% in articles scanned with plagiarism programmes such as iThenticate or Turnitin.
3. Manuscripts that are decided to be published are reviewed by at least two referees for scientific evaluation.
4. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript is forwarded to the third referee for evaluation. If the referee reports are positive, the manuscript is included in the publication programme.
5. According to the referee reports, the authors themselves make all the changes in the manuscripts that need to be modified. No changes are made by the authors on the finalised manuscripts.

6. Referee reports are confidential. Authors should take into account the criticisms, suggestions and corrections of the referees and the Editorial Board. In cases where the author disagrees with the referee's opinion, the author is required to provide the necessary evidence for his/her disagreement and to send a letter to the editor stating his/her opinions. Only the Editorial Board ensures the communication between authors and referees.
7. During publication, firstly the date of submission of the manuscript to the Journal of Creative Drama and then the scores received from the referees are taken into consideration.
8. The responsibility of the articles published in the Journal of Creative Drama belongs to the author/s. Contemporary Drama Association and Journal of Creative Drama do not accept responsibility for the published articles.
9. The Editorial Board is free to publish or not to publish the submitted manuscripts. The submitted manuscripts will not be returned to the author whether they are published or not.
10. The publication rights of the published articles belong to the Journal of Creative Drama.
11. The names of the Journal of Creative Drama and the author(s) can be quoted with reference.
12. Articles are published in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. For articles with two or more authors, the articles are published in alphabetical order based on the surname of the first author.
13. Only one article with the same author can be published in one issue.

14. Manuscripts to be sent to the journal;
a) Paper sizes: It should be written on A4 size paper, leaving 2.5 cm margins from top, bottom, right and left (16x24.7 cm area), 1.5 line spacing, 11 pt font size and Times New Roman font.
b) Tables, pictures, figures, graphics, etc: They should not exceed an area of 10x17 cm in order not to exceed the page dimensions of the journal. Smaller font size and one line spacing can be used in tables, pictures, figures, graphics, etc. Tables, figures and appendices should be included in the text with their titles. Tables and figures should be preceded and followed by 12 spaces, table titles and text should be written in 10 pt. font size, table and its number should be bold.
c) Title of the article should be written in 14 pt, capitalising each word except conjunctions. The title should not exceed 17 words. Studies prepared within the scope of the project, oral presentation, PhD or master's thesis or supported studies are given with a footnote as * in the title. Footnote should be given with one space after the title.
d) Author Name(s); 12 font size, centred, author's name and surname should be given in the form of 1 - 2 in the footnote with only the initials capitalised.
e) Title of Abstract; It should be written in 10 pt and bold.
f) Turkish/English Abstract Text; 10 font size, justified on both sides, 150-250 words. If there is a paragraph, there should be 6 spaces between paragraphs.
g) Key Words Title; 10 font size, bold.

h) Keywords; Maximum 5 keywords should be written in 10 point font size.

d) Bibliography: Both in the text and in the bibliography, the spelling rules specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition 2001) published by the American Psychological Association (APA) should be followed.
17. For correspondence with the Editorial Board, the e-mail address must be written.
18. When giving references in the text of Turkish articles, the main source should be reached as much as possible.
19. Manuscripts should be uploaded to the web address of Journal of Creative Drama.
20. The author or authors are responsible for any distortions in the content of the published articles. Under 40 words, direct references (" ") are used in the same form in double quotation marks and the reference to the relevant source is made after the quotation mark is closed. If the expressions to be quoted are more than 40 words, the text to be quoted should start 1.5 cm inside as a separate paragraph without using quotation marks and should be written one point smaller. If a part of the directly quoted text is to be used, three dots (...) should be placed instead of that part.
21. The studies carried out as a graduation project in Creative Drama Instructor/Leadership courses are published with the name of the supervisor as the second name.
d) Bibliography: Both in the text and in the bibliography, the spelling rules specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition 2001) published by the American Psychological Association (APA) should be followed.
17. For correspondence with the Editorial Board, the e-mail address must be written.
18. When giving references in the text of Turkish articles, the main source should be reached as much as possible.
19. Manuscripts should be uploaded to the web address of Journal of Creative Drama.
20. The author or authors are responsible for any distortions in the content of the published articles. Under 40 words, direct references (" ") are used in the same form in double quotation marks and the reference to the relevant source is made after the quotation mark is closed. If the expressions to be quoted are more than 40 words, the text to be quoted should start 1.5 cm inside as a separate paragraph without using quotation marks and should be written one point smaller. If a part of the directly quoted text is to be used, three dots (...) should be placed instead of that part.
21. The studies carried out as a graduation project in Creative Drama Instructor/Leadership courses are published with the name of the supervisor as the second name.

