
Articles should be submitted online via DergiPark. 

Type of articles: yedi only accepts the type of articles listed below:

• Research Article (3500-7000 words)

• Review Article (3500-7000 words)

• Report (Academic reports on ongoing researches and projects including graduate dissertations) (1500-3000 words)

• Book Review (1000-2000 words)

• Reviews of plays, concerts, exhibitions, musical recordings, film etc. (1000-2000 words)

• Reviews of academical meetings (Symposium, conference, workshop etc.) (1000-2000 words)

• Interviews with leading artists and scholars (1000-2000 words)

• Letter to editor (500-1000 words)

Article template: Articles should be formatted according to the yedi article template (docx) which is downloadable.

The following downloadable files are provided to help you prepare articles according to the template:
Template Guide (pdf)

Submissions: Articles should be submitted online via DergiPark.

Review /Report/Interview Submissions: before submission of these articles authors should contact review editor (

Images: Visual materials should be uploaded to the system separately.

Conference Paper and Thesis: Unpublished conference papers and thesis are accepted on the condition that this is referenced in the footnote.

Research and Publication Ethics: Articles should conform with international research and publication ethics.

Authorship and Copyright Form: The Authorship and Copyright Form should be filled in and signed.

Similarity Report for Plagiarism Detection: Similarity reports scanned in the relevant programs must be uploaded to the system in PDF format. The similarity rate for acceptance is 15%. 

E-mailings: Submissions of authors whom do not reply e-mailings of the journal within 2 weeks are rejected. 

Any missing item in this checklist will result in the article being rejected:

-The article is formatted according to the journal template
-Compliance of the article with the journal writing guidelines
-Title (maximum 12 words) - Author names and addresses (ORCID)
-Summary (150-300 words)
-Abstract (checked by a native English speaker)
-Number of keywords (3-9 words)
-Main text (3,500-7,000 words excluding abstracts and bibliography)
-Tables and figures (must be numbered and titled, cited in the text, for images only the word Figure should be used)
-Images must also be uploaded as JPEG via the system
-Images conform to the journal publication format (300 PPI with a short side of 10 cm and must be sent in JPEG format as an attachment to the article, a maximum of 12 images must be used in the article)
-Footnote (Footnote should not be used for referencing)
- Quotations (block quotation if it exceeds 40 words, otherwise in double quotation marks in the text)
-Citation and bibliography in accordance with APA 7th edition
-Accuracy of internet connections
-Uploading the Copyright Transfer Form through the system
-Uploading the plagiarism report through the system (maximum 15% similarity)
-Ratio of the total number of quoted words to the number of words in the main text (maximum 15% similarity)

Last Update Time: 4/15/24, 2:11:55 PM


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