d) Bibliography: Both in the text and in the bibliography, the spelling rules specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition 2001) published by the American Psychological Association (APA) should be followed.
17. For correspondence with the Editorial Board, the e-mail address must be written.
18. When giving references in the text of Turkish articles, the main source should be reached as much as possible.
19. Manuscripts should be uploaded to the web address of Journal of Creative Drama.
20. The author or authors are responsible for any distortions in the content of the published articles. Under 40 words, direct references (" ") are used in the same form in double quotation marks and the reference to the relevant source is made after the quotation mark is closed. If the expressions to be quoted are more than 40 words, the text to be quoted should start 1.5 cm inside as a separate paragraph without using quotation marks and should be written one point smaller. If a part of the directly quoted text is to be used, three dots (...) should be placed instead of that part.
21. The studies carried out as a graduation project in Creative Drama Instructor/Leadership courses are published with the name of the supervisor as the second name.

d) Bibliography: Both in the text and in the bibliography, the spelling rules specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition 2001) published by the American Psychological Association (APA) should be followed.
17. For correspondence with the Editorial Board, the e-mail address must be written.
18. When giving references in the text of Turkish articles, the main source should be reached as much as possible.
19. Manuscripts should be uploaded to the web address of Journal of Creative Drama.
20. The author or authors are responsible for any distortions in the content of the published articles. Under 40 words, direct references (" ") are used in the same form in double quotation marks and the reference to the relevant source is made after the quotation mark is closed. If the expressions to be quoted are more than 40 words, the text to be quoted should start 1.5 cm inside as a separate paragraph without using quotation marks and should be written one point smaller. If a part of the directly quoted text is to be used, three dots (...) should be placed instead of that part.
21. The studies carried out as a graduation project in Creative Drama Instructor/Leadership courses are published with the name of the supervisor as the second name.
i) Main Headings; (Introduction, Method, Discussion and similar basic headings) should be written in 10 pt, bold and centred, with 6 pt space above and below.
j) Sub-headings should be written 1.25 cm from the beginning of the paragraph, 11 pt, bold, italic, justified.
k) Paragraphs should be written with paragraph heads 1.25 cm inside, 11 pt, justified, 6 pt space between paragraphs.
15. Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages including abstracts and bibliography.
16. Submitted manuscripts should include the following sections:
a) Title page: It should include the full and full names of the author(s), the institutions they work for, the Turkish and English names of the article title, and the Turkish and English abstracts.
b) Main Text: Empirical studies should include introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections.
c) Method: This section should include sampling, data collection tool and procedure, and data analysis. Review type studies should present the problem, analyse the related literature effectively, emphasise the deficiencies, gaps and contradictions in the literature and include suggestions for solutions. There may be differences in the titling of other studies, but the articles should be fluent and scientific enough not to bore the reader.

22. Articles published elsewhere (published seminar and congress papers, etc.) can be included in the Journal of Creative Drama only with the approval of the Editorial Board.
Journal of Creative Drama Bibliography Writing Examples
In our journal, the writing principles published by the Publication of Manual of American Psychological Association-APA 6 have been adopted.
Adıgüzel, Ö. (2013). Creative drama in education (4th ed.). Ankara: PegemA Publications.
Citation: (Adıgüzel, 2013, p.234)
Book with Two Authors
Kitson, N. and Spiby, I. (1997). Drama 7-11: Developing primary teaching skills (3rd ed.). New York:
Routledge Publication.
Chapter in a Book
Güven, İ. (2008). Principles in pre-school drama activities. A. Öztürk (Ed.). Creativity and Drama in Children (pp. 199-212). Eskisehir: Anadolu University Publications.
Citation: (Güven, 2008, p.207)
Translation Book
Lewis, B. (2000). The Birth of Modern Turkey (M. Kıratlı, trans.). Ankara: Turkish Historical Society.
Citation: (Lewis, 2000, p. 12)
Edited Book
Kilpatrick, J. (2004). (Ed.). A Research companion to principles and xtandards for school mathematics,
Reston, VA: NCTM, Inc. Educational Research Information Centre (ERIC)
Single Authored Article
San, İ. (1990). Creative drama in education. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 23(2), 573-582.

Citation: (San, 1990, p. 574)22. Articles published elsewhere (published seminar and congress papers, etc.) can be included in the Journal of Creative Drama only with the approval of the Editorial Board.
Journal of Creative Drama Bibliography Writing Examples
In our journal, the writing principles published by the Publication of Manual of American Psychological Association-APA 6 have been adopted.
Adıgüzel, Ö. (2013). Creative drama in education (4th ed.). Ankara: PegemA Publications.
Citation: (Adıgüzel, 2013, p.234)
Book with Two Authors
Kitson, N. and Spiby, I. (1997). Drama 7-11: Developing primary teaching skills (3rd ed.). New York:
Routledge Publication.
Chapter in a Book
Güven, İ. (2008). Principles in pre-school drama activities. A. Öztürk (Ed.). Creativity and Drama in Children (pp. 199-212). Eskisehir: Anadolu University Publications.
Citation: (Güven, 2008, p.207)
Translation Book
Lewis, B. (2000). The Birth of Modern Turkey (M. Kıratlı, trans.). Ankara: Turkish Historical Society.
Citation: (Lewis, 2000, p. 12)
Edited Book
Kilpatrick, J. (2004). (Ed.). A Research companion to principles and xtandards for school mathematics,
Reston, VA: NCTM, Inc. Educational Research Information Centre (ERIC)
Single Authored Article
San, İ. (1990). Creative drama in education. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 23(2), 573-582.
Citation: (San, 1990, p. 574)
22. Articles published elsewhere (published seminar and congress papers, etc.) can be included in the Journal of Creative Drama only with the approval of the Editorial Board.
Journal of Creative Drama Bibliography Writing Examples
In our journal, the writing principles published by the Publication of Manual of American Psychological Association-APA 6 have been adopted.
Adıgüzel, Ö. (2013). Creative drama in education (4th ed.). Ankara: PegemA Publications.
Citation: (Adıgüzel, 2013, p.234)
Book with Two Authors
Kitson, N. and Spiby, I. (1997). Drama 7-11: Developing primary teaching skills (3rd ed.). New York:
Routledge Publication.
Chapter in a Book
Güven, İ. (2008). Principles in pre-school drama activities. A. Öztürk (Ed.). Creativity and Drama in Children (pp. 199-212). Eskisehir: Anadolu University Publications.
Citation: (Güven, 2008, p.207)
Translation Book
Lewis, B. (2000). The Birth of Modern Turkey (M. Kıratlı, trans.). Ankara: Turkish Historical Society.
Citation: (Lewis, 2000, p. 12)
Edited Book
Kilpatrick, J. (2004). (Ed.). A Research companion to principles and xtandards for school mathematics,
Reston, VA: NCTM, Inc. Educational Research Information Centre (ERIC)
Single Authored Article
San, İ. (1990). Creative drama in education. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 23(2), 573-582.
Citation: (San, 1990, p. 574)

Ethical Principles

In accordance with Article 8 of the 2020 TR Index criteria regarding ethical rules, "Ethics Committee Permission" must be obtained for articles to be sent to be published in Creative Drama Magazine. "In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information regarding the permission that the necessary permissions have been obtained (committee name, decision date and document number) should be included on the first page of the article and also in the method section." Accordingly, in articles to be published in our journal, it must be stated whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required. Additionally, in the method section; It should be stated that permission was obtained from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others, and in case reports (qualitative interviews, observations, etc.), information should be given that the informed consent/consent form was signed and a statement that the research and publication ethics of the study was complied with.

Studies requiring ethics committee permission are as follows:
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observation experiments and interview techniques,
• Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies conducted on humans,
• Research conducted on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.

Retrospective ethics committee permission is not required for articles that used research data before 2020, were produced from master's/doctoral studies (must be stated in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, and were accepted but not yet published.

1. Creative Drama Journal is a peer-reviewed journal and is published every 6 months.
2. Creative Drama Journal is a free journal and no fee is charged from the author for the articles sent.
3. Articles sent to Creative Drama Journal must not have been published anywhere before. If the symposium proceedings have not been published in the proceedings book or have only been published as an abstract, an article developed from the full text of the proceedings will be accepted for publication, provided that it is stated in the footnote.
4. After the articles sent to Creative Drama Journal are pre-examined by the journal in terms of form and content, the "Blind Referee and Evaluation Process" is initiated and the articles are sent to at least two referees. Manuscripts that do not comply with the format requirements or the subject of the journal are returned to the authors by Creative Drama Journal after preliminary review, without being sent to referees.
5. All publishing rights in written and electronic media of the articles accepted and published in the journal belong to the Contemporary Drama Association (ÇDD).

